Defamation [Neuvillette X Rea...

By Corflos

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Justice is not at all what it seems in Fontaine. [Does contain heavy topics] More

The Nutcracker
The Wish
The Comedian
A Court's Fool
The Rain
The Juggler
'Not Detective'
Press Conference
The Opportunist
Milkshake Party
The Limit
Lovers' Duel

The Trial

454 27 135
By Corflos

The Opera House stood intimidatingly tall with an ominous allure creeping through the doors. Entering the main auditorium area, it was both spacious and empty with lights illuminating Furina's and Neuvillette's seats in great emphasis. The stage dimly lit as the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinal stood prominently.

The balance scale is rumored to have a conscious of its own that Neuvillette holds implicit trust in, respecting every judgement provided. This stage is where the line between law and enterainment blurs due the Archon's innate need for drama. To her, the affairs of mortals were mundane but to you, this was a matter of justice and pride.

Despite the pristine the conditions, the peculiar emptiness created a narrative of abandonment. Treading down the steps and towards the stage, you froze in place upon the sound of a soft giggle. Your head jerks as it echos from the empty seats yet no one to be seen.

Examining the rows meticulously by section, the sound grew quiet and it felt hopeless to press any further. That's now how things are done though, you would continue to frantically look- never considering the alternative that you might have just imagined it. How can one not go mad when desperately chasing something so futile.

Scratching your head in frustration, in a moment of clarity your gaze fixates on the stage. There stood a faintly illuminated figure in the silhouette of a Melusine. Drawn closer, you called out only to be met with no response but she remained still.

In your time of being an MPS officer, it wasn't long until you became familiar with all the Melusines that reside in the city. Her uniform was vintage but suggested she was part of the Marechaussee Phantom. Strangely, she was unrecognizable... a Melusine never seen before.

"Um, hello?"
your tone softens

"Hm, you must be on the shoreline"
she mutters, more to herself

Your head shakes in confusion, looking around
"No.... we are in the Opera House"

Taking a step closer, she steps back in response. Your brows furrow, stepping again only for her to cheekily move out of reach as if this were some sort entertaining game.

"Do you know something I don't?"
your tone, curious

She brings her mit to her chin whilst tilting
"Is there something you want to know?"

A million questions actually... but before any could be expressed, her attention deviates. As if she had more pressing matters, she turns away into the dark shadows of the stage. Leaving you dissatisfied,

you called out

Met with a wall, the confusion was short lived upon the sound of little steps that came from above as she was suddenly on the balcony. Skipping around in twists and turns, she appeared at random. Her mumbling was quiet, yet echoed- repeating 'Vautrin'. Patience worn by the lack of answers and her unpredictable avoidance- what did any of this mean or entail? She then stood at the edge of the stage, scanning the empty audience. In stealth, you approached her with intent to detain before she could disappear. Arms open as if to hug, you lunged forward... only to realize you had grasped at nothing. Gravity continued as you fell towards a harsh impact that knocked all the lights out.


Through the disortiented haze, the blurred image of a Melusine watching over came into subtle focus. Lidded eyes narrowed in determination as your arms lift and you muttered in annoyance.

"There you are-"
the tip of familiar tranquilizer meets your head

Startled by the sudden hostility, Sigewinne whined
"Oh, I knew you would mad"

Sighing heavily, you nudged the weapon away
"No... I'm not mad"

"You sure?"
she questions skeptically

"Though I should be, I just feel too exhuasted"
you slumped back onto the bed

"That could be sleep debt. Given your trial is today this meal should help"

Your expression deadens with the reminder, poking at the supplemental nutrients of the meal. That bizzare dream must have been a product of anxious sentiments. Stretching slightly, it was clear your body craved the rest since the deprivation. Whilst you weren't pleased with the methods of the intervention in retrospect- you really could have been too fatigued for trial. Wriothesley then enters the area,

"Oh, you're awake"

"Am I not supposed to be?"
you deadpanned

"Glad to know your sarcasm remains spirited"
he shakes his head

"Don't think any of this discouraged me, I still plan to receive my justice"

"Though it's last minute, we could try bargaining one more post pon-"

you cut him off with feigned confidence
"No need, I can handle it"

Despite the anticipation for the outcome, you were certain of one thing- you would not step out of there a guilty citizen. If the Oratrice is to be trusted for it's accuracy then it should not convict you falsely. However in the case of any unfavorableness...

Preparing to leave, you ran a quick errand at the rag and bone shop before meeting with the others at the entrance/exit. The others stood together, Clorinde and Wriothesley having a discussion in which she seemed subtly apprehensive. Clearing your throat in awkwardly,

"I suppose it's time I go then"

"Well you might co-"
Sigewinne was interrupted by Clorinde

"Best wishes on your trial"
she says in place

Turning to the once intimidating warden, it was fair to say you were both mutual nuisances to each other. Setting all differences aside you held out your hand in a respectful manner as farewell but he did not accept.

"You think you're just going to waltz out of here?"
he spoke in a playful manner

"Won't a guard escort me?"

"You caused far too much trouble for me not to be curious of the outcome, I am watching that trial"
his arms cross

your eyes narrow at him
"What about the Fortress?"

"On my own vacation he asks for such a favor"
Clorinde spoke up, implying she would take his place

The atmosphere in the elevator was silent as you stood next to the warden, this hardly felt like a freeing moment. You had notice the return of your MPS badge but, it did not hold the same value as you had applied. Especially when Sigewinne questioned the need for such a job, times had changed but progression stops at you. So long as the role exists, others expect you to handle it.

"My offer still stands, guilty or not"

his words pull you out of thought
"Thanks but the fortress is the last place I want to be in for a while"

"Fair enough, Sigewinne would like to keep in touch"

"For her milkshake parties?"
you entertain the casual talk

"She was worried you'd be upset with her"

"What about you?"

"You're a real pain"

You laughed as the sunlight crept in. Your face scrunches, eyes squinting from the intensity of the sunlight. There was a light breeze and the sound of waves rhythmically clashing from below.

Entering the Opera House was different than the eerie image your dream had depicted but not any lest nervewracking noticing how filled the seats were. You would be the first to take post on the defendant's balcony. The crowd's chattering spiked once they caught glimpse of you up there.

They sneered as if already having made their conclusions. The mood quickly shifts into a serious tone upon authoritative steps. Everyones gaze follows his orderly stride towards the rightful post of the Iudex. Even you were attentive of his presence despite his lack of acknowledgement to yours, only looking straight ahead awaiting the enterance of the final member.

All lights dim, the spotlights focusing on the door as the Hydro Archon made her grand entrance. The audience clapping in unison as she approached her stand, across from you with a confident grin.

"Ah, the long awaited trial!"
she sighs in exaggeration

"If both sides are prepared to proceed, then the trial may begin"
Neuvillette announces

"Well I am most certainly ready"
her tone was impatient

Your confidence waivers sensing the intense gazes awaiting your confirmation
"We can proceed..."

"To reiterate the purpose of this trial. With Lady Furina as the plaintiff, there is reason to believe [Name] is responsible for the mass damage of the city's pipe system. As the defendant and prime suspect of this hefty accusation, how do you plea?"
He then faces you with stern professionalism

Gulping heavily, you spoke with determination
"I plead, not guilty"

Your adamance caused the crowd to whine. Furina's brow raises in amusement, she enjoys debates- to plead guilty would be far too underwhelming of an outcome for such an anticipated trial. Besides, she was absolutely certain it was you... it had to be. With the loud thud of his cane to the platform, the room settles down.

"I will allow Lady Furina to make her first claim"
he presents her with the turn to speak

"AHaha, very well! [Name], our beloved peacemaker for Melusines seems to have a much more sinister side to them."
her voice drips with subtle condescend
"To start, with the first suspicious factor... their insistence to have a role in this investigation when detective work is not part of their field. Seems to me, they wanted to lead the investigation astray"

She stares at you with confidence of her claims, daring you to refute
"Well actually, I am allowed to handle investigations pertaining to Melusines. Given Rohrette was an accused suspect, I was allowed to investigate on her behalf- which I have done"

"[Name] has shown effort to look into Rohrette's role in all this"
Neuvillette confirms

her eyes narrow
"I'll give you that.. but we should mention how you strayed from professionalism. Comics, disguises, excessive notes- is all that really necessary to conduct a simple investigation about the Melusine?"

"There has been some deviation from the task at hand"
Neuvillette confirms Furina's point

suppressing your pride for a moment,
"I admit that I got overly excited... but how can I not when the daily affairs I deal with hardly even need my attention"

"Ohoho, so you despise your job? Thus created an issue out of entertainment to investigate?"
she begins to form a new theory

"No, not at all. I wore my badge each day with pride but, I can't constantly coddle them"
your tone became desperate

"That is your job though, to protect them from misunderstanding however out of selfish desire for entertainment... you strayed from that value"

Your eyes narrow at that comment, how rich coming from her of all people given the current circumstance. The Oratrice then glows, the balance shifting towards her side. The mechanism was still a mystery. Was it affected by her persuasion or the belief of the crowd rather that the actual truth...? or perhaps a part of what she said had truth to it. Still, you wouldn't allow this misunderstanding.

"I have devoted my life to them, they send me letters of appreciation which makes the ridicule bearable. No one else steps in for them as I am expected to always be there but, in my time of absence how have they faired?"

Her expression falters as she scoffs
"I-is that really relevant to the argument?"

"Lady Furina, this is a fair rebuttle of your current accusation but do stay focused on the matter of the pipes itself. For now, to answer the question- the Melusines have been fine just concered about their fellow friends"
He sighs as if worn or exhuasted

"Well, for someone so adamant about their job then why is it there was an unreported visit to the pipe system?"
she composes herself, throwing the next claim

"During [Name's] daily report they purposely left out any mention of having visited the undergound facility. This does raise fair suspicion"
he reiterates

"The reason for the visit was asked to be kept confidential"
you muttered

"How convenient... but the MPS does offer anonymous services yet this did not fall under that category"

"She is still new to the city to know the full extent of MPS services"
you reasoned with earnesty

"Ah ah, rules are rules and you did not follow them"
she refutes rather childishly

"If my job is to ensure them ease.. and reporting it would cause distress then wouldn't it be fair to withhold?"
you were reaching at a loophole

"Y-you can't do that"
she turns to Neuvillette for his opinion

"I am afraid I won't allow it [Name], Lady Furina makes a fair point. The rules are set as they are. So either you tell us the reason or the supicion remains"
there was an amiss undertone of pleading

you gazed down at the ground
"You can't based this off one visit"
refusing to break the request Rohrette entrusted you with, surprisingly the balance tips back to balance in your favor

Her eyes widen at the scale
"Fair enough, except it can only obviously be you who did it"

"And why is that? How could I orchestrate such a plan on my own"
you challenged her, using your status as the town's 'dunce'

"You have made quite the impression eccentric, persistent,..."
the crowd nods and mumbles in agreement
"But most importantly crafty"

"We are citizens of fontaine, most crafty inventions are made here"
you laugh at her petty deduction

"But only you could utilize a Melusine as an accomplice, they trust you. Monsieur Neuvillette could you present how the pipes were damaged?"
her ability to argue is frustrating

"The pipes were punctured in weak points, after time they would burst making it seem like a natural cause"
he recalls

"Yes yes, who here knows better than [Name] just how special the eyes of Melusines are. Since Rohrette specialties lies with plumbing it's fair to assume she could detect such weak points"
The scale turns back to her side

"Her being an accomplice makes no sense, she wants to maintain not break the pipes. What is her motive in all this if you suggest she had a part"
Questioning the Archon seemed the only way to disrupt her narrative

"Ah...Perhaps you convinced her somehow- not to mention the fleeing only intensifies the theory"

"Are you certain or speculating?"
you mused at her waivering conviction

"It had to be a combined effort, her eyes and your sword. Ha yes, the sword!"
she clears her throat
"Peculiar isn't it? Only [Name's] sword happens to fit the circumference of the punctures in comparison to all other officials"

"Isn't their sword flimsy?"
someone from the crowd shouts out

"Yeah, how can this thing even puncture paper"
you agrued

"Hehe, this is where we call our first witness to testify~"
her mood turns gleefully

She motions the spotlight to the stage as someone walks from out of the shadowy corners. Neuvillette looks curiously down as to who could be the witness. The figure came into light and your stomach immediately drops... you glanced at the crowd where Wriothesley was sat and he was just as surprised. The lunatic from the boutique that terrorized your time in the fortress stood there with a sly grin.

your throat felt dry as you blurted outloud
"H-He's biased against me, is he really a reliable narrator?!"

"While we can acknowledge that, he is a witness retelling the events of a recorded and related case. Any claims made astray from the report can be disregarded. I will allow the testimony to be given"
Neuvillette reads off the statement Furina had provided him

"Most appreciated Monsieur Neuvillette"
he feigns properness
"[Name] is far from a 'peacemaker' but a hostile individual.. such cruel, sadistic, evil.."

"Ad Hominem! Would you care to rephrase your testimony or have it fully disgarded?"
Neuvillette sternly stops the witness' train of insults

"Ahem, what I mean is I had a violent altercations with [Name]. During the boutique situation, fleeing the scene I was pinned under their seemingly harmless sword when [Name] said ("Maybe my sword isn't threatening until you come to realize that I have a vision.")"
He stops his retelling

"Aha, such an interesting piece of fact to share. Sure your sword is flimsy and unable to pierce- that is unless you used your vision to harden it"
she waves her hand cockily

The scale shifted heavier on her side and the crowd gasps in entertainment of the deductions being made. A cold sweat begins to travel down your head as you realized arguing against her was not an easy task, all you could do was refute but she would just keep pulling some obscure evidence.

"[Name], is it true you have used your vision to enhance the sword?"
Neuvillette asks for confirmation

Your body trembled, the truth would only make you seem incriminating. Even the timing of a response could be weaponized as the crowd muttered amongst themselves about your silence. Neuvillette repeats his question with more firmness and volume.

"Answer the question, have you used your cryo vision to enhance the sword?"

"....Yes, I have"
the lack of composure had you petrified

The crowd began to chatter with irritation, throwing accusations as if the trial should conclude right then and there. This was certainly not what you had expected, not given a single chance to bring up a point just deflecting the claims thrown. Neuvillette yells for order once the rowdiness intensified, he then turns to you with stoicism.

"Given the accusations is there anything new you would like to contribute?"
he offers a change in topic

"I have given many detailed and legitimate reports to the investi-"

"And what of the journal? Where was that book said to have been lost in?"
she interjects

"Lady Furina, no interruptions as one speaks but to answer the question [Name] claimed to have lost it within the pipe facility"

"Aha, such detailed reports yet the most prominent one lost in the crime scene?"
she mocks, getting rather ahead of herself

"Let us remain professional now-"

Neuvillette notices the passionate flame igniting within Furina's demeanor, a troublesome trait of hers. It did not make his role here any simpler, especially when you fueled the flames with the same fiery pride. His words were cut off as the argument turned into isolated banter between the two.

"I meant to turn it in!"
You shouted in defense

"Oh sure, how did it even get there- oh right! You broke in late at night to cause more damage"
she crossed her arms animatedly

"I did not 'break in'! I was there on a... legal stakeout"
while it was not recommended it was not unauthorized either

"The photo evidence shows you were the only one there running like a maniac"
she waves the pictures in emphasis

"Those photos are out of context! I was chasing someone"

"Ha, out of context you say? This caught you blatanly in the act"

"There is more to it than what you see"
you were becoming agitated

"What about the irrefutable damning fact the damage stopped as soon as you were detained!?"
she was riled up by the adrenaline

"Because someone is framing me!"
your voice breaks into a growl

"Enough of this unorderly feuding!"

The loud roar of his voice startled everyone in the audience and balconies. Both you and Furina were heavily breathing in exhuast from the out of control yelling. Neuvillette waited a moment to ease his distrubance. No one dared to speak until he restablished the course of the trial. Settling back into professional composure, his tone softens

"Now then, [Name] has presented a serious accusation in their defense. Please present us with viable reason that you are being framed- with no further interruptions"
he turns to Furina with warning

Tension thickened the atmosphere, goosebumps forming on your skin as their beady attentive eyes fixated on you. Now was not the time to be wary, you were finally presented the chance to fight for your justice.

"I know I am being framed because... I ran into the perpetrator the night of the stakeout"

The crowd murmurs quietly at the 'outlandish' statement but it was still your turn to speak and present them with your side of the story. You retold the events of the stakeout, starting with the dispute. Neuvillette confirms the stakeout was discussed but his stance was against it, he was not present during this alleged event. Regardless, you continued the narrative of inspecting the system whilst under a sugar rushed state.

Within the retelling, you mentioned features of the system such as the misplaced cameras and the contruction changes. As for the encounter with the perpetrator, you explained their attire and mechanical weapon in detail. Recalling the fight, your voice trembled in fear of the skill they presented against your poor combat experience. Even pointing at the fading scar from when they managed to slash your cheek.

As for Furina's last claim, you explained that the real perpetrator was using you as a scapegoat for their crime. That all suspicion on you was deviation for blame and accountability of their actions. Even so, with how invasive the investigation had become no one would risk getting caught through continuation. Finally, you began to paint the image of the suspect through the profile you had created,

"This had to be someone tenured with a fighting background and high status in the plumbing system"

Furina's gaze diverted to the audience, examining their chatter as there was a mix of skepticism and intrigue from the story. While some can argue that this was an elaborate made up telling of events, with the consistency of all evidence already presented it was too accurate. Liars typically fail at consistency when it comes to storytelling. Furina was stumped, having pulled out all her cards of evidence. Instead, Neuvillette continues the discussion

"You do understand this means you are shifting suspicion onto another"
he reaffirms

"Yes, I understand the implications of accusing another"
you shared his gaze, as if this were a private conversation

"Then who exactly is framing you?"
the most prominent inquiry

unfortunately, this is where the argument collapses
"I don't know"

The people are stunned, after all that build up and adamance the case was back to square one? Some began to laugh in a mocking manner, uproars of insults and accusations began to fill the room. They completely dismissed everything you had presented, if you could not present them with a name then it was all irrelevant to them. Despite all the intensive investigation you could not exclude a single person as the true culprit. The slow clapping of the archon takes spotlight

"Hah, such a well crafted story yet no name to back it up? Don't waste our time here"
she spoke with arrogance

"Look, I might not have a name yet but I am onto something-"

It was far too late, there was nothing you could say to earn the favor or belief of anyone as they were stuck in their opinions and biases. The mocking only frustrating you further as you were losing cool up there. Noticing the improper tension of the setting Neuvillette had to once again interefere.

"Settle down now, we are to call for a short recess"

Clouded by irritation, you kicked the corner of the lobby despite it hurting you more than it did the walls. Wriothesley stood nearby, the anger was understandable from his perspective with how dramatized this all seemed. He speaks with a gentle tone, cautious not to worsen the mood

"Hey, don't lose your cool yet"

"They don't take me seriously, they never do"
you muttered

"If you spiral into this frustration, it will muddle your arguments"

From afar, Neuvillette can be seen indulging in a water break. He glances at the two of you in the isolated corner, brows raising slightly as he wondered when the two became so close. It would not be appropriate for him to interact with either the plantiff nor defendant during recess. So he walked away with elegance. From your perspective he seemed dismissive and uncaring for the situation.

"This must be hard on him too"
Wriothesley mutters

"I don't see how, he has nothing at stake here"

"I could think of a few things"
he vaguely suggests

"Given the course of this trial, I have no other choice than to pull my final card"
there was ominous implication

His expression narrows at your tone
"You don't possibly mean..."

you stare at him with simple determination
"I've exhuasted all options, this really is the only way"

"Don't be the hands of a stranger?"
he insisted against

"Not necessarily"
despite your lack of intimidation, at times like this your smile was unsettling

The recess ended and everyone returned to their posts, Wriothesley would not be able to talk you out of this premeditated plan. Furina returned to her confident demeanor and the crowd was settled after getting their giggles out. Neuvillette resumed the trial,

"[Name], since you have not provided us with a proper name for your accusation then the suspicion remains. Is there anything you would like to add before continuing your trial?"


Furina smirks at your curt response, believing you were defeated and the trial can come to a satisfying conclusion. The scale was already balanced in her favor of the debate. However before Neuvillette could continue the original trial, you spoke up again in defiant interruption.

"No, because I am done with this trial"

He was taken aback by your statement

"I request a duel to prove my innocence"
your voice was loud and clear

"Ah... what? You can't do that while trial is in session, this is unprecedented!"
she exclaims at the change of course

"Duels are to be requested before as an alternative, I doubt we can find a duelist on standby"

"I was permitted a favor"
you stared at him with intensity

"And you wish to use it for a duel?"
it is a right for Fontainians to fight for their dignity

"I wish to use it for a duel against the Iudex"

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