Paradox Trainer in Alola

By RareHunter0

60.7K 1.4K 706

A student from the Paldea region took an interest in traveling to other regions to learn new things. More

Prologue: Junior Cup
Chapter 1: Alola
Chapter 2: Alolan Deity Surprise
Chapter 3: The Marketplace Litten
Chapter 4: Lillie's Egg-Xhilarating Challenge
Chapter 5: Totem Pokemon Showdown
Chapter 6: Grand Trial
Chapter 7: A Race for Pancakes
Chapter 8: The First Step
Chapter 9: A 4 Mon Adventure
Chapter 10: Treasure Island Defender
Chapter 11: One Door Closes, A New One Opens
Chapter 13: A Totem Pokemons Revenge
Chapter 14: Red Eyes Rivalry
Chapter 15: The Abandoned Dragon
Chapter 16: The Island Whisperer
Chapter 17: Lord Of The Lake
Chapter 18: Saving A Totem Pokemon's Nest
Chapter 19: Currying Favor and Flavor
Chapter 20: Trials and Determinations
Chapter 21: Mystic Apprentice
Chapter 22: Kanto Expedition
Chapter 23: Paradox Trainer vs. Gym Leaders
Chapter 24: A Mystic Encounter
Chapter 25: Aether Discoveries
Chapter 26: The Mask of Discipline
Chapter 27: Sleepover Mischief
Chapter 28: Memories of the Sacred Beast
Chapter 29: Faba's Vengeance
Chapter 30: The Alter Totem Rumble
Chapter 31: Alter of the Sunne
Chapter 32: Ultra Beast vs Tera Pokémon
Chapter 33: The Professors' New Adventure
Chapter 34: Mount Lanakila's Ice Totem
Chapter 35: Paradox vs Ultra
Chapter 36: The Flames Of Rivalry
Chapter 37: Nine Evol Boost
Chapter 38: Tough Guy Trials
Chapter 39: Mount Holukanis Steel Totem
Chapter 40: Gauntlet Trials
Chapter 41: Ultra Beast Partnership
Chapter 42: The Masked Tag Team
Chapter 43: Two Worlds, One Family
Chapter 44: Creature of Darkness
Chapter 45: When Darkness Falls, Pain is Born
Chapter 46: The Road to Twilight
Chapter 47: Securing the Future
Chapter 48: A Poisonous Battle
Chapter 49: Crisis on Parallel Worlds
Chapter 50: Crisis on Parallel Worlds Pt. 2
Chapter 51: Spicy Island Research
Chapter 52: Showdown on Poni Island
Chapter 53: Rebirth of a New Kahuna
Chapter 54: The Grand Debut
Chapter 55: Beauty is Only Crystal Deep
Chapter: 56 Emperor of Destruciton
Chapter 57: Drawn with the Wind
Chapter 58: Aiming for the Top Floor
Chapter 59: A Legendary Catch
Chapter 60: Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams
Chapter 61: League Offenders and Defenders
Chapter 62: Battle Brawl 151
Chapter 63: Battling the Poisonous Queen
Chapter 64: Roaring Quarter Finals
Chapter 65: The Crimson Destruction
Chapter 66: The Deadly Four
Chapter 67: Paldea vs Kanto
Chapter 68: Final Rivals
Chapter 69: Bloodmoon Beast vs Alolan Flaring Tiger
Chapter 70: Guardian De Alola

Chapter 12: Shivering Shovel Search

862 16 3
By RareHunter0

The scene takes place on the beach near Kukui's house, Niku and Ash were in the middle of training with Litten, to learn Fire Fang.

Ash: Alright, Litten. Let's give it our all! Come on!

Litten arched it's back, and began charging up it's flames.

Rotom Dex: Litten's temperature is rising!

Niku: Ursuluna, get ready.

Ursuluna: Ursa.

Ash: Now, use Fire Fang!

Litten then began charging towards Ursuluna, who was getting close, but Ursuluna puts a claw up and blocked the Fire Fang but it failed to activate so Litten bit on the hand.

Litten: Litt... Litten! Litt!

Ursaluna: ...

Using it's other hand, Ursuluna just grabbed Litten and threw Litten to the ground.

Niku: Is that all you got?

Litten: Litten!

Pikachu: Pika, Pika...

Eevee: Vee, Eevee.

Vulpix: Vul, Vulpix.

Ash: Well, I think you got pretty close...

Litten: Litt...

Ursaluna: Ursa! Ursaluna!

Niku: Ursuluna doesn't like wasting time, if you give up now, you'll never get strong. Try again.

Litten: Litt!

Ash: Why don't we try again?

Ursuluna: Ursa!

Ursuluna proceeded to show Litten how to charge up it's power by charging up Take Down.

Rotom Dex: Breathe in heavily, just like that. At this point, the energy is increasing in power inside it's body.

Ash: Litten, mimic that.

Litten: Litt!

Copying Ursuluna, Litten's power began to increase, as flames began to grow stronger within it's flames.

Niku: Go for it!

Urusluna: Ursa!

Using Take Down, Ursuluna demolished a massive rock.

Litten attempted to run towards Ursuluna, using Fire Fang, but ended up tripping on it's face.

Litten: Litt...

Rowlet: Let!

Ursuluna: ...-_-.... Ursa.

Niku: Close, but that's progress there, Litten.

Ash: Yeah, he's right. You'll get it next time.

Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Rockruff: Ruff, Ruff!

Everyone looked back and saw Pikachu and Rockruff playing around with what seemed to look like a shovel stuck in sand.

Ash: What are they doing?

Rotom Dex: They're playing.

Niku, Eevee and Vulpix looked at the shovel and recognized it.

Niku: That shovel, could it be....

Eevee/Vulpix: Eevee!/Vulpix!

The shovel began to move all around, until it formed into a Pokemon, surprising everyone.

Niku: I knew it ,so it was a Sandygast.

Ash: Sandygast?

Rotom Dex: Leave it to me. Sandygast. Sand Heap Pokemon. Ghost/Ground Type. Sandygast mainly inhabits beaches. It takes controlof anyone who puts their hand into its mouth, or shovel, forcing them to make its body bigger.

Ash: Control?

Niku: That's right, some tourists have been told to be careful when on the beach. Sandygast are known to cause trouble around here.

Ash: Still, it's just sand, right?

As Rockruff continued barking at the Sandygast, which got it extremely annoyed.

Niku: Watch out!

Ash: Rockruff, Rock Throw!

Rockruff proceeded to use Rock Throw, hitting the Sandygast, knocking it's shovel off it's head and into the water. Doing so, enraged the Sandygast, as it started firing off Shadow Balls, one hitting near Niku but Eevee jumped in front to protect him.

Ash: It's super angry!

Niku: ...-_-... Idiot, you knocked off it's shovel...

Ash: Uh, it ended up flying into the sea...

Niku: ...-_-... Of course it did... We need to find it.

Rotom Dex: Wait. It's said that you can substitute the shovel with other objects.

Ash: Hmm... "Other objects", but...

Ash looked over at Rotom and his eyes widened.

Ash: Let's "make the Rotomost of this".

Rotom Dex: What? W-What, W-What are you doing?!

Ash grabbed Rotom and started walking over to Sandygast.

Niku: ...-_-... Ash, you better not be thinking of doing something dumb...

Ash: Please fill in for the shovel for a bit.

Rotom Dex: No way! Stop!

Ash then stuck Rotom into the Sandygast, shocking everyone and making Niku sigh in disappointment.

Ash: A perfect fit!

Even more enraged, the Sandygast proceeded to evolve and turn into Palossand.

Palossand: Palossand!

Ash: It changed shape.

Suddenly, Palossand began absorbing the sand on the beach to grow larger, surprising almost everyone.

Niku: Not only did it evolve, it also got bigger in size.

Ash: What is this?!

Palossand proceeded to blow around sand, blinding everyone, forcing them to move back.

Niku: Everyone, get back!

As all the Pokemon began to move back, Niku looked over and saw Ash wasn't moving.

Niku: Don't just stand there Ash, move!

Ash: Rotom! It's okay, just get out of there already!

Rotom attempted to pull out of Palossand, but couldn't.

Rotom Dex: I-I-I'm stuck!

Ash: What?!

Niku: Ash, look out!

The Palossand proceeded to slam into Ash, consuming him and absorbing him inside.

Niku: Ash! Are you alright?

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Ash: I'm fine! But this is incredible... You're telling me this is supposed to be a Pokemon?

Rotom Dex: This is the evolved form of Sandygast, Palossand!

Ash: Palossand?

Rotom Dex: Palossand is the Sand Castle Pokemon. Ghost/Ground Type. Palossand is known as the Beach Nightmare. It pulls its prey down into the sand by controlling the sand itself, and then it sucks out there souls.

Niku: ...-_-... Well that's comforting.

Ash: So I'm inside of Palossand's body?

Suddenly, Ash started to get pulled down by Palossand's sand, forcing him to the bottom. Pikachu attempted to use Thunderbolt, but Niku stopped it.

Niku: Pikachu that won't work. It's a Ground Type remember?

Pikachu: Pika...

Niku: Is there anyway out of there Ash?

Ash: No, the sand is hindering me! But don't worry about me, hurry and find the shovel!

Niku: That won't be easy, since you made a foolish move of sending it into the ocean.

Palossand attempted to attack everyone with Shadow Ball, only for Eevee, Vulpix and Litten to counter with their own moves.

Mallow: Niku! What's going on?!

Niku looked back and saw everyone running up to him.

Niku: Everyone?

Kiawe: A Palossand?!

Lana: Wait! Litten, Eevee, Vulpix! Look out!

Niku looked over and saw Palossand getting ready to slam it's body onto Eevee, Vulpix and Litten, and quickly ran and grabbed the three of them, shielding them with his body, as he took the brunt of the attack.

Everyone: Niku!

Ash looked back and saw Niku, Litten, Vulpix and Eevee were absorbed by Palossand.

Ash: Niku! Eevee! Litten! Vulpix! Are you alright?!

Niku: ...-_-... Never doing that again...

Suddenly, Eevee, Vulpix and Litten began glowing, as they started wincing in pain.

Niku: Hey, what's wrong?

Rotom Dex: S- S- S- So- So- Something's not right!

Ash: Rotom too?

Niku: Wait is Palossand...

Kiawe: Niku! What happened?!

Niku: Ash knocked Palossand's shovel into the sea and it got angry and evolved.

Everyone: What?

Sophocles: Ah, Rotom is on top of it too!

Niku: ...-_-... Blame Ash for making that decision...

Everyone: Huh?!

Ash: That's not important right now! Something's wrong with Litten, Eevee and Vulpix!

Kiawe: Something's wrong with Rotom too!

Ash: What?

Rotom Dex: Please help me!

Mallow: What's the matter with Rotom?

Lillie: I've read about this in a book. I fear it is highly likely that Palossand is absorbing Eevee, Rotom, Litten and Vulpix's energy... in order to maintain stamina that it's giant size demands.

Palossand: Palossand!

Niku hearing this, pulled out Eevee and Vulpix's Pokeballs and attempted to return them.

Niku: You two better return to your Pokeballs.

Niku returned Vulpix but Eevee refused.

Niku: Eevee return please!

Eevee: Eevee!

Niku: Get inside now!

As Niku tried recalling Eevee, it started struggling, not wanting to go in.

Eevee: Eevee, Vee!

Niku just sighed annoyed.

Niku: You stubborn brat!

Ash: Eevee doesn't like being inside it's Pokeball, does it?

Niku: Yeah, she has a strong dislike for it...

Ash: Pikachu's the same way.

Kiawe: At that size, it can swallow a house...! We have to keep it on the beach and save them!

Lana: Leave it to me! Popplio, Bubble Beam!

Popplio proceeded to use Bubble Beam against Palossand, but it didn't do anything.

Popplio: Pop?

Lana: What?! It had no effect?!

Rotom Dex: That must be it's ability called Water Compaction! Whenever a Pokemon is hit by a Water Type move it's defense is raised by 2 stages.

Mallow: So Water Type moves wont work...

Palossand proceeded to begin to blow everyone back again with sand.

Niku: Everyone, get back!

Kiawe: Palossand must be searching for the shovel that belongs on it's head.

Mallow: It's shovel?

Ash: Yeah, but ended up in the sea!

Sophocles: What? If it's in the sea, we can't search for it!

Lana: Wrong, Popplio can.

Kiawe: But if it touches it, it'll fall under Palossand's control. Even Popplio can't...

Lana: With it's balloons, it can.

Kiawe: Oh! That's it! It can cover the shovel with a balloon!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Popplio: Popp?

Pikachu: Pika!

Pikachu began pointing in a particular direction.

Lana: Pikachu, what is it?

Understanding what Pikachu meant, Popplio made a balloon and put Pikachu inside, as Pikachu knew which way it went.

Kiawe: We're counting on you!

Lana: Alright you two, get to it and find that shovel!

Pikachu and Popplio went into the sea to search for the shovel, as everyone turned their attention back to Palossand.

Kiawe: If Water moves won't work then...

Lillie: It's possible that Snowball's Ice Moves might be of use.

Snowball: Vul!

Lillie: Are you going to do it? Thank you Snowball!

Lillie sat Snowball down she looked up at Palossand.

Lillie: Were going to use Powder Snow to freeze Palossand and preventing it from moving.

Kiawe: Got it. We'll attract Palossand's attention, so you attack from it's blind spot!

Lillie: Yes. However...

Ash: Don't worry about us!

Niku: Do whatever it takes. We can handle ourselves.

Mallow: But Snowball wont be enough, if only we had...

Kiawe: Wait what's that?!

Everyone saw something swimming towards them and jumped out on the sand and appeared to be a familiar Pokemon.

???: Samurott!

Lillie: A Samurott?!

Lana: Wow and it's a different one. It must have come to help us.

Samurott charged an Ice Beam.

Lillie: If Samurotts helping, then we'll help to. Snowball, let's do this!

Kiawe: Charizard! Turtonator! Let's go!

Mallow: Sophocles, we'll back up Snowball!

Sophocles: Uh, okay. Leave it to us...

As Lillie and the others snuck behind Palossand, Kiawe, along with Ash Pokemon and Niku's Ursuluna all got ready to attack.

Kiawe: Now! All of you attack together!

All of the Pokemon assissting Samurott began attacking Palossand, distracting it. As they did,

Snowball began using Powder Snow, to freeze it.

Along with Samurott using Ice Beam, and the help of the others, it slowly began freezing.

Rotom Dex: There's no doubt in my mind!

Within Palossand, due to Snowball freezing it, the inside began to get colder and colder. Niku grabbed Eevee and stuffed her in his jacket.

Niku: Don't worry Eevee, I'll keep you warm.

Eevee looked at Niku and nuzzled inside the warmness of his jacket. Niku looked up in thought.

Niku:( It's pretty cold. But Snowball isn't strong enough to pull this off. Is it possoble that someone or something came to help?)

After a few minutes, Palossand finally froze it. Once they did, Ursuluna climbed to the opening.

Ursuluna: Ursa!

Niku: Ursuluna!

Ash: Alright! Let's get out of here!

Niku proceeded to jump up to the opening with no trouble, as Ash struggled to get up there. Once he made it up, he proceeded to head butt the ice to break it, but obviously, nothing was broken.

Niku: ...-_-... Don't be foolish, there is no way you can break it...

Litten then proceeded to jump out Ash's arms, confusing him.

Ash: Litten?

Ursuluna: Ursa!

Litten: Litt!

Litten proceede charging up it's power, as it began to glow.

Ursaluna: Ursa!

Litten leapt up to the opening and proceeded to use Fire Fang, melting the ice and destroying the opening, allowing them to escape.

Niku: Well done!

Eevee: Eevee!

Ursaluna: Ursa!

Ash: You did it, Litten! That Fire Fang was a success!

Litten: Lit!

Niku and Ash both walked out the opening, and saw everyone outside.

Ash: Everyone!

Everyone: Ash! Niku!

Niku jumped on Ursuluna's back as Ash landed on Kiawe's Charizard, flying away from Palossand.

Niku: Now to get Rotom out.

Rotom Dex: The- The- There-ere-ere... There... The-...

Ash then proceeded to jump onto the top of Palossand where Rotom was.

Rotom Dex: Hurry...!

Ash: Rotom, you did great!

Rotom Dex: Enduring this is a....

Ash: Litten, use Ember on the ice around Rotom.

Suddenly, Palossand broke free from the ice, now even more enraged.

Niku: Just like that? Really?

Kiawe: This isn't good! Have they still not found the shovel?

Sophocles: Lillie, can you attack with Powder Snow again?

Lillie: Snowball no longer has the stamina to... But maybe Samurott can...

Mallow: Wait where's Samurott?!

Sophocles: It probably only wanted to help temporarilily.

Suddenly, Popplio and Pikachu returned with the shovel.

Lana: There! Popplio!

Ash: Huh? Pikachu, did you find it?

Niku: That's a relief.

Lana: We've been waiting for you two.

Popplio and the other Pokemon proceeeded to bounce the balloon all the way up to Ash.

Ash: Alright, Litten... Time your attack on that balloon carefully!

Timing it's attack, Litten popped the balloon, just as Ash pulled Rotom free, as the shovel returned to Palossand. As it did,

Palossand calmed down and was happy that it's shovel has returned. After which it returned to sand, leaving.

Niku: ...-_-... Glad that's over... Never mess with a Pokemons item that holds sentimental value...

Ash: Sorry about that, Rotom.

Rotom Dex: I'm still somewhat cold...

Niku looked out at the ocean and could see his Samurott in the ocean with just it's head showing over water.

Niku: Thank you Samurott.

Samurott dived down and headed back home.

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