When We First Met (A Poofless...

By Emiwoo4U

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When Rob and Preston first met they were skeptical about each other, but when Rob starts to have feelings for... More

Chapter 1.When they met
Chapter 2. The awkward experience
Chapter 3. A new friendship
Chapter 4. Try to mend a broken heart , with ice cream
Chapter 5.Memories
Chapter 6.Awkward
Chapter 7. I'm not in love
A/N:Thank you!
Chapter 8. What do I do?
Chapter 9. I Love You More Than Anything.
Chapter 10. You're My One and Only.
A/N: New story
Chapter 11. The Date
Chapter 13. Moving in
Chapter 14. He's Gone
Chapter 15. Were Sorry
A/N: Thank you!!
Chapter 16. Get Away
A/N: Super sorry!
A/N: I have no motivation...
Chapter 17. Were Back!
Chapter 18.Movie Night!
Chapter 19. Dreams
Chapter 20.Therapy
Chapter 21. Back to Normal?
Chapter 22. Were Not Acually Alone
Chapter 23. Hanging out
Chapter 24. Visiting
Chapter 25. Florida Fun
Chapter 26. One Down, Two to Go.
Chapter 27. Flu
Chapter 28. Better?
Chapter 29. Scars
A/N: Do you want?
Chapter 30. Best Boyfriend
Chapter 31.Bye Lachlan!
Chapter 32. The Way Home
Chapter 33. The Way Home Pt.2
A/N: Where have I been?
Chapter 34.The Way Home Pt.3/Were Home!!!
Chapter 35. Persuasion
Chapter 36.For the love of Ryan!
Chapter 37. Where am I going with this?
Chapter 38. Wedding Day!
Chapter 39. Honeymoon
Chapter 40. Lazy days
Chapter 41. Time To Go
Chapter 42. Staying home
Chapter 43. Ring Shopping
Chapter 44. The proposal
Chapter 45. Remember When?
Chapter 46. Wedding Preparations
Chapter 47. Rehersal Dinner
Chapter.48|The big Day
Chapter.49| The Future
A Last Goodbye

Chapter 12.Hate

323 11 0
By Emiwoo4U

(A/N: This will start off after a few months when they leave Mitch's house, and are in a long distant relationship.)

Rob's POV

"How should we tell the fans?" Preston asked, I shrugged "I don't know, just lets put out a video saying it." I suggested. I heard a sigh, and then shuffle "I guess that will work, but how do we word it?" Preston asked leaning back in his chair. "I guess we could say 'support us if you want but me and Preston are dating'?" I suggested looking into the camera. Preston nodded, "Yeah." he said yawning. "Aww, is Preston sleepy?" I asked saying it like I was talking to a baby. Preston laughed then nodded "Yeah, it's 2:45 here." he said yawning once again. "Well go to sleep silly! I can't believe we've been talking for 2 hours!" I said. Preston laughed then sighed, "Wish you were here Rob, I miss you.". I felt tears threaten my eyes, "I miss you too Preston. But I love you remember that." I said. He smiled "I love you too Rob. Bye!" he said hanging up from the call. "I wish you were here too." I said logging off from Skype and getting changed into PJ's. I laid down falling asleep with crickets chirping away.

-Time skip-

I woke up to hear my phone buzzing, I picked it up seeing it was Mitch. I answered it, with a groggy voice. "Hello?" I said rubbing my eyes. Mitch was silent, then he said "Check Twitter." I was confused. I logged onto Twitter and saw so many notifications it felt like I was some one famous. I read all of them, "What happened?" I asked Mitch. "People found out you a Preston were dating." he said. My world stopped, we were supposed to tell them today. "H-how did they find out?" I asked Mitch. "Preston couldn't take it, he told them." he said quickly. I sighed, "Okay thanks." I said hanging up. I looked at the comments, some were supportive and others were just rude. I logged off Twitter to hear my phone go off again. it was Preston, I answered it he was in tears and sobbing. "Preston?" I asked. He only responded with another sob. "I'm sorry Rob, I wanted to tell them." he said. I felt tears drip off my face, "It's okay Preston." I said. He was silent, "They hate us Rob." he finally said with his voice trembling. "No they don't Preston, only a few do." I said trying to calm him down. He let out another sob. My poor Preston.

Preston's POV

I was crying and talking on the phone with Rob, the comments kept rolling in some saying good things, and some saying bad ones. I sat there talking to Rob for almost 2 hours until he had to go shopping. I hung up and looked at the screen, I saw tears drip onto my desk I feel like crap. I decided to post a tweet saying "Thank you all for who have supported me, and for all who decided not to that is your choice.". I stared at the tweet until I hit send. I watched positive comments fill the entire page. I smiled "They actually do like us?" I questioned. But very few hate ones did show up. "Thank god for the good people in the world." I said.

(A/N: If you guys ever get hate just talk to me! I'm here for everyone, no matter what! and sorry it's short, I've got 3 stories to write so I try to post on each one each day so thanks! Have an amazing day guys!)

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