Chapter 1

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8 years old Thyme

Sarawat drive the car inside the huge school premises then stopped it in front of D.A International School enterance, The trio quickly steps out from the backseat, they didn't even flinch looking at the huge building as they didn't expected anything less from their billionaire father. Sarawat  had gone all the way, to admit his children in one of the best and top notch school. It's just Thyme, who was suddenly started feeling little wired as he turned his head right and left to see somthing, that made him feel such but in the first place he doesn't understand what he wanted to find nor had any clue about what he was looking for. After Tine stepped out Sarawat inform his wife "baby wait here for me". Tine nods in respond as he let his husband go and park his car. Meanwhile Tine immediately kneeled in front of his triplets saying "I don't have to tell you to be good in your new school, behave in class because I know you will". The Omega mommy said it confidently with a big wide smile. Tine really feels blessed having super intelligent childrens and he have no doubt that his triplets will maintain their grade and never let him down specially his oldest Thyme. The trio were excited to join their new school ofcourse Thyme already wanted to be like his father as successful as Sarawat Guntituthon, He already wanted to study business in future to take Guntituthon legacy to another level, and for that he need to study hard, keep his grades high. He wanted to make his Omega mommy proud, Thyme only wanted to be his mommy's best son. While Tim just wanted to live in present without the care of anything with his siblings. He doesn't bother much thinking about what future had store for him. The second child was still clueless about what he wanted to be. Anyway when Sarawat hurriedly walk back closer to his family, Sia look at her father saying "Daddy I'm going to miss you". Sarawat quickly pulled his princess up in his embrace saying "I'm going to miss you too baby girl, but guess what You're going to have so much fun in your new school and I'm sure you are going to make lots of friends". Sia felt excited but she also felt unsure about her father's  words. In her old school she had some difficult time making friends, hence she always stuck with her two brothers, no that she minds it she just hope no one bullys her in new school for being an Omega girl, not because she is afraid to get hurt, it just she doesn't wanted to punch anyone on her first day of school. Tine smile at his two boys and he reached out to press his lips on each of his kids head then remind his mate "It's time for them to go inside, Wat". Sarawat pressed a kiss on his daughter's head  then put her down on to her feet. Tine pressed a last kiss on Sia head then ask his children to concentrate properly on their studies, not to get in trouble and take care of each other. In the end Sarawat wished his children to have a fun and not to be afraid of anyone causing Tine to roll his eyes on his husband's statement. The two boys, out of habit brought Sia in between them before they make their way inside the enterance waving good bye to their parents.

As soon as Thyme step inside the classroom, he once again sense a wired feeling in his heart, some kind of potent scent almost made him dizzy this time it was bit strong for his liking. Something was really not right in his surrounding but before Thyme could find out the source, his head snapped to his right when he heard the familiar voice greeting his sibling "hey guys. What a pleasant surprise. Didn't knew you are going to attend my school". Kevin walk closer to triplets, as he wave his hand towards Si and Timmy ignoring the oldest completely intentionally. Si and Tim automatically had a big wide smile finding Kevin in the same classroom while on the other hand Thyme inwardly gritted his teeth, he pinch his eyes cursing under his breath watching the brat making his way closer. For Thyme nothing more worse can happened to be in the same school attending same class as this brat Kevin. When Thyme saw his siblings waving back and looking excited towards Kevin, he clench his fist. Kevin quickly gush towards Si and Tim without bother any glance towards Thyme direction. Kevin excitedly stated "Guys, I'm so happy to see both of you. I can't believe we are in the same class". Si started giggling finding Kevin's so happy, she excitedly stated "Glad to see you too". Tim added "Yeah... You can give us the tour later". Kevin respond "Ofcourse.. We are going to have so much fun". Thyme rolled his eyes at Kevin statement and before the brat pissed him more, the little Alpha decide to ignore and take away his siblings from the Omega brat boy. But it didn't happend because Kevin grab Si hand and took her to sit with him while Tim shrug and drape his arm around Thyme taking him along to settled down behind his sister and Kevin. The little Alpha sigh hard but he need to do what his mommy told him, concentrate on studies, not to get in trouble and took care of each other.

Kevin and Si talk non stop, Tim often joined the conversation from behind asking question about what not while Thyme annoyingly waited for their teacher to arrived in the classroom. It was still mid term, the whole class was pretty much familiar with each other except for the triplets. When the teacher enter, she immediately spot the triplets after introducing herself she ask the triplets to introduce themselves one by one. It was Si, first She started "My name is Sia, My parents and brother calls me Si. I like to draw and dance". Some students smiled at her and other shrugs. Next was Tim introducing himself by saying his name and informing how much he like to eat and sleep making Kevin to chukle back at the boy. Thyme couldn't help he roll his eyes at Kevin then  introduced himself shrugging "My name is Thyme Guntituthon". He doesn't find the need to inform about his likes. So that was all he stated, The little Alpha looks like he had done a big favour on his class by just announcing his name. In the end the teacher smile and nods, she didn't dare to question further about his liking knowing Thyme is the son of The Sarawat Guntituthon and somewhat look already pissed she decide let it be. Kevin, Si and Tim once again talk for the whole class in hush tone, whispering continously among each other. The teacher couldn't able to catch the three but Thyme was getting really annoyed every passing minutes watching how much his siblings were showing interest in talking to the brat. Kevin boosted softly "I'm the most popular in our class. Everyone wants to be my friend". Thyme scoffed out loud grabbing his teacher attention but she only gave a mild glare and let it slide as it was the first time. After that Thyme decide to concentrate on the lesson and ignore the chit chat going on in front. He even kick his brother leg to shut him up and listen to the teacher. But it didn't work tho for long, after a while Tim stomach grumble loudly causing Si and Kevin to giggle turning their head back at Tim. Kevin muttered softly glancing towards the hungry boy "Hold on T, In five more minutes, the bell will ring, it means time to go for lunch... You shoud try Pizza from the cafeteria it is my favourite". Thyme was very much annoyed by now. What the hell with the nickname T. He couldn't stop himself as he flatly stated a little louder grabbing other student's and teacher attention "Nobody here is interested knowing about your favourite food. Amd his name is Timmy, not T ". It was first time Thyme directly and rudely respond to Kevin's words even before Tim could reply back. But unfortunately at the same time Teacher caught Thyme grunting. She lost it completely this time as she  asked in her stern voice "Thyme Guntituthon, Are you here to disturb my class?. Stand up until the class is over".

Thyme turned his head from Kevin who was glaring at him, giving him a murderous look, but after hearing a smirk appears causing the little annoyed Alpha forces to tore his gaze and look at his teacher. He never felt this much humiliated before in front of the whole classroom. He never got punished for disturbing. It was not even his fault in the first place. But Thyme still stands up and softly muttered in low voice "Sorry, teacher I didn't mean too". The teacher shook her head in disappointment. While Some kids laugh at Thyme direction, making the little Alpha feel more embarrassed and more angry at the brat because Kevin was the one who was talking non stop and disturbing him and his siblings. When teacher went back to continue reading Tim grabs his brother's attention by elbowing him gently mouthing sorry in a cute way. It was his way to make his brother feel better but nonetheless the damage was done. He will never forgive that brat. After that Si and Kevin stopped talking and decide to concentrate in their book. Thankfully  Thyme didn't had to take the punishment for long, the rest of the minutes passed by early and the bell rang for lunch break.

Share your thoughts. First chapter is always difficult plus lack of time these days leaving less rooms to edit and brainstorming. Kindly be patients and support 🙏.

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