
Caleb_Brosme tarafından

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Nathan Bryce is the next alpha in line, his pack has lived in River Valley for generations. Caleb Brosme is a... Daha Fazla

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Chapter LV
Chapter LVII
Author's Note

Chapter LVI

228 14 1
Caleb_Brosme tarafından

- Nathan -

Moon, please have mercy on us because I'm about to lose it. Seriously, could the Fowler live any further away? I feel like I've been walking for ages and we're still not there. According to Violet, they live in a house on the other corner of River Valley. I should be thankful she's willing to help, but the waiting is killing me. I want to know what's happening to my mate, the sooner the better.

- Come on guys, can we please pick up the pace a little? – I ask nicely but am a bit frustrated.

- I'm sorry, I'm not as fast as you guys. – Violet apologized. Her sweet voice sounded genuine.

- Bro, chill down, the book's not going anywhere. Violet is doing her best. – Mason says, defending his mate.

- I know, I'm not trying to be rude, but... – I say but pause trying to find the right words.

- You're worried. We get it, it's your mate on the line. We would be the same way if it were our mate. – Kaya says emphatically. I simply nod.

- I wouldn't be worried. The color of a werewolf's eyes is usually a representation of their abilities or their roles in the pack. – Violet explains nicely her knowledge. – It doesn't indicate if they are dying unless they can't make their eyes glow, which could indicate they are weak by poisoning and probably dying. But you know, those are very evident cases where you know something is wrong, and I'm starting to speak too much. I should probably stop. I'm sorry. – she rambles on embarrassed.

- Okay, that was... informative. – Kaya comments playfully, trying to lighten the mood.

- Sorry, I tend to ramble when I'm nervous. – she apologizes.

- It's okay, that was very cute if you ask me. – Mason says nicely.

This mother fucker is flirting with her in the middle of everything. The huntress simply smiled back, and they shared a moment looking at each other. Kaya and I exchange glances, not sure how to act. This is a lovely moment, but now it's not the best time.

- So, this book you talk about. What is it about? – I wonder, trying to dig for more information.

- Oh, um... I think it was about werewolf history. – the girl responded.

- Werewolf history? – I question.

- Yeah, it's my father's copy, really old. I remember the book was almost falling apart. – she described it further.

- I don't understand how a history book might help us understand what's happening with Caleb. – I point out.

- Hey, there's no reason to be rude. – Mason protests, the mate bond is clouding his judgment.

- Frankly, I don't see it either. – Kaya agrees. – We have history books; I think I remember reading about a werewolf with purple eyes. –

- She's just trying to help, guys. – he once again comes to her aid.

- I'm not trying to insult your library or your pack, but I think our research might be a little more thorough. My family is one of the oldest hunters, they've recollected a lot of information about your kind over the years. Not just settled werewolves but rogues as well, we know a lot about werewolves, maybe even more than yourselves. – Violet explained respectfully.

- See? That book might be the answer to everything, it's our best shot. – my friend responded.

- It's a long shot. – I corrected, turning to face Kaya. Right now, she's the only one thinking clearly of us, I trust her.

- Well, it's our only shot too. What can we lose, right? – Kaya says.

We continue in the direction of Violet's house. It takes us at least twenty minutes to get there, but we finally do. Being a house on the outside of River Valley means the house is big. It could probably house two medium families. It's almost like a summer house for the whole family. It makes sense for the hunters to live together, after all, they are taking precautions, and living together is safer when surrounded by werewolves. Still, it makes me wary.

- Are you sure your family is not home? – I ask, concerned. I don't want to cause trouble by trespassing.

- Positive. Dakota has archery and Mathew is swimming, they'll be occupied for another hour or so. Carter should be studying at the library. My dad and his workers are either out patrolling or speaking with alpha Nathan, they come home after dark, and my mom is out in the grocery shop with my aunt. – Violet responds, practically explaining the schedule of her whole family. – I overexplained again, didn't I –

- It's okay, at least we don't have to worry. – Kaya speaks.

- Yeah, thank you, you're being very helpful. – Mason says nicely.

- Let's go then. – I say.

Violet opens the main door, letting us inside. She kindly offers something to drink but we are fine. I'm a little upset at how Mason is acting. I know she's his mate, but he shouldn't act like this just to get her to like him. He's getting in the way. At least, Kaya has a clear judgment right now. The young huntress leads us to an office filled with books.

- This is my father's office. If we are going to find something that might indicate what's going on with your boyfriend, it's going to be here. – she assures.

- What are we looking for? – Kaya asks.

- Anything that you think might help, werewolf history, medicine, diseases. I'll try to find the page where it spoke about werewolf eyes in my father's book. – she said.

- Okay, we better start then. – I say.

I walk up to the bookshelf and grab a book about werewolf diseases. I need to know that whatever is happening to Caleb is not harmful. Kaya and Mason do the same, we each take a spot and scheme through the books, trying to find answers. Judging by the size of the library, it's going to be a while.

- Hey love, how are you? – I hear Cal's voice in my head. It's so warm and lovely, I miss him immediately.

- Hi, I'm fine, but I miss you terribly. – he answers, linking with the bond.

- I miss you too, love. How did things go with Maya? – he wonders. Shit, I don't know much about that. I'll just say an empty lie, it can't hurt.

- Everything ran smoothly, just like you said. – I explain briefly.

- That's great news. So, your parents were on board with everything?

- Are you kidding me? They couldn't be happier, they even said that it's a privilege to help. I'm starting to think they like Maya more than me. – I joke. It's true, ever since they found out she's a healer, they are obsessed with her. - I can't wait to see you, I missed you like crazy today. Seriously, I hope you're prepared because we have a long session of cuddles scheduled for tonight. I'm not letting you go once I get my arms around you.

- I'm looking forward to it. – he chuckles and I can picture him laughing perfectly. – Maybe we can even turn it into a make-out session too. – he flirts. I remember the night before and it makes me blush a little. – Well, at least I can still make my boy blush.

- Shut up. – I say playfully. – So, listen, I'm staying behind for a little while.

- Oh. Everything all right? – he responds with a dismal tone.

- Yes, everything is okay, don't worry. Just doing some research, it shouldn't take me long. – I assure him.

I can't tell him the truth right now, he'd freak out if he found out I'm inside the hunter's house, digging through piles of old books. I know I should tell him, but I'm doing this for him. I know it's been bugging him not knowing what's going on. I want to help in any way I can.

- Okay. Well, do you want me to come for you? – h offers kindly. My Goddess, I love him so much.

- No, there's no need. I don't want to trouble you. – I say instead. I wanted to say yes, but I don't know you long it'll take us to find answers.

- Love, you're never trouble to me. – he responds sweetly.

- Still, I can find my way back. – I insist. – I appreciate the gesture, though. – I add to not hurt his feelings.

- I'm here if you need anything. Seriously, if you catch a scent, hear something, feel like someone's watching, or anything at all that might indicate someone is following you, you tell me, and I'll have the pack there in no time. – his tone turns serious.

- I love you much. – I chuckled. – I should get going, the sooner I start the sooner I'll get home.

- Okay, I'll go see Maya. I want to make sure Luke doesn't try to kill Jake.

-That's a good idea. Keep me updated on that, I'll see you in a bit.

- Bye, love.

We continue researching, reading through books trying to find any answers that might explain what is happening to my boyfriend. Fortunately, the book regarding werewolf diseases doesn't mention anything related to purple eyes. I sighed with relief having that scratched out. Violet was right, the hunter's information is extremely detailed and complete. Damn, how do they know so much about us? There are all kinds of stuff in here I don't know.

The section on wolfsbane poisoning was particularly disturbing. I had no idea there were so many types of wolfsbane. Purple wolfsbane is the most common, growing throughout the country, but it's not the deadliest. It only numbs the healing abilities, leaving the werewolf vulnerable. Blue wolfsbane is not deadly, but it takes longer for the system to digest, essentially having the same effect as silver on us. Then there is red wolfsbane, which only grows in southern areas like Brazil and Latin America, it's highly poisonous and, if left untreated, could kill. But the deadliest species of wolfsbane is the yellowish golden, hunter's call the Lycaon's Misery. It's by far the worst of the worst, only one drop is enough to kill a full-grown werewolf. It travels through the body quickly, is extremely poisonous, numbs the healing, and slowly kills the host. If a werewolf ingests it, they are dead in two moons. What a horrific death; fortunately, it's extremely rare, only blooming under very specific circumstances.

- I found it. – Violet says happy. We all move to her side. – Here, it mentions a werewolf with purple eyes. – she signals to a paragraph in the book.

- Ancyor, the third child, characteristic purple eyes, holds great power and knowledge unknown to humanity. Place of origin: unknown. Descendants: unknown. Location: unknown. – I read. – What the hell is this? – I exclaim confused.

- Yeah, what does it mean by the third child? – Kaya asks.

- You don't know about the originals? – the huntress asks confused. Originals, what does she mean by that? I glare at her confused, Maya and Mason too. – How werewolves came to exist? No? Seriously? – she says almost shocked.

- I thought the Moon Goddess created us. – Mason chimes in.

- Not really. – Violet explained. – She did play a part, but she didn't create you. –

- Do you mind telling us what you know? – Kaya says politely.

- Well, it's a lot and the writing is very weird and confusing, but I'll do my best. – Violet clarifies. – Legend states that Lycaon, son of Pelasgus, angered the god Zeus when he served him a meal made from the remains of a sacrificed boy. –

- Yeah, we were taught the story in high school. Zeus ended up killing the guy or something. What does that have to do with us? – I ask.

- Because he didn't kill Lycaon. Instead, Zeus punished him by turning his sons into wolves. According to mythology, Lycaon had 50 sons. Not all of them survived but those who did, became animals. Out of love, Selene, the Moon Goddess, helped Lycaon transform his children back into humans. The curse Zeus imposed on the children was too strong, and she was only able to revert it half.

- And the first werewolf was born. – Kaya filled in.

- Exactly. – the girl said.

- 50 children? Talk about a big family. Damn, that's a lot of kids. – Mason says baffled.

- It doesn't matter, most of them killed themselves after seeing what they had become. – she adds.

- Okay, but what does that have to do with Caleb? – I wonder confused.

- Yeah, and what about "power and knowledge unknown to humanity"? What is that about?

- I'm getting there. – she said bluntly, making me shut up. – The werewolves who survived tormented humanity for decades, killing and creating more werewolves wherever they go. It's... it's believed that the originals had some kind of supernatural abilities... I don't know how to explain. – she said honestly, trying to find the words.

- Well, all werewolves do: strength, regeneration, heightened senses, it's obvious, right? – I say.

- No, it's not like that. Originals were different, they could do... incredible stuff that made them almost unkillable. I don't know how to explain, the book doesn't say much other than they were different from regular werewolves. Either way, since they were such a menace to humanity, the hunters hunted them alongside their entire bloodline. Only five children survived, five original werewolves and Ancyor was one of them. Naturally, he died, but his descendants are still alive. – Violet explained further.

- Wait, so you think Caleb could be one of the descendants?

- I don't know the book has been rewritten and translated many times over the years. A lot of details were lost, but at least it's something... right? – she said nervously, worried a little.

- Caleb is an original. – I say, trying to digest the information.

This is very serious, why wouldn't he tell me he's an original? No, he would've told me if he knew. His eyes were blue when I first met him. Still, it doesn't make sense. If he's an original, then why would his pack risk sending him to River High? Unless... unless they don't know either. Shit, I need to tell him.

- Cal! – I call through the bond, my voice sounding way more stressed than I intended. his

- What happened? Are you okay? Where are you? – he immediately ask. I can hear his worry and fear in his tone.

- I'm okay, don't worry. I'm still at River Valley. – I respond, more calmly this time.

- Then what is it? – he asks.

- I know why your eyes are purple. – I reveal.

- What do you mean by that? – he says confused.

- Violet overheard me telling Mason and Kaya about your eyes and offered to help. I'm at the Fowler's house. – I quickly explain, trying to get to the point. – Cal, you won't imagine wha-... -

- You're at the Fowler's house!? – he exclaimed angrily. – No, get out of there now! It's not safe. – he commanded, worriedly.

- Cal, you're not listening to me. I know what's going on. – I say, trying to retake the subject.

- No, I am. You're not listening to me. –

- Violet is Mason's mate, she's nice, she wouldn't. - I try reasoning with him, but he interrupts once more.

- I don't care, I don't trust hunters. No please get out of there now! – he says more firmly this time. I don't need to feel him to know he's upset.

- Oka- ... – I'm cut at words.

- What the hell is going on here? – a voice interrupts abruptly.

I turn around and see Dakota standing by the door with Mathew by her side. She has a bitch face on her. The whole point was to find the information and then leave unnoticed. Violet's face is pale as if all the blood was sucked out of it. That means she wasn't expecting them for a while. Fuck: if Dakota and Mathew know we are here, it won't be long before the hunters do too. I can hear Mason's heart pick up, and Kaya's scent deepened. Shit, we are screwed.

- What? What's going on? Talk to me, Nathan! – Cal practically screams through the mate bond.

- Dakota's here, they caught us. – I say.

- I'm on my way.


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