Boy Of Mine

By ChrissyBear1999

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Josh Chavez is you're ordinary, sweet, GAY, normal boy, or well was. When he powers strong to grow and grow a... More

Intro Boy Of Mine
Chapter One Im Done
Chapter Two Ex Meets Ex
Chapter Three Who Am I?
Chapter Four Meeting The Group
Chapter Five Learning More About Me
Chapter Six The Truth
Chapter Seven Party Central
Chapter Ten Im Not The Only One
Chapter Eleven Meeting Lilly
Chapter Twelve The Truth Is... My Mom Is Cool.?
Sideie Note!!!
Chapter Thriteen Different Life But Same Lies
Chapter Fourteen Saying Hi To A New Family Member
\Authors Note/ Who Wouldve Guessed?!
Chapter Fifteen Trials Of Forgivness
Chapter Sixteen Someone Tell Me Why Im So Confused?

Chapter Eight My Life Tho

84 4 1
By ChrissyBear1999

The car stops at my house. Well here you are josh tell your folks I said hi. "Okay thank you for the ride, bye you guys see you on Monday. "Bye josh." They all say. I close the door and I felt a vibration in my pocket. I take out my phone and it's a text from.... My cousin ANGELA?!?!!!! "Hey josh I know it late but hi!"

I love Angela! She is the person I trust most. She was even the 1st person I told that I'm gay. It happened when she was over my house. I was in the 8th grade and I was talking to a boy named Cody. She caught me talking to him. Hey I know it sounds like she stoled my phone and read my messages.

She would never do that to me so I had no choice but to tell her. She took it well as you can see, this brought us more closer so I was glad she took it well.
"Oh my god I fucken MISS YOU!" (Also please excuse my language 😋😊)

"I know me to!!! But guess what best cuz?"


" going to be down there Sunday!"

"OMG YAS!!!l"

" I know I know so you better get ready for the sexist bitch!! Ha just kidding ;)"

(Again I'm sorry 😂😍)

"Hahaha I miss you so much josh! But I need to go. You know my mom she'll think I'll be talking to some random boy. Even though it was one time."

"Yeah I know I have to go to bye!"

"Bye Brother Babe!"

"Bye Sister Babe!"

Okay now time for a 411 on Angela. Angela lives in la with her mom. Her mom and dad split up when she was 9. The reason behind this is because Angela's dad cheated on her mom. He even went to my mom and I was there to witness her beating he's ass. Even tho she's the older one of 5 brothers.

The last time I saw him was well that moment. Angela tells she still talks to him and hangs out with him every now and then. She still loves him though. I even asked her why and she said "I don't care if he cheated on my mom. I'll still love him not matter what. He's the only dad I'll have and get."

Now that's strong words. I go in my kitchen. My moms asleep and so is James and everyone else. I get left over ice cream and start to eat it. I go upstairs and in my room. I fly to my bed and I moan. (Not like that...)

I grab my remote to turn on my light till I see creamy standing next to my tv. I scream lowly. "Shh oh my god I'm sorry!!"

"What are you doing in my room? At 10:00 pm at night!" "Come with me." She offers her hands. "Why..." I lift my eye brow.

"Smith needs to talk to you!" "Now?" "Yes." "He couldn't tell me whatever he needs to say at school?" "Josh please come!" "Well what if my mom comes in and she's that I'm not here."

"I got that part covered." Jean says coming from my restroom. "How is that? And how is it you guys know where I live?!?!?" " I'm psychic. Remember." Jean winks at me.

"Well can I at least.." "No time for that!" Creamy pulls me towards a portal. "Oh my god!!!!this is so..AHHHH!!!""" I yell.

Then all of the sudden I'm in what it appears to be a office. "Josh." I turn around to see smith sitting down. "Okay smith why did you bring me here late?" "It's time for your first lesson." "Okay but why now?!"

"You can't never wait to learn more and more about you.." "Okay okay let's just get this over with."

"Alright fine. Sit down." Then everyone else comes in even linda. I stare at linda pointing at smith. She gives me a look and sits next to me. "He dragged you here too?"

"Yeah and he sent creamy to wake me up." "How'd you manage to leave without the girls looking?" "I have my ways," then I see Dane. He sits next to me as well. " hey." "Hey, sorry I didn't say bye when I left." "Heh it's okay as long as I see you I'm all good." "Awww." I said silently.

"What was that?" He says. " I said Meowwwww.." "You said meow?" "Umm yes" "you're a dork josh." "Heheh thanks."

Okay I know I may sound like a dick, but it's just that if I like someone I tend to act really stupid and brainless sometimes. Like now.

I mean I just can't stop thinking about Dane. I know random right. I act different around my crushes. Wait did I say crush? Well I guess I did.

"Okay guys since we have someone new in our group i like to talk about our ancestors. There was a legend of how 5 cave men found a mysterious gem that granted them abilities far beyond our imaginations. That's where they gained more intelligence. But after a while one of them wanted more power.he started to create a gem of he's own.

Soon he successfully created the gem but it back fired at him. It created a powerful entity called ISO Flame. It granted him more powers that made him powerful. He killed half the warriors, the warriors had no choice but to kill the warrior. After tey all killed him they went to their separate ways. That's what we all know of our ancestors."

"What happened to ISO flame?!" Dane asked. "It was believed after they killed him it left he's body and is now looking for a more powerful avatar." Smith says.

"What happned to the gems that gave them this power?" Cassie says "They hid it separately around the world." "Have they been found?" Nathaniel asks. "Not that I know of." "Whew this is all creepy." Creamy says. "Yes indeed it is."

"Was that why you called us up here?" I say. "Yes." "So this wasn't training at all. It was basically a briefing." "Yes." "Why.. Why.." " I knew all of you would want to stay home if I said we had to do a briefing."

"Your dam right." I say. "Hm now this is over I'm gonna go home." Linda says. We all get up. Dane grabs me and says "good night josh." "Good night Dane," "don't let other boys bite." "Hah what?!" I laugh. "Come on josh." Creamy says. I walk backwards not taking my eye off of he's dark brown amazing eyes. He waves at me and I wave back then creamy grabs my and we go through her portal.

"Oh lord... This teleporting is making me dizzy." "I'm sorry but no hug?!" Creamy says. I hug her tightly. I like giving her hugs. She seems the type of person who likes I make others around her happy.

I go and take off my clothes.but my ice cream melted and I had to throw it out. This made me mad. But Dane kept me not thinking about the Ice cream. I take off mg shirt and pants and put on my shorts and go to sleep.

~Next Day~
I get out of the restroom and I put on a gray hay with a white shirt with black jeans. I put on my gray and black vans.

I look at myself in the mirror. "I must say I look good."

After checking myself out I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I grab frosted flakes. Because they're great!!!! I take out my phone and go through my news feed on Facebook.

Then I come across a video of two girls fighting because one was talking shit to the other (again sorry not sorry 😏😏👋😍) what had happened to society? I remember people would fight civilized.

Just kidding. Then I see 7 notifications on friend requests. It's from creamy, linda, Dane, jean, Monica, miguel, Cassie, Nathaniel, Charlie. Wow so they basically all sent me friend requests.

(HAY GUYS HAY!! Sorry I haven't published anything. I've been saying that lately huh? Eh oh whale and I hoped only some of you saw what I posted two days. Please ignore that. IwS just going through my random phases where I think ppl just don't care about this story. But things are earned not given. Nd also I had my phone taken away.😕😕 but at least I'm here!! Also happy Fourth of July!! I'll try to publish chapter 8today!!😏😂😊 so how do you like Danes flirting with josh? Would you rather see Dane with josh or David with josh? You'll see later guys! Bye Ya love ya! 😁😁 nd ps I've been loving a book!! Idont remember the title but I'll tell y'all later I totes recommend the book!)
~ChrissyBear Gress~

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