Chapter 12

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The two were so close to each other that they felt loosing their senses inhaling each other's scent Thyme took the opportunity to inhale deeply the sweet scent of his mate. Thyme's like the scent so much as if it was his personal hot stuff. His lips and nose moves closer until he pressed them on his mate's as light as a feather then trails sinfully slowly against Kevin's cheeks and jaw while he murmured "Everyone wants to touch you... they imagine to play with your sexy figure...." Oh fuck this can't be true. What did he just hear?. Moon Goddess is really high on dru.g to put them both in such situations without them killing each other. But honestly Kevin felt goosebumps all over his skin feeling Thyme's hot warm breath against his face and wrapped in his Alpha scent.  The Omega threw his head back, giving access to Thyme so that the Alpha could go little more down to south and kiss his sensitive spot on his neck make him feel what pleasure feels like. Kevin literally wanted more and for his satisfaction Thyme's both hands grabs Kevin's  as.s cheeks firmly squeezing the two butt as he whispered more dirty words near Kevin's ear trailing his lips on his nape "They imagine you on all fours, taking you from behind. Filling you up with their....".

Kevin immediately grabs Thyme's shoulder digging his nails without any care to stop his Alpha from talking more. Thyme hold tighten as he hold his mate from falling because suddenly Kevin's knees went weak hearing those dirty words from him. This was too much for Omega to take in. He wasn't  sure how to handle such situation cause he never thought about one happening  between the two who hate each other so much. Thyme open his mouth to say but Kevin quickly stop him "Oh My God! Please Stop it Alpha". Thyme obeys but he still didn't  let go and Kevin struggle weakly. He never imagine his Alpha will say such explicit words in his ear so shamelessly. This was too much for the Omega to process as he felt like je played enough. Kevin tried to push Thyme away and glare stating once he get hold of himself "Alright I got it. Now you can leave me. And go back to your house". The Alpha didn't budge from his spot as his hands stayed on Kevin's as.s firmly without any intention of taking it away. He like the feeling of soft buttocks squeezing under his palm. While Kevin struggle was useless he only able to make some distance between Thyme's lips and his neck. Thyme once open his mouth and added as his dilated eyes roam all over Kevin's body "lf you got it then it's good. I'm telling you what those Alphas were saying looking at you during dance practice.. it is the same what I thought about you when I saw you wearing such revealing clothes in school today but you know that ...I should be the only one who has the right to think such thing about you. I should be the only one who should be doing all the things like that to you". Kevin felt he is going to pass out. This is not bloody Thyme Guntituthon speaking. Thyme Guntituthon hate him with every fucking ounce of his being with passion. Kevin begged digging his nails harder as he remind his mate "Alpha, stop it please. Don't forget you hate me. We both hate each other. We are nothing to each other". The Omega was freaking out under his mate hold. Years of hatered made Kevin believe that they can't be together no matter how much he wanted otherwise. He had come to terms about his and Thyme's bond is big mistake. And how could he when they can't stand each other's sight even. They can never be happy together so it was better not to acknowledge what they are. Thyme sigh and nods responding "About That I still hate you with passion. But It's only me who can do whatever I want to do with you. We don't acknowledge what we are to each other doesn't change the fact that you're my Omega. All this is mine and you're just a care taker of your self until I decide what to do with you".

Kevin look was disbelief plus his anger rose, no fucking way he will let himself be ruined in the hands of his rude Alpha. But it was the first time Thyme talk to him like that called him his . After hearing that Thyme knows what they are to each other made Kevin soul left his body. How could his rude Alpha just show up into his bedroom and say something like this. Kevin reminded his stupid Alpha once again his anger laced in his tone "You cannot own me. We aren't together, never going to be. I will never let you ruin my life.... And you can't just show up out of nowhere in my bedroom and declare those things to me. What you take me for Thyme Guntituthon?". He wasn't a son of Sarawat Guntituthon if he doesn't fancy selfishness the Alpha tilt his head smirking "My ugly and weak Omega mate?". Kevin anger rose once again as he quickly began to struggle "You evil Alpha ...get out... get out right now" he tried to get away from evil Thyme but clearly his Alpha has more strength declaring "You're Mine..always remember". Thyme kept Kevin in place causing the Omega to gritted out "No. I'm not. Because I don't want to. Moon goddess made a mistake pairing us. Stay away from me. I don't like you. It will be better for both of us. Now get out before my mommy walks in on us". Thyme looks hurt just for a second then he sigh out loud and pulled away his hands from Kevin's as.s. He took couple of step back wards making proper distance between the two. He look damn serious and firmly stated pointing his finger "Fine if that's what you want. But I'm warning you. Don't be a brat again. You keep wearing such revealing clothes in school then I'll have to keep fighting all those idiots like Damein every fucking time". Kevin mouths drop open  Oh goddess so Thyme fight Damein for him. The Omega never imagine this day will come into his life where his biggest enemy who hates him with passion will ever fight for him and get scolded from his coach. Kevin took a moment  to decide what to think? if he should be happy or feel otherwise. Don't fucking know.

Clearly it was very very unexpected for Kevin to hear all such things straight from Thyme mouth itself. But Fuck this felt so nice to his ears and his gut churned for the first time in ever. While Thyme narrowed his eyes causing Kevin to only look deeply at his Alpha. But before they could say something more the two heard a soft knock at the door and Gulf called out to his only child lovingly "Kevin baby... are you already asleep?".  Kevin immediately composed himself, he doesn't wanted his mommy to catch them. The Omega quickly pushed Thyme towards the window then asked under his breath "Get the hell out of here". Thyme decide to leave but not before spitting "I'm leaving. It's not like I'm dying to be here anyway. Your bedroom stink". Kevin glared hard and respond "Clearly it's reeks of horny Alpha in here". Thyme paused  is movement holding  Kevin's window panel after hearing the Omega words then stated smirking "You don't even know how that thing smell like. You're still a small baby". Kevin really had enough of Thyme's stupidity the Omega spit out grimacing "You can be delusional Thyme Guntituthon. But You have no idea how much I know". Thyme got pissed he really hate this brat. This Omega only deserve all his hate and rudeness. Thyme stated in threatening tone "You better be joking Omega. If I find out you're seeing someone then.... ". Kevin didn't let Thyme finish as he interrupted by devilishly smirk and saying in challenging tone "Fine I'll do it behind your back... won't ever let you find out". The Alpha groan at Kevin.. he was about to jump inside once again to teach a good lesson to his brat Omega but Kevin quickly closed the window  "Goodbye Thyme Guntituthon". Kevin rolled his eyes when he faintly heard Thyme groan under his breath "Fucking brat... gonna kill you both...".

Next few days Kevin hide and run away whenever he find the sight of rudest evil Alpha Thyme Guntituthon out and about and even in school. Kevin make sure to leave the classroom as soon as the classes were ended. Though he did not wore reveling outfit in school after that night but he find new ways to get back to his Alpha. Kevin ask his mommy did take him to salon and get him a new hair cut and new hairstyle. Kevin also get some highlighter done in front and he was damn sure Thyme wasn't liking it much because of the attention he got from other Alphas. But he gives a damn to what the rude Alpha likes and dislikes on him. It was his life and he wanted to live it his way. He make sure to lock his window  at night as he wasn't ready for another episode of Thyme Guntituthon barging inside his bedroom cause at night he started getting paranoid for some reason whenever he thought about the night of Thyme Guntituthon visit. Months passed by and once again finals were just around the corner. Thyme didn't  stop his eyes were always  on Kevin's  move. But this year Tine had made plans to go out of country on family vacation for month long as he was missing having all his children together playing and spending time. Just few more classes were left since most of the students were busy completing assignment. Kevin stayed up late causing him to arrive in class a little later in the morning. But his luck fucked up when he saw there was only one seat left and that was next to Thyme Guntituthon. Oh Goddess Kevin wanted to turned back on his heels, and go straight away home rather than sitting next to the rudest and shameless Alpha of the planet. Kevin walk with shaky legs over to Thyme's desk as he sit down the Omega gulped hard feeling Thyme's stare at him like he's going to eat him right then and there.

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Once again sorry for keep you waiting  but it's only because  of work schedule.

You know what to do for next update

HOM Thyme - KevinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon