Oranges; Sinbad x Reader

By Higashikata_Heika

22.2K 900 113

"If love was a fruit, it would be an orange. A circle of sections are held together, but are separate - makin... More

-+- Author's Page -+-
The First Voyage
The Second Voyage
The Third Voyage
The Fourth Voyage
The Fifth Voyage
The Sixth Voyage
The Seventh Voyage
The Eighth Voyage
The Nineth Voyage
The Tenth Voyage
The Eleventh Voyage
The Twelfth Voyage
The Thirteenth Voyage
The Fourteenth Voyage
The Fifteenth Voyage
The Sixteenth Voyage
The Seventeenth Voyage
The Eighteenth Voyage
The Nineteenth Voyage
The Twentieth Voyage
The Twenty-First Voyage
The Twenty-Second Voyage
The Twenty-Third Voyage
The Twenty-Fourth Voyage
The Twenty-Fifth Voyage
The Twenty-Sixth Voyage
The Twenty-Seventh Voyage
The Twenty-Eighth Voyage
The Twenty-Nineth Voyage

The Thirtieth Voyage

133 10 6
By Higashikata_Heika

For the span of fifteen-ish minutes, Hinahoho and I managed to create chaos. The good kind that is. For the first minute, we started a little slow, considering it had been a while since Hinahoho danced with someone. But after such a period, I was the one struggling to keep up. I caught myself a few times before stepping on his feet. Though, it wasn't too bad, considering that Yamraiha and Sharrkan were fight-dancing. I found myself laughing a couple times at their angry faces and iron grips on the other. In the end, I think we all had a lot of fun. Thanking Hinahoho for being my escort, as well as my dance partner, he told me it was his pleasure before his children proceeded to tease him ruthlessly. I also decided to tease Yamraiha.

"That was hilarious!" I smiled, clasping my hands behind my back childishly, as she huffed.

"He had it all wrong! Sword boy refused to dance properly!! But I'm glad you found my pain amusing." She huffed tiredly, making me continue my giggle fit.

"Do you not realize that he might think something more of you? Perhaps he thinks you're cute~" Winking a little, Yamraiha went on another rant, saying that he most certainly does not feel that way. Her own words, not mine. "It's such a shame. You both would be an amazing couple."

"You are a completely different person when you aren't a Priestess, (Y/N)..." She brought up, as a red hue covered my cheeks. Apologizing if I went too far, it was her turn to laugh, "It's okay, (Y/N), you didn't hurt my feelings! Though... it is my turn to tease you now. Hinahoho and yourself seem like a fine couple."

"Hinahoho and I have nothing going on. Besides, I wouldn't want to infringe on his wife's role. It just... doesn't feel right." Yamraiha understood almost too quickly, before moving onto another target not too far away from the two of us.

"Well... what about you and Spartos? I'm positive you and he would make a fine pair, don't you think?" At this my cheeks lit up once more, except into a darker hue. Yamraiha was indeed correct about her words. The more I thought about it, the more sense it made. After all, we shared similar values and a few interests, "What, really?!" Shushing her, I pulled her away from everyone on the balcony, before explaining.

"I think he's handsome... and we share the same religious views, so..." I could tell she wanted to call over said Sasan Prince, before I stopped her, "But don't say anything, please! I'm almost begging you, Yamraiha." The sorceress stared from me, and then back to Spartos. At the moment, he was drinking alone at the edge of the balcony.

"Alright, I'll keep it to myself... except this once." Jumping a little, she grabbed my wrist and approached the red-head. "Spartos, do you have a partner for the next dance, by any chance?" He shook his head shyly, before ushering me toward him, "What if you and (Y/N) go at it on the next one?" He nodded almost immediately, which surprised me a little. "I'll just leave her here."

"Yamraiha..." With that, she was gone. "So how did your dance go with Pisti?" As this conversation took place, Sinbad was attempting to work up some courage to ask me to dance, however, it wasn't helping that Spartos and I were alone with one another. Ja'far watched with great amusement. Even though he swore to protect his King from harm, he still had a sadistic thrill when it came to pain. Sinbad's pain in particular.

"Why don't you just ask to dance already? This is very pathetic, Sinbad." Ja'far huffed, stirring the pot while twirling the ends of his headdress amusedly. The purple-haired sailor glared at his advisor, before scoffing himself.

"You just don't get it do you, Ja'far? I can't just ask her to dance. The timing must be perfect." Sinbad explained, recalling how well timing really is. If a woman is in a good mood and is in a romantic setting, then she'd be more willing to dance then if she was in a bad mood and in a setting where she felt in danger or uncomfortable. He had expertise and a lot of experience when it came to this sort of thing.

"As perfect as Spartos and her dancing?" Sinbad shot his golden eyes open before staring down at the dance floor. The music had started and Spartos and I flowed around the floor. Unlike my amazing time with Hinahoho, Spartos was more professional about the dance. He made sure he was in the right position at all times and that I was comfortable. Sinbad saw it. His Generals saw it. Everyone saw it. A perfect marriage, relationship, and alliance was born in a single moment. Sinbad watched on in a dejected manner. Girls from his harem would approach and ask him to dance, but he couldn't focus. Everything was out of perspective except the two dancing right in front of him.

"Spartos, where did you learn to dance? I thought Sasan kept the women away until you were rightfully married." I questioned, maintaining the right amount of distance. The light red hue on his cheeks told me to do so. However, I thought it was cute. Of course, at that same moment of time, he was thinking the exact same thing.

"You would be correct on that. I was taught to dance when I was first placed under Lord Sinbad. He told me it was a skill every gentleman should know how to do. Pisti was my dance partner." The Sasan Prince told, gazing away from my eyes. He continued to hold me close, nevertheless.

"Well, you dance like a natural." I smiled, as the music continued. The need to speak was practically nonexistent. It wasn't awkward. More so a comfortable silence neither of us would dare break. We felt like the only people in that room. At the end of it, we clapped toward the musicians kindly, before I went back up the stairs with the Prince. After a moment, the next piece started to play. I sat in a chair watching with delight.

"Now is the time, King Sinbad." Ja'far spoke mockingly, getting annoyed. The one he chose to devote his life to couldn't even ask the girl he liked to dance. Ja'far found it pathetic. Sinbad was about to make his move, however, three of his 'harem' jumped in front of him, asking him to dance. His amber eyes gazed on me one more time, before he was forcibly whisked away by girls a little under fifty four kg. He danced with each at a different interval, and strangely, he felt melancholic that I was watching him. Of course, a broad smile was painted on my features, but he still felt a little hurt. The third dance ended. "Spartos," Ja'far started, wanting to heat things up a little, "You like (Y/N) don't you? I've seen how you look at her."

"H-How did you know, Ja'far?" Spartos whispered, surprising the bleach blond. He wasn't expecting that. "I didn't think it was that obvious..."

"No, I'm the only one who knows." Spartos breathed out a sigh of relief, as Ja'far continued his plan. "Why don't you ask her to dance again?" In dancing culture, it is unheard-of to dance with the same girl twice, unless you loved her or if she was your spouse. It was a sign of great affection.

"I could never. I already danced with her." Spartos told, but Ja'far wouldn't quit what he started. After all, Sinbad was starting to gain more courage.

"Don't be silly, Spartos. If you love her, then ask her again. I'm sure she'll say yes." Said red head approached me again, before asking for another dance. As for me, I didn't think much of this rule. '(Y/N), never dance with the same man twice unless he makes you comfortable,' I was told. And Spartos made me comfortable, so I didn't find harm in it. Accepting his request, the fourth song played. And Sinbad was practically fuming. He admired and respected all of his generals; however, this was a little too much to bear. He couldn't make a scene though, so he watched us in silence. Ja'far was smiling the entire time. 'Maybe he'll get the courage now.' He thought. At the end of the fourth, I sat back down in my chair, next to Yamraiha.

"What?" I asked her, unsure what that grin was for.

"You and Spartos really are cute together~" She cooed lovingly, as a pink hue covered over my cheeks softly. I didn't know what to say to that. 

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