Life With The MAC

By Stay_Cloudy_4_Ever

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The MAC is always having fun in Stampy's Funland, but it won't always be what they're expecting. A few things... More

Chapter One: Douse The House
Chapter 2: Truth Or Dare! (Part One)
Chapter 3: Truth Or Dare! (Part Two)
Chapter 4: The Last Of Truth Or Dare!
Chapter 5: Book Bounce And A Special Guest???
Chapter 6: And In This Corner, We Have...
Chapter 7: The Sing-Off!!!
Chapter 8: The Sing-Off Part 2
Chapter Nine: What The...
Chapter 10: Did We Do It?
Chapter 11: Is This It?
Chapter 12: Squid?
Chapter 13: Training 'N Stuff
Chapter 14: What A Pleasent Wake Up Call...
Chapter 15: Rescued Already?!
Chapter 17: Now What?
Chapter 18: A New Beginning
Chapter 19: For What Price?
Chapter 20: Dream

Chapter 16: Joe?

158 9 23
By Stay_Cloudy_4_Ever

(I'm going to use @littlemermaidpanda's idea for this. Sorry @HollySnowflakeXx. Also, this chapter might get a bit romantic and dramatic, I don't know yet. Just be prepared for something!)

Squid's POV:

He just let me go. Just like that. Well, better now then never. I drank the potion which illuminated everything then I lightly jogged down the hallway, hoping not to be heard, and stopped at the corner and peeked around.

"What do you think Boss is gonna do with the squid person?" I heard one guys ask with a higher, squeaker voice than most here.

"I don't know. Probably use him as bait to get cake guy to properly fight him." Said another dude with a deeper voice. I'm betting that Stampy's the 'cake guy' and I'm the 'squid person'

"Oh. " The first guy replied.

I didn't know, but I was holding my breath the whole time they were talking, so I exhaled all the air I held in.

"Wait, did you hear that? It sounded like someone breathing. It sounded like it was coming from over here..." Deep, heavy footsteps were headed in my direction. I scooted over to the side since there were no closets to hid in, and prayed that they wouldn't find me. A foot appeared in the doorway, followed by a leg, a body, a head, and another leg. The other person, probably the squeaky dude, bumped into the first dude.

"Ops. Sorry." He backed away.

"Urg. Watch it next time." The first guy said and continued looking. They were about 5 feet ahead of me when I made a run for it. Just leg it, Squiddy! As Ash would say. Like, run Squid! Stampy would say.

I looked behind me to find no one chasing after me. Good. Now which way now... I opened the map to find out which way to turn. Left, or right. Left, or right. Right! I ran down the hallway, turned left, right, right, left, straight, left, and out I was. "Finally!" I bent down and grabbed my knees to catch my breath. I heard a nether portal in the background and stood up. My way out. I walked forward about 10 blocks, turned left and there stood a purple portal swirling in all its glory. I walked in a stood there and prepared to be teleported.


I was thrown out of the portal and landed stomach first on the grass. I groaned and rolled over on my back. The wind was knocked out of me so it took some time for me to regain breath again and stand up. Grass and trees everywhere. I'm in a forest. Great. Just what I needed. I groaned and started to nerd pole up. I was lucky that they didn't take my blocks. They were planning on it when Joe finally persuaded them to let me keep them.

There. I saw the sign that marked Stampy's Lovely World, but the only problem was how I was gonna get there. It seemed forever away. I sighed and mined the blocks under me and started on my way.


Finally! I thought. I made it to the sign and I was now heading to the tree train. The sun was starting to set but I was going to make it in time.

And I did. By the time I was there, the sun was basically down. I grabbed a minecart and headed in my way. I'm glad I was home. Home. People say home is where the heart is, and they're right. This is where my heart is, and it will never leave.

The ride back was quite and peaceful, no googlies, no noises, no nothing. Just peace and quite. And closed my eyes and stayed like that until the end of the ride. I felt the minecart slow to a halt and jumped out. I climbed the ladder and headed to the clubhouse. It was so quite that you would hear a pin drop, besides my heavy breathing, and I was climbing the stairs when I heard a constant, steady him of something. I didn't know what it was coming from, but it sounded like it was following me. I stopped to see if I could find what it was coming from, but didn't succeed, so I just carried on walking up the stairs to the clubhouse.

I opened the door to see everyone sitting on the couch talking. Some, like Ash and Finnball, had a cup of something, probably tea, in their hand while they talked. This made me smile, just seeing them there look so 'professional' with their cup of tea.

"Squid?" I heard someone say. I smiled even wider and nodded. Amy ran over and engulfed me in a big bear hug and then sparks flew around my stomach a couple seconds later. Amy had just kissed me. I was so shocked that I didn't even kiss back but I knew that it happened. She pulled back and looked down at the ground, blushing. I knew I was grinning like a maniac and at that time everyone else can rushing over. The night vision potion wore off and I could see everything. Everyone, with their smiles, gave me a group hug and started shooting questions at me.

"What was he doing, Squiddy?"

"Where's his base? I wanna kick his butt!"

"Did he hurt you?"

"Was there anyone else there that he kidnapped?"

"Woah, woah, woah guys! Calm yourselves down and let's talk it one at a time. But first, how about we do this tomorrow. I'm blimin' exhausted." Everyone nodded in agreement and headed off into their rooms. Stamps was the last one to leave and before he did, I grabbed his arm.

"Yeah Squid?" He asked when he turned around.


"Joe, wha- No way. He can be. Wha- how-"

"I don't know Stamps but he works for Hit now. Well, not really. He was the one who let me out." Right then, a searing pain lashed from the right side if my neck. I fell to my knees and grabbed the area of pain. I gritted my teeth and held back a scream.

"Squid? Squid? Squid, what wrong? Speak to me." Sammy said and kneeled down to my height.

"Neck... Hurts..." Was all that I managed before everything went black.

Stampy's POV:

Squid just passed out. He passed out from the pain that was in the right side of his neck. But what was it from? I tried to lift him up but couldn't because my skinny arms couldn't manage a weigh like Squid. And no, I'm not saying he's fat, I'm saying that I have very skinny arms. I ran through the halls and woke everyone up.

"It's Squid." I would tell them and they would get up in a flash. I got Finnball up first so that he would pick Squid Nugget up and take him to the hospital. When everyone was up, we ran as a group to the hospital and Finnball set Squid in the middle bed so he had more protecting from the outside world, and when I say the outside world, I mean HTT.

"What happened?" Amy asked.

"I- I don't really know. We were just talking when me fell in his knees and grabbed the right side of his neck. The last this he said was neck hurts then he passed out." I explained and everyone gathered around Squid in the bed.

"Lee, what should we do?" Lee Bear wasn't only good at cooking and fighting, he was also a very good nurse/doctor.

"Well, maybe give him a few day and if he doesn't wake up, I'll see what I can do, I mean, who knows what Hit did to 'im." He said and I nodded.

"I say we should stay here tonight at have different shifts. I'll have the first shift and who wants to have the second?" Lee offered to stay the second shift and they all went to a different bed. I sat on the chair that was next to Squid's bed and sat there until it was Lee's shift. Nothing happened while it was my shift so when it was Lee's, I told him that nothing might happen. I went to a bed and slept nice and sound...

I woke up to a scream. Lee's scream. I shot up from my bed and looked at Squid's bed. He wasn't there, and neither was Lee.

"Lee? Squid? Where are you guys?" I didn't see a broken glass or an open door, so Hit or The Hunters couldn't have come.

"Stampy! Help!" I heard Lee yell and I moved my head in the direction of his voice.

What I saw astonished me. Lee was pinned against the wall by his throat by... Squid? No, it wasn't Squid. Something was possessing him. Something evil, like HTT. But how? He said Joe freed him and... Wait, Joe? Joe was supposedly 'working' for HTT until he freed Squid, but why's Squid acting like this? Joe must've done something to him... But the question is, what?

"Stamps... Help...... Me....." Lee croaked. He had his hands on Squid's, trying to free himself from Squids grasp, but Squid was just too strong. Squid's face lashed over to my directions, eyes glaring and piercing. His eyes... Oh, his eyes! His eyes were strikingly red with speaks of green and yellow mixed in. He bared his teeth at me then looked back at Lee. He grinned and dropped Lee on the ground beside him. Lee was gasping for breath and holding his throat like that would let more air fill his lungs.

"Lee!" I started to run over to him when I felt a force hold me back. I looked over at Squid to see him holding his hand up like a barrier, like The Force in Star Wars. I backed up and stared at him in awe. He grinned and looked at his hands and back at me. He raised his hand and I started lifting off the ground.

"Stamps..." Lee started to stand up but Squid just pushed him back down. Whatever's got into Squid must've changed his mindset into thinking we're the bad guys and HTT's the good guys.

"Fight me or else you and your friends get hurt." Squid said. No, it's wasn't Squid speaking, the voice was much deeper than his, more commanding and stern. It was Hit speaking through Squid.

Squid held me in the air for about a minute. After that minute was over his face went slack. His eyes returned to their normal blue state and his ability to use 'The Force' had gone away, making me drop to the ground. Squid lowered his arm and looked around to see Lee against the wall, inching slowly but surely away from him.

"Lee?" He turned around to face me standing up. I inched my way toward him just in case he goes all crazy again.

"Stamps? Lee? What's wrong?" He had a confused expression which made me realize that he was back to his normal self.

"Do-do you remember anything? Anything at all?" I asked.

"No. Why? Why are you two acting so strangely?" He asked and gestured to Lee and me.

"Uh... You kinda went all crazy on us, mate." Lee said and walked toward us, also noticing that Squid was back to normal.

"What? What do you mean? Lee, why's your neck pink? And why does your lips have a blue tinge to them? What on earth..." Then he realized what happened. His expression was unreadable. He must've been gutted at what he did.

"I..." He shook his head and ran out of the room.

"Squid! Wait!" Lee yelled and ran after Squid Nugget. I thought of how Squid must feel right now, and knowing he must feel horrible about himself, I ran after Squid and Lee. We ran through the hallway to see everyone was still sleeping. That surprised me, considering that we were screaming and yelling, but maybe Squid or someone put a spell of some sort over then that blocks sounds out. But I could only wonder.


A/N And the chase continues next chapter! Mwahahahaha! Cliffhanger! Aren't cliffhangers awesome? So, that's all for Thai chapter! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and, well, yeah!




Stay Awesome! Peace Out! ✌🏻️

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