Chapter 3 - She's Different

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Justin's POV:


There was something about this girl, I can't quite tell what it is yet but she made me feel free, like I didn't have to worry about impressing her. After one night, I just feel this could be a really good friendship. Because I wasn't ready for anything else right now.

I'd been awake for about 20 minutes now, watching her, not being able to go back to sleep. I don't even know her name, I thought, as I watch her long ass eyelashes flicker slightly. I'll need to find that out.

Her blue eyes opened, "What time is it?" She groans, pulling the duvet over her shoulders.

"Go back to sleep, you've only been sleeping for an hour and a half." I move to lie back on my back, my one hand above my head and my other on my stomach.

"Okay." She says quietly, I turn and watch how her eyes close slowly. I watch as she licks her plump lips, those are definitely natural. I can't wait till I get to kiss those.

You aren't going to Justin. Don't ruin this one. Ahh. The Inner Sensible Justin comes out.

I lean over and whisper in her ear, "don't let this freak you out but I still don't know your name." I had to ask, names say a lot about people.

"Georgina. I hate my name by the way," I didn't expect Georgina, it was a beautiful name though, definitely suited her, "now shhh."

5 minutes past as I lay back down on my pillow, playing with Georgina's long, beyond soft, sandy blonde hair. It was so different, you couldn't tell if it was brown or blonde.

Stop acting like a pussy Justin.

"I can't sleep," she surprisingly says, I immediately let go of her hair.

"I know your were playing with my hair. It's okay. That's literally the best thing someone could do for me." She always knows how to make things less awkward because that really could have been awkward, it's not normal to just play with someone's hair that you just met. I used to always play with Sasha's when we were in bed, it was a habit.

"I can't sleep either. Let's go to my lounge." She nodded and we both climbed out of the bed.

"Can I take this with me?" She gestured at the grey furry blanket around her.

"Yes, make yourself at home." I say as we make our way to the small lounge in my hotel room that looks over a busy city film of lights. It was a good sight.

"Want anything to drink?" I offer as she sits down on the couch, admiring the view.

"Yeah, Anything will do. Maybe even a blunt?" She crosses her legs. My eyes widen at the word that leaves her mouth.


The word brought back memories that got me into serious shit with the people I love, including Sasha.

I knew Ali had stored some Molly somewhere in my bags but I didn't know where exactly. He told me it was for an emergency, if I ever needed to cool off. Maybe now was the time but did I really want to go back to that place?

No, I didn't.

I decided to ignore her request for it was probably better for the both of us. She didn't look like that kind of girl anyway. She was probably one of those bad ass girls who is secretly good.

I make us both coffee and sit down next to her.

"Why did you ask for a blunt?" I ask her.

"Well I don't want you to think I'm this bad ass, I've only done it twice. The first time I was so young and stupid, I did out of impulse. The second time was about a month ago, I was dealing with pain from the breakup. I was not in a good place and one of my friends told me to try it, apparently it could take the pain away." That actually made a lot of sense for someone whose that drunk, well she wasn't as drunk anymore. She did make sense though, I did it because of Sasha.

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