
By Rainaloveforever

428K 41.9K 12.4K

Tara and Ibrahim story. What happens when love turned into Obsession? This is not an obsession to ruin her, T... More

Character Aesthetics
The Heaven
Chapter 2: Extraordinary Passion
Chapter 3: The Maze of Devil
Chapter 4: Caging the Bird
Chapter 5: His Biggest Desire
Chapter 6: First Smile
Chapter 7: Token of Appreciation
Chapter 8: Her Intoxicating effect
Chapter 9: A New Happiness
Chapter 10: Black Shadow of Obsession
Chapter 11: The Proposal
Chapter 12: Violated
Chapter 13: His Ultimatum
Author's note
Chapter 14: Only I can save you
Chapter 15: The Storm
Chapter 16: Kiss me
Chapter 17: First Night
Chapter 18: Attack
Author's note
Chapter 20: The first rain of love
Chapter 21: His Beastly Obsession
Chapter 22: Rude
Chapter 23: Her Grumpy Husband
Chapter 24: His Limitless Craving
Chapter 25: One Step Closer
Chapter 26: Some memories are bigger than life
Chapter 27: Special Woman
Chapter 28: A Black Cloud
Chapter 29: Office Romance
Chapter 30: Her Yearning
Chapter 31: I'm All Yours
Chapter 32: The beginning of their love
Chapter 33: Let's Start with Hate
Author's Note
Chapter 34: True Colour of Innocence
Chapter 35: Love in the Chaos
Chapter 36: The Stranger
Chapter 37: The Complex Wave of Emotions
Chapter 38: The Hidden Past
Chapter 39: Insanity
Chapter 40: I'm going to divorce you
Chapter 41: Danger
Chapter 42: A Rift in the clouds (Part 1)
A Rift in the clouds (Part 2)
Chapter 43: Those Intimate Moments

Chapter 19: Gentle

8.8K 1K 353
By Rainaloveforever

She opened her eyes slowly. Her vision is blur. She looked at the ceiling. She blinks a few times. She tried to get up and immediately her face scrunched in an excruciating pain. She looked at her right hand. From her wrist up to her elbow a deep bandage is wrapped. She got scared. What happened to her?

Suddenly one by one the images flashed. She was running with Dharmesh and then someone shot her.

Her heart sped up after imagining the scene. The man was about to kill her but he couldn't. Because Ibrahim shot that man.

She looked at her hand in fear. Is it destroyed permanently. Tears appeared in her eyes. She doesn't want to lose her arm!

She removed the duvet and slowly got down. She heard some sounds. Someone is speaking on the phone but the voice is suppressed. Tara looked around. This is his bedroom. She walked towards the closed door.

"I don't want to hear any excuses..I want his whole farm to burn into ashes before tomorrow...I don't care..just do it...."

Tara's eyes widened. She stood in shock.

"What kind of a motherfucker doctor are you? She is still unconscious... Listen, if she didn't wake up within an hour, i will fucking snatch your degree and make you beg on the road"

Tara trembled after listening all these threats. She held the table and immediately a sound appeared. Within a second Ibrahim came out of that room.

Tara lost her speech after seeing his appearance. He is looking terrible. His hair is messed up, his eyes were red, infact she noticed dark circle around his eyes. Her eyes fell on his hand. He is holding a gun. He is looking like a deranged beast who is capable of burning this universe.

He immediately marched towards her. He looked at her being dumbfounded. She noticed so many emotions playing on his eyes. The depth of his eyes send goosebumps all over her. He immediately bent and scooped her on his arms and walked towards the bed. She felt his heart is beating extremely faster. His breathing is so high and the most shocking part is, he is shaking.

After placing her on the bed, he sat beside her. He is still looking at her in shock. He immediately caressed her forehead in concern. His hand retreated down and he grabbed her neck with his one hand. Tara was too shocked to react after seeing his reaction.

He closed his eyes and his thumb caressed the vein of her neck.

"Ya Allah!"

He released a deep breathe. It felt like he got the best relief of his life. He stayed just like that God knows how long.

Tara was only looking at his face. His breathing is turning normal but he is still shaking a bit. His thumb is shaking.


She called him in a low voice.

He slowly opened his eyes. He kept on looking at her without a word. Tara lowered her eyes.

After a good moment she found his hand touching her wounded hand.

"Is it paining a lot?"

Tara immediately stared at him in shock. His voice is absolutely broken! This is not his real voice.

Tara shook her head.

"I know it's paining..You can't hide your pain from me"

His tone is getting rough.

Tara looked at him timidly. He is clenching his jaw continuously.

He immediately stood up and started pacing in the room madly. Tara looked at him in fear.


Suddenly he pointed his finger at her.

His voice made her numb.

"You are a...."

He closed his eyes. It felt like he is controlling himself.

"Actually not now..I will deal with you later for this stupidity..Let me call the doctor first"

He stormed out of the room.


"It will take at least 15 days to heal...her pressure is normal..she just needs to take rest..."

"And about her diet?"

Ibrahim asked the doctor.

Tara was watching everything while lying on the bed. When the doctor was checking her, Ibrahim was sitting here all the time. His expression is scaring her more. It felt like he is mad, really really mad.

Suddenly Sakeeb entered.

"Sir, Lak..."

"Can't you see I'm busy with the doctor"

Ibrahim's tone made Tara to shrink under the duvet. She was right. He is in a very bad mood today.

"Sorry Sir, but your meetings are.."

"Postpone every damn meeting for this month...I will work from home and i will only attend the last month's meetings"

"But sir the outside work?"

"You want to die Sakeeb?"

Sakeeb immediately walked out of the room.

Now Ibrahim shifted his attention on the doctor. The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled nervously.


Ibrahim asked coldly.

"Nawab Saab..she can eat anything"

"I fucking know that...make a diet chart so that she can heal quickly and don't add your fucking sedatives too much..she can sleep normally.."

"As you wish Nawab Saab"

The doctor started to write the prescription. His hand was shaking. Doctor gave the prescription to Ibrahim and then he slowly left the room.


Nabiya entered the room.

"Yes Nawab Saab..."

"Tell Sakeeb to grab these medicines"

Nabiya took the prescription.

"Ji Nawab Saab"

"This is her diet chart...prepare the dinner following this"

Nabiya finally left the room.

Tara immediately closed her eyes. She wants to show him that she is asleep. She doesn't want to face his wrath.

She felt his presence near her bed. She went pale. She doesn't has the guts to open her eyes. She felt his hand on her forehead. She kept her eyes closed. She felt warmth with his touch. He is very gently caressing her forehead. The touch is extremely gentle. She won't deny but she felt a different kind of calmness with this touch.

After a while he removed his hand off her forehead and left the room. Tara opened her eyes and looked at his way of exit.

A frown appeared on her forehead. She clutched the side pillow and closed her eyes.

The touch is not removing from her mind. It was something so different.


Nabiya entered her room with the dinner.

"How are you Mam?"

Tara nodded her head slightly.

"You can leave Nabiya.."

Ibrahim came out of the room which is inside his bedroom. Tara knows that he is here all the time. She has slept for almost 5 hours from the evening. She doesn't want Nabiya to leave.

She is actually feeling a bit embarrassed. She doesn't know the exact reason. But a kind of guilt is residing inside her. She is trying to find out this but nothing is coming on her mind.

Nabiya slowly left. Tara's eyes fell on Ibrahim. He is wearing a white kurta. She also find out that he has probably taken a bath few minutes back. His hair is still wet. She remembered his morning appearance. He was looking so messed up but now she saw a kind of relief on his appearance. But still he is looking grumpy.

"You have to change your are wearing this for the last 2 days"

He said while taking out some fresh clothes from the cupboard.

Again his OCD is back!

She thought in her mind. But actually she is also feeling like to change. She is smelling like hospital.

Ibrahim walked towards her and immediately he scooped her on his arms. Tara's heart sped up. She closed her eyes instantly. She felt nervous but this nervousness is not due to some fear. She felt a different kind of clenching on her abdomen.

She stared at his face once. He has shaved today. His face is glowing so much. She kept looking at his face curiously.

Ibrahim sensed her staring. He immediately looked at her and as soon as those blue eyes made contact with her, she immediately lowered her gaze in fear.

He entered her washroom and placed her on a chair. He took out something from the drawer and walked towards her. Tara's eyes widened after seeing the thing.

It's a scissor.

He placed the scissor under her sleeves and started to cut.

"What are you doing?"

She immediately asked.

"Removing your dress..."


She said in a low voice.

"Do you have a better option? You will get hurt if you try to remove this in a normal way"

He said while cutting it up to her shoulder.

Tara got so much conscious. She immediately hide her right arm with her left hand.

Ibrahim stopped instantly. He stared at her blankly for few seconds.

"Do you really think I have a plan to fuck you in this state?"

Her face turned red again. She looked here and there in tension.

" Nabiya.."

She mumbled. Her eyes were set on the floor.

Ibrahim stared at her in pure silence.


His straight reply make her look at him in shock.

"I don't want anybody to see what's doesn't matter if she is a woman. I won't allow anyone to see you like this"

There was something on his voice that made her cheeks to throb.

He went on her back and started to cut her kurti. Tara lowered her head in shame. She tightly squeezed her eyes when she felt his fingers unclasping her bra. The kurti is loosely hanging from her shoulder now but it's still covering her chest.

He walked out and again returned. He placed his shirt and a loose skirt on her lap.

"Just discard the cloth and wear this"

He walked out of the washroom immediately. Tara slowly stood up and her kurti and bra loosened from her body.

She held his shirt. It's too big for her body. But it will be comfortable to wear. Suddenly she realised that he didn't give her any undergarments. No bra, no panty.

She immediately walked towards the door. She knocked few times to grab his attention.


"Ummm...Sir...I need... something... actually..."

"You don't need to wear a bra. The shirt is not very thin and you can't wear a panty alone... that's why i didn't give you one..but if you want it, then I'm ready to help you"

Tara's eyes widened and she immediately hide her face on his shirt.

"Do you need my help?"

He asked again.


She stated and walked near the mirror. Her face has turned red in embarrassment. She wore his shirt and looked at the mirror.

"What a crazy man! Why Mahadev? Why? Why did you make him like this? He has no filter on his mouth...all the time cursing and threatening people...what is he actually? Is he a monster? Did you curse him on his previous life? He has no shame actually..."

She whispered while wearing the skirt.


She whispered a bit when her wound got scratched on the skirt.

"Tara...Jaan...are you fine?"

His concerned voice immediately appeared.

"I'm coming in"

He immediately entered.

She immediately grabbed the skirt by her left hand and looked at him in fear. At the same time she realised that she didn't button up the shirt yet.

"Please...go....I can manage"

She pleaded.

But he didn't listen to her. He marched towards her. He lifted up her skirt up to her waist. In the meantime she grabbed her shirt to cover her cleavage.

Ibrahim started to button up her shirt. Tara noticed one thing clearly that he is not touching her in between these whole process. Not a single time his fingers touched her skin. Even when he was cutting her kurti, he didn't touch her.

She immediately remembered his forcefull kisses. She pleaded to him but he didn't listen and kissed her twice by force. She can't understand this man at all!

After buttoning up her shirt, he again picked her up in bridal style and walked inside the room.

He placed her on the bed and grabbed the dinner.

Tara looked at the food. It's too much for her. She can't eat that much.

She find him grabbing the spoon. Before that he put the napkin around her neck. Then he started to fed her. Tara didn't say anything. She just ate silently. In between she looked at his face sometimes. He is doing his job silently.

This was something she never expected from him. Infact she is not habituated with this. During her fever, she has to do her jobs by her own. Noone was there beside her to take care of her. That's why these things appeared so strange to her.

"I.. can't... I'm full"

She said.

"A last bite"

What a gentle tone!

This was beyond her imagination that he could talk that much softer. Who will say that the same man was cursing in the morning and talking to everyone in a rough tone.

After the dinner, he wiped her lips with a napkin and gave her the medicines. Then he make her lie on the bed and pulled the duvet.

After that he walked inside his room and returned with his laptop. He sat on the couch by taking the laptop on his lap.

Tara was looking at him all the time. Her mind is in chaos. She really can't digest this. Is he acting?

She thought in her mind.

Suddenly Dharmesh's face appeared in front of her. Where is he? Is he fine? What happened to him?

She got so restless after thinking about him.

"That coward is fine"

She immediately looked at Ibrahim and find him staring at her calmly.

How did he know that she is thinking about Dharmesh?

"He left when you were dying..."

His tone is filled in bitterness.


She stuttered. She doesn't know from where she got this courage but she didn't like when he addressed Dharmesh as coward.

"Everyone cannot love like me"

This time she looked at him. Again that gaze is back!

" love"

She said.

"Then what is it?"

He asked while raising his brow.

"This is... obsession"

She replied.

He looked at her silently. She saw a smirk on his lips.

"You can call it anything..I don't care"

Tara lowered her eyes.

Suddenly she find him walking near her bed. Her breathing increased in fear. He sat on the bed, closer to her. He was watching her deeply.

"Your punishment is still due..."

He whispered.

Tara lowered her eyes.

"I didn't give you the right to harm yourself like this..if I see this stupidity again, I will make you pregnant every year and you will spending your whole life by taking care of our future, no will live the life of a housewife..."

Tara looked at him in terror.

"But..i want doctor"

She said desperately.

"I know that, but with this brain, you can never be a doctor"

He tapped her forehead with his knuckle.

She felt so insulted with his words.

"Now sleep"

He stood up.

But he again stopped on his track.

"He hugged you that night...I haven't killed him yet only because of you...but I don't know how long he will be breathing"

Tara noticed that he is making a fist.

"And one more thing"

This time he turned towards her.

His eyes were looking so sharp.

"You can talk to me about your every feelings, it can be your hate, it can be your disgust, anything...I won't get angry ever...but...."

He took a pause.

He walked closer again and this time he clutched her jaw and make her look at him.

"Never cheat on me Jaan...Never ever..I can forgive anything except this"

He placed his lips on her forehead and kissed.

"Good night Jaan"

He walked towards his couch and took his laptop.

"By the way, your punishment is still due"

He said with a smirk and concentrated on his laptop.

He found her shocking gaze. He looked at her again.

"Don't worry, You will enjoy the punishment and may be you will ask for more"

Tara immediately lay down.

You will ask for more! You can never be a doctor with this brain! What a stupid man! Why someone will ask for more? And my brain is very much sharp..he is a blunt headed man! Mahadev, can you make him embarrassed one day? That day I will taunt him about his brain...

She uttered in her mind in anger.

"Did you say something?"

Tara's eyes widened and she closed her eyes tightly.

"No Mahadev....I mean..."

She bites her tongue hard.


His curious voice appeared.

"No..Nothing...good night Nawab..Saab..."

"It's Ibrahim"

She rolled her eyes under the blanket.

Brainless Dumbo Idiot Nawab Ibrahim!

She uttered and closed her eyes.

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