Anybody's Anthem (interracial...

By IAmKyana

45.2K 1K 139

When Colson(MGK) goes on tour, all he wants is someone to come home to and cuddle with. During his time off... More

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It's Finally out!!!
Editing This Story!!!
Deleted Chapter!!!?

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1.1K 28 3
By IAmKyana


My manager called and gave me some interesting news, that I couldn't wait to tell Kyilee. We were going on tour for ten weeks and that would be the longest tour we went on. I didn't want to leave Kyilee behind because our relationship just started to progress to something more and I couldn't jeopardize that with something long distance. That's why I pulled strings to add her along.

My stylist came over to help me pack for my journey on the road. I was waiting for Kyilee to come so I could drop the news, but apparently her parents had to come with her too. I had no idea why, and I didn't question her either. She was grown. I couldn't tell her what to do and what not to do. Maybe only in the bedroom.

My stylist Asap, showed me what she was going to do with my hair and which outfit was going towards which show. Her real name was Asia, but she always completed her tasks so quick, I nicknamed her Asap. She is a beautiful girl and there used to be sexual tension between us back in my young days, but now it's strictly business and I don't have no feelings towards her. She is like my sister.

"So does Kyilee know that she's going on tour yet?" Asap asked me. I shook my head picking up a leather jacket.

"She's coming over right now and that's when I'm going to tell her. Plus, her parents are coming too so that might be an experience." I chuckled just because.

She laughed. "Why do you say that?" She asked putting a black Givenchy shirt against my body.

"Her parents are amazing people; don't get me wrong, but they don't like to be in situations when they can't see their daughter for a long period of time. It makes them worry and since they just met me, I have to reassure them that she'll be ok and that I wouldn't let anything happen to her, ya know?" I told her. She nodded her head in agreement.

"I completely understand. If I was her parents I'd be the same way," she said. "But you're a famous person and there are crazy ass people in the world nowadays. I wouldn't be surprised if they call you every hour." She finished throwing the clothes she picked out aside from her.

"I wouldn't be surprised either." I muttered under my breath.

The door bell rang and I jumped over every piece of furniture I had to answer it. Kyilee was at the door, but her parents weren't. I looked over her shoulder to see if they were in the car, but they weren't in there either. I don't know why, but I was a little devastated. This would be something that they definitely would want to hear.

I hugged her and kissed her forehead. She came into my house and greeted everyone. We went to the kitchen and she sat at my island and pulled a bottle of water out of her purse. When I mean purse I actually mean suitcase. She could fit so many things in that purse that wouldn't be suspicious.

"How come your parents didn't come?" I asked her. She pulled the bottle away from her lips and placed it on the counter.

"They were tired and said they wanted to go to sleep so I brought them back to the hotel. Why?" She asked raising her eyebrow. It was so cute when she did this. So, I had to hurry and tell her so that the cuteness wouldn't fade.

"So my manager called today and told me that I was going on tour." I told her not staring at her. It builds suspense that way.

She went silent for a long time before replying. "How long?" She asked. You could hear the hints of sadness laced in her voice.

"10 weeks," I told her finally looking at her face. Her face dropped and she covered her face with her hands. I didn't mean for her to cry. I walked over to her and hugged her tightly. I didn't hear a sob so she wasn't crying. She was probably disappointed that I had to leave for so long.

"Right when things are going great for us you have a tour?" She asked.

"I know," I told her. "It's really hard to have a long distance relationship, but thankfully we won't have to do that." I told her. She looked up at me and pushed me away a little.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I pulled some strings and now I'm asking you if you'd come along with me on my tour." I asked. She jumped in my arms with wide eyes and hugged me tightly kissing all over my face.

"Of course I'll come with you, don't ever scare me like that again." She said smacking my arm.

"Good cause I wasn't going to take no for answer." I smiled. I kissed her forehead again and together we walked into the living room. The boys still haven't gotten word of our journey, but since they were coming over anyways I figured I would tell them then.

Kyilee talked with Asap and helped her while I face-timed with Rook and Summer. Apparently I wasn't the only one handing out news today. Rook said something about his news being really exciting and that it was something that he couldn't wait to tell us. I kind of have an idea about what it would be, but I like surprises I I try not to spoil it for myself.

Slim says that he has something really interesting to tell us about him and Aaliyah and with their history, I believe it's that they are taking another break. They have been "together" for about 2 years now and after two months of being lovey-dovey they break up. It's really a cycle for everyone that knows about them.

"What do you think they have to tell us?" Kyilee says to me folding up my shirts and pants putting them in my suitcases.

"I don't know," I say going to help her, "that's why it's called a surprise." I tell her. She throws a shirt at me and I laugh folding it putting it away.

While we are folding clothes and laughing the night away, Slim calls and says that he and Aaliyah are outside. I ask Asap if she can open the door for me and she's does. Slim and Aaliyah look happy so they probably aren't breaking it off again.

They sat down together and Slim wrapped his arm around her shoulder. We waited for Rook to come so he could deliver his news before Slim said what he had to say about him and Aaliyah and before they were knocking at our door to come in.

I once again asked Asap is she could answer the door and she politely did. Rook and Summer greeted her then came into the living room and greeted everyone else. Summer, Kyilee,Asap and Aaliyah all went into the kitchen to bring out some drinks while Rook, Slim and I all sat on the couch and made small talk.

When the girls came back, Rook stood up and grabbed Summer to go up in front of everyone. Rook cleared his throat and smiled from ear to ear like he was proud of what he was about to say.

"Hurry the fuck up!" Slim said in a girly voice. We all laughed and Rook began to speak up.

"So as you guys all know, Summer and I have been together for about 4 years now and everyone knows that I'm in love with this lovely lady standing next to me. So before we get to what we had to say, I have to ask her a question," he said dropping to one knee.

Summer's eyes almost popped out of her head when she took note of what was going on. Rook pulled out a ring from his pocket and looked up at he as he took her hand. She cried and everyone, including myself was very shocked.

"We've been together for about 4 years now and I am truly in love with you. You bring me happiness everyday we spend together and I want to be that happy guy for the rest of my days with you. Summer Elana Rodriguez, will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?" He asked her. Kyilee placed her hand on her heart and 'awed' as we waited for her response.

"Yes! Yes! Yes," she said. He slipped the ring on her finger and they kissed a couple of times. We all clapped and they kissed again. We then waited in silence for them to deliver their 2nd news.

"Do you wanna say it?" He asked her. She nodded her head and then scratched her head.

"We are.....pregnant!" She yelled. Every girl in the living room ran to her and hugged her. I walked literally jumped over to Rook as I hugged the shit out of him. I knew they were pregnant! It just had to me that.

"I'm so happy for you guys," Kyilee said as the laughter and loudness began to die down.

They thanked us and sat down. Now it was Slim and Aaliyah's turn to deliver some potential bad news. I didn't want to say right off the bat that it was bad, but I had a superstition like I did with Rook and Summer. Although, they were smiling, there could always be a catch to their happiness. There relationship was on the verge of being toxic and we were all used to it.

Slim walked with confidence over to the front of the room. Everyone was arranged in a way where Kyilee was next to me, Summer was sitting on Rooks lap and on my separate sofa sat Asap.

I crossed my legs and covered my mouth waiting for at least one of them to speak up. Aaliyah smiled and looked over to Slim who was looking at her like she was the only woman in the world for him.

"So, Slim and I have decided that it would be for the best if we-" she said partially before being interrupted by Asap.

"Break up? Finally." She said. Aaliyah gave her crazy eyes and she slumped down in her seat.

"Don't tell me that no one else was thinking the same thing." She muttered.

"No, Slim and I think it would be the best if we went on a vacation to find out relationship, because we both know it's there." She stated.

When she said that, the room became quiet. I felt betrayed in a sense. He was my best friend and failed to tell me something as important as this. I understand that it was a "surprise" to them, but to me it's fucking life. I don't like to even be without him for a day let alone however long he's leaving for. This was going to be hard for me.

"It won't be that long," Slim said, "only a month at the least and we will always call you guys and FaceTime and everything we can to keep contact. All we ask is that you guys respect the choices we've made." He said. One by one, starting with Summer, they were all saying that they supported it. When it got down to me I was speechless honestly, yet I knew that since he was my best friend, I had to be ok with it, because she made him happy.

"I'll be ok eventually, man. Just go on and do what ever makes you feel happy." I said to him. He came and made me feel a little better by giving me a hug whispering in my ear that he was going to be fine.

"When are you leaving?" Kyilee asked.

"After Colson's tour." Aaliyah answered. I was grateful that they weren't leaving during or before the tour. That'll give me a discomfort.

"Good," Summer said, "I wanna say my goodbyes and cry my eyes out because on of my best friends is leaving." She said. Aaliyah pouted her lip and walked over to Summer giving her a hug, that I felt said "you don't have to worry about me".

Whatever it was that was making them go on this trip to find themselves, whether it was a counselor or therapist, I was now starting to become somewhat happy for them. They never had the strongest relationship; containing infidelity and trust issues. I honestly thought that they could never be saved. They are really a true case of love works out no matter. They have had their high hopes and low downs, but somehow always come back together.

For the time being, after Slim and Aaliyah's announcement, we all just talked with one another. Letting each other know things that we haven't told them and letting each other know that we all cared about one another. It was a intimate time for all of us and I was taking advantage of it.

We laughed and laughed until water came out of out eyes. I have never seen Slim laugh so hard. I've never seen him so...happy.

"Remember when you ran out of the tour bus that one time with a sock over your dick butt ass naked?" Rook said laughing. I hadn't remembered until he brought it up.

"Yeah," I said laughing hardly, "I don't remember who dared me to do it, but I did it anyways." I said.

Kyilee looked over at me and just laughed. She couldn't look me in the eyes without dying of laughter. Her face scrunched up in the cutest way that made me want to kiss her badly. She wasn't really the one to have PDA in front of everyone, but at this moment I swear I couldn't resist her. She just looked so good.

"Kyilee and I gonna go get some drinks," I announced suddenly. "Anyone want anything?" I asked. Summer asked for a water and Aaliyah wanted a beer. I grabbed Kyilee's hand and told the gang that I would be right back with their drinks in hand.

We walked to the kitchen, and I promise you if no one was in the house, I would have bent her over the table and- you know how that goes. Before she could open her mouth to speak my lips connected with hers. She tasted just like strawberries and it fascinated me that everyday she tasted like something different.

She took in a handful of my hair and I pushed my tongue in her mouth. The deeper I went, the more she wanted me closer to her. We've shared many kisses, but they always seem to get better every time. It all came to an abrupt stop though when she took her lips off of my mine and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Wait till our friends are gone, please?" She whispered in my ear seductively. Her doing that didn't help my case at all. I sighed and nodded my head. Just when it was getting steamy, she wanted to stop. What a funny girl.

We grabbed the drinks from the fridge and walked back to the living room slowly. I stared so hard at her bottom I swear she knew it. I kicked it with the tip of my shoe and watched the jiggle start from her left check and go to the right one. Black girls are the most magical people in the universe. I'm glad I got a good one.

"You better have not gotten any shit on my pants, Colson." She said looking back at me. I smiled and stayed silent.

"I will beat your ass," she said so subtly I could barely hear, but managed enough to know what she said. I ain't got big ears for nothing.

"I wish you would." I told her, continuing to kick her butt. All she did was chuckle and walk faster. If I didn't realize the drink in my hand I would have dropped them and chased after her, but I came back to reality.

I handed Aaliyah her beer and Kyilee gave Summer her water. We sat down pretty close to each other giving me full access to everything. While Kyilee was explaining something to Asap, I reached up her shirt to find her bra. Luckily, I was a master at unclamping bras, so hers was super easy. She gasped and looked at me with 'I'm gonna kill you eyes'. It was funny as hell to me. She sat in a position that didn't show her chest area so I guess I lost, that time.

This time while everyone was on a topic about tour life, including me, I put my finger in her pants grabbing her thong string and pulling it up. She moaned a little, but I was the only one who heard it. Guess who wins? Me!

"If you don't knock it off right now," she said warning me by leaning into my ear.

"But I want you," I said back, "I want you bad, babe." I told her back. She had a smile on her face that said I'm going to get revenge and I trusted it 200.10%. She was the best at getting revenge and I hated it.

"I'm gonna get you so bad on tour," she smiled deviously. I liked it.

It was about that time when every one started leaving. I was getting happy that Kyilee and I could get some alone time, but she still had that devious look on her face. She was probably going to turn me down and I was fully prepared for everything.

I had devised a plan that I fantasized would work perfectly.

Step 1: Apologize for taking off bra in front of everyone.
Step 2: Kiss her gently, not forcing her to do anything. (Keep in mind that you do wanna do something.)
Step 3: Scratch that there is no step 3.

If that didn't work, I wouldn't know what would. It was now my time to put the moves on her. Wish me luck.

Hey guys, it's your favorite girl IAmKyana here and I have come up with a cool idea. (Or at least I think it's cool.) I would love to have End Of Chapter Questions or Chapter Questions, (I mean, why not?) and it's just for me to ask questions or for you guys to comment questions about something you liked or about something that confused you. (It can really be anything.)  It also helps by improving my writing skills, to let me know your feedback. So, I'm starting right now, by asking:

What is the something you liked or like about Kyilee's and Colson's relationship?

Let's just spread positivity. It can be literally be one thing or multiple things. Be creative!!!!

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