All it took was meeting you...

By BlueAzure92

20.1K 477 125

Lynelle Celestine accepted her brother's request of her going on a vacation in the Galar region to take a bre... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2. pt. 1
Ch. 2. pt.2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4. pt. 1
Ch. 4. pt.2
Ch. 5
Ch. 6. pt.1
Ch. 6. pt. 2
Ch. 7. pt. 1
Ch. 7 pt. 2
Ch. 8 pt. 1
Ch. 8 pt. 2
Ch. 9
A Nightmare?
Quick A/N:
Ch. 10
A Quick Visit
Quick A/N #2
Ch. 11
Another Nightmare...?
A Quick A/N #3
Ch. 12
A Case of Sleepwalking
(A/N) Intermission #1
(A/N) Intermission #2
Ch. 13 pt. 1
Quick A/N #4
Ch. 13 pt. 2
Ch. 14
A Message... Or a New Mission?
Quick A/N #5
Quick A/N #5.5
Ch. 15
A Simple Purpose Really...
Unexpected Dynamaxing
Possible Danger...
Ch. 16 Pt. 1
Ch. 16 Pt. 2

Rusty Antique

89 5 1
By BlueAzure92

The pleasant light of the morning sun greets her face as she jogs on the streets of Hammerlocke. After her sullen mood last night, she needed a change of pace and a break from the serious stuff. Jogging was part of her morning routine and managed to help her distract herself from the thought of her past nightmares and the situation she was in. A clear mind was what she needed in the morning.

But of course, it wasn’t long. She knew she needed to make haste on her investigation regarding her nightmares. But so far, she didn’t have any other leads other than the geoglyph, which was said to be a depiction of the past where Dynamaxed Pokémon were a threat. The  ravenette lets out a defeated sigh as she stops for a water break. She orders her Rotom phone to show the picture of the geoglyph.

Looking at the picture, there was nothing special to note other than the geoglyph. But when she zoomed in, she then she saw something off.

There was a spot just below the clouds where it had a brown patch. It was out of place yet not at the same time. It could’ve been a design choice but Turffield was known for its fertile land and green fields. So the brown patch was… unusual…

Maybe there was a reason for it, her head did hurt when she saw the geoglyph. Maybe it has some connection with her nightmares. Regardless, She needed to know what was under that out-of-place dirt patch.

But there was a problem with that idea, it was a tourist spot, she couldn’t just waltz in and dig the patch. So she made up her mind to do something she has never done before; Sneaking in and dig up the patch at midnight.

In other words, Vandalism and attempted destruction of a historical landmark.

Lynelle contemplates on whether to actually do it or not. No matter how she thinks about it, A foreigner sneaking in to dig uo a patch of land in one of the region’s tourist spots wasn’t the image she wantted herself to be in. Her heart and morals disagree with the plan but her gut feeling argued that there was a potential clue under that patch of dirt.

The ravenette lets out a sigh… this was a complicated decision to make.





It was cold.

The night breeze flows within open land of Turffield. Everyone was asleep except for the moon high above the skies, illuminating the land with its cool light. No one would suspect a thing when a hooded figure in a dark-blueish green outfit sneaks onto the historical landscape known as the Geoglyph in Turffield.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Lynelle had to force herself to continue on with her plan. She had a feeling she’d get a nightmare if she didn’t do this. Adjusting her mast to cover her face, she began her stealth mission.

Her experience as a Ranger really made sneaking in easy. Her light footing allowed her to sneak past the guards, she surveyed the surroundings to go to the spots not as heavily guarded, and in a spot where they wait, Lucario used his aura and confirmed that there was indeed something hidden under that patch of dirt.

“I knew it… it must be that Shield-shaped medallion.” Lynelle mumbled as they wait for the right time to begin their plan.

As midnight hits, she strikes and approached the dirt patch of the geoglyph. “Growlithe, you’re up.” Lynelle calls out Growlithe. His Pokéball opened and out comes the fire canine wearing a dark-blueish green cloak.

“Use Dig.” Growlithe let out a grunt before digging the dirt patch as silently as possible. And without a doubt, the shield-shaped medallion was there, rust and dirt all over.

Having past experiences with her nightmares, she had a feeling she’ll get some flashback when she touches it, so she asked Lucario to ccpack it up in their bag. As they pack up the medallion, she felt a chill behind her back, and a presence with ill intentions. Luckily, Growlithe pulled her down just in time as a sharp object swung near the nape of her neck.

The swing sounded sharp yet metallic, she turned and saw a Doublade floating back to a dark figure. She wasn’t alone, and what’s worse, the figure wasn’t afraid to kill another person. But that wasn’t what made her heart drop… it was the fact that she wasn’t the only one looking for the medallion.

Not just one… but another dark figure emerged besides the first one.

“Tch… This is bad.” The ravenette mumbled under her breath. She needed to have Growlithe fill the hole back up and cover the tracks. But with these intruders, she doesn’t think they’ll make it out alive. She can smell the malicious intent coming from the two figures.

But Lynelle wasn’t going to back down. She has come so far and she wasn’t backing down easily now that she acquired a key object. Lucario puts his cloak up and stood in front of Lynelle ready for battle.

“Growlithe, you’re not entering this fight. Patch up the hole as neatly as you can, we’ll buy you time.” Lynelle muttered so that only Growlithe can hear. The fire canine seemed to hesitate a bit before doing as he was told.

As far as Lynelle would be concered, double battles are something she can handle with Lucario alone. But her wishful thinking got the best of her when the second dark figure called out their Bronzong. She cursed under her breath, she had to deal with a Ghost and Psychic type as well. She was at a disadvantage.

“We just need to stall enough time for Growlithe to patch up the hole. Let’s do this, Lu.” Her Lucario let out a grunt as he summoned a bone staff. As for commands, Lynelle couldn’t disclose her voice. That was another reason she started using hand signals for commands.

And so, Lynelle swung her arm in an angle heading upwards. Lucario understood and threw his bone staff at the two Pokémon, each hit bounced back and forth between the two opposing Pokémon. The ravenette needed to focus more on hindering the Bronzong, having a feeling that it knows Psychic.

“Shadow claw!” The muffled voice from the first dark figure made the Doublade attack Lucario with a claw of shadows. But luckily, Lucario managed to block it with his bone staff. But the Doublade kept pressing the claw against the bone staff that caused sparks to fly.

The second dark figure shouted out “Hypnosis”. But luckily, Lucario managed to move the Doublade in the path of the hypnosis ray and managed to get the Doublade fall asleep.

Just in cue, Growlithe joined the battle after patching up the hole neatly. The fire canine suddenly launched a barrage of Embers toward the opposing Pokémon and the dark figures. It was a chance to escape, so Lynelle grabbed the bag and had her two Pokémon go back into their Pokéballs before bolting out of there, leaving her opponents in minor burns.


Lynelle managed to return to her apartment without anyone noticing her. Her Kirlia and Duraludon checked her, Lucario and Growlithe for any injuries. Lynelle only smiled and went to the kitchen to drink water.

Running and walking from Turffield to Hammerlocke tires anyone down. She was lucky she wasn’t followed. But she did wondered if those dark figures had any experience with stealth missions before. Because if they were, she would’ve found that some tracker on her person or in any of her Pokémon, but she found none.

Whatever happened back there, all she knows was that there are some people who were looking for the same thing…. And that she was a potential target.

Lynelle let out a sigh, she’ll be having a lot of trouble finding the cause of her nightmares. Now that the history of Galar would be of help, learning more about it would potentially reveal herself to those dark figures, and she didn’t want that. And perhaps… she had to pull Sonia away from this.

The ravenette was quiet, thinking of the scale between the benefits and consequences if she continue on with her investigation. If she does, she’d figure out the cause of her nightmares, but the downside was that it comes with a threat of her and Sonia’s safety.

And with a heavy heart, Lynelle decided to go through the investigation alone.

With a sigh once more, Lynelle went to her bedroom. She opened the bag to grab the shield-shaped medallion and unwrapped the clothed layers from when they picked it up. She took in the sight of such object, it was the same as the one in her previous nightmare. And so, with a light touch, she tapped the medallion… only to have nothing happened.

She held it, gripped it, even placing it near her cheek but to no avail, nothing occurred. This confused her, she was sure something would’ve happened. But perhaps she was so used to unusual events happening to her that she would’ve expected something peculiar… but there was none.

Lynelle let out another sigh of defeat as she lay down on the bed getting ready to sleep. Despite nothing happening, she was still glad to have acquired a potential key to her origin. Perhaps tomorrow she’ll have another clue. But for now, she needed a break.

“Maybe I should go to Hulbury next.”

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