Chapter 6

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Thyme was mad, tottaly mad. Everyone made him feel like he's the bad guy when in reality it was that cunning Omega who pretended nice in alone then suddenly act like a victim in front of their parents. Thyme Guntituthon never met such a cunning brat in his whole life. He really hates Kevin with every fiber of his being. Tine on the other hand try his best to calm himself down taking long loud deep breath but it was certainly useless. He was fucking loosing his shit on his first born behavior. He just can't believe his eldest will be much more bigger devil than his only devil husband. What did he expected?, Afterall Thyme was Sarawat Guntituthon's son in the end, he will inherit his dad's stupid qualities anyway. The Omega mommy glared at his husband direction flatly putting all the blame on his poor husband. Tine deathly glare causes Sarawat to gulped hard in fear and worry, cause he can hear his wife loud and clear blaming him for Thyme's attitude. The Alpha Dad decide to stay silent and not to comment anything. He doesn't wanted to piss his wife more than Tine already is, Tine is dangerous when he's mad plus he doesn't wanted to sleep outside of bedroom all alone. As soon as the Guntituthon family left Mew's premises and drive on to the empty highway Tine blasted and yell for the first time at his son "How dare you to bully Kevin. That child is innocent. Thyme Guntituthon. I never thought my eldest son would trouble some Omega in school, You got the fucking guts to visit his house at midnight then insult him by calling ugly and scardy cat in front of his parents damn you're Sarawat Guntituthon blood and flesh.... Bullying is serious offense Thyme, don't you fucking know about it?. I'm so shock with your fucking attitude and I'm so disappointed in you today".

After hearing Sarawat wasn't sure if he take it as a compliment or his wife was actually complaining about him being the father. And before Tine could scold or say something more Sarawat dare to interrupt his wife "Baby.. umm..". He wanted to remind his wife to mind the F word while speaking to their kid but in response Tine angrily glared and groan at his husband for disturbing him "What is your fucking problem?!. Can't you see I'm talking here!". Sarawat look taken aback then decide to shut his mouth, to save himself from Tine's wrath he shook his head and decide to mind his driving. Tine huffed at his husband as he turn his attention back on Thyme and continue yelling and scolding his eldest for long while breathing deeply and shaking his head in disappointment but Thyme really didn't care about anything at the moment. That brat Omega was all running into his mind making him feel more annoyed and mad and things he never thought about him. This is the first time his mommy was scolding him, first time his mommy was angry on him. First time his mommy was disappointed in him and all because of Kevin. Sarawat finally stopped the car at their mansion enterance that's when Thyme couldn't take it anymore he retorted sounding irritatingly "It isn't my fault that he's a scaredy cat. We weren't bullying him, it was just a small prank. Nani pull on him And frankly Mommy I don't think calling Kevin ugly count as an insult because he's an ugly Omega and I hate him with every things in me". Tine ghasped for the millionth time his mouth formed O, as he looked shocked hearing Thyme's words, who just run away inside the mansion after climbing down from the car.

Tine couldn't stop himself he charge behind his eldest son to teach him a good lesson, leaving his husband to pray to God for everyone safety. As Tine entered inside his boys bedroom behind Thyme, who straight went inside the bathroom locking himself. Tine had open his mouth to yell at Thyme once again but abruptly stopped when his eyes landed on a bean bag near the window. He saw his, second son was wide awake busy on his phone, scrolling and reading something bluntly ignoring his angry mommy and annoyed brother who just entered inside the same room. The Omega mommy walk closer to his second son Tim and tightly called his name asking "Tim. Why are you awake?". The little Alpha continue what he was doing, reading more article with full concentration about a certain someone ignoring his mommy voice. He couldn't even look up at his mommy, as he seems so engrossed in the article about the man, who brought chaos in his mind and body. The hell he wanted to know anything other than the man who was suppose  to be had some connection to him. The temperature once again rise inside Tine, when Tim ignored him now the Omega mommy was so done holding onto his patience. After having a tiring and exhausting day, celebrating his children 10th birthday he just wanted to sleep for the night but here he was going mad after his two son. Tine call his son name once again little louder this time, then again a little more louder with irritation then again while gritting his teeth and loosing the last thread of his sanity. Tim still wasn't paying attention until Tine had to reached out and snatched the phone and threw it somewhere yelling "What is wrong with you?.... what is so important right now for you to fucking ignore your mom like that?. Are you deaf?. Can you not hear me calling your name hundred of times?".

Tim was stunned and startled watching his mommy standing in front of him spitting out words of anger. His mommy look mad but so was he he groan "What the..... Mommy you cannot just barge in my room and threw my phone like that". Tim couldn't  care less about the reason of his mommy anger. Though he never saw his mom this angry before but at the moment the boy couldn't give any care just like his brother Thyme. He was mad at himself, for what? don't know. He was also mad on that man why? don't know.  Tim was mad on everyone. Tim expression turned into scowl for the first time in ever for his mommy. His jaw was clenched and he refused to back down in front of his mom just glaring back as hard showing he's an Alpha's. But Tine's gaze only hardend and his dominating Omega power on his second child made the little Alpha to subdue momentarily. Tim forcefully lower his gaze slowly while Thyme steps out of the bathroom at the same time making Tine to command both boys gritting his teeth "You both aren't my good boys anymore. You disappointed me tonight. And You two are grounded for next one month". After punishing Tine immediately left the room leaving the two angry annoyed little Alpha to themselves. This was the first time Tine look so angry on his boys, he scolded them, yell at them and punish them. The two boys life were suddenly messed up and the worst was they both can't even defend themselves, neither could understand the situation nor knew how to handle it. When Tine finally left the room the two Alpha boys laid down on the bed side by side, looking at the ceiling in silence their mind was still full with the respective person who brought so much chaos in their life. Thyme could never forget this day because of that bratty Omega his own Mommy punished him for the first time while Tim doesn't understand what the hell he did to make his mom this angry and why did the stranger man become someone so important for him as if he knew him. He wanted to know everything about the man who run away from him like he has seen a ghost or something in him after breaking his heart. He did felt like some kind of connection to the runaway man as if he's someone really important to him, who means more than his parents and more than his siblings. Shit it was utterly ridiculous to longed for some uncle, like that. What makes the situation more miserable was that stranger was his parents good friend. How could he feel this way whom he never met before and suddenly want him all for himself.  For what? Don't fucking know.

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