By HermesStories

4.9K 199 16

"Remember the promise you made years ago?" My brother asked from the phone. "Which one?" I asked as I blow a... More

Author's Note
I. Sōzokujin Academy
II. Note
III. His Sister
IV. Oh Brother
V. Serve
VI. Breakfast
VII. Surprise
VIII. Storm
IX. On
X. Late
XI. Kitchen Duty
Author's Note
XII. Food
XIII. Caught
XIV. Red
XV. Pretty Cute
XVI. Graves
XVII. Sleepover
XVIV. Wish
XX. His Fingers
XXI. Get Lost
XXII. The Plan
XXIII. Idiot
XXV. Punishment
XXVI. Second
XXVIII. Explain

XXIV. Spill

60 5 3
By HermesStories

"You. Did. Fcking. Not." Kyotani glared at Yamamoto.

"It worked. Didn't it? She's not with Inarizaki." Yamamoto reasoned.

"Why are you getting mad at us?!" Tanaka yelled out.

"You can't just manipulate the whole situation! Are you fcking nuts?! You're telling me.. right now, that Nekoma, Karasuno and Johzenji is all in this." Kyotani asked flailing his hands around.

"In this mess?!" Kyotani yelled out as the door opened, freezing every boy inside.

"We're trying to protect her!" Tanaka yelled back.

"By doing this?!"
What the fck is wrong with these people?! Holy mother of... even Oikawa is not as stupid as these idiots. I think...

"What? Just because you don't care doesn't mean we don't!" Yamamoto yelled.

"That is not what I mean! Shouldn't she decide what to do with them?"

The boys looked at each other.

"If she tells me to beat their asses up, I'll-"
The boys froze as they hear the door open.

"Hey guys! I brought some protein bars. And I made some..." Hideko stopped noticing the tense atmosphere.

What happened? I was just gone for a few minutes.

"Uhh. Why are you all up? All of you are suppose to be resting. Sit down!" Hideko dropped the bag on the table while the boys just stood and watched her.

She went to Yamamoto who is closest to her then pushes him back to his bed.

"Go on. Go back to your bed."

She turned towards the other two with hands on her waist.

"You two as well. Don't push me. Or I'll-"

"Do you want me to push you again Hideko? Didn't know you enjoyed it so much." Kyotani teased her as he plops down on his bed.

What the hell? This dude was just yelling at us! Way to turn the tide, bro.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Kyotani." She went to get protein bars and gave them to each boys before sitting down at the end of Tanaka's bed.

"Lunch is about an hour from now. This will be enough for the mean time."

The boys thanked Hideko and started eating.

"So... Any ideas on how we can spend the rest of the hour before we head to the cafeteria?"

"Let's play a game!" Tanaka yelled from in front of her.

"I'm in!" Hideko grinned as Yamamoto and Tanaka cheered.

"Come on Kyotani. Let's-"

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm in. What's it going to be anyway?" Kyotani said as he bites his protein bar.

"Truth or dare!" Tanaka yelled excitedly.

"With just the 4 of us? Will that even work?" Yamamoto asked still eating.

"Why wouldn't it?" Kyotani stood up and got a water bottle from the shelf.

"We're taking this one."

"How do we play? Should we sit on the floor-"

"You're stupid Hideko-chan. All of you stand up." Kyotani chuckled.

"Be useful and help me push the beds together."

"This dude is really pushing my buttons."

Tanaka and Yamamoto push their beds together before sitting down on them.

"I'm with dumb, dumber and dumbest." Kyotani grumbled under his breath as Hideko, Tanaka and Yamamoto complain.

Kyotani chuckled before jumping on the bed.

"Come on. Shut your traps. Let's get this started." Kyotani chuckled watching the others glare at him.

Hideko sat down with Tanaka on her right while Kyotani is on her left and Yamamoto in front of her.

"Who goes first?"

"Me! I'll go! I'll go!" Tanaka yelled as he spins the bottle.

The bottle stops pointing at Hideko.

Geez. I hope this isn't just like when I played with Shiratorizawa...

"Truth or dare, Hideko-chan?" Tanaka grinned at her.

"You're scaring me Ryu-senpai. I'll go with truth." Hideko playfully pushed Tanaka's arm.

"What's the last lie you told?" Kyotani asked before Tanaka had a chance to ask his.

"Hey! It was my turn!" Tanaka glared at the boy.

"Well? Do you want to ask another question or-"

"Whatever. I'm asking on your turn! Go ahead, Hideko-chan, what is the last lie you said?" Tanaka grinned at her while wiggling his brows.

"I'm dating someone in the camp." Hideko said as she rubs the back of her neck while smiling nervously at the boys.


Hideko jumped in surprised as the 3 boys starts yelling out question after question.

"Guys! Your question was, what's the last lie I told! I'm not dating anyone!"

Hideko's face is red, feeling flustered, she covered her face with her hands.

The boys realizing their mistake faced away from her.

Oh... Sht. Not like I freaked out or anything.

"I barely know anyone here. Even my own teammates. How can I just randomly ask anyone out?" Hideko chuckled nervously.

"What are you even saying, Hideko-chan?!"

"Neko-chan! You can't ask anyone out!"

"At least she's got bigger balls than most guys here." Kyotani laughed while Hideko pushed him.

"Hey! What are you guys on about?"

"You can't ask anyone out. That's what guys do-"

"Wait. Wait. Hold it right there mister. What's so wrong about that?"


"If I like someone to the point of wanting to go on a date with them, why will I wait for them to make a move? What if they're not interested at all? What if they don't even notice me at all?"

How can anyone not notice you...
The 3 boys thought.

"Besides, you're acting as if I'd drag them to go on a date with me. I'll just ask. No harm done. Right?" She smirked.

"Don't get me wrong. I'd like to feel special and idiotically giggly when someone I like asks me out but there's nothing wrong with a girl asking someone out. But, like I said, I barely know anyone here to want to go on a date." She winked at them.

Yamamoto cleared his throat and smiled at her.

"Who did you say you were dating?"

Say my name!

"No one. I just told my friends I was dating someone here."

"Why? That's stupid." Kyotani said.

"You might find this incredibly unbelievable. But, my friends and I are kind of... um popular in Sozokujin Academy." Hideko slowly said.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Kyotani asked with a raised brow at her.

"It's a common occurrence to have someone confess or something to my friends and I... They called last night and um... apparently some girls were leaving love notes in my locker and table. They said it was piling up and getting annoying... Let's not talk about it anymore!" Feeling flustered, she waves her hands in front of her.

Piling up?! How many notes and letters are there?!

"Wait. But-"

"I already answered the question. My turn!" Hideko spun the bottle avoiding looking at their eyes.

The bottle stopped in front of Tanaka.

"If you were the opposite sex for the day, what would you do?" Yamamoto yelled out while pointing at him.

"So... We're just going to be like that for the rest of the game. I see. I see." Hideko chuckled as the 2 boys argued with one another.

The boys settled down after a few minutes.

Tanaka's cheeks were suddenly red as he shakes his head side to side.

"Watch what you're going to say!" Kyotani yelled as he points at Tanaka.

"What the hell are you even-"

"I think I already know your answer." Yamamoto cut him of laughing.

"No you don't!"

"It's a hard question-"

"Hard?" Yamamoto mumbled under his breath which is heard by everyone.

"Difficult! It's a difficult question!" Tanaka slapped Yamamoto's head.

"You! That was a trap!"
"How is that a trap?!"
"You did that on purpose!"
"What purpose?!"

"Hey idiots! Settle down will you." Kyotani crossed his arms over his chest

Goodness gracious.

"So... What's your answer Ryu-senpai?"

"Better watch it, Tanaka." Kyotani smirked at him.

"Nothing out of the ordinary! I'll just do exactly what I do, every single day." Feeling proud with his answer.

"What do you do when you wake up?"

"I take a shower..."

"Aha! Called it!" Yamamoto pointed at him with a grin.

"What?! That's.. that's not-"

"Right..." Kyotani added.

"SLEEP! I'll just sleep the whole day! End of discussion! Next!" Tanaka yelled as he spins the bottle.

Everyone laughed as they wait for the bottle to stop spinning.

The bottle pointed at Kyotani.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare. Get on with it." He smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Prank call someone-"

"I don't have my phone."

"Right. We're all not allowed to bring our phones during training." Tanaka scratched his cheek.

"I have mine!" Hideko grinned at them.

"What? I'm your manager. I need my phone in case one of the coaches needs something."

"Use hers!" Yamamoto yelled.

The boys looked at her waiting for her answer.

"Sure. I don't mind. Don't prank call any of the coaches, alright?" She shrugged her shoulders and hand Kyotani her phone.

What's the worst that can happen? Hideko thought as she watch Kyotani call someone.

Ring. Ring.

"Make sure it's on speaker." Tanaka grinned.

"Cap! I-"

"Hello. I need a favor." Kyotani said with a grin.


Oh my God. Is that Yaeko?!

Hideko reached out her hands trying to get her phone back but Kyotani pushed her hands away and stood up.

"I'm her boyfriend-"

Hideko jumped and grabbed her phone, ending the call with wide eyes.

"Oh. My. God! Kyotani!"

The 2 boys were frozen with their mouths hanging open while Kyotani only smirked at Hideko who was pacing around muttering to herself.

"What the fudge. What do I do?! What do I say? They're going to freak out!"

The phone kept on ringing in her hands as she stares at it with wide eyes.

"Should I answer or-"

Hideko glared at Kyotani and sat back down on the bed as the 2 boys came back from dreamland.

"You pervert!"
"Who do you think you are!"
"You undeserving prick!"

They kept on throwing insults at Kyotani who only laughed at them.

"Shush! Everyone. Quiet down! I'm going to try to fix this!" Hideko said as she shakily raised her phone.


"Put it on speaker!"
"It's already on speaker!"
"Ask him where Hide-chan is!"
"His name! Ask his name!"
"I said it's on speaker, just ask!"
"How old is he?"
"He should be fcking hot or else I'm going to have a long talk with captain."
"Why the fck does that even matter?!"
"Of course it matters! He needs to be hotter than I am!"

The voices of 5 girls were heard through Hideko's phone.

The whole team is there... Damnit. Hideko nervously looked around the boys and grinned.

She cleared her throat before talking.
"Hi girls. I just want to clarify that-"

"YOU'RE DATING A BOY!" Yaeko yelled.

"Of course she's dating a boy! She said she's dating someone from the camp, last night! You doofus. It's a boys volleyball camp!" Rin said.

"You're all grown up! I'm so proud!"

"I'm not! How can you date someone without even introducing him to us?!"

"At least let us stalk him first!"

"Yeah! What if he's a weirdo!? Or -"

"As long as he's hot. I'm good. Send a photo captain! Better yet, a video!" Hoshi yelled.

"What the fck are you going to do with his photo you freak!"

"Hoshi is going to steal your man, captain." Tomomi said.

Hideko felt weak and covered her face with her hands, letting the phone drop to the bed.

Oh man. My lie really bit me hard this time. Huh. Hideko thought as the boys grow red as the girls on the other line kept on yelling ridiculous things over the phone.

"Captain! Can you make a list of top 10 hottest boys there?"
"Does that mean I can have your girls back here?!"
"Is he from your team? Tsk. Tsk. Captain you can't date people your managing!"
"Yeah! That's unprofessional!"
"I asked you out first!"
"I didn't even know captain likes guys!"
"Me too! Who would have thought?!"

"Where are you going? The cafeteria's this way." Suna said as he follows Atsumu.

"I'm going to the clinic."

"Why? They'll be in the cafeteria by this time." Osamu said from behind them.

"I need to talk to her-" The Inarizaki boys stopped when Kuroo and the rest of Nekoma stood in front of them.

"Where are you going guys? A little lost on your way to the cafeteria?" Kuroo asked.

"Why don't we help you?" Yaku added.

"Listen. We don't want any trouble. We were just going to-"

"Neko-chan was pretty upset when I left. I don't think seeing any of you will make her feel better." Fukunaga said.

"Stop making the whole thing a big deal. We're going to apologize to Yamamoto and Hideko-"

"A bit late for that, don't you think?" Kenma added.

"No! What the hell guys. That's why we're going so we can settle it as soon as possible." Astumu yelled.

"Let us pass. We have no intention to fight. We will handle the situation the way we see fit." Kita said as he stands in front of his team, looking straight at Kuroo.

"You 3 boys, stay here!" Hideko said with her hands on her waist.

"And how are we going to eat?" Kyotani asked.

"You do not get to speak right now, mister. Sit down! I am going to get everyone's food and bring them here at our table. Now hush." She glares at the 3 boys before turning around and line up for their food.

Hideko went back pushing a small cart that holds 4 trays of food.

She gently placed them in front of everyone then sat down beside Tanaka, in front of Kyotani.

"Shouldn't you be sitting beside me Hideko-chan? Or should I call you something else?"

"Hey! Shut it dude!"
"Yeah, knock it off"

She glared at him while shoving a spoonful of rice in her mouth.


"You are in big trouble mister." Yamamoto and Tanaka high fived each other over the table while laughing.

"Don't think I forgot about you 2! You're all in trouble!" She glared at Tanaka beside her and Yamamoto who was sitting beside Kyotani.

"Why?! What did we do?" Tanaka asked.

"You 3 are going to regret it. I'm going to be punishing you!" She laughed, surprising the boys at the table.

Not the best words to use... The three boys thought as they look at each other with wide eyes.

"I'll make you beg!" Hideko added as she smirks at them before eating another spoonful of rice.

Damn. Again... Not the best words to use. Dirty thoughts stay the fck away from me. The boys thought as they continue to eat lunch with the tips of their ears tinted red.



Photo used ~

*I'll be using the 5 main characters from K-ON's photo to help give visualization on how the volleyball team of Sozokujin Academy looks - K-On does not have any connection with the story. I added the names of Hideko's friends on each character to help with visualization.

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