Living With Damon and Stefan

By Dark-Violet

9M 59.3K 12K

Marni is 14. She lives with Damon and Stefan Salvatore in the Salvatore bording house. She also has powers; s... More

Rude Awakening
Mystic Grill
Elena Gilbert
The Plan
History Lesson
Road Trip
Necromancer Crystal
Book of Crystals
The Game
Intense Stares
Jonathan Gilberts Journal
The Man In The Mirror
Harsh Words
What Are You?
Warp Crystal
Shock News
Jumping Out Windows
The Secret
Shattered Glass
Finding Out
Surprise Party
The Kiss
Holding Hands
Opening The Tomb
Alaric Saltzman
The Really Bad Problem
The Battle
Beverly Hills
The Concert
The Moonstone
Mason Lockwood
Masquerade Ball
Family Barbeque
The Argument
The Halloween Party
The Haunting
The Warning
The Epic Battle
Running Down The Street In Underwear
First Sight
The Body Swap
The Reason Why Knocking Was Invented
The Risk Of Sounding Jealous
Failing To Notice Something Important
Getting Distracted By Dandelions
Finding Floors Comfortable
Tomato Juice And Garlic Paste
Ice Cream, P.J's, And Damon
Evil People Chasing Bunnies
Goats And Hating Men
The Runaway
Unwanted, Annoying Dreams
Toothbrushes, Puppets and Haircuts
Awkward Moments And Apologies
No Longer Friends
Hangovers And Rainy Days
Sock Wearing Pineapples
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Feeding The Cat
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The Cute Washing Machine And Dimples
The Day The Sharpener Coughed
Marshmellow Covered Coat-Hangers
Mating With Butterflies
Lamp Posts Are Nice Triangles
The Chocolate That Eats Stockings
Le Flying Taco Mafia
The Bookcase That Sniffs Potato Salad
Exploding Donuts and Lentils
The Umbrella Shaped Box
Throwing Paper At Harold
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Oh, You Like Chirping? Too Bad.

The Beach

87.5K 455 69
By Dark-Violet

I woke up feeling rather happy. For once in like a million years, I had nothing to worry about.

I had The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars stuck in my head, and as I walked/danced downstairs I sang it.

"Today I don't feel like doing anything," I sang as entered the kitchen.

Damon, Lexi and Stefan were sitting at the table.

"Someone's in a good mood," Lexi said.

I shrugged and opened the fridge and grabbed the juice.

"Well, the sun's shining and the birds are singing, so what's not to be happy about?" I asked.

"You hate the sun," Damon said.

"Must you ruin everything happy?" I asked.

"It's what I do best, besides look very attractive and be funny," he said.

"What time is everyone getting here?" I asked.

"Around half an hour," Stefan said.

"How many cars are we taking?" I asked.

"Two," Damon said. "Mine and Stefan's."

"Lexi, we should try and get some shopping in today," I said.

"Yeah, we should," she said.

"What is with girls and shopping?" Stefan asked.

"Come on Stefan," Damon said. "Everybody loves shopping. I mean, you'd look great in a holter dress."

I laughed at the thought of Stefan in a dress.

"Speaking of," I said. "I have to go get dressed."

Fifteen minutes I walked downstairs wearing my black bikinis and my black boardshorts. I had thrown on a white singlet over them.

Everyone was all ready downstairs. Well, everyone except for Jeremy.

"He's still asleep, isn't he?" I asked Elena.

She nodded. "I tried waking him up, but it was a lost cause," she said.

"I'll go get him," I said.

"Hurry," Caroline said. "I want to get to the beach already."

"I'll try," I said.

I walked out the front door and ran to Jeremy's. Jenna wasn't home by the sounds of it.

I climbed through his window and sure enough, he was fast asleep in his bed.

I looked over at his computer, that was connected to his stereo speakers and grinned evilly.

I logged onto his computer and went onto YouTube, searching the song I had in mind. I turned the speakers up as loud as they could go and pressed play.

The song that was playing was Baby, by Justin Bieber. I knew he hated it.

Jeremy groaned and rolled over.

He lifted his head slightly and his eyes squinted open. He saw that it was me and closed his eyes, reaching over beside him and grabbing a pillow. He threw it at me.

"Turn it off," he groaned.

"Nope," I said. "Not until you wake up."

"Never," he muttered.

I skipped over to him and started jumping on the bed.

"Come on Jer!" I said. "Time to go to the beach."

"Alrigh, alright!" he said. "I'm up!"

He pulled himself into sitting position and rubbed his eyes.

I jumped off the bed and turned the music off.

"C'mon, get ready," I said. "Caroline's getting impatient."

He stood up and stretched while letting out a yawn.

"Give me five minutes," he said as he walked into the bathroom.

"Okay, let's go," he said five minutes later.

Thanks to my inhuman abilities, Jeremy and I got back to the house quickly.

"Thank God," Caroline said when we walked through the door. "I was about to go over there and drag both of your butts back here myself."

"Let's leave already," Bonnie said.

Caroline sat in the middle of Jeremy and Lexi in the back and Damon and I were sitting in the front of the Camaro.

Stefan, Elena, Shadow, Bonnie and Anna were in Stefan's car.

The trip to the beach was fun. We all talked about care-free things and I was actually enjoying myself.

"I reckon Bonnie and Shadow make a good couple," Caroline said unexpectedly.

"Really?" Lexi asked.

"Yeah," Caroline said. "They get along, they both practice witchy things, they have a lot of things in common."

"Hmm," I said. "I guess I never really thought about them being a couple."

"I think Bonnie's interested in him," Damon said.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"The way she acts around him," he said.

Jeremy started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked, turning back to look at him.

"The fact that Damon is talking about lovey-dovey things," he said, still laughing.

I joined in with his laughter.

"Hey," Damon said, defending his manliness. "It's not that hard to notice. Even you would pick up on it if you payed attention."

Damon pulled into the carpark beside the one Stefan parked in.

We all grabbed our stuff and chose a spot to sit on the beach.

I pulled my singlet off and felt the warm sun hit my back.

"I swear to god, if you throw me into the water this time, I'll spray paint your car pink," I said to Damon, eyeing him warily.

He put his hands up in an act of innocense.

"That's what I thought," I muttered.

He smirked a little. That was never a good sign.

Before I could ask what he was planning, two arms wrapped around me and lifted me up.

"NO!" I screamed. "Put me down Jeremy!"

"Not a chance," he said. "You woke me up, so now I'm getting pay back."

He carried me over to the water. It was exactly like when me and Damon had come to the beach for my birthday.

"You are so going to regret this Jeremy Gilbert," I said.

"Maybe, but it's worth it," he grinned.

I was about to say something else, but I was cut off by water enveloping me.

I stood up and saw that Jeremy had already ran back to the others, who were laughing at me.

I stalked towards them muttering something like "Stupid moronic people. I will wreck you all."

I glanced around to make sure nobody was looking and removed the water from my body so I was dry.

I grabbed my towel and laid it out on the sand. I sat on it and ignored everyone.

"Oh come on Marni-," Jeremy said, but I cut him off.

"Nope!" I said. "Don't even talk to me!"

He came over and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry," he said with a smile.

I turned my back to him.

"You can't stay mad at me forever," Jeremy said.

"Oh you'd be surprised," Stefan said.

I expected Jeremy to keep begging for my forgiveness, but instead, he setlled for tickling me.

"No!" I laughed. "Stop it!"

He knew I hated to be tickled. 

"Not until you forgive me," he said.

I tried to push his arms away from me but it was no use.

"Okay! Okay!" I said. "I forgive you!"

"Good," he said, taking his hands away from me.

I smiled and kissed him.

Lexi and I sat on our towels together while the boys threw a football around to eachother. Caroline, Elena, Bonnie and Anna were in the water.

"You and Jeremy are cute," Lexi said.

I smiled.

"You're not like usual couples," she continued.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Most couples are all about the lovey-dovey stuff, but even though you guys are dating, you still act like bestfriends," she explained.

"Hmm," I said. "I guess you're right."

The girls had joined the boys now, and I was watching Bonnie and how she was acting around Shadow.

"Damon was right," I murmured.

"Right about what?" Lexi asked.

"Bonnie," I said. "Watch her."

"Hmm," Lexi said after a moment. "I guess he was right."

She looked at me. "How do you feel about this?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know, about the Shadow and Bonnie thing?" she asked. "Are you just a tiny bit jealous that Shadow may have turned his affection to someone else?"

"What? No," I said. "I'm not jealous. Why would I be? I'm with Jeremy. If anything I'm happy for Shadow. Him and Bonnie make a good match."

"Okay," she said.

I looked back at the others and rolled my eyes when I saw Damon flirting with Elena. He just couldn't help himself. I looked to see if Stefan was watching, but instead he was looking at me.

"We're going to play a game of football," he shouted to us. "You guys in?"

"Hell yeah," I said, getting up.

I skippped down to the others, Lexi right behind me.

"What are the teams?" I asked.

"How about, you, me, Caroline, Shadow and Bonnie verse the others?" Stefan asked.

"Sounds good," I said. I turned to Damon. "We're going to kick your ass,"

Damon and I always got a little competitive when we versed eachother in sports.

"Not a chance," he smirked. "Don't forget who taught you this game."

"Still gunna kick your ass," I said.

"In your dreams," he said.

"I'll be the referee," Lexi said.

"That means one of you's have to sit out," Damon said.

"I'll do it," Bonnie said. "I prefer watching football anyway."

The score was tied and I was hoping we were going to win this game, because I bet Damon that if we won, he'd have to go a whole month without alcohol and if his team won, I'd have to run down the street in my underwear.

I was running up the feild Damon and Stefan had drawn in the sand with the ball. I had dodged away from the others and was almost at the touchdown line. But then out of no where, Damon slammed into me from the side.

I hit the ground and felt weight on top of me.

"Did you actually think you could get past me?" Damon asked.

"Get off me," I gasped. "I can't breathe."

He laughed and suddenly the weight was gone.

Damon held his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up.

"You got lucky," I said.

"You wish," he said.

As it turns out, it was a tie.

"Well, I guess we both get off easy then," Damon said.

"Not so fast," Lexi said. "Just because neither of you won, doesn't mean that you get off easy. You both have to do the same dare. And since I'm pretty sure Marni can go without alcohol for a month, you both have to run down the street in your underwear."

"No way," I said.

"Done," Damon said.

"Are you crazy?" I asked him.

"Come on Marni, lighten up a little bit," he said. "You've done worse than this. Remember that night back in '87 when you-"

"Never ever bring that up ever again," I said, glaring at him.

He laughed.

"Oh yeah," Stefan said. "I remember that. Wow, that was..." I shot him a look that said I will murder you if you don't shut up now, "You know what? Nevermind."

"This will be entertaining," Elena said.

"I know you've dreamt of seeing me semi-naked," Damon said, smirking at her. "So here's your chance to see it in real life."

She laughed and rolled her eyes. I didn't miss the annoyed look Stefan shot Damon.

"I am so filming this," Jeremy said.

"Doubt it," I said.

"You guys are actually going to do this?" Bonnie laughed.

""Like he said, we've done worse things before," I said.

"When are you guys going to do this?" Shadow asked.

"Tonight," Lexi said.

"This is so going on YouTube," Anna said.

"Don't even think about it," I said.

"This is going to be hillarious," Caroline said.

"Better go shopping for a nice set of bra and undies," Anna laughed.

"Oh!" Lexi said. "Speaking of, let's go shopping!"

"Yay! Shopping!" Damon said sarcastically.

"I'm going to go get dressed into dry clothes," Elena said.

"Same," Anna and Caroline said.

All of us girls went into the public toilets to change.

I dressed into black denim highwaisted shorts and a gray flowy shirt. I pulled on some black gladiators aswell.

The shops weren't far from the beach, so we decided to walk.

"Hey, I gotta talk to Damon," I said to Jeremy as we walked. "I'll catch up."

"Okay," he said.

I stopped and waited until I fell into step with Damon, who was walking behind us by himself.

"Stefan's gunna kill you," I said in a sing-song voice. Stefan was walking with Elena infront of Bonnie and Caroline, so I didn't really worry about him hearing us.

"Why?" Damon asked.

"Because you're flirting with Elena," I said.

"I'm not flirting with Elena," he said.

I gave him a pointed look.

"What, are you going to tell me to stay away from her because she's with Stefan and you think I'm flirting with her?" he asked.

"No," I said. "I actually find all this amusing. I was just warning you. You know how jealous Stefan gets."

"Yes," he said. "I do."

"So... do you have romantic feelings for Elena?" I asked.

"That's for me to know, and you to probably not find out," he said.

"Oh, come on Damon, we tell each other everything," I said.

"Maybe I do," he said. "Or maybe I just like pissing Stefan off."

"You're very vague about somethings, you know?" I said.

"It's what I do," he said. "So what do you make of this whole Katherine being good again thing?"

"I don't know," I said. "But I definatly don't trust her. What do you think her motives are?"

"No idea," he said. "But I do know that she's still a bitch."

"Are we actually going to run down the street in our underwear?" I asked after a moment.

"Yes!" Lexi called from infront of us.

I sighed. "This is going to be so embarassing."

I was in a shop with Anna, looking at clothes. The others were all off looking at other stores.

Jeremy was over in the guys section, looking at shirts.

"Hey Marni," Anna said. "Does Shadow have a girlfriend?"

"Ooh," I said. "Do you have a crush on him?"

"Well, maybe," she said. "Just a little one."

"No, he doesn't," I said, answering her previous question.

"Okay," she said.

Looks like Bonnie will have some competition.

"So, how long have you liked him?" I asked.

"A couple of weeks," she said.

I was going to ask her more about it, but Caroline and Bonnie entered the store.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey," Caroline said. "We're about to have lunch, care to join?"

"Sure," I said.

The rest of the day was fun. Lexi made me buy a lot of clothes and Jeremy laughed at me when she forced me to try them on. A lot of girls tried hitting on Damon, but this time he didn't have me to save him.

"You should've seen them," Caroline laughed as we walked back to the cars. "There was like five of them and they were all putting on fake laughs and trying to get his attention. And then they all started glaring at me because they thought I was his girlfriend."

"It was so annoying," Damon said. "They followed us everywhere, and I had to literally hide from them."

I laughed.

"I thought you liked flirting with girls," Bonnie said.

"Yeah, but not when there's five of them and they all have layers upon layers of make-up on," he said.

About fifteen minutes before we got back to Mystic Falls, my phone rang.

"Yo, Stefan, what's up?" I asked.

"Well, we're bored and we wondered if you guys wanted to make the rest of the trip interesting," he said.

I put my phone on loudspeaker and held it out so the others could hear.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Let's have a race,"  Stefan said. "From here to our house."

"You're on," Damon said.

I looked out of my window and saw that Stefan was driving beside us.

"Okay," I said. "Ready. Set. Go!"

We were suddenly driving a lot faster. Damon swirved in and out of other cars on the freeway, making us all jerk in our seats.

It was a close race, but we won in the end.

I hopped out of the car and grinned at Stefan.

"Sucked in," I said. "We won."

He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Marni, Damon, you ready?" Lexi asked.

"For what?" I realised what she meant a second later. "Oh, right."

"Wait, let me get my phone out to record this," Bonnie said.

I groaned.

I was so going to regret this.

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