HOM Thyme - Kevin

נכתב על ידי Pink2Jai

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His Omega Mate Tine and Gulf, the two best friends always wish their children to be best friends to each oth... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 8

417 63 48
נכתב על ידי Pink2Jai

As Thyme reached inside his bedroom, he let out a groan glancing around the room. His laptop was gone, together with his tablet plus his mommy took his phone as well. Damn there was nothing for him to do except for his homework.  Thyme went toward his desk, throwing his backpack on the floor as he sat on the chair feeling bad for himself. He close his eyes and throws his head behind thinking about his encounter with the Omega. He really hate that brat he still made him do things he doesn't want to. This is not Thyme Guntituthon for fuck sake. He need to get hold on himself. He can't let himself get manipulate over and over again. The little Alpha cursed himself for loosing his shit for god damn reason.  And for that he has to bare the consequence. Thyme already started feeling bored but he has to wait for his Dad to reached home. Thyme relentlessly grab his backpack and decide not to think about the brat instead he finish his homework when it was done after 40 minutes once again boredom hit him and to keep himself busy he pulled out his sketch book which he haven't touched since forever because he still hate art but what other option he got anyway.  His mommy had really think it through to punish him like this and he must admit its a really good one because he fucking hate drawing. With no other choice and to keep himself busy from thinking about the brat Thyme's started drawing simple things he like and fan of. Like a racing car, his favourite anime character Light Yagami with an apple and L. It took him an hour but when he finish drawing them he was satisfied realizing even tho he doesn't like to draw he's pretty good in it. Suddenly he pushed the sketch book away and went to grab some book to read as his eyes landed on a book about History of Omegaverse. Thyme read about fated mated who are compatible to each other and paired by moon goddess. He believe in fated mate's since his parents are the one, his grandparents too. He wish he'd find his fated mate too one day. Then the chapter came about heat and rut and Thyme immediately make a face like puking followed by rolling his eyes. He felt gross to read about it as he would never like to imagine his parents or grandparents having sex with all kind of reference and what not. He doesn't need to read he already know about those things and how it works. He quickly shut the book and once again grab his sketch book thinking about what to draw next. He really hates it when his phone is not with him and this is all because of that cunning brat Omega. It's not even a complete whole week and he is already punished because of him. Thyme shake his head to shrug his thought then started wrecking his brain about what to draw next when his stubborn inner self began to think about the person he really hate once again how his long hair was falling on his eyes often.

After dinner, Sarawat and Tine summoned Thyme in the living room. Tine started "Do you know how disappointed your teacher are?". Thyme stayed quiet as he sigh out loud. Tine added "I had to apologize to save your ass from getting expelled. You know bullying Omegas are serious offense". Thyme already know, his mommy had given him the same lecture about it years back. But he doesn't want to count Kevin as an Omega. He's a cunning bratty Omega. The little Alpha stayed quiet without responding anything and lowering his head. But then Sarawat called out "Son. Do you want to tell us what is your problem with Kevin?". Problem he got a lot of problem with Kevin. And first he would like to begin with, Why the hell he has to born in the same timeline as him?. Actually he know why?. Bloody Moon Goddess wanted to have some fun by making his life miserable but he really can't say that to his parents. Can he?. Thyme was still looking down having his own discussion inside his head so Sarawat had to call his name sternly "Thyme I'm asking you something?". Thyme immediately look up and breathout "Dad, it was an accident". The Alpha Dad gave him a pointed look, while Tine raise his eyebrow in disbelief. It was clear they both knew their son was lying. Thyme then stated breathing out "Okay, it wasn't. But I just push him a little and I'm sure that Omega brat fall down on his own on purpose for a show to make me a bad guy in front of everyone". Tine immediately warn "It doesn't matter. You still cannot bully any Omega out there no matter what. Thyme you're an Alpha, Moon goddess made you stronger and bigger from others so that you can protect others in need, help them. Not to harm or bully them". Sarawat sit back on his seat asking "True but I still don't get it what is your problem with that boy. You don't misbehave or act violent with anyone else. Why do you dislike that boy so much?. We thought we were past this since it's been years. Son, Can you explain us what did Kevin do to you, to make you this mad and to push him like that?".

Thyme took a deep breath as he started "I don't know that brat was smiling at Jo...". The little Alpha abruptly stopped as he began to think what exactly happened for him to get mad at Kevin on the first place. Kevin did nothing to him except ignoring and avoiding him since he come back to school. Then he was only having a conversation with Jose. But when Jose touched him and the way Kevin blush and smile back at him that's when he looses his shit. Both parents frown at Thyme but patiently wait for their son to think carefully and explain them what is his actual problem with Kevin is. After thinking it through Thyme blink at his parents dumbly as his hands fisted tightly before he started to explain "he always irritate me..". Both parents exchange the look with each other as Sarawat question calmly "Can you tell us How he irritates you?". Thyme swallowed hard and started wrecking his brain what to answer now. Both parents patiently waited for their son to explain them by exchanging look with each other from time to time but when Tyme didn't respond for long Tine reminded him "Thyme, Dad ask you something?". Thyme gulped and honestly answer "he... he irritate me by ignoring me. Since he return back ...He never ..never spare me a single glance on purpose. He made me feel like...I don't exist". Fuck, this sound utterly ridiculous and so so stupid. God he wanted to bury himself under the ground and never wanted to come out. Both parents have a wired expression after hearing Thyme. Thyme run his hands on his face before he add "Dad... Mommy... You ...You don't know Kevin. Being gone from here for years now when he is back, he talk with everyone and stupidly smile all the time but ignore me like I don't exist that is what made me really mad. That brat was doing it on purpose". Tine suddenly pursed his lips hiding his eyes behind his hand while Sarawat was smirking at his shy wife out of the blue for god knows what reason. Thyme suddenly felt clueless and confused watching his parents reaction to his explanation. He was relief atleast his parents doesn't look angry on him like what Thyme was expecting them to be. 

After a moment Tine look up at his son then stated "Thyme, maybe his parents must have asked him to avoid you, since they already know you both don't get along at all. They must have told him to stay away from you and not to bother you. Maybe he really doesn't want to do anything with you as well. And that is why he was ignoring you". Sarawat  nods as he agreed with his wife adding "I think mommy is right. You should do the same, leave him alone". Thyme felt confused what his parents advice him as if he is one asking that brat to come and mess with him and why should he avoid the brat?. Isn't that brat Kevin is the one who always made him pull all kind of stupid stunt then play victim in front of everyone. He seems to be on a mission to prove him a bad guy each time they come across each other. Tine observe  his son look and he can clearly understand what he asked was seems difficult for Thyme to obey so he further  added "Thyme baby...we should  not forget that Kevin has been gone for long only because of you. You dare to go to their house and insulted him in front of his parents and us. You're an Alpha and Kevin is an Omega, he is much smaller and weaker than you. You both need to leave each other alone before something more bad happened and we all regret". Thyme really don't understand why his parents asking him to behave when they should go and scold the brat for not showing respect to him. He should be punish to punch him. With his fragile, thin and delicate body he get away by playing victim and this is really not fair. Tine question his son low-key wish to hear his son positive reply "Thyme do you agree?". Thyme again stayed quiet without answering causing as if he was still not convinced  to leave the omega alone. He for reasons find it difficult to agree. How stupid can it be to do which he always wanted to do. God he is going to go crazy very soon. When Thyme didn't respond it was time for Sarawat to put his foot down as he state sounding firm leaving no rooms for argument "You don't have choice Thyme, We want you to avoid Kevin at all cost because this is the last time we are supporting you in this matter. You both are growing up and need time to concentrate on your studies instead of picking fight with each other. You need to get over the fact that Kevin isn't the one to mess with. Simply because You both don't like each other. Is that clear? ". Thyme nods his head. He really hate to be in such kind of situation. His parents  never impose any decisions on him until now but whatever if his parents wants him to back down and avoid that brat at all cost then he will try to do so anyway what other choice he got.

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