Forbidden // OBX - JJ Maybank

By evy0wallflower

6.3K 36 19

Lucy Routledge, the princess of the pogues and younger sister to John b. The perfect summer with no rules, a... More

Pilot 1
Pilot 2
Pilot 3
Pilot 4
Pilot 5
Pilot 6
Pilot 7
Pilot 8
Pilot 9
Pilot 10
Enough 1
Enough 2
Enough 3
Enough 4
Enough 5
Enough 6
Enough 7
Enough 8
Enough 9
Enough 10
Rebel 1
Rebel 2
Rebel 4
Rebel 5
Rebel 6

Rebel 3

109 1 0
By evy0wallflower

I had never considered beach cleaning a pastime for rich kids, but I was mistaken. I had also not thought it would be enjoyable, wrong again. 


"Mom. There is zero chance I'm going." Kie protested, "I do beach cleans on the cut all the time, our school is hosting one next week!" Her voice was getting increasingly more annoying. 

Ann was packing a cooler for us well we ate breakfast, clearly ignoring Kie's attempt at arguing her way out of it. "Lucy, do you prefer apple or orange juice?" She spoke with a smile that said, Kiara, you better shut the fuck up. 

"Apple, thank you." I was debating running for my life, it was about to be a blood bath in here.

"Lucy help me out here. We really can't go. Those people are horrible to us." She pleaded. I was in a very sticky situation. She basically just pulled the 'Mom, Lucy is hungry can you make her food please?' fuck sake. 

They both looked at me warningly. I had no words. I had to think fast. 

"Please don't involve me. I don't mind going by myself if that's easier." Looking back that was probably the worst thing possible to say but, Oh well. 

"Kiara, you are going and that's the end of it. if I hear one more word that even resembles a plead not to go. You're grounded for a year." Ann was fuming. 

Kie didn't say a word. It was probably wise of her at this point. I could tell she had one last attempt up her sleeve though, maybe she'd jump out of the car on our way and make a run for it. I wouldn't put that past her. I just hoped it wouldn't include me in the slightest. 

I excused myself to get dressed for what would be an interesting day. Kie followed me upstairs and pulled me into her room."We need a plan and fast." She spoke hastily.

"Nuh-uh. I'm not messing with your Mom. She is clearly not joking about this one." I replied and started making my way to the door. 

"Please Lu, I have stuff to do today. I can't be used as a chew toy by the goons." Opportunities like this come few and far apart, I needed to make a move. 

"What exactly do you have to do today, that is so important, you'd risk being grounded for?" I was laying the bait. 

She looked stumped, "Um, I was supposed to help JJ with his summer school application and Uh." I turned my head, she was a great liar but I had her.

"JJ would rather die than do summer school, we both know this. What are you really doing? Be honest with me Kie, Okay?" I was testing her, honestly, JJ might be applying for summer school. I doubt it but it is a possibility 

"Okay fine. JB asked me for help getting this sonar thing from some boat in the yards. Pope is with JJ doing some stupid fishing competition and they can't. There, you happy?" She sighed.

"I would be happy if you didn't just lie to me again. Pope is under house arrest and hates fishing competitions. Kie I'm not helping you get out of this. You're not being straight with me so why would I give a shit about what you want?" I walked out of the room and didn't bother looking at her. 

"Here you go." Topper said with a very ugly grin on his face, handing me a trash bag and gloves. "You need anything else princess?" 

"I'm sweet thank you," I replied with anything but sweetness in my voice. 

Kie had managed to make herself throw up right as we walked out the door and got away with 'staying home and resting in bed' Well I was stuck with the royal dumbasses. I was so sick of her at this point. This was nowhere near my ideal Saturday activities but I thought, why not make the most of it? 

"Hey, Jucy Lucy. What have you been up to?" Sarah Camron just called me Jucy Lucy. What the fuck.

"What on earth did you just call me?" I laughed, she was drunk off her face. Stumbling a little she gasped and apologized, "Hey can I have some of whatever you got? Looks like a good time." I asked lightheartedly, not expecting her to run off and grab the bottle from one of Topper's friends. 

"Here ya go, be careful. It's strong stuff." She giggled, "Oh and you should come over tonight. I'm hosting a little get-together. I mean little though, my dad would kill me if I had a party." 

"Uh- I was joking about the drinking, but tonight sounds fun. What time should I come over?" I said well handing the bottle back to her. 

"Oh no, you need to have some. This shit is so boring, like really? picking up trash without refreshments is a crime." She handed the bottle back to me and I took a swig. " We're going straight after this, you can catch a ride with us. No kidnapping this time I swear." She giggled lightly. 

"Okay sounds good." I smiled, "Is your overly confident brother going to be joining us?"

"Oh, Rafe? No, he's busy tonight. Over on the cut with his boyfriend." She laughed out loud at that last bit. 


I was smashed. Whatever Kelce had put in that bottle was stronger than the shitty beer I was used to. Me and Sarah stood hand in hand at the end of the day, as the organisers spoke. We were both giggling like little kids spying on their parents. Connected to my other hand was Sarah's little sister, Wheezie. She was beyond smashed and was on the verge of puking all over me. 

We made it back to Sarah's somehow safe and sound. I don't condone drunk driving at all, but Topper assured me he'd not had anything. Once we got Wheezie cleaned up, Sarah took me to her room. 

I was stood in the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous bedroom I had ever seen. 

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