𝘍𝘒𝘴𝘡 π˜“π˜°π˜·π˜¦ | Charles L...

By filthyferrari

71.5K 976 360

Meeting the right person at the wrong time is a living hell that wasn't spoken about enough. Charles Leclerc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41- The Finale
||Tributes|| <3
||Authors Note
Bonus Chapter||

Chapter 31

1.1K 18 8
By filthyferrari

   Song for this chapter : You were in love- Bryska

"Ex girlfriend" Charles retorted angrily beside me.

I always knew that real love brought pain. It meant sacrifice and all of the thousands of shocks in life. But that was the biggest shock I'd ever had and it made me sick to my fucking stomach. Emily rolled her eyes playfully, that dead smirk of hers still wearing thick "Fine EX girlfriend" The fact she found amusement in this was boiling my blood and I didn't know where to direct my anger first.

"So if you're the ex girlfriend" I began confidently "Then what are you doing here?"

"Because he phoned me a few days ago practically begging to see me" She smiled at Charles who's hand I'd immediately dropped in disgust and shock. It would explain why he'd been acting so shifty about getting into a relationship with me. When all the while he was still in contact with his ex. George and Lando had gone eerily quiet beside me and it wasn't only until Carlos spoke up that the tension had been cut "Maybe this isn't a conversation for the public to watch yeah?"

"No I wanna hear what she has to say" I spoke confidently maybe a little too much considering I was shaking like a fucking leaf underneath it all.

"Well I mean we still talk and care about each other" She stated firmly with a smirk "So it was only obvious he'd phone me after the crash"

I slowly turned to my head to look at Charles who was stood silent beside me. He didn't bother making eye contact instead he stared straight at Emily with a deadly scowl "Bit desperate isn't it?" I asked him not exactly looking for an answer. It was more of a statement for the pair of them.

"Bit like you throwing yourself at him the minute you met him in Vegas" Emily spat back bitterly. This. Fucking. Bitch.

"Sorry but if you really cared about him then where the hell was you when he had his accident? I was the only one who sat by his side for a week" Emily immediately closed the gap between me and her almost intimidatingly but I wasn't scared, I stood my ground before her.

"How dare you! I cared about him when he had that crash I couldn't leave Monaco for Miami I had things keeping me there" Her words were like venom even the way she spoke was poisonous. Emily Longley was bad fucking news. She opened her mouth in means to snap at me again but it was Charles who had cut in stopping her.

"Let's just calm down we're in public"

I put up my hand in front of his face silencing him from proceeding any further with his bullshit "I'll get to you in a second" Before I turned back to Emily I felt more cocky then ever, like a version of me I'd kept away was slowly coming out.

"No how dare you! Giving me a shitty excuse that you had your own things going on, well news flash we all did and I still managed to spend an entire week by his side"

She scoffed in my face "Already got expectations of me when you don't even know me?" A sarcastic laugh escaped my tight throat, I was fighting back tears but knew I had to deal with the problem in front of me before I dealt with the betrayal next to me "No but what I do expect from you is to leave Charles alone and stop acting like a desperate ex"

"It's not my problem darling he wanted me here" She said, her tone was still rough and bitter.

"Really what gave you that silly impression" I paused eyeing Charles up and down dangerously "I mean look at him he's not exactly pleased to see you"


"Don't even answer that because I'll tell you what gave that clueless head of yours that impression" Now it was my time to smirk and I did it boldly. Not holding back "You've got it into your head that if you sniff round him long enough he'll take you back"

Oops. I'd snapped her.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?! You don't know a thing about what we had. Don't act like you're somehow more special then I was...Don't forget Luce you're precious Nathan killed himself to get away from you"

I wasn't really thinking in that moment I could only rely on my body and the physical actions of it. And I'd somehow grabbed her hair by the tip of her ponytail yanking her head down to face me "What did you just say?" I didn't raise my voice, it was low and treacherous. She struggled to try and free herself out of my grip but failed miserably. Charles had immediately reacted attempting to pull me off her but George had successfully held him back behind me.

I yanked harder on her hair my grip like iron "Listen here you spiteful bitch, you can have Charles back but you ever speak about my past like that again and I swear down it'll be the last thing you do" She whimpered in pain and I won't lie it was fucking satisfying "Get off!" She yelled aggressively, like it would scare me off.

Did it fuck.

"Say your sorry and I'll let your weave go"

She scowled harder at me before wincing in pain "I'm sorry just please let go" I was fighting with my mind and heart but eventually let her go seeing her almost stumble back over her own feet. All the while I could see Lando and Carlos keeping a close eye on the situation in hopes that was the end of it.

"If he's that easy to get Emily best believe you can have him"

She laughed, but it wasn't a sarcastic laugh it was almost seductive. I knew she thought she was the better woman in that situation, but what came out of her mouth was just pure poison so at that point looks didn't even come into the equation.

"Ill be doing him a favour since you manage to kill off all your ex's"

Be the bigger woman Luce. Walk away she's not worth it. Oh why the fuck not.

I gave her a smile which she should've taken as a warning because the next thing she saw was my fist swinging straight for her face. The connection was satisfying, a full blown hit nearly sending her toppling to the ground. But didn't. Not hard enough.

"She's all yours" I said as I let out a breath. I hadn't looked at anyone when I said that but it was clear it was directed at a stunned Charles trying to grasp my wrist as I headed for the lobby doors "Luce wait!"

And in public? What the fuck have I just done.

The tears had begun to flow at that point as I wiped them away with the blood splattered against my knuckles. And thankfully it was Kika who was sat in the lobby. And judging by her jaw nearly on the floor she'd just witnessed the entire thing.

"By any chance did the media not see that happen?" I started as I slumped down next to her on the reception lounges. My hand throbbed in pain but it wasn't as close to the dull ache in my chest.

"No..No I think they caught everything" Kika squealed with laughter "Fucking hell Luce I didn't know you had that in you!?"

"Me and you both" I wasn't paying that much to my surroundings instead I was too busy attending to my knuckles that were already darkening into an ugly bruise "Are you alright babe?" She asked resting her head against the side of mine trying to offer some sort of comfort to me.

"Oh I''m fine" Lies. "I ain't so sure about her though"

"Yeah I'm surprised she didn't hit you back I can't lie" Kika peered up over the crowd of people that had swarmed the drivers outside "I think she's gone"

"Good" I retorted still irritated by the entire situation "Oh shit two o'clock" Kika quickly said gesturing her head to a frantic Charles approaching me. George, Lando and Carlos had slowly followed suit behind him giving Kika a reason to leave and mingle with them.

"Luce I can explain" Charles echoed when he reached me.

"Explain how you phoned your ex behind my back?" I scoffed standing up "The floors yours"

"Luce I know it looks bad but nothing happened between us" He said earnestly, reaching out towards me as if to reassure me through touch but it only caused me to step abruptly away from him "It was just one phone call, I wasn't in a good place I thought my career was finished and she'd been through so much with me she knew what to say"

My eyes opened wide in shock "How does that make it better or even forgivable? You phoned your ex for comfort when I was the one beside you every night"

"I never meant to hurt you Luce" But he did. The sting in my chest was evidence he had "Really? Because that's exactly what you've done!"

His face hardened at my outburst as he took a step away from me "I know it was stupid and I'm sorry" his voice was low and tense "You mean everything to me Luce.." I could feel the harsh tears begin to topple down my flushed cheeks. Maybe I did mean everything to him once upon a time. But I didn't now. They were just words and I couldn't believe them not anymore "You don't do this to a person you care about"

I saw him bite his lip as his eyes welled up with regret and guilt "I am so sorry" he whispered "Please don't walk away from me"

In that moment I had to make the hardest decision I'd ever been faced with. And everyone around us knew that, I could see the eyes of the guys behind Charles and Kika watching on in anticipation. I shook my head choking back the biggest sob, because I knew what I had to do. I knew that the words leaving my mouth was going to destroy everything.

"It's over Charles"

"Please Luce don't do this" Charles's tears were silently escaping when he grabbed both my arms pulling me towards him in attempts to change my mind "Please don't make this any harder then it already is Charles" I pleaded, I had the confidence to look up into his eyes. They didn't shine the usually green I was used to. They were muddy and dark dampened with tears.

"I'll never forgive myself for hurting you like this" He whispered, his voice cracking with all sorts of emotion. He held me tightly for the last time but my only regret was not holding him back tight enough as stupid as it sounded. He let me go eventually taking a step back.

"Luce..your key" George said quietly as he approached the delicate situation before him. He handed me the key to the room I knew I wasn't coming out of the second I got to it. I felt sick and numb and just wanted to scream the pain away alone. I gingerly took it not giving Charles a second glance before turning away and heading for the lifts. I needed the next plane back to London. I couldn't stay in Baku not after everything.

I had to leave my heart there.

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