Love Without Uncertainty | JB...

By ElleSpeares

154K 7.8K 1.3K

This is the time of recovery for Dileah; the time for her to heal and discover her true love for Justin. Self... More

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Four.
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six.
Twenty Seven.
Twenty Eight.
Twenty Nine.
Thirty One.
Thirty Two.
Thirty Three.
Thirty Four.
Thirty Five.
Thirty Six.
Thirty Seven.
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine.
Forty One.
Forty Two.
Forty Three.
Forty Four.
Forty Six.
Author's Note

Forty Five.

2.4K 124 2
By ElleSpeares

I stretched my limbs out as my eyes opened. There was plenty of light shining through the two glass doors that lead to the balcony and, although I knew for certain that it was cold outside, seeing the sun shine so brightly gave me a little bit of hope for warm, bearable weather.

I could hear water run in the bathroom and I figured that Justin had been up for a while. It was just after 10am, my phone told me, and I was really hungry.

I sat up slowly and pulled the covers over my chest as I yawned.

Today would be the perfect day to go out and do something but I felt lazy. All I wanted to do was eat, stay in bed or be a couch potato until I had to get ready for Pattie's party later in the day.

I couldn't believe the year had gone by so fast and that in just a matter of hours, we'd be in a new year. I had a good feeling about the coming year and it had to do with Justin being in my life. I'd never been optimistic about anything before I met him but I knew now that bigger, better things waited for us in the new year and, if he was going to be right by my side, I was ready for anything.

I put on a pair of panties and Justin's sweater from the day before then I went to order up some food for us both.

My body ached slightly but I wouldn't tell that to Justin. It would make him smug and I didn't need him cracking pervy jokes today.

Thankfully, my hair was still looking good from yesterday. I could feel it as I touched it so I was sure I'd look good in the evening... unless, for some reason, I got it wet. Justin definitely enjoyed the new feel of my hair last night and it made me want to laugh because I knew he was expecting it to stay soft and straight for a long, long time. Nature could surprise us and I could wake up tomorrow with an afro puff. His reaction would be priceless, I knew it.

I headed to the bedroom to make the bed as best as I could and I took a seat on the edge and looked at my reflection in the mirrors that were closet doors.

It wasn't so long ago that I was lying in this very suite, too afraid to even look at my own reflection because I was beat up and so ashamed of myself.

My first night in this suite would never be forgotten. That was probably the first time I fell in love with Justin's soft nature.

"Good morning."

I turned around and smiled at my half naked boyfriend.

Justin had a towel wrapped around his waist and nothing else. His skin was still dripping wet from his shower and, if it wasn't for my aching muscles, I would've thrown myself at him to show him a really good morning.

"Hey." I said.

He placed a kiss on my cheek then went to dig in his suitcase for some underwear and something to wear.

"How did you sleep?" He asked me.

"Really well, thanks. You?"

"Really well."

I smiled.

It was always so cute how he'd check on how I slept every morning after an exciting night. At first I used to think it was because he was concerned about whether or not he'd hurt me-- and a small part of me still thought that way because I knew I'd always be vulnerable Dileah to him-- but now I was sure he checked on me just to boost his ego.

"I ordered some food for us." I told him. "I didn't know what you felt like so I asked for a variety of stuff. I hope that's okay."

"As long as you asked for coffee too." Justin smiled.

"I definitely did." I nodded.

I watched him get dressed. He put on a pair of maroon joggers, a long sleeved t-shirt and then a pair of socks.

He smiled at me through the mirror when he caught me watching him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me.

I blushed and smiled shyly.

"I'd been thinking about the time we first met and my first night here." I told him. "How much I've changed over the months because of you."

"You haven't changed that much, sweetheart. You're still the sometimes shy, sometimes stubborn girl I fell in love with months ago."

"But I'm more confident in my skin and I'm happier and stronger..."

He came to sit next to me.

"You've grown." He said.

"Because of you." I smiled and kissed him tenderly on his soft lips.

"You've changed me too, you know?" He said to me. "I've never felt so alive."

"I didn't do much, Justin." I blushed.

"You showed me a new way to view life and you brought light into my life. I'm happier."

"I will admit, you used to be so serious when we first met. Especially when you were in your suit." I smiled.

"That side of me is never too far away. I'm like that at the office." He smiled too. "I don't smile at the office."

I pouted my lips and spoke in a deep voice.

"Grumpy, grumpy." I said.

"Bossy, bossy." He corrected me.

I giggled.

"Now that I think about it, I think that side of you is sexy as hell."

"Then you'll probably be glad to hear that you might see a lot of that side of me once we get back to Miami. With all the time I've had off work, I'm almost sure there's something I'm going to have to fix when I get back."

"You're not so optimistic."

"Realism is what makes business work, baby." He smiled.

"Well, I'm not scared of businessy Bieber anymore so... bring it on." I did a small dance which made Justin laugh lightly.

Our food was brought up and Justin and I settled at the dining table to have it.

Justin didn't have much to say as we ate and that made me worry a little. Maybe he was wrapped up in thoughts about work since he'd have to go back soon. It couldn't have been that bad, I hoped, but what did I know about business? He'd definitely been off work for a while and it was because of me. I accepted the guilt that came with what I was thinking. I was selfish with him and, as a result, he'd probably be really stressed soon and working around the clock.

"Do you have any resolutions for the new year?" I decided to ask him.

I didn't want to have to think hard about things. Ms Jones had told me plenty of times to stop over thinking.

He looked up at me from his plate of food.

"I haven't thought about resolutions." He said.

"Oh." I tried to smile.

"Have you?"

"I don't quite know." I admitted. "I've never set goals for anything before so..."

That was embarrassing to say. What person lived without hope? I'd never hoped for anything good before I met Justin and now, with my first good New Years day approaching-- one without Randy or the stress he came with-- I had to think of something to hope for; something to aspire to.

"I think I just want to be better at everything I do." I said. "I want to be a better support structure for you, to be a better girlfriend and a better friend to you... maybe get a job, if you'll let me," I smiled, "and... forgiving. Yeah, I definitely need to work on forgiving."


"To those who've hurt me in the past. So I can have peace in my heart."

Justin smiled small.

"That's a brave thing to do."

"And a hard one to do. I don't know where to begin." I chuckled lightly, "But I have 365 days to work on it so..."

Justin took my hand in his and stroked it.

"You can do it." He assured me.

I nodded.

I knew I could. I just had to push away my fears and face my demons so that I could be better for me and for Justin.

After breakfast, I cleared the table and put all our plates and cups on the tray that the room service guy had brought them up on and I wheeled it to the door.

Justin was mindlessly flipping through channels as he sat on the couch and I knew for sure he had a lot on his mind.

'Just keep talking to him.'

"Is there anything Pattie would like help with for her party?" I rested my elbows on the back part of the couch and leaned over Justin slightly.

He looked up at me and gave me a smile.

"No, she's got it covered." He told me, "She has a whole team helping her out. It's crazy."

"Did you manage to help her out a little yesterday?"


"Yesterday when you went to see her...?" I tapped his forehead lightly with hopes that I'd manage to turn on one of his mental bulbs and make him remember something that happened about 24 hours ago.

"Oh, yeah. I just gave second opinions. That's all she wanted. Then we had lunch and time flew." He smiled.

I nodded my head.

"Who's showing up to the party?" I climbed over the couch in the most unlady-like manner and sat next to Justin with my legs crossed and a cushion on my lap.

"Some Harrisons are flying in so you'll be meeting a lot more of my family. Aisha's coming too, I believe." Justin smiled small. "Some of my old friends are flying in: Ryan Butler and Alfredo Flores. They're both into film directing. And then some of the company's shareholders and close clients, our family friends..."

"Oh wow." I bit my lip.

This party seemed more intimidating than the charity event.

"Do we have to dress formally?" I asked.

"Well... semi-formal, I suppose. Smart casual, maybe. Nothing like the charity event. This party's going to be quite intimate."

"With a guest list that long?"

Justin smiled.

"It's a little under 200 people, sweetheart."

"Still a lot. I thought only family was showing up."

"Well, to be fair, Richard's side of the family is pretty big."

I nodded.

As long as Aisha was coming, I was cool, I thought. I wouldn't have to follow Justin around like a lost puppy all night and that sat well with me.

"Is there anyone you need to warn me about so I'm prepared?" I asked.

Justin looked at me with an amused look on his face.

He thought I was playing.

"Well, you already know Aisha. Alfredo jokes a lot, my uncle Michael thinks he's always right and then there's Mr Tanner, a close client, he drinks a lot so my mom gives the waiters a heads up about him every year. He's only allowed one waiter and that waiter's only allowed to give him three alcoholic drinks."

I giggled at that last part.

"Oh, and there's Ms Ford. She's... really flirtatious... really old. I don't like using the word 'cougar' but..."

"Has she hit on you before?"

"Many times." Justin smiled, "But I always try to hide from her or avoid her as much as possible. She goes for any guy who's under 30 so I'm sure I'm not her only target."

"Isn't she married or something?"

"She was. That's why she's a cougar now."

"Her ex husband must've really hurt her."

"He cheated."

"Poor woman."


And that was the end of our conversation about Pattie's party and her guests.

I managed to take the remote from Justin and found a Tyler Perry movie to watch to pass the time. Pretty soon, I was passed out on Justin's lap and dreaming about an older woman trying to get her way with my Justin.

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