Boy Of Mine

By ChrissyBear1999

2.1K 87 6

Josh Chavez is you're ordinary, sweet, GAY, normal boy, or well was. When he powers strong to grow and grow a... More

Intro Boy Of Mine
Chapter One Im Done
Chapter Two Ex Meets Ex
Chapter Three Who Am I?
Chapter Four Meeting The Group
Chapter Five Learning More About Me
Chapter Six The Truth
Chapter Seven Party Central
Chapter Eight My Life Tho
Chapter Ten Im Not The Only One
Chapter Eleven Meeting Lilly
Chapter Twelve The Truth Is... My Mom Is Cool.?
Sideie Note!!!
Chapter Thriteen Different Life But Same Lies
Chapter Fourteen Saying Hi To A New Family Member
\Authors Note/ Who Wouldve Guessed?!
Chapter Fifteen Trials Of Forgivness
Chapter Sixteen Someone Tell Me Why Im So Confused?


99 4 0
By ChrissyBear1999

It's Sunday and oh mah lawd!!!!! Angela will be coming tonight!!! AHHH!!!! I am so excited I can just explode!!!*blows up flames* but then again we wouldn't want that would we?...
I'm so excited. It's Because I see her so often!! I just sit in my room watching YouTube on my tv.

~3 Hours Later~
I go downstairs to eat breakfast my moms in the living room. She's watching a soap opera. I grab a poptart and milk and go upstairs. "Make sure to throw your trash away when you're done." She says.

"Yes mama." I continue to walk up the stairs and I text Angela.

"Girl I'm literary dying to see you!"
She texts back 5 minutes later

" ugh I know I want to see you!😩"

"What time did you say you're coming?"

"Around... 5?😕."

"5?!!? 5..?!?!!!!"

"I know, I want to see you as soon as possible!!! 😭😭"


"My mom isn't even getting ready.😡"

"What is it shes doing?😑"

" she's sitting down watching law and order 😑."

"Tell her that josh said to get off that big booty and to come over ASAP!!😏"

"Okay as you wish 😂✌️."

"Call me master.😏"

"Ew 😕 that's so gross!😂"


"That sounds like a name you would do in..😁"

"Okay okay 😒✋ I get it. Do not do that!"

"Ha play 😂"
"Also she said: tell that boy not to tell m what to do. Unless he's passing school then maybe just maybe I'll let him talk stuff."

"Oh... Then your mom wins 👏."


" I know I know I'm sorry 😩😁."

"Sprry isn't enough josh.😒"

"Sprry? 😂😂"


"You said sprry 😂👏"

"No I didn't."

"Just look up Hun!😂😂😂."

"Whatever josh 2 legit 2 quit."

"Oh god 😒✌️✌️."

After 3 hours texting Angela I got a text from Dane. To be honest or other words tbh. I'm a little scared. But it'll make me seem rude not to text back.

"Hey😊." He says


"Did you sleep well?"

"You're texting me that at 3pm 😂."

"Well i didn't know when to text you😂."

"I've been up since 6😂."


"Haha 😂."

"Hey can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." /anything for him\

"What's your favorite color?"

"Umm.. Blue and Green."



"Nothing. Nothin at all." 😏

"You're so weird 😂."

"Well im mostly weird for you"


"Yeah. I love being weird around you😊."

Oh my god. I'm dead... A boy I like is flirting with me. This can't be happening I must be dead!

But how should I respond? Ummm ummm crap... I don't want to sound stupid that's why.

" what else do you around me?"
He takes a little but a while to reply but then I saw this big message!!:
"What I do around you. I tend to love to see your face. I love to make you laugh I love to see you smile. I love it that you're a dork. I love it when you blush."


"Awwwwe ☺️☺️."
Wow really awww?! Well. That was a cool move.

~5:00 pm~
Angela's going to be here any time soon!! I notice my mom looking at me like I'm weird. And because I'm so excitedly texted her saying are you here yet? But she didn't respond back. Just as I'm about to lose hope because I sometimes don't have patience the door bell rings.

My face glows and my mom opens it. "Grace!!" My mom yells. "Elizabeth!!" She touches her belly and says:" you'll be coming out soon little baby!" Then Angela comes in and we stare at each other.

We run towards each other and we slam against each other ignoring the chest pain. We scream loudly. "Angela you're here!!!" I shout.

"Josh Babe!!!"" She screams back. We hug tightly as possible. "Josh now what about me?" Aunt Grace says. I walk fast to her and I hug her tightly. "Ooo ohh you're getting so tall!! My little man becoming well a massive man."

"Ha. Nice to see you too grace." "Nah I don't see it. She seems to be getting shorter." Angela mocks. I pull her hand and we run upstairs. We go in my room and we both fly to my bed. We both laugh.

"Whoa your room seems to be getting more manner." She walks around and she it's on my computer desk. Angela has light but not to light brown hair with light blue tips. She always dresses cute and she's really really pretty. She has light green eyes with a white skin tone.

She likes to wear cropped shirts with shorts or wripped jeans. She's wearing a cropped off shirt that says "All The Men Fall For Me." With brown and white bold letters. She's wearing black sun. Glasses even though it's alsmot night time. She likes to wear black combat boots.

I can imagine her being the most popular girl at school. She must attract all the boys. "Is it just me or you always look like you came out of a model show." "Oh I know I always look good." She teases.

"Also why are you wearing sunglasses when there is no sun?" I chuckle. "Like I said josh always gotta look good." She teases again.

"So how's the la life?" "Oh good? The boys are quiet yummy at my school." "Yummy? Where did yummy come from?" "I've always made up these words." she laughs and she gets up from my desk and sits next to me on the bed.

"So how's your boy Robert?" "Oh there's no more Robert.""what?!" I shout. "I broke it off." "Why?!" Because he would never do anything fun he would always stay quiet. That and he never hung out with me. Tbh I think he was gay and just using me as a point that he's straight. But then again he is cute. In a dorky kind of way."

"Oh." "So yeah that's the end of that ." My mom comes in my room "hey guys I made spaghetti with meatballs with garlic bread."

Angela and I look at each other wide eyed and yell. It was our favorite. We run down the stairs and we made sure we were going to sit next to each other. Everyone glares at us. "What?" We both say. James clears he's thoart, Grace and my mom talk about how they're not going cheap with meat and eggs in markets."

Angela plays with Sabrina I'm eating my good till a vision comes up. I see Angela with jean linda Charlie and Miguel walking up to a cave. Inside the cave it's a bright green gem. She slowly grabs the gem. As soon as she touches it a bright white light goes in her bodies and everyone else. Then the vision ends.

My eyes widen. I can feel Angela looking at me with her eyes brow lifted. "You okay Josh Babe?" She whispers in my ear. "I'm I'm fine hehehe."

~After Dinner~
Angela goes in my restroom to change. She comes out and she's wearing a pink shirt shirt with a short shorts with pink cat long socks. "Meow there." I say

"Meow at ya." "Has your life been perffffect?" "No it's being messy." "Well maybe you need a man to help you with that." We start to laugh loudly.

"So josh catch me up on what's been happening. Made any new friends at school?!" She says it like she's a mother. "Why yes mother I have, were all starting to become close." "Oo ohh really?! I need to approve wither I like them or not."

"You will mom you will." "So how's you're friends like?" She says it seriously. "Well there's Susan the cute social one then there Mia the bitchy fake one." "I'm already hating Mia." She says. She cracks her hands. "Go on." "There there's harley the
Childish one, Marie the nice but deadly one, Jessie the geeky one, linda the serious one? Bella the quiet one, then there's my other best friends Tessa terry and Bruce."

"Ohh sounds like a large group. There's going. To be a lot of drama with that big of a group josh be careful."

"As you wish." Master" we both laugh at each other. "So is there any boys into you?" "Well..." "WELL?!ooohh!!" Her eyes go wide. "Tell me more tell me more!" She says playfully. "Do you want to see a picture of him?"

"Yes please! So I can approve!" I go on my Facebook and I click on he's best looking profile picture. She squits her eyes. "Is he tall?" "About 4 inches taller." "Oh.awwww such a perfect match!" "Hair color?" "Angela he's face is right in front of you."

"Oh then I approve cause he's a fine piece of meat." "Oh my god Angela," my face goes red. "Wait.. Wait... Are you blushing!?" "I stare at wall avoiding eye conact." "Oh my god you are!! OMG it's so adorable!!" "No stop!!" I whine.

"And he's hair.. Oh my.. Whew." I blush even more. She looks at me and grins. "Oh my god you're still blushing!!?!! OMG MY BROTHER IS IN LOVE!!" She hugs me tighty. My eyes go wide. I'm no longer blushing. Angela noticed I stop moving.

"Oh right.. I'm sorry." "Just don't let it happen again." It was silence till Angela stare at me, i stared back but we can't ever be serious. We laugh louder.

"I missed you brother!" She hugs me tightly. " I missed you to babe."

12:00 pm
I wake up and I check the time on my phone. OH Mah goodness it's 12.. Angela and I had a all nighter. She's sleeping on the left side of my bed. I get up and go in my rest room and brush my hair and teeth.

I stop brushing my hair and Angela's up. "Haayy babe." "Huh? Oh hi." Her eyes still looked shut. "Did I wake you?" She nods her head sideways she pulls out a tooth brush and brushes her teeth. "Are you guys up yet?" My mom says.

"Yeah were In Here." I shout my mom walks in the restroom. "Hey I made pancakes." Angela's eyes go wide and she runs down the stairs quickly. I laugh loudly.

I walk downstairs in front of my mom. Angela's already eating a couple of pancakes. I try hard not to laugh. She glares at me and she says with her mouth full "what?"

I gag a little a bit. "Oh my god that was so gross do not ever do that again!" I say. We both eat our pancakes. "Mom can Angela and I go to the mall?" She looks at me and Angela. Hmm yes. Grace and I need to do a couple of things today so I'll drop you off."

"Well actually can we take the bus?" Angela told me she hated taking the public bus because she thinks she's going to get kidnapped or get mugged, I can see Angela nodding her head with pancakes in her mouth.

I hold on my laugh trying to be serious with my mom. "Hm okay just don't get kidnapped okay." Angela slams her head against the table. This cause my mom to jump up and I laughed and pointed at her.

She gave me a death glare and she mouthed no at me. "Oh my... Are you feeling okay?" My mom asks Angela. She just smiled and turns back to me and gives me a death glare once again. "Thank you mom for the pancakes."

I get up from my chair and whisper "it ain't that bad babe." In Angela's ear. I saw her rolled her eyes. "Come on Angela get ready." She groans and she follows behind me.

~20 mins later~
Were waiting for a bus to stop by. We were sitting down. I was wearing a black hat backwards with a gray sleeved cut of sweater with a blue shirt with black jeans with white converse.

Angela put on a flower head band. She put on light red lipstick with a necklace that says "Be My Baby" oh and my cousin also happens to like Ariana Grande. She's wearing black and white poka dot shirt with white shorts with black coverse.

The bus finally shows up and a bunch of people cuts us. They all push us but the bus driver gets up and says "I want all of you out of my bus not!" They all groan and he says "now!" He shouts. They all left the bus.

He points at me and Angela 1st "you two first." I go up and i look behind me and Angela says "see this is what happens when you guys want to be stingy." She scoffs and she pays and sits next to me.

The bus eventually drops us soon as we get off Angela talks from where we should shop 1st and last. I wasn't paying that close of attention so all on my mind was ... Well... Dane. As were walking I see Harley linda and Mia walking to the mall.

I wave and wave. Angela lifts her eyes brow. "Josh what are you doing rain dancing?" She mocks. "Come on ugh they can't hear me!" I say fursated.

"Who can't.... Who are you even.." Before Angela can finish that Sentence I pull her arms and I'm running to Harley. "Josh.. What are you doing?" She whines.

"Harley!!" She turns around and she sees me, she taps lind a and she looks back. Harley runs up to us. "Look who's here." Linda says.

"Hi ya to ya boo boo." Harley says. I'm out of breath. "This... This is.." "I'm Angela hi!" She shakes Harley's and Linda's hands. "I'm Josh's cousin." "Hi I'm Harley." She jumps. "I'm linda." "And the pink head over there's on the phone is mia." Harley points at Mia.

She walks up to us "hey guys so I found..oh." She says in disgust. "Oh who's this?" Mia says. "This is Angela." Harley says. "My Cousin. Angela this is Mia." I give her a look. "Oh Mia I've heard so much about you!" Angela says disgusted.

"Ooohh isn't that great." Mia gives out a fake smile. I'm nearly close to have about enough of Mia's actions and stupid remarks."so Angela do you live somewhere around... VictorVille." She giggles.

"Oh correction perfection Mia!!." She shouts. Mia covers her left ear and nods her head. "I live in la, I'm just visiting my very very very close cousin." I can ready tell Angela and Mia hate each other guts.

Everyone's silent till Harley broke it off.. Thank god. "So Angela are the boys cute at la?" Linda pulls me aside. "Is your cousin always like this?" "Umm only to people who treat me like crap and such." "Oh good cause I already like her."

"So are we all going to go to the mall together?" Angela asks. "Hmm have no Clue, I have to check." Mia glares at angela. "Yes I guess. You could hang out with us."

"Hmm good." Angela gives Mia a fake smile she walks away from her and she rolls her eyes. "Let's buy clothes 1st." Mia says.

"Yah!!." Harley shouts. We all follow Mia. As much as I hate it but at least I have linda , Harley, and Angela. We enter jc penny. Mia picks out clothes. She picks up a couple of dresses, so does angela. "You guys aren't going to get dresses?" I ask linda and harley.

"Um noun not that much into dresses. But I'm into skirts." Harley says. "And as for me. Just basically anything." Linda says. "Hey josh want to go to hot topic?" Harley says.

I glare at Angela and Mia. They keep giving each other death glares. "Umm..." *josh go, I'll watch Mia and Angela are you* linda says telepathically. *um okay thank you* *anytime*

"Hey Angela Babe I'll be back real quick okay." She nods her head still staring at mia. "So yeah.." I say awkwardly walking backwards. Harley grabs my handholding it swinging it.

"Oh wait you don't care right?" She slowly let's go my hands. "No no it's okay." I hold her hand. She sings lowly thinking I cant hear her. It's quiet adorable. "You guys are socute." A old lady says. Harley and I look at each other. Our face turns red

"Heh thanks." I say. We eventually make it to hottopic still holding hands. For some reason everyone kept awwing atus. The I started to think about dane. Are he's hands soft?

Will he even hold my hAnds? Will he kiss me I. Public? Will he hug me and never let me go? Wait.. Ugh I need to stop.

I see a couple of batman braclets. I look at the price and it's 7 dollars. I have 30 dollars. "Harley what you getting?" She picks a red and black shirt with diamonds. She must've that I love with Harley Quinn.

"I'm also buying these two black and red collars." "Hm good choice." I say. We go to the cash resister and pay for our things and get out. "Thanks for coming with me boo." She says eyeing her collars. "You're welcome."

We go back to jc penny and Angela and Mia are now pulling heels. "I saw these first." Mia whined. "Oh okay find you want them." She let's go of the heels and Mia falls back on her butt. I hold in my laughter.

Linda stands there staring at Mia. "Is someone going to help me up or not?" She shouts. A woman shushes her. Linda rolls her eyes and pulls Mia back up. "You know what no that's it!!! I'm done!!" Mia shouts.

Angela stands next to me and Harley. "That's it you and your faggot cousin leave and never come back to our group!!" She yells. Angela eyes widen. Mine do as well. I'm not sad at all. I'm pissed at hell.

This girls has the balls to talk shit in front of my cousin, about me. Angela's going to kick her ass now. "What?" I say try my best not to kick her face

"I never liked you. Do you understand now!?!!" She shouts. "Mia shut up!" Linda says. "No linda I'm not going to shut up I'm going to come out of it! I'm sick and done of him hanging out with us!!!"

I look over at Angela. Her face is red. She keeps closing her fists. "I'm against gay people that's against nature!! I hate all faggots!!" "Mia shut the hell up!l linda yells.

"Don't you ever call him a faggot." Angela says walking up to her. "Or what are you going to do?!" Why am I not moving? Why can't I say anything back. Here's the perfect time to to talk shit back and nothing's happening.

"Mia stop it just go." Linda says. "No I want to see what she's going to do." Mia says. "I'm going to beat your ass right here right now." But then I have all sense coming back to me. I walk up go Angela and pull her back.

"What are you doing?" "As much as I want to see you beat her ass I don't want you to get attrested. But I promise you." I give Mia my death glare

"You will beat this twigs ass." I pull Angela away and I walk with Angela in my hands. That fake bitch!! I say in my head.

"Hey wait." Harley says running up to us. But then my head starts to pound and burn. "Josh why'd you stop?" Angela asks confused. I feel dizziness then I feel like a knife is going through my whole body.

I start to scream I'm agony. Passing people stop walking and they stare at me. I can see linda running up to me. I can hear her thoughts. "Josh hold on I'm coming I'm coming." The. I start to hear everyone's thoughts. "Freak. What the hell is he doing?l then I hear mias. "Attention whore."

"What happening to him?!" Angela says. "It's nothing everyone haha he has the brain freeze." Linda says nervously. "It's obvious something's wrong with him!!"

But then the thoughts, the pain in my head, is slowly going away. I can see cleary. But then I hear a evil entity saying "surrender let them and yourself suffer."

"No! No! No!" I keep saying. Then it all stops. Everything's quiet. "Stop staring at me!!" I yell. "Josh what's going on?!?" Angela shouts. I want everyone to stop staring at me. I want everyone to forget...NOW!

I close my eyes and focus really hard. I have no idea what's happening to me! Then I open my eyes slowly. It's loud and everyone is walking away no longer looking at me.

I get up from the floor. "Everyone stopped staring at me.." Except Angela Harley and limda. Linda looks at me in disbelief. While Angela and Harley stare at me scared.

"Josh.. What the hell is going om?" Angela says. "I can explain Angela." Linda says. "Linda..." "Josh she needs to know." Linda argues.

I stare at Angela and Harley. They both have scared faces. I need to tell them. I. Can't pull it off and just say oh I had a massive headache and that's why I dramatically fell to the ground and started to scream for my life. Do you know how strange and stupid that sounds?

That and I can't lie to Angela. I need to tell her now. "Josh please tell us what's going on... You know you can trust us!" She says scared. "Yes josh please tell us cause I'm confused booooo." Harley says slowly.

For some reason I start to cry. I can't keep this from but I know I've already said that I mean this people are starting to become my 2nd family. So I'm going to tell them. "Josh I can,." I stop linda from talking by putting my hand on her.

"Angela, Harley, follow me." "Okay but what about... Mia?" Harley says. Mia must've ran off or something but I could care less.

"Let's go." We all walk where we entered. Then we walk the back of the mall and i sit down behind a trash can. Harley and Angela look at each other and Angela lifts her eye brow.

"What are you doing?" Angela says confused. "Okay get ready." I say. "Get ready for what?" Angela says. I focus on a old plastic mcdonalds cup. I focus and imagine it floating. It starts to move up slowly no one noticed aside linda.

"What are you doing josh?" Harley asks. "You're starting to freak me out." Angela says.

The cup floats up and Angela and Harley gasp. The cup is coming towards Angela and Harley. Angela covers her mouth with her hand. Harley doesn't look scared at all. She walks up to the cup and pokes it.

"Oh this... This... This is Amaimg!" Harley says. Then the cup falls and Harley squeals. "Heh sorry." "How.. How did you do that!"

"To be quiet honest.. I don't know.. It just came to me. I just wanted it to float and then it happened." "I also can do something like that." Linda says.

"You can?" Harley and Angela says. Linda closes her eyes. I can see a dark purple aura around her. Then a light purple dagger appears. Harley gasps and she walks up to linda and she starts to touch it.

"It feels weird but so real!" Harley says. I turn towards Angela who looks at the ground . Oh no. . Did I make the person I love so very much ... To hate me?

"Angela?" She lifts her head from the ground and she runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "Oh my god josh!!! I'm not alone!! I'm not alone!!!" She says happily.

"What do you mean you thought you're not alone?" I stop hugging her and I look In her eyes. "Well...." She looks away from me and walks away looking up at the sky.

"Well what??!!" I whine. "I'm like you and Lindsay." She says glaring back. "Linda." Linda corrects angela. "Sorry." She says.

"I'll show you guys." Then suddenly were blinded by a bright white light and I can't see anything then the light goes away slowly. Everything slowly turns normal. "oh my god" I say shocked.

(Hayyy Guys cx sorry not sorry for the cliff hanger 😊😊😊 XD I not vied last chapter was rlly short and I did not like it at all.. So this chapter I think is or probably will be the longest. But then again I'm always wrong so eh anyways I've hoped your enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you soon bye ya love ya 😍😍)
~ChrissyBear Gress~

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