Chapter 17 - Compatible

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Georgina's POV:

Come to think of it, unfortunately, I was seriously starting to develop feelings for Justin. I know that now. It worries me since it's only been a few weeks since I officially met him. He's also still in love with Sash, I think. We haven't really recapped on that issue. Right now, Justin and I have to remain friends because of our situation. I'm living with the guy now and he's going to be working with me, basically everyday. It can't end up being awkward.


I was sound asleep, and had been for the past 4 hours, when I felt someone shift under me. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Justin looking down on me. I immediately sat up.

"Sorry, I never meant to wake you. My leg was just getting a bit stiff but it's all good now, go back to sleep. It's still dark out and we have another hour and a half, I think, till we land in London."

While watching him speak, I had realized the arm rest between us had been lifted up and my head was on Justin's lap. Did he do that? And why was Justin next to me now? What happened to Ashton?

"Where did A-" I stop myself knowing asking that question would make him pissed, "How did I get in this position?" I ask awkwardly, covering up my previous question. I rub my sleepy eyes.

"You looked extremely uncomfortable and you were moving a lot so I just thought you would sleep better this way." Justin says warmly, referring to my head on his lap.

All I did was smile at him. I suddenly had this urge to slam my lips into his but I had to restrain myself. "Thanks Justin." I whisper and sit up again to kiss his cheek, maybe it would fulfill the urge I had to make out with him.

The force of attraction is strong right now.

I kiss his cheek and he surprises me by moving his head so our lips touch. It was quick but gentle and his lips felt like cotton candy, soft.

I move away from his head, "Apart of me knew you were going to do that." I lie back down on his lap, looking up at him.

"I had to." Justin smirks. I smile and try fall back asleep, trying to ignore this peculiar feeling in the pit of my stomach.


-Justin's POV-

I'm growing more and more restless and hungry. I need to get some food immediately but I don't want to disturb Gi again. She looks so beautiful, even when she's in her sweats, her hair in a messy bun, asleep.

Shut up Justin, you sound pathetic. Right.

"J man!" I try to whisper. 

"Yeah?" He looked back at me from his seat.

"I'm starving and I can't get up cause I don't want to wake her." I hint.

"Oreos?" Jaden guesses as he stands up.

"Dude I'm hungry for real food but bring some Oreos- oh and a square. You know the Rice Krispy thing?" Jaden nods.

"Thanks, it's for Gi. Those are her favorite." I smile and look down at my phone, feeling Jadens eyes still on me.

He chuckles, "What?" I ask.

"I won't say it again, whipped." Jaden smirks and turns away. I am not whipped. I just care about Georgina.

Within 10 minutes Jaden had managed to get my requested food from the back of the plane. It was thrown on my lap while he headed back to his seat.

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