Vampire Baby

By silence99__

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Allison Jane is an average 19-years-old teenage girl. She's just a normal girl that lives in hard life. She c... More



91 2 0
By silence99__


After the meal, Liam pays the bill and we head back to the car. After the incidents between Liam and his ex-girlfriend, Sophia, I know that Liam used to get hurt and it hurts me to know how awful he got hurt before this. I hope that I could replace all the hurt he used to had with happiness. I'll try my best not to hurt him, just like how his past relationship did to him. Liam starts the car and pull out from the side road, hitting the road once back. His hand never find ends of leaving my hand untouched and it makes me feel special. I kiss his knuckles, before I play with his long fingers. He chuckles and it's nice to hear him happy, but I know that deep inside, he's still disturbed by the incidents earlier. After few minutes of driving, Liam finally drives the car to less-car area. "Look outside..", he tell. I nods and look out the window, to see big palace at the top of the hill which not far away from where we are. I gasp at the size and the design of the palace. Liam's car soon to reach the security line and the big gate opens wide. Liam waves at them, before drives the car down the pavement. There's also spacious lawn field that's nicely trim and beautiful flowers plants alongside the pavement driveway. The car soon to reach closer with the fountain, before Liam make 3 o'clock turns and head to the palace. He stops the car right in front of the palace and parks his car there. "We're here..", he informs and my eyes widen in disbelief. We pile out from the car and I slowly make my way to his side. He entwines his hand and squeeze it assuringly. I could feel adrenaline rush to the top of my head and my nerve starts attacking every inch of my system. "Ready?", he ask. I look at him and nods slowly. We head up the 3-steps before we approach closer to the big set of front door. He look at me once more, before I nods in approval. He nods back and press the front door bell. The palace are soon to be rings with loud bell rings and Liam pull me closer to his side with his left hand holding the paper bag tightly. We hear noises of footsteps running in the building, before one of the door open, revealing a beautiful lady with a baby in her arms. 

"Liam!! Oh my god!! You're back home!!", she cheers and pull him into hug. I loosen my hold on his hand, but he tighten his hold on mine. "Oh my god! Is this her? Is this the one you've been talking about?", she ask, pulling away from Liam. I chuckles shyly and walk closer to her. I give my hand out to shakes with her, but instead she pull me into tight hug. "You're so beautiful and my brother really lucky to have such beautiful fiancee, like you... You must have this special thing, 'cause you're the only one could thaw his stone-cold heart..", she tell, pull away a little. I chuckles and shook my head. "Oh, I almost forgotten.. I'm Ruth.. Liam's sister and this is my son, Michael...", she introduces. I chuckles and pinch her son's chubby cheek lightly. The baby giggles and Liam soon to take him away from Ruth's arms, into his. He looks perfect with the baby and it just make me fall even deeper to him. "You haven't tell me your name, yet...", Ruth snap me out and I blush a little. I apologizes before I shook my head. "I'm so sorry.. I just forgotten too.. Liam is distracting me.. I'm Allison Jane, but I'm used to be call as Ally..", I introduces myself back. She nods and hugs me once more, this time it feel like welcoming ones. "Welcome to the family, Ally.. It's nice finally to meet you..", she pull away and chuckles. I joins her and nods. She soon to invites us inside and we thanks her. We enters the palace and I couldn't help myself, but to feel amazes with the interior design of the palace. It's so classy, vintage yet at the same time it have this modern touch. "Ruth, who's at the front door?", voices echoes in the palace. I flinch a little, as I'm not used with it so I get closer to Liam's side. Ruth and Liam chuckles at me, before Liam passes the paper bag to his sister. "We've got all of you something..", he tell. Ruth shook her head and thanks us, before call others out. We soon to hear small footsteps echoeing the hallway and we turns behind, to see identical twin girls entering the hall we're in. "Uncle Wiam!!!", the girls shouts and run to Liam. Liam crouch down to their heights and hugs each one of them. They giggles happily and kiss his cheeks, which makes his laughs a little. Soon another beautiful lady approach us. "Welcome back, Liam..", she hugs him comfortingly. They pull away and look at me, which stands awkwardly in the hall with them. 

"Guys, meet Allison Jane.. Liam's fiancee..",Ruth introduces me. The lady pull me into tight hugs, before congratulating us. I chuckles and thanks her, before we pull away. "I'm Nicola, Liam's sister and this twins is my daughters, Theressa and Sophia.. It's really nice to meet you, finally...", she introduces. I nods and waves friendly to the little girls. They giggles, before run to my legs. They hugs it and look up to me with those adorable smile plasters on their faces. "I'm Wessa and this is my sister, Sophia..", the girl with light brown hair and blue eyes introduces herself and her sister. I nods and chuckles, before crouch down to their height. "Hey.. It's nice to meet you cuties.. I'm Ally... Your Uncle Wiam's girlfriend..", I tell. They cheers happily and jumping up and down, happily. "Uncle bwing us new Aunt!! Yeay!! More baby!!", they cheers. We gasp and chuckles together, to the girls. "Is Dad home?", Liam ask and his sisters nods. I gulps, as this the time I finally gonna meet his parents. "In his office room, as usual.. Waiting for you to comeback home..", Ruth tell. He nods and pass baby Michael back to her, before we both excuse ourselves to meet their Dad. Liam entwines his hand with mine and I let out a relief sigh, finally to feel his hand around mine. I just like how it feels 'cause his makes me feel relax and calm. All the anxious I have early, just disappear when his hand make contact with my small ones. We climb up the staircase and get to the 2nd floor, before we head to the right hallway. We walk pass few rooms 'til Liam stops in front of this big set of wooden door. I guess that we're here, his Dad's office room. "Ready?", he ask. I hums and nods slowly, before pull small smile to my face. He look at me little longer, before nods back. He knocks the wooden door softly, for couple times and we wait for any responds in the room. "Come in..", his Dad answers the knock from inside. I gulps a little and Liam motions me to wait. I nods and he walk closer to the door, before push one of the door open a little and put his head inside the room. "Dad?", he call and I could feel my heart beats extremely fast. "Oh, Liam!! My boy!! You've comeback, finally!! Come in, come in, son...", his Dad excitedly responds. I squeeze Liam's hand and he pop his head out from the room. "You sure you want to do this?", he ask. I nods and give him my serious looks. 

He sigh in defeat, before nods briefly. We both walk into the room together, with our hands entwines tightly together. His Dad soon to look up at us and look a little shock, before his eyes sets on me. I gulps a little, but flash him warm smile. "Liam James Payne!! You've made it!! You've found her!! You've found your mate!! I'm so happy for you!! Congrats, son!! I'm very proud of you!!", his Dad get up from his office chair and walk towards us. He pull us into tight hugs and pat Liam's back for couple times. I chuckles lightly and we pull away, before Liam introduces me to his Dad. "Dad, this is Allison Jane.. My fiancee and my soon-to-be wife in couple months time.. She's the girl of my dream..", Liam shyly tell and his Dad chuckles. He look at me and give out a hand. I look at it, before reach out with my free ones. He pull me closer to me and I soon to be far a little from Liam. I mentally whines at the emptiness from Liam's warmth, but just keep silents. "You're so beautiful, just like Liam's late mother.. I could even see her in your eyes and I guess that's the reason made my only, stone-cold hearted son fell in love with you.. You're the first girl thaws his stone heart, with your beautiful golden, brown eyes.. Anyways, welcome to the Family, dear.. From now on, you can call me Dad..", he cups my face gently. His touch are soft, just like Liam's but Liam's are softer and it have this affections towards me. "You must be tired... How about you get some rest first, before we have first family dinner together, yeah?", he suggest. We nods and thanks him. He hugs me once more, before he pull away and pass me back to Liam. "Son, keep her... She's a keeper and faithful ones... Don't let her lose from your grasp..", 'Dad' tell and I blush a little, but also touched with his words. Liam hums and nods, before we excuse ourselves out from his office room. We walk out from Dad's office room and relief sigh escapes from our lips. "That went well..", I chuckles and he joins, nods. He entwines his hand to mine and I sigh in relief again, before rest my head to his muscular arm. "Tired?", he ask. I just hums weakly and we walk down the hallway together. He chuckles and nods, before carry me up into bridal style. I gasp at how strong he is, before I blush so hard. "Liam! What are you doing! Put me down! Your family will see this!!", I protest. He chuckles and kiss my lips, silents me down in instants. 

He pull away and chuckles. I hums and rest my head to his shoulder, before locking my arms around his neck. "I love you, baby.. Make me stay, please..", I whispers. He smile and nods, placing long, soft kiss to my forehead. I sigh in relief, before my droopy eyes drops completely and brings me to the dreamland. "Uncle, what's wrong with Aunt Ally? Is she sick?", I hear the twins' voices chirps behind us. I want to wake up, but I feel too exhausted so I just keep silents and keep my eyes shut. "Oh no, honey.. Your aunt is just tired.. She's not sick, she's just sleepy..", he tells. I almost laughs at it, but I couldn't as if my energy have drains off. They hums and soon to runaway somewhere. "Yeah, I'm just sleepy...", I snorts. He chuckles and I feel he's walking downstairs, as I couldn't stop feeling him bouncing up and down. I guess that we've reach the floor we're supposed to head as Liam stop bouncing. I groans and deepen my head to the crook of his neck. He chuckles and peppers soft kisses to my cheek, before another groans escapes from me. "No....", I push his face away and place a hand on my cheek, to cover it up from him kissing it again. My mind feel so tired and slowly I drift back to sleep. 

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