Hazbin Hotel-Helluva Boss Gir...

By Storyzaya

143K 2.9K 1.4K

After learning the dark truth about the extermination day in Hell, the Embassy casts you out to prevent word... More

Harem 01
Harem 02
Harem 03
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 01: Welcome to Hell!
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 02: Staying Over
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 03: Thank you
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 04: Hazbin Hotel
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 05: Up for the day 1/2
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 06: Up for the day 2/2
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 07: New Style
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 08: A New Job
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 09: Overture
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 10: Helluva Boss Pilot
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 12: Radio Killed the Video Star
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 13: Murder Family
HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 14: Loo Loo Land

HH/HB Girls x MAR Part 11: Meeting New Friends

5.5K 156 208
By Storyzaya

[Last time where we left off, you got up and gotten ready for work at IMP. You left some donuts for the hotel before that. When you made it to work, a meeting was in session. Blitzø talks about how they could get business up. There were some ideas talked about but they never agreed on them. (A cutscene plays, introducing the company and how they work). Then fingers were pointing out around, each telling off who's fault it is that business was going nowhere or what they disapprove of their general lives. It wasn't looking well for IMP until the human child Billy started talking all that shit, that is when you struck back at him by burning this kid's world to ash with words. They soon found out that Billy was the real target and ended up killing him. They all remade up and gave his body back to his mother. Now the scene began back in Pentagram City, in a tall tower known as... The V Tower]

*The scene shows the V Tower before it transitions towards an office door. There was talking on the other side of it*

■: "Ew. Ew. Eww. No. Nope. That's a no. Not worth it. No. No. No. Oh, this one's actually really good.. for the trash heap. No. No."

*The scene them transitions to the inside of the office to the back view of some woman sitting in a chair at her desk flipping through face photos. Right in front of her was one of her employees. It then shows the look of the photos she's giving short rejecting comments on. It was faces of different demons, all men*

Woman: *Flipping through the photos* "No. No. No. No. No. No. The fuck is this doing in here? No. No. No. This is just a photo of someone's three inch pecker. Tsk. I be flattered if it's bigger but this is just embarrassing." *Continues flipping through the photos but a bit faster* "No. No. No. No! No! No! No! NO! NO! NO! NO- AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *She stood up, grabs the rejected photos and throws them across her office, making a mess everywhere*

Female Employee: *She quickly moved out the way before that and stares at her boss a little shaken* "M-Miss Velvette..?"

*The scene finally shows the woman's face, Velvette. A female demon with a slim body figure. Has cedar brown skin and long curly hair kept in pigtails with bangs by hair ties, the hair is mainly colored red, the insides were dark navy blue and white swirled-streaks on her pigtails and bangs. The clothing she has on, she wears a long navy blue sleeveless coat with with burgundy lining, two desired hearts on the left side of her collar, has a turtleneck sleeveless crop-top shirt with two desired hearts on the chest. She wears loose pants that are striped patterned navy blue and red. She wears black low-heeled shoes with white pom-pom balls on the top. Lastly, for her accessories. She wears black-striped fingerless opera gloves with alternating colors (white on the right, red on the left) and skull earrings on her eats*

Velvette: "Clean it all up!"

Female Employee: "Y-Yes ma'am! Right away, ma'am!" *Gets straight to picking them up*

Velvette: "UGH!!! Fucking seriously, were these the best sad fucks you could find online?! How am I suppose to test out my new design clothing for those doomers out there if you can't even find me at least ONE individual who isn't looking all fucked or a pile of shit!!"

Female Employee: "I-I apologize ma'am! A-As soon as your advertisement came out, there were just so many submissions coming in from guys all over the Pride Ring. I-I didn't bother looking all over them."

Velvette: *She slams her fist down on her desk* "Well I disapprove of these worthless submissions! I run a serious business here for fashion and I'm not a goddamn fairy godmother to make these pricks Cinderella! Look at those photos and tell me straight up do they have any fashion sense! Do it!"

Female Employee: *She hesitantly looks over the photos she picked up and carefully but quickly analyzed them. She looks up at her boss* "W-Well..you're correct ma'am.. N-None of these male candidates a-are worthy of being the new face o-of your name and brand..."

Velvette: "That's right! Now that you understand.. I don't want to see your goddamn face back here until you find suitable men that has a good face! Now the get the hell out of my sight!!!" 💢

Female Employee: *Frightened to the core and quickly picks up all the photos* "Y-Yes ma'am, I'm so sorry ma'am..!!!" *She quickly leaves the office*

Velvette: *She sat back down in her chair and covered her face, trying to suppress her frustration and disappointment* (It has been two weeks now since I created that advertisement and no perfect results came in. I can't find at least one demon in Hell that would fit in. Uuuuugh, what a fucking waste of my time sending out that ad.)

*After a few complaining, she gets up from her desk and walks over to her fridge. Takes out a bottle of Blackberry flavored sparkling water and closes the fridge back. She then went over to her window to observe the city from above inside her office.*

Velvette: *Opens her sparkling water bottle and drinks. Looks at all the demons passing by either normally or doing usual chaos* (Look at them all. I can't even see even a little potential of these fucks. Some are fat, some are skin & bones, some are lousy-looking and some.. I don't even know why they're even background characters.) *She shook her head in disappointment before going back to observe* (Man, most of these demons here in Hell are fucking terrible. Hmph. One could dream one of them is from Heaven, an angel. Having one of those beautiful pricks here would make things better. Like that it'll ever happen..)

*She drinks her bottle again while observing. As soon as she turns her eye, she was immediately shocked. Accidentally choked on her drink and spits it out on her window. She coughs hard from her choking before getting herself together and looked back out the window, placing her hands on the place. Velvette was in shock and mesmerized on who is she is seeing.*

Velvette: "Holy fuck...! There's a sinner that's this handsome down here?? Shit, what did he do when he was alive to stay like this..??" *She would see him passing by* "I can't let him get away like that..!! This is a once in an afterlife-time chance opportunity!" *She sets her drink down on her desk and runs out her office* "HEY! Go clean my window in my office! I'll be right back!"


(Y/N): *Walking around the city while sipping on a blueberry slurpee cup. You look like you're in bliss. Probably because of the ice cold sugary taste you're drinking. Even though Hell is considered to be the worst, even this place has its wonders like this slurpee cup.*

■: "HEY YOU!!!"

(Y/N): *You hear a voice getting called out. You thought nothing of it, believing their just calling someone else so you kept walking*


(Y/N): *Yeah, it's probably nothing. You just continued on walking while drinking your--*


(Y/N): [UGH FINE!!!] || *You hear a voice getting called out. You can't help but wonder what it is so you turned around out of curiosity. To your surprise, you see what looks like a harley quinn looking girl running up to you. She is looking at you, she has your full attention now*

Velvette: *She came up to you and stops* "You! What's your name??"

(Y/N): "Uhhhh Y/N?"

Velvette: "Y/N, huh?? You are perfect!"

(Y/N): *You tilt your head in confusion* "Uhhhh... is that suppose to be a compliment or something? Also...who are you?"

Velvette: "Wha?? You don't know me?! Everyone should-- Ah, nevermind! My name is Velvette! I've seen you out the window of my office! I never seen you around here in Hell before and I must say, I'm finally happy to get the chance to meet you face to face!"

(Y/N): "Uhhhh... I'm..uhh flattered, really. To answer your statement of not seeing me before Miss Velvette, I'm new to Hell like almost two weeks ago. Though that aside, I'm not quite following you. Where is this going?"

Velvette: "As I said before, you're perfect! Last month, I recently put up an ad for a potential male role model to try out new clothing I plan to manufacture in my industry and sadly, I only got submissions from horrible looking candidates that has no class whatsoever! I was going to give up that point but fortunately, when I laid my eyes on you.. YOU are absolutely perfect for the job!! Not only are you handsome-looking but your sinner form still looks like you're in wondrous shape and not a pigsty!" *She goes around your body fast and touching you lightly, examining you up close* "I gotta say, you're making me jelly!⁓"

(Y/N): *You look at her examining your body. You felt a bit weirded out by this* "Ummmm... oookay...? Can you stop doing that?"

Velvette: "Oop!" *Immediately stops and backs up* "My deepest apologies, babe! Didn't mean to get so close! I am only just checking you out and I must say, your shape and physics are truly impressive."

(Y/N): "I guess so. I do try my best to stay in shape." *Sipping on your slurpee cup*

Velvette: "How amazing! Tell me, wouldn't you be a darling and fill the position of my male role model??? I am in need of fitting someone in for my upcoming clothing in my fashion studio and I deeply require a suitable man for the job! With your charming looks and positive energy, my industry was made for you!"

(Y/N): "Hmmmmmm...." *You stop sipping on your cup and looked away, unsure of everything* "I'm not sure about that... I'm not much of a fan being on camera or having my face be on social media."

Velvette: "Nonsense, darling! I understand where you're coming from! Sure, it can be truly anxious at first when you're doing something important as this but I can assure you, it's really a wonderful thing! Not only will your face be everywhere on media platform but your reputation will definitely sky rocket! People would want to have you, people would want to BE you! Heck, you'll even be seen as someone very fuckable! Even to the ugly bitches!"

Author: [...okay. Ouch.]

(Y/N): "I...I really don't know. This doesn't really suit me and all.."

Velvette: (Ugh! I gotta press harder!! Can't believe I have to do this..) *She turns around and messed around with her face. Clears her throat then she turns back around to you and gives you the most wholesome puppy eyes*

(Y/N): *Shocked* (Oh no...)

Velvette: *Speaks in a small but cute voice* "Pweeeeeeaaaaaseee......?⁓"

(Y/N): (Resist....!!! Must resist...!!!)

Velvette: "It's onwy a photo shoooot for cwothing...⁓"

(Y/N): *Your face is slowly giving in* (Don't...fold! STAY STRONG...!!!!)

Velvette: "I'll pay yooooouu....⁓"

(Y/N): *You were gritting your teeth hard* (RESIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIST!!!!!!!)

Velvette: *Adds more cuteness to her puppy eyes, staring deep into your angelic soul*

(Y/N): *You fold. Your face blushed really hard and turned around* "AAAAHHHH!!! Fine!! Just enough with the cuteness!!!"

Velvette: *She then stops with the puppy eyes and makes a sly smirk, finally managed to break through you* (Hehehehehe...perfectly done, Velvette⁓) *She clears her throat* "So, we have a deal?"

(Y/N): *You sighed, finally calming down* "Yes. We do. I'll be your male role model. If it's just for today that is.." *You sip on your slurpee cup* "When do I come in?"

Velvette: "YOU CAN START NOW!! COME ON!!" *She pulls your arm hard, pulling you forward hard*

*As she did that, your slurpee cup was released from your hand. [In slow motion] You see your cup falling down. You screamed out "Nooooooooooo!!!!" and tried reaching out for it with your telekinesis but it was too late. [In normal motion] Your slurpee cup fell over on the sidewalk and spilled out it's icy fresh and sugary content*

(Y/N): *Sniffs, a tear drops from your eye* (Your death will not be in vain, slurpee cup....)

*At the V Tower*

Velvette: "Here we are, darling! Welcome to the V Tower!"

(Y/N): "The....V Tower?"

Velvette: "Why yes! The massive source of ALL media! Social media, the internet, pornos, you name it! It is all here!"

(Y/N): "Uhhhh huh.."

*They both went on inside. You took a minute to admire the inside scenery of the whole floor. It was truly eye catching and fancy. Not to mention, there were quite a lot of people here. Employees and some news reporters. Some employees see you come in with Velvette and they wasted no time to come over to you two.*

Employee #1: "Welcome back to the V Tower, Miss Velvette! Who is this lovely guest of yours??"

Employee #2: "Welcome to the tower, dear newcomer! You are in the presence of the Velvette! One of the overlords in the Pride Ring and queen of social media!"

Employee #3: "Since you are with Miss Velvette, would you like anything??? Maybe something to snack on, a drink maybe?? Or some new clothes or a new technology! We have another overlord here that creates Hell's best technology!"

Employee #4: "Or are you more into something lascivious??" *They shake their eyebrows, making a finger in whole gesture while smirking* "We have a porno department in the V Tower, I'll be sure to notify one of my other bosses for your first ever patronage⁓"

(Y/N): "I..--"

Velvette: "THAT"S ENOUGH!!!" *Her voice shouted loud*

Employees: *They all stood still all formal and remained silent*

Velvette: "Quit doing this every time I come in! You all are getting on my nerves! Begone all of you!!" 💢

Employee: "Y-YES MA'AM!!!" *They all dispersed immediately away from you and Velvette*

(Y/N): *Your eyes widened in shock from what you saw. You looked at Velvette on the side of you*

Velvette: *She sighs before looking at you* "I truly apologize you had to see that, darling. Everyday when you're in overlord, you have to deal with many, many employees just buzzing you around like flies. Sure, it's a sign to show respect but still, I need my personal space and air, like goodness gracious. You understand me, right?"

(Y/N): "Nnnnnnnno. No I do not.."

Velvette: "Ah well. One of these days when you become an overlord, you'll understand how I feel. Anyway, come on dear. My fashion department is on the second floor, my personal floor." *She walks away, gesturing you to come*

(Y/N): *You followed behind her.*

*You and Velvette went to a secluded elevator made for just overlords only. You looked at it and see it was highly fashionable and golden while the others looked plain and normal. As you walked in, the inside looked very lavish: Nice velvette colored walls and ceiling, scarlet and blue colored soft carpet flooring and the elevator music is truly relaxing. Velvette presses the button to her floor and you both went up. During your ride up, there was another set of buttons Velvette pressed a few times. Two sets of comfortable chairs popped up for you both and freshly sparkling water bottles for you two*

(Y/N): "Woah."

Velvette: *She sat down in her comfortable seat and grabbed her bottle. Gets it to open* "Have a seat and enjoy the relaxing ride, darling. We have it a bit slow for a reason." *She drinks her sparkling water*

(Y/N): *You look at her then generally shrugged. You sat down in your seat. It felt truly soft not gonna lie, makes you relax in it. You grabbed your sparkling water bottle and drink it, it tasted great.*

Velvette: *She looks at you and smiles softly before continuing to relax*

*Fast forward later to the second floor of the V Tower, you and Velvette made it there. You both walked into the fashion department. You looked around to see this entire huge room full of only women employees (all very beautiful), unique-looking designer clothes, footwear, fancy props, accessories, makeup collection, etc.*

(Y/N): "Huh. Now this is what I call fashion. You certainly have quite the taste, Miss Velvette. I must say, I admire your work."

Velvette: "Awww, stop! You're too sweet, darling. I do my very best to make my brand perfection for the public eye." *She smiles sweetly*

(Y/N): "Well my words are true hehehehe."

Velvette: "Keep talking like that and you might end up getting a sweet smooch. Ha! Gotcha there, too soon for that darling." *She clears her throat before changing to the main subject* "Anyway, enough dawdling! Time to move on to why we're here. YOU being my male model." *She claps her hands twice fast* "Chop chop! Come on now!" *She grabs a hold of your hand and moves you to another room fast*

(Y/N): "I'm comin', I'm comin'!" *You walk with her as she held your hand*

*You both went into another room in the back, it was a whole large dressing room complete with many, MANY designer clothes all hanged up from top to bottom*

Velvette: "Here we are! Now you stay here for a moment." *She went off and went around the room, picking out clothing meant for men*

(Y/N): *You stood still like good boyo* 😀

Velvette: *She comes back over after 5 minutes with a whole laundry set of clothing* "I'm back! Here's the clothing I want you to try on!" *She handed you the clothes* "Now let's get to work!"

*As the montage cue plays, this is what happens with you: You would wear each clothing Velvette gave you and come out of the small dressing room for Velvette to see and give her opinion on it*

(Y/N): [First] *You come out with the first set of clothing: You wore a nice business suit*

Velvette: *Sees you wearing it. She curtly nodded, she likes it*

(Y/N): [Second] *You come out with another set: You wore clothing with a lumberjack shirt on*

Velvette: *Her eyes widened, she fans herself. Gesturing you are looking hot in that*

(Y/N): [Third] *You come out with another set: You wore punk style clothing*

Velvette: *She examines you and makes a bit of a denial look. She shook her head no*

(Y/N): [Fourth] *You come out with another set: You wore goth style clothing*

Velvette: *Felt her spine sent an uncomfortable chill. She shook her head no along with a finger wag then a thumbs down*

*For the fifth, six and seventh set of clothing, they were casual clothing you. Some look good, some look bad, some look okay, some look a bit silly. Velvette took her time to examine each one you wear and gives her honest answer and opinions. Gives you a yes or a no, sometimes she'll even add reactions on what you wear.*

(Y/N): [Eighth] *You come out with another set: You come out wearing... Zone Tan's clothing* "......"

Velvette: *Sees you wearing that. Now she doesn't laugh at you but that rather blushes a bit while biting her bottom lip. She gives you the waggling eyebrows, making flirtatious gesture*

(Y/N): *You give her the face* 😑

Velvette: *She gives you the look, saying you look like a sexy femboy. That is when she got hit in the face with the Zone Tan shirt by you*

*After a little while to the nineth and final set of clothes...*

Velvette: *She is sitting on her seat, waiting for you. She then sees the door opening slowly*

(Y/N): *You walk out wearing the final piece of clothing you had. You saved this outfit for last just to have Velvette get a good look at you in this*

Velvette: *Velvette stood completely still like a statue from seeing you wearing that. Her eyes widened, her mouth closed and her fingertips together* "................."

(Y/N): *You tilt your head in slight confusion* "Uh Miss Velvette...? Are yoooou..okay...?"

Velvette: *Not responding*

(Y/N): *You walked over to her in concern and tries to get her attention by waving your hand in her face, snapping your fingers then clapping your hands. You got no response from her* "Is something the matt--"

Velvette: *She fell down on the floor, passed out with a blushing red face*

(Y/N): *Your eyes widened in surprise* "Uhhhhhhhh....."

*After a long while of Velvette passing out on you, she finally woke up and got back to her senses. She did compliment you greatly in your final outfit. After clearing all the outfits that looks good on you, she puts away the ones that looks bad on you. Velvette takes you to the photoshoot room and gets you in one of the outfits you wore. Once you got your outfit on, she gets you in front of a green screen and she goes to the camera*

(Y/N): "Soooo what do I do here?"

Velvette: *With a team of women behind cameras that's facing you* "Simple darling, just model for the camera. Just pose for it! And no, not a silly pose or anything bullshit hotshot type of pose, I mean MODEL! Strike out that handsome and charming look while posing with elegance, show those men in Hell that you're the baddest BASTARD and BITCH that they wanna post hateful toxic comments on Twitter! LET THEM EAT SALT SO YOU CAN TASTE THOSE TEARS!!!" *She clears her throat* "In other words, just be yourself."

(Y/N): (O_O)

Velvette: "Heheheheh, apologies darling. Got kind of into my work. Anyway, let's get into this. Aaaaaaand strike those pose!"

(Y/N): *You looks at the camera. You slowly made a small smile with a simply pose. As you did that, the cameras were flashing towards you*

Velvette: "That's it, you're starting good darling."

(Y/N): *You went into another pose, this time you went into a bit of character, you added some charm into your look. The cameras continue to flash towards you*

Velvette: "That's right! You're doing great baby! Show those cameras how spicy you can be!"

*You were really getting into this and did each different types of poses for the cameras as they snap each one of you. You showed off your miraculous and charming poses for the cameras in each outfit, hell, they even give you props for the cameras, which made them love the shots even more. Velvette bit her bottom lip while watching you posing. She ain't gonna, you were looking real hot each outfit you're in and different poses you're doing. While staring at you, she notices her other female employees are staring at you with hungry lustful looks. Some would stare at your face, some would stare at your body and some would stare at your heavenly.............*

Author: *Clears his throat*

*.......package. Velvette gives them all a very hard glare at them all. Her stare would send out a threatening message to them, gesturing them to focus back on their work or else they're gonna get severely punished. They quickly changed their mood and focuses back on the photoshoot. Velvette huffed in anger before focusing back on the photoshoot as well. Later on, you and Velvette went into her office and she reviews all the photos that were taken*

Velvette: *Looking over all the photos, she is grinning by looking at each excellent shots that were taken* "Now..THIS!!! is what I'm talking about! These are what you call photos, baby!! Ahahahaaaaa!!!" *She smooches the stack of photos in her hand then spins around in her office chair fast in happiness*

(Y/N): *You rub the back of your head, slightly embarrassed. You smiled a bit*

Velvette: *She soon stops spinning in her chair and focuses back on you* "Y/N, you have no idea how much of a big help you are! With these photos, business is gonna be booming! I guarantee you!" *She smiles happily*

(Y/N): "Well.. I'm happy I could lend a hand, Miss Velvette."

Velvette: "Ugh! Okay darling. First off, please drop the formalities. Do I look like an old lady to you?"

(Y/N): "Uhhh no? You still look pretty good for your age."

Velvette: "Exactly. So enough with the "Miss" and just call me by my name, alright? Uh huh? Mhm? Sound good enough for you?"

(Y/N): "Y-Yes Miss Vel-- I MEAN, Velvette. Yes Velvette."

Velvette: "Goodie. But in all seriousness, I truly thank you for being my male model for the day, darling. Without you, none of this wouldn't be possible. Heheh, I'm truly happy I found you outside today."

(Y/N): *You smiled.* "No problem Velvette."

Velvette: *Smiles back to you as well* "Now about your payment--"

*Just as she was about to explain her payment for you, her office door opens. Two female individuals came in unannounced in Velvette's office*

Woman #1: "Vevlette, baby⁓ Hope we're not interrupting you with anything. We have something important we need to discuss."

Woman #2: "Yeah. Your presence was needed in the V meeting room but your phone was off so we came to check up on you to see what's up."

Vevlette: *She gets irritated by the two women that came into her office. She sets the photos down and stood up abruptly in anger* "You two! What did I just say about not entering my office without knocking?! I left a reminder outside the door!!"

Woman #2: "Calm down, my dear. It's not like we're coming in here to fuck like animals."


Woman #2: "Chill out, Velvette. We said we were sorry, alright? We even cleaned up after you."

Velvette: "By we, you mean your employees."

Woman #2: *She shrugs. She then turns her attention towards you, same with the other woman. She makes a long smirk and walks over to you* "Why hello my dear, I didn't notice you there."

Woman #1: "Yeaaaah⁓ Who might you be darling?⁓"

(Y/N): *You look at the two women in front of you that Velvette seems to know very well.*

*The first woman in front of you seems to be the tallest out of the ladies in the office. She's a moth demon with two sets of arms. Her body is slender with broad shoulders, she also has lavender colored skin. On her face, both her eyes and sharp teeth are colored with fully cerise red (no pupils were spotted and she has a singular gold tooth on her left side). She has short white hair. For her clothing: She wears what looks like a long red coat with white fur on around the top part of her body and sleeves (the fur on the top has miniature red hearts all around) and the bottom part of her coat fur shows zebra print coloring, underneath it is a long red sleek dress, her arms wear purple opera gloves, her legs wear long purple heel boots and underneath are fishnet stockings, and lastly she wears a red top hat with a wide, asymmetrical zebra-printed hat-band, in which her antennae poke out like feathers. Lastly, for her accessories: She wears heart shaped glasses with red lenses and a choker which has three golden chains that seems to be connecting to her coat*

*The second woman next to the first looks to be the second tallest in the room but she looked more business-like than both Velvette and the first woman. She appears to be a TV demon. Her whole head is a flat screen TV. On her face, or in this case her screen, has two red colored sclera eyes with cyan blue eye coloring, though on her left side, her entire outline and eyelash is cyan blue as well. Her whole teeth were sharp and cyan blue as well (though up close, you can kind of see blood spewing out of it on her left side). Her eye lids shows what looks like she has dark makeup on. For her clothing: Now that you've gotten a better look at it, her outfit shows a striking resemblance to Alastra's. She wears a navy-blue tuxedo with the jacket sporting coattails, red-trimmed cyan lapels, thin cyan stripes and cyan lining, worn over a red-and-black striped waistcoat which itself is worn over a collared bluish-white shirt with an upside-down broadcast symbol and a rather large, red bowtie. She also wears heeled dark gray dress shoes with cyan-colored laces, toes, and tips on the heels. Lastly, she wears a short black hat with cyan blue lines. Her hat shows a Wi-Fi and wave length design on the little "rag?" tied around her hat and two TV antennas*

(Y/N): *You clear your throat before holding your hand out* "My name is Y/N. Lovely to make your acquaintance. I finished working as Velvette's male model for her clothes."

Woman #2: "Is that so?" *She shook your hand politely with a long grin* "Lovely to make your acquaintance as well. My name is Voxy, Founder and CEO of VoxTech Enterprises. Also one of the many overlords in Hell."

(Y/N): "Oh, the Voxy huh? So I finally get to meet the big lady in charge of Hell's best technology."

Voxy: "Awwww, that's so sweet of you to hear, my dear. I hope you manage to get yourself one of my glorious technology for your uses."

(Y/N): "Why yes I did actually. I actually bought one on my second day in Hell."

Voxy: *Grins happily* "Wonderful! It's always great to hear newcomers already purchasing my merchandise! It's good news to my ears, well, speakers in this case seeing as I'm a TV demon."

(Y/N): "Heh, no worries. I know what you mean."

Woman #1: "And for me... My name is Valentina, darling⁓" *She smiles seductively*

Valentina: "I'm a director and head of the porn studio in this luscious, most extraordinaire place in the pentagram, the V Tower⁓"

(Y/N): *You stop handshaking Voxy and moved your hand towards Valentina* "It's lovely to make your acquaintance."

Valentina: *She shook your hand with her top left hand while having her second set of arms on her curved hips* "The pleasure is all mine darling⁓" *She lifts your sleeves up for a moment, revealing your whole bare arm*

(Y/N): "Uhhhh w-what uh.. What are you--"

Valentina: *She licks up your whole arm with her long tongue. Unlike the canon event, she took her time to lick your arm but slowly and she make sure to at least lick around it until she worked her way up. Her red saliva was scene on your arm and her tongue*

(Y/N): *Your head lowered back from the sudden arm licking* (Woah woah woah woah!!!!)

Valentina: *She made it up to your upper arm and finishes* "Mmmmmmm⁓" *She looks up at you, staring at you in pure seduction and smiles at you with charm* "For a sinner, you taste pretty fresh⁓ Like raw meat⁓" *She giggles*

(Y/N): "Uhhh uhhhh uhhh uhhhh..."

Velvette: "Val! What did I tell you about your inappropriate behavior towards the people in MY business?!"

Valentina: "Awww, don't be like that, babe⁓ I'm only greeting the newcomer with a warm welcome⁓ He don't mind..." *She looks at you* "Do you?⁓"

(Y/N): *You were looking into her red eyes as she stares at you closely* "W-Well..it was surprising but... I-I suppose i-if this is your way of greeting people, t-then it's no problem at all.." *You awkwardly took your arm back, you still feel the saliva on your arm.*

Valentina: "See? He said it himself⁓"

Velvette: *Lays her hand on her face* "Good god almighty..."

*So for a while now, both Valentina and Voxy began asking you questions. Some personal like your interests and life, some about Hell topics like the stores, the citizens, etc. Of course, you answered honestly to the best of your knowledge and they seem to take real interest in you every answer you give them*

Voxy: "So tell me dear, where do you live at now? You're new to Hell for a little while now, surely you have somewhere to call your humble abode."

(Y/N): "Oh I stay at the Hazbin Hotel."

Voxy: "The...Hazbin Hotel?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, it's a place where sinners come in and do a rehabilitation program so they could get better and check out in Heaven. They allowed me to live there and also work there."

Voxy: "That's uhhh... sounds ridiculous, my dear. I don't mean to be rude to you but, don't you understand the concept of "Hell"?"

Valentina: "I agree with her. Darling, no offense. It's sounds super sweet that you are working for a place to redeem the bad stuff in this godforsaken place so they could be better but I would try to look for a different place to work at. I mean, Hell is literally the end of the road. It's a place of eternal punishment for those who already fucked up. You can't undo what's already been done, permanently." [Voxy nods besides Valentina] "If you want my advice, I would suggest picking out a different career instead of working at a ratty hotel."

(Y/N): "Well it may sound entirely new and unbelievable, it doesn't mean it's completely impossible. I appreciate the advice but I'm much comfortable there. So you have nothing to worry about."

Valentina: "Very well, my dear. I won't judge or force you on anything. It is your life after all. Your.. AFTER life⁓" *She chuckles a bit*

(Y/N): *You nod* "And also, the people there at the hotel is truly nice. Well, few are a bit shaky but I guarantee you it's alright. There's some girls and two guys there, counting myself. Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, Husker, Angel Dust, Al--"

Valentina: *She held her hand up quick* "Stop right there. What was the last name you said?"

(Y/N): "Angel Dust?"

Valentina: "Ohhhhh⁓ So you already met one of my employees there⁓"

(Y/N): "What? Angel Dust??"

Valentina: "Of course darling. She's my number one star in my studio and pretty famous all throughout Hell thanks to yours truly⁓ In other simpler words, I'm her boss."

(Y/N): "Oh is that right? Angel never mentioned you before."

Valentina: "Really now? I wonder why..⁓"

*Just then, Valentina walked up to you slowly while shaking her hips slowly. She uses her second set of arm to hold onto both of your shoulders. You tensed up a little. She noticed and giggles softly. She uses her first top right hand to caress and stroke your left cheek*

Valentina: "Tell me darling, how far have you and my Angel Dust have gone?⁓"

(Y/N): "P-Pardon?"

Valentina: "Ya know..⁓ Score? Nail? Pork? Da Business? The slippery banana? Touchdown? Her baked goods? Plunging the toilet? Logging in and logging out? Muffin top? Push ups? Palm tree and coconuts? Bull's eye? Land "Hoe"? Ice cream sundae? Nutter Butter? Fire in the hole? Milkyway? Bigger cock on the farm..?" *She sings for this one* ♫Get in there, yeah, yeah⁓ Get in there, yeah, yeah⁓ Ey big girl make em' back it up, make em' back it up--♫


(Y/N): "W-What Velvette says...... I-I understand what you mean a-and to answer your question, n-no.. A-Angel and I never gotten that far. N-Not ever..."

Valentina: *As soon as she heard that, she grinned very widely. She leans in closely* "Quite unexpected..but such wonderful news⁓ You and I should in keep in touch⁓ I look forward to it⁓" *She comes down and licks your neck smoothly before moving her tongue up to your face (like Venom did to that one grunt).*

(Y/N): *Getting licked again, becoming very uncomfortable but doesn't show it* (Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh..!!!)

Velvette: "VALEN-FUCKING WHORE-TINA!!!! Stop sexual harassing my male model this instant!!" *She moves away from her desk and walks over to pull you away from her. She turns to you* "I'm so sorry for her behavior Y/N. She's always like this with people.."

(Y/N): "I-It's no problem.. No harm done." (Except my mentality..)

Voxy: *She looks at the three before randomly turning her head to Velvette's desk. She sees a stack of photos and picks them up to examine them. Her face lights up blue (in a blushing tone) and before looking through each photograph of you doing modeling poses* "Oh my goodness!! Valentina, you gotta come see these!!"

Valentina: "Mmm?" *She walks over to Voxy and checks out what she's trying to show her. As soon as she sees the photos of you, she was immediately fueled with exhilaration and desires. She grabbed some photos from Voxy and looked through them herself* "Oh fuck!!⁓ Velvette dear, you never said anything about this cutie being a daddy in all the right holes!⁓"

Author: *Immediately stops writing to process on what she just said* 🤨

(Y/N): "Uhhhhh....."

Valentina: "Y/N darling, are you interesting in playing a role in one of my movies?⁓ I can fill you in a spot no problem, it'll be worth a lot of money for us I promise you⁓"

Velvette: "What the-- No!!" *She goes on over to them and snatches those photos from them* "Don't touch or look what isn't your concern! This is for work purposes, not window shop or keep as a merchandise!" *She goes back over to you* "And one more thing Val, I will not stand here and let you groom him off his feet just for him to play in your little movies! He's not a toy!!" *She turns back to you* "Let's go, Y/N. I think that's enough for today!"

(Y/N): "Y-Yes.. Very well, Velvette."

Velvette & (Y/N): *You both began leaving her office. Before leaving, you turned around and said your goodbyes politely*

(Y/N): "U-Umm.. It was..a pleasure meeting you two. You have a wonderful day now."

Voxy: "Of course dear, do come anytime! I'll be sure to have an escort give you the full tour on your next visit! Keep supporting Voxtech Enterprises! Trust us!"

Valentina: "My studio is always open for you, darling⁓ Come in anytime and I'll be sure mama gives you ALL the love you so crave⁓ Just remember, my job offer is still fresh for you any day⁓" *She says this slowly with seduction in her voice. Does a slight lewd pose for you*

(Y/N): *Your face blushed red before Velvette grabs you and you out with her hard*

*Back downstairs at the front entrance. Velvette is currently using a wet towel to rub your arm, face and neck clean where Valentina licked*

Velvette: "Allow to apologize once more for my colleagues behavior and actions. They are never like this in their entire life down here in Hell. I hope this doesn't create any negative vibes between us, darling."

(Y/N): "Hehehehe..no worries. I've uh.. seen and kind of been into worse situations during my time in this realm so.. I'm a bit used to it by now."

Velvette: "Good to know." *She soon finishes cleaning you and pulling down your arm sleeve* "There we go, all done."

(Y/N): "I truly appreciate this, Velvette."

Velvette: "It's the least I could do as an apology for my porn addicted partner."

(Y/N): *You smile softly*

Velvette: *She sees you smiling with such innocense. She couldn't help but to smile back* "Ya know something Y/N..? How did a good soul like you ever get sent to Hell? After getting to know you for quite a bit of hours, I can already tell you're such a good guy. Guess you could say.. I've taken a liking to you. Not because you were my male model but.. You stay true to yourself. Calm, good natured and normal, unlike being someone who stays what they became either twisted or for their sins."

(Y/N): *Surprised by her words before smiling again softly* "Well.. To let you know something Velvette. I never lose my light. Sure, life would throw many things in your way that gets you to snap but.. I never let such hardships bother me, I stay pure at heart. That's why I focus on treating everyone with respect and be honest."

Velvette: "Such an amazing sinner you are. I do wish I still had my light."

(Y/N): "Oh don't say that. Everyone still does, even you. The only difficulty to finding it again is to be someone more than just what they've become. That's the only way to reach for it. Remember that, alright?"

Velvette: *She was a bit in awe from your words, how you said she can still do good even after her end. She nods happily* "I will."

(Y/N): "Well, I guess I better get going them."

Velvette: "H-Hold on a moment real quick."

(Y/N): "What's up?"

Velvette: "I-I know you only became my model just for today and I know we made an agreement earlier but... would you..like to keep in touch? I.. I'd like to get to know you better and..if it's not too much trouble, could I ask you again for another modeling gig..? D-Don't worry about me if you say no! I totally understand you and I won't pressure you to say yes! It's entirely your decision, not mine!"

(Y/N): *You chuckled a bit* "Alright, alright. I be happy to keep in touch and I'll keep in mind if I ever wish to model again for you." *You gave her your contact info*

Velvette: *She takes it and looks at it before looking back at you* "G-Great! T-Then it's settled! I guess I'll see you later then Y/N!"

(Y/N): "And I'll see you later soon Velvette. Take care now!" *You leave the V Tower and made your way back to the Hazbin Hotel*

*After half an hour of walking, you've made it back to the Hazbin Hotel. Upon arriving, you meet the first trio there: Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust who appears to be hanging around. They all looked at you as soon as you came in*

Angel: "Heya baby⁓ Welcome home⁓"

Charlie: "Welcome back Y/N!! So glad you're back and you're still in one piece!"

(Y/N): "I guess so, hehehe."

Charlie: *She smiles happily*

Vaggie: "Were there any trouble while you were out?"

(Y/N): "No, not exactly. Everything was just fine. Despite the usual chaos that happens in the pentagram, everything's A-Okay." *You raised a thumbs up*

Vaggie: "Hmmm. Alright then, I'll take your word for it." *She lies her head back on her girlfriend Charlie*

Charlie: "Though, if you don't mind me asking, where did you go all this time? Before you left, you said you were gonna roam around the city and drink a slurpee on the way."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, I did. Then, this woman I met asked me to do a modeling for her and took me to her tower. She even had colleagues there and they were both uh.... Interesting. One of them, I mean."

Angel: "Modeling huh? I didn't know the innocent boy was into THAT type of thing down here⁓ Y/N, you dirty little secret keeper⁓"

Vaggie: *She looks at you while squinting her eyes, stares at you in suspicion*

(Y/N): "No no no no no!! None of that type of modeling, just for some clothes is all! I promise! Nothing perverted, honest."

Angel: "Phooey, that's a bummer.."

Charlie: "That aside, I'm happy someone called you out to do such a job! Who were these people you've met anyway?"

(Y/N): "Oh, they go by Velvette, Voxy and uh... Valentina."

*The girls all widened their eyes in complete shock, they all looked at each other before looking back at you and said..*

Charlie, Vaggie & Angel: *In simultaneous speaking* "YOU'VE BEFRIENDED WITH THE VEES???!!!!"

(Y/N): *A bit dense* "The Vees?"

*Now as you read every bit of that, news flash. This was all a few days earlier before Episode 1. Now we move on to the present, it was after you've returned home from work with IMP. You went into your room and closed the door behind you. You didn't bother taking off anything so you jumped hopped yourself in bed.*

(Y/N): "Ugh... finally..." *As you laid there for a little while you, took out your phone and searched through social media for a while. Just liking what looks safe and okay and nothing twisted or messed up. Just then, you got a message. You checked to see who it was* "Oh. Velvette.."

*Velvette sent you a picture of Voxy and Valentina doing the most wholesome and embarrassing kissing position. She has herself in the picture doing a surprised selfie.*

(Y/N): *You couldn't help but make a bit of a long soft laughter. You sent her an emoji message, responding with a surprised and laughter emoji followed by with a nice text and with a #Cute* "Oh those Vees.."

*You got an immediate message back from Velvette. She loved your reply*

[To be continued...]

Author: "Hey guys, author here! Sorry for the one day delay! I was suppose to update this yesterday but I had a bit of a problem with termites in my household. Everything's good now so hope you enjoyed the new story part! Thank you for reading!"

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