Chapter 19 - Alliteration.

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Georgina's POV:

"So, you have a choice to make," Justin stated, "you can either have one of the cottages on the sides of the house all to yourself or, I personally think this is the better option, you can have your own bedroom in this house. It has an on suit bathroom, walk in closet so it's not like it's a normal bedroom. You'll still have tons of space." He rocks back on his feet, waiting for my reply. I look around the beautiful mansion, still in awe. Although, I must admit, this isn't my ideal house.

"Hmmm," I had already made up my mind but I could tell he really wanted me to stay in the house with him so I thought I'd torture him a little, "I might wake you up if I had to stay in the house I mean what if I need to make midnight calls to-"

Justin snapped at me, "With who? Matthew?" He asked in a hurry, "Well then stay in the cottage. In fact, why are you even staying with me if you have a boyfriend? He is your boyfriend right?" He babbled on and all I could reply with was, "Woooaah relax J." He's paranoid and it humors me.

I had to giggle that he referred to Matty as Matthew. That wasn't something anyone ever called Matty. Everyone just thought his full name was Matty, "His full name isn't really Matthew you know." I giggle.

Maybe I should have just agreed immediately to staying in the house. Would have saved me from this drama.

"He's probably got everyone to call him Matty but Matty is too cute, innocent and sweet. He dosent seem to be any of those things. I think it's Matthew." The jealousy is real. Matty is not my boyfriend anymore and I must have told Justin that ten times.

Jaden and I chuckle, "You make me laugh." I say while making my way up the elaborate cream stair case.

As I took my first step on the first floor, I stop and listen.

"Dude, you need to calm down," Jaden tells Justin, "The girl is here. She's with you. You need chill." Justin needed a wake up call. I wasn't Sasha.

Justin finally noticed I had taken myself to my new room and rushed up the stairs, "Gi, wait, I'm coming." He caught up with me and touched my shoulder. I smirked knowing I had been the bigger person, not fighting back this time. I let him be jealous or whatever he was while I continued to find my way around. And look what happened when I did that, he came running back. Maybe I do know how to handle this.

We made our way into the first room, "This is one of the guest bedrooms, my friend Haley usually sleeps here when she comes over also-"

"Haley ay?" I interrupted him, smirking.

"She's just a friend." He laughed while I became pre-occupied. The champagne gold walls and the simple, elegant symmetric decor objects around the house were all I could look at. It was as if I had walked into my dream home yet I still felt a sense of uncertainty.

"Sure," I replied sarcastically. We walked into the room I'd be staying in and once again, I was blown away. Everything was so beautiful. It wasn't as if this room belonged to a house owned by a typical young, adult, male but rather an older, sophisticated, elegant female who had great taste in decor.  Nevertheless, the is a lot of things I would change; the amount of glass there is in this house takes away the homely feeling. I suppose when it's only Justin and his guy friends, where's the need to feel cosy and homely? All they really care about is money. Money, money, money. That's the word that this house screams at me, money. Meaning, it's extremely evident that Justin has money. I shouldn't be complaining though, I do love money and the house is still amazing. All that mattered was the fact that the room I'd be staying in was fine, which it was. It was more than fine. Hopefully I would be aloud, after a while, to make a few changes.

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