Heed The King of the Wolves

By Remnant_Weapon

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A young White Wolf Faunus finds himself caught up in an adventure with consequences bigger than he could ever... More

Bio and Teaser
How it all Began
That fateful day
The Train Robbery
Just to survive
The Club
The Shining Beacon
The First Step
The Emerald Forest
Players and Pieces
The Badge and The Burden
Jaunedice part 2
Forever Fall
The Strays
Black and White
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
A Minor Hiccup
Painting the Town...
Burning The Candle
Dance Dance Dance
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes
Round One
New Challengers...
Clash of Possibility
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
The Shop

It's Brawl in the Family

50 4 0
By Remnant_Weapon

Ruby is running for her life trying to keep up with Weiss as they both run down the main straight of Beacon before they finally make it to the landing bay where the ship from before comes to a stop and the door opens with a ramp extending down to the floor.

Ruby: Weiss! What is the big deal!? Who is it? Who is she!?

Weiss comes to a stop as she finally sees who she is looking for and her face shifts to one of happiness as tears threaten to fall down her face.

Weiss: Winter.

Ruby comes to a stop beside her partner as she catches her breath before she looks up to see the Older Weiss also known as Winter as she is escorted by crimson-coloured Atlas Soldiers and some new AK-200s as she walks down the ramp. The ship hisses as it releases steam and settles.

Ruby: Wait... Your sister?

Weiss doesn't even think to reply to Ruby as she cups her hands around her mouth.

Weiss: Winter!

Weiss runs off forcing Ruby to follow her as they both run towards Winter. A lot could be said about the Atlas military but none of the guards; human or robotic, tried to stop the two girls from running up to the older one. Winter turned around at the sound of her name and feet running. Weiss looked like her head was running a million miles a minute.

Weiss: Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh... Your presence honours us.

Weiss had gone from an excited little sister before seemingly flipping a switch and turning formal. Ruby sheepishly stood beside her teammate and friend. Winter looks around as she approaches the two.

Winter: Beacon... It's been a long time. The air feels... different.

Ruby chuckles before she awkwardly tries to answer Winter's statement.

Ruby:  I mean it is fall, so, eh, it's probably colder.

Weiss doesn't even look at Ruby as she raises her fist and slams it down into the back of her shoulder causing her to gasp in pain and fall down to the ground.  

Weiss: So, what are you doing here?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?

Winter: Classified.

Weiss: Of course.

Weiss nods and smiles in understanding as she looks happier than Ruby had ever seen her while she looks around trying not to make eye contact with anyone, especially the Atlas guards standing behind the elder Schnee.

Ruby: Well... this is nice... I think.

The three stood in silence for a second until Weiss just couldn't hold in her excitement. 

Weiss: You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it!? I-

Weiss uses her fingers to try and illustrate how the kingdom operates before she is cut off by her sister sounding less than impressed.

Winter: I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its... bureaucracy. That is not why I came.

Weiss: Right! I'm sorry!

Winter: Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears that I have no choice in the matter.

Weiss: But we won!

Winter: Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed.

Weiss seems to sink deeper into herself as her sister berates her. Ruby watches on not sure what to do. On one hand, she had never seen Weiss this animated but her friend was getting verbally dressed down by her sister. Winter sighs before she dismisses her security with a wave of her hand.

Winter: Leave us.

The AK-200s obey, walking two steps backwards into formation as she sighs again and smiles a little more warmly at Weiss having dropped her military outer wall.

Winter: How have you been?

Weiss: Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually in the very top ranking of our sparring class! And the rest of my studies are going wonderfully, too! I'm-

Ruby looks up as Winter's hand raises and comes down faster than lightning onto Weiss's head letting out a resounding slap and leaving a massive bump as the older Schnee once again gets firm with her sister.

Winter: Silence, you boob! I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends? Do you have a boyfriend?

Weiss looks confused before pointing at Ruby.

Weiss: Well, there's Ruby.

Now with both Schnees' attention on her Ruby does the most mature thing she could think of as she reaches up and pushes the bump on Weiss's head back in as she giggles to herself like a gremlin.

Ruby: Heh, boob.

Weiss winces at the pain but otherwise just looks at her leader with an unimpressed look on her face.

Winter: I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately... underwhelming.

Ruby lifts her hands up and gestures to Winter taking it as a compliment.

Ruby: Uh... Thank you!

Winter: Greetings, Ruby Rose. I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister.

Ruby now realising she has become the point of conversation starts getting very self-conscious as she starts stumbling around.

Ruby: Oh! Uh, yes, of course.

The girl attempts to salute then curtsy unsure what to do.

Ruby: The honour is in my... court!

Ruby almost loses balance in her curtsy as she is forced to flap her arms in an attempt to stay upright as she nervously giggles. From the ship Winter had walked from Ruby spots a boy around her age with large white wings and two snipers in his hands as he walks down the ramp. Winter decides to put the poor girl out of her misery.

Winter: I have business with the General and you Headmaster. But seeing as I'm early, why don't you take me to your quarters?

Weiss perks up again at the mention of spending time with her sister.

Weiss: Really?

Winter and Weiss begin walking towards the academy leaving the red reaper on her own as the androids begin pushing past Ruby as they follow.

Winter: Yes. I wish to inspect them and make sure that they are up to my personal standards.

Weiss: Of course. Just so you're aware, the bunk beds only look unstable.

Winter: Bunk beds?

Weiss: Also we have a fifth bed but he is fine.

Winter: He?

Ruby waves goodbye behind them as she calls out hoping she made a good first impression.

Ruby: I'll catch up- I mean, I will... reconvene with you both... at a later...

She pauses with her hand on her head, wracking her brain for the right word

Ruby: Juncture! At a juncture. Yeah.

Ruby raises her finger as she looks proud of herself.

Further along the main drag students seem to part as the two Schnee's and their armed escort walk down the center. Unseen to the two the same grey-haired man drunkenly stumbles up behind the Ak-200s and dismantles them before kicking its head towards the rest. This is twice now in 10 minutes that the Knights hadn't picked up on a potential hostile. The man calls out.

Grey-haired man: Hey!

The group turns around to look at him Winter rolls her eyes.

Grey-haired man: Yeah, I'm talking to you, Ice Queen!

He throws the decapitated body to the side a small crowd begins to form around the three. One of the androids finally raises their rifle and takes a step forward only to be stopped by Winter.

Winter: Halt!

Weiss then storms towards the drunk man with her finger raised.

Weiss: Excuse me! Do you have any idea who you are talking to!?

Weiss doesn't even get the chance to continue as the man puts his hand on her forehead shutting her up.

Grey-haired man: Sssshhh. Not you.

The man pushes Weiss to the side where she stands absolutely stunned before she makes her way back to her sister. The man then points at Winter to clarify which Ice Queen he is talking about.

Grey-haired man: You.

A raven watches from a nearby lamppost before flying off and circling past the group. The man's eyes dart to the bird before looking back at Winter.

Grey-haired man: Saw that gaudy ship of yours in town. I guess you're here, too.

Winter: I'm standing right before you.

The man squints as if to make sure she is actually there and that he isn't hallucinating.

Grey-haired man: So it would seem.

Winter: You realize you just destroyed Atlas Military property.

The man puts his hand over his heart before sarcastically looking around at the destroyed robots in front of him.

Grey-haired man: Oh, oh I'm sorry. See, I mistook this for some sort of... sentient garbage.

Winter takes a step towards the man as her voice gains an undertone of annoyance.

Winter: I don't have time for your immature games, Qrow.

And finally, the name of our mysterious man is announced. Weiss turns towards her sister confused.

Weiss: Wait, you two know each other?

Qrow: Geez, you Atlas Specialists think you're so special, don't you?

Winter: It's in the title.

Qrow: Well, you know what you really are? A bunch of sellouts. Just like your boss.

Winter: I'm not sure what you think you're implying, but I've heard enough.

Qrow: Oh I heard, too. I heard ol'Ironwood finally turned his back on Ozpin and started calling his own shots.

Weiss: Ozpin?

Winter shoves her sister to the side.

Winter: Weiss, it's time for you to go.

Weiss: What-

Qrow: Listen to big sister, Weiss. She'll protect you. Just like Atlas is going to protect all of us, huh?

Qrow drunkenly stumbles around as he addresses the crowd while Winter is hoping to play this off like the drunken ramblings of a madman. But she has held back long enough. 

Winter: If you won't hold your tongue, then I will gladly remove it for you!

Winter draws her sword and levels it a Qrow with a scowl on her face as he stops his drunken act and sobbers up as he slicks his hair back.

Qrow: Alright then... Come take it.

The last few people clear the square as Winter rockets in towards Qrow starting the fight. Winter makes several quick, but futile thrusts at Qrow's head as he swiftly bobs away from the blade, teasing her with several faces until he mockingly bows towards her. Winter brings her sword down only to meet Harbinger blocking her attack. Qrow stays bent over with his arms out before he reaches back and tosses his sword into the air and points it towards Winter. The two tap blades as they wait to see who will strike first before Qrow goes first tired of waiting. Qrow goes for a wide slash only to be redirected by Winter into the floor before he steps forward and continues to slash causing Winter to have to continually flip to stay out of striking range of the incredibly strong attacks as she and many of the crowd can feel the wind from his slashes before she lands on her feet too late to flip as she brings her blade up to block. Winter pushes the blade away as she and Qrow exchange slashes each trying to make an opening but unable to find it as they dance in the centre of the square.

Ruby runs through the crowd trying to see what's happening until she stops next to Weiss panicked.  

Ruby: What's going on?!

Weiss turns to Ruby as she points to the fight.

Weiss: Some crazy guy just started attacking my sister!

Ruby: Oh no! Who would do such a th-

Ruby spots the opponent only to lose all interest in Winter as she gets giddy.

Ruby: That is my uncle!

Weiss: What?!

Ruby completely loses interest in whether Winter is ok as she starts cheering for her uncle.


Weiss looks on stunned before doing the same for her sister.

Weiss: Uh... Teach him respect, Winter!

Mercury walks through the crowd after getting curious before he spots Qrow and his eyes widen as he begins to run away. Both Winter and Qrow parry each of their foe's strikes with rapid speed until Qrow over reaches leaving himself open as Winter dodges the two-handed strike only to deliver a strike with her pommel to his face. Winter looks smug until Qrow lifts his head and grins as his left eye flashes brightly and Winter is forced to leap away with a glyph as Qrow slams his sword on the ground, shattering the pavement.

Qrow looks up to see a smug Winter in a mid-air crane stance before she flips away and lands by a lamp post trying to create space. She looks up from her landing only to see Qrow mid-air and ready to slash. Winter is forced to dodge as Qrow slices through the pole as if it weren't there to begin with. Winter leaps over and attempts a slash which he blocks before launching his own set forcing her to dodge his swings she leaps over him again and lands on his sword giving him an excellent view of her foot as she kicks him in the face. Winter backflips onto the stump that used to be a lamppost but then leaps off onto a railing high above, right as Qrow throws his sword at the stump. Qrow transforms his weapon, firing a shotgun blast at Winter forcing her to jump onto the side of a concrete, arched pillar. She uses her sword to stay on the vertical surface until Qrow runs forward and tries firing more blasts at her, which she dodges by scaling the pillar's face and eventually leaping onto the archway itself. Qrow follows suit on the opposite structure, firing off round after round at his opponent. One of Qrows attacks seems to find purchase as a cloud of white smoke consumes where Winter once was. Qrow skids to a stop as he searches only for her to suddenly fly towards him she pulls a trigger on her sabre turning one sword into two as she performs a spinning attack which Qrow blocks but the force is too much for the arch as it collapses from the force, causing the two to crash back down to ground level.

Ruby and Weiss watch on in awe of the fight until a couple of the other students around them start screaming. Something about watching out and moving out of the way. Weiss and Ruby turn around only to hear jets as a flash of green and white jumps over them and lands in front of them. 

Ruby: Y/N!

Weiss: Get out of the way you could get hurt!

The cries fall on deaf ears as Wolf also leaps over them and lands next to him. The White Wolf Faunus charges towards the two as they continue their furious attacks towards each other. Y/N doesn't get far as he is then tackled to the side by Heero he uses his wings to stay just off the ground.

Heero: Don't interrupt. They need to settle this.

Y/N: They're going to destroy the courtyard and hurt someone else.

Heero: If they are worried about being hurt they shouldn't have been at a Huntsman academy.

Heero is forced to dodge out of the way of Wolf as he jumps and just misses one of his wings. Heero flies back over the other side almost creating a box as Qrow slides underneath him having been forced back by Winter. With combatants in each corner. The audience cheers at the new arrivals. Y/N and wolf share a look as they enter a pose and Heero pulls both his snipers out and aims at the two as yellow energy starts to gather at the ends of the barrels. Winter then stabs the ground with one of her swords, summoning a glyph that creates a flock of small white Nevermores, before she sends them at Qrow. The older man swings his sword at the flock, causing a few to burst into small clouds of steam. He then sends an Aura arc at Winter, causing her to jump back and put an end to the birds. Winter angrily summons a second glyph behind her, and the blade of Qrow's sword begins to transform in a sequence initiated by its clockwork gears. But suddenly, his gaze travels elsewhere, and he suddenly sheaths his sword, instead beckoning his bewildered opponent to come at him with his right index finger. Y/N is about to leap forward before Wolf bites his jacket stopping him as they both see what Qrow has seen. Heero looks over spotting the same thing but instead chooses to continue charging his attack high in the sky. The glyph fades away, and there's a bright flash of light, followed by Winter speeding forward with light trailing behind her. Just as the tip of Winter's blade closes in on Qrow's throat, Heero's finger wraps around the trigger.

Ironwood: SCHNEE! YUY!

Winter stops dead on the spot the blade mere millimetres from Qrows throat as Heero removes his fingers and lowers his rifles as he slowly floats to the floor. Winter spins around while sheathing her blades and salutes General Ironwood as Penny stands behind timidly. Heero folds up his rifles as he just salutes like nothing is wrong.

Winter: General Ironwood, sir!

Ironwood looks around at the students then Y/N and Wolf before his eyes land on the two Atlas personnel making a major mess. The older man walks towards the two as Penny follows not daring to leave his side.

Ironwood: What in the world do you two think you're doing?

Winter: He started the altercation, sir!

Qrow sticks his head out from behind Winter with his hands behind his head as Y/N and Wolf walk up standing with the group. 

Qrow: That's actually not true. She attacked first. Wolfy and Robowolfy over here tried to intervene only to be attacked by battle angel over here. 

Qrow throws his thumb over to Heero who now stands at ease not moving an inch. Ironwood looks at Y/N and Wolf knowing they didn't start it as they had been with them. He then turns his head with a disapproving look on his face towards Heero and Winter. Heero looks at him dead on not moving while Winter seems ashamed.

Ironwood:  Is that right? And you.

Qrow points at himself in mock confusion as Y/N just looks at the man. He seemed familiar like he had met him somewhere or something of the sort.

Ironwood: What are you doing here?

Qrow: I could be asking you the same thing.

Ironwood: I-

Before Ironwood could continue any further Ozpin walks up to the group with Glynda beside him. All the students were a little shocked, to say the least normally only Glynda would have come but to have The General, Ozpin and Glynda shit must have gone down. 

Ozpin: Now, now, everyone. There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the Colosseum, that I can assure you has better seats... and popcorn. 

Ozpin swirls his cup happily as Glynda comes in to be the real adult. 

Goodwitch: Break it up, everyone! We will take care of this mess.

Glynda's glare rained down on Winter, Qrow, Ironwood, Heero, Y/N and Wolf. Ruby and Weiss watched from the side as they had a shiver run down their backs they had been on the receiving end more than enough times during the year because of Yang and Ruby's less-than-stellar grades. Ironwood looked to his two before issuing his orders.

Ironwood: Let's go.

Ironwood spins on his heels as Heero and Winter silently follow with varying levels of embarrassment. Penny is about to follow when Ruby pushes through the crowd and is spotted before she quietly waves at her friend who returns it happily. Ruby can't contain herself any longer as she launches herself at her uncle he holds his arms out and she dangles from it shaking her legs in delight. Weiss gains a little smile seeing as how happy her leader is. 

Ruby: Uncle Qrow!!!! Hi. It's so good to see you! Did you miss me? DID YOU MISS ME!?

Qrow: Nope.

Qrow and Ruby share a grin as he pats his niece's head. Y/N watches the two not sure what to do but his chest does feel a little tighter. He's not entirely sure what the feeling is. Wolf seems to pick up on the fact that something is wrong.

Wolf: Y/N. Is something wrong your mental levels are spiking.

 Y/N: I don't know but it doesn't matter.

Wolf: Shall I contact Yang?

Y/N: Nah it'll pass.

Y/N looks back at the uncle and niece scene in front of him while Wolf's eyes flash. Ozpin's voice cuts through the idle chatter.

Ozpin: Qrow, Y/N! A word, please.

Qrow turns to Ozpin as he lowers his arm and Ruby slides off onto the floor with a grunt while Glynda repairs the courtyard.

Qrow leans down towards Ruby trying to be discreet.

Qrow: I think I'm in trouble.

Ruby: You did kind of tear up our courtyard.

Qrow offers Ruby a fist bump.

Qrow: Yeah I did. Catch ya later, kid.

Qrow walks off towards Ozpin as a question makes its way to his mind. Who the hell is Y/N and why does Ozpin want him? Back with Ruby Weiss walks up with her arms crossed and his signature look on her face.

Weiss: And suddenly you and Yang's recklessness makes sense.

Ruby: You're just mad because he whooped butt.

Weiss: That was a draw, at best!

Y/N: I don't know Weiss your sister was on the back foot most of the fight from what I saw.

Weiss and Ruby jump up in surprise.

Ruby: Y/N!

Weiss: You could have been hurt!

Ruby: But you were so cool that little bit you did! And that guy with the wings his weapons are so cool!

Y/N: I would love to stay but I have to go and get in trouble. Come on Wolf.

Nightfalls quickly around here as up in Ozpin's office Ironwood and Heero stand still Ironwood with his arms crossed and Heero at ease while Winter paces impatiently. After what feels like hours the elevator dings signaling the arrival of the people inside it. The doors open as a smirking Qrow, accompanied by Goodwitch, Ozpin, Y/N and Wolf step out. Winter doesn't waste a second.

Winter: What were you thinking!?

Ironwood: If you were one of my men, I would have you shot!

Ironwood clenches his fist as if to emphasise the point. Qrow just pulls out a flask as the group enter the room Y/N and Wolf stand by the door out of the way not really seeing the reason they are here.

Qrow: If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself.

Goodwitch: While I wouldn't condone his behaviour, retaliating as you did certainly didn't help the situation.

Winter: He was drunk!

Goodwitch: He's always drunk!

Everyone turns to look at Qrow as he drinks from his flask before Y/N coughs catching his attention as his eyes widen after noticing their stares as he holds his flask out before shrugging. Ozpin stares at Qrow in shock as he just sighs and sits down at his desk with his hands on his temples. 

Ozpin: Qrow, why are you here?

Ironwood: You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark like that in the field!

Qrow: I'm not one of your special operatives, Jimmy!

Winter: General.

Qrow: Whatever. You sent me to get intel on our enemy, and I'm telling you, our enemy is here and they have some large backers.

Ironwood leans against Ozpin's desk as the room grows uncomfortably quiet. Y/N and Heero's eyes met just as quickly as they looked away from each other.

Ironwood: We know.

Qrow grows understandably annoyed as he takes a step back and throws his arms up.

Qrow: Oh! Oh, you know! Well, thank goodness I'm out there risking my life to keep you all informed!

Ironwood: Qrow-

Qrow:  Communication's a two-way street, pal. Do you see this? That's the send button.

Qrow pulls his Scroll out and points at the screen annoyed while staring daggers into Ironwood's face.

Winter: They had reason to assume you'd been compromised.

Qrow: And I have reason to assume you don't need to be here. Seriously, who invited her? Same for the children?

Ozpin: I can't speak for young Mr Yuy here but Y/N is here because he is our new Gundam. He has also had run-ins with the private army that's running interference. 

Qrow turns to look at Y/N. Studied him for a moment before turning back to Ozpin.

Qrow: Are you trying to cut down this kid's lifespan?

Ozpin: He's the same age as every other Gundam has been when they were discovered or awakened.

Qrow: Is that why Ironwood brought his own candidate?

Ironwood: Heero is here to participate in the tournament he, Y/N and a one Sekai Kamiki will be having a three-way fight as a bonus match since three of the four have a one-man team. Now that that is out of the way. Schnee, we will discuss this incident back at my ship. Take the boys and leave us.

Ozpin: Before we leave. Y/N I didn't get a chance to say it before but I have the tiniest lead about these desperados as Wolf put it before. A new shop has popped up in Vale that seems to making an unusual amount of money even with the festival. I want you, Wolf to go and have a look after your fight. 

Ironwood: Wouldn't it be best to send Heero as well?

Ozpin: If we have Atlas and Beacon's one-man teams sniffing around in Vale it could tip them off. Especially after we announce our new Gundam to the world.

Ozpin turns to Winter.

Ozpin: Now I think it's best if you four leave us now.

Winter: But sir!

Ironwood: Winter. Leave.

Winter salutes Ironwood before she turns on her heel a gives a winking Qrow a dirty look as she and Heero make their way to Y/N and Wolf who already have the elevators open. once the doors close and the elevator is on its way Ironwood gestures to Qrow.

Ironwood: Go on.

Qrow: Your little infiltrator isn't just another pawn. They're the ones responsible for Autumn's condition.

Goodwitch: What?

Qrow: Despite what the world thinks, we're not just teachers, or Generals, or Headmasters. The people in this room, The Leaders of the other two academies, we're the ones that keep the world safe from the evils no one even knows about! it's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. So you tell me, James when you brought your army to Vale, did you think you were being discreet, or did you just not give a damn!?

Ironwood stares down at Qrow who has gotten in his face as he places his Scroll on the desk.

Ironwood: Discreet wasn't working. 

The Center of the room projects a hologram of Vale, Beacon, the Amity Colosseum and Ironwood's fleet of Atlesian warships as he gestures to it as if explaining everything.

Ironwood: I'm here because this is what was necessary.

Qrow: You're here because Ozpin wanted you here! He made you a part of this inner circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that's in front of us!

Ironwood: And I am grateful.

Qrow: Oh, well, you've got a really funny way of showing it.

Ironwood: The people of Vale needed someone to protect them; someone who would act. When they look to the sky and see my fleet, they feel safe, and our enemies will feel our strength.

Qrow: You... You think they're scared of your little ships? I've been out there and I've seen the things she made, and let me tell you - they are fear. This army she has at her disposal they haven't been around a long time but they have ties back to COS so you tell me what they should fear. 

Ozpin stands from his desk ready to stop this argument as it starts.

Ozpin: And fear will bring the Grimm. A guardian is a symbol of comfort. But an army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's minds... "If this is the size of our defences, then what is it we're expecting to fight?"

Ironwood glares at Ozpin, Qrow and Glynda who all seem to have made their way together leaving him on his own before he sighs and picks up his Scroll not noticing as a black queen chess piece flashes on its screen.

Ironwood: So then, what would you suggest we do?

Qrow: You can't seriously be thinking about using the kid he might be good but he can't be a one-man army?

Ozpin: No I suggest we find ourselves a second guardian.

Mercury sits in the centre of a dorm room on a chair as he repeats what he saw to Cinder who walks back and forth and Emerald who rests on a bed behind him.

Cinder: And you're sure?

Mercury: Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him.

Emerald: What do we do?

Cinder: Nothing. We stay the course. They have no idea who we are, so we have no reason to worry. Besides, the last of the heavy lifting is being taken care of thanks to our clever little friend. 

Cinder's Scroll beeps as she picks it and it flashes with a Black Queen too.

Cinder: Speaking of which... it appears we have a new access point.

A portrait of Ironwood flashes as Cinder smirks.

Emerald: Anywhere good?

Cinder: You could say that. Go to your rooms. I'll prepare everything for tomorrow.

Emerald: Yes, ma'am.

Mercury: Got it.

Cinder swipes her Scroll to the right as the screen changes to a roster for the tournament she swipes through the teams finding Emerald and Mercury before swiping past familiar teams like SSSN, CRDL and Penny before settling on CFVY.

Cinder: Let's give the crowd a good fight.

Cinder confirmed the fight before she noticed a space at the start of the day that she couldn't edit or see what was in it. In Team RWBY and GNDM's room, everyone except Yang and Y/N are asleep as they lay on Yang's bed in each other's arms. 

Yang: Y/N do you think there's a heaven?

Y/N: What brought this up?

Yang: Nothing I just got thinking but I don't know about Heaven, but I'm absolutely sure there's such a thing as the soul. This life isn't all there is. We're reborn again and again. Next time I'm reborn, I hope I get to be a bird.

Y/N sat on that for a moment before he felt a rhythmic rise and fall of Yang's chest as she had fallen asleep.

Alright that's it I know this is all over the place but I have a few things to try and fit in as early as I can that don't really warrant their own chapters so I hope you don't mind the story chopping about a bit. But what could Yang possibly be referring to? Who's Sekai and why is he a solo team like Heero and Y/N could he also have been a Gundam candidate?  Next chapter: Clash of Possibility. 

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