Heed The King of the Wolves

By Remnant_Weapon

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A young White Wolf Faunus finds himself caught up in an adventure with consequences bigger than he could ever... More

Bio and Teaser
How it all Began
That fateful day
The Train Robbery
Just to survive
The Club
The Shining Beacon
The First Step
The Emerald Forest
Players and Pieces
The Badge and The Burden
Jaunedice part 2
Forever Fall
The Strays
Black and White
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
A Minor Hiccup
Painting the Town...
Burning The Candle
Dance Dance Dance
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes
Round One
It's Brawl in the Family
Clash of Possibility
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
The Shop
These Kingdoms Are Built
On Pillars
Of Salt and Sand
Our mission is to bring Freedom?
The Next Step

New Challengers...

211 3 4
By Remnant_Weapon

So before we start Y/N most likely won't be in this chapter

Team JNPR stand opposite their opponents as both glares at each other. Both teams are intent on winning this match and showing the world just who they are. The terrane roulette spins as the system makes its decision, down in the arena the spinning that only lasts a few seconds feels like hours before behind JNPR a mountain with a thundercloud rises from the floor and on the opposite side behind BRNZ a lush green forest appears. A large holographic screen begins a countdown as Port leads.

Port: 3... 2... 1...

Jaune raises his sword into the air trying to encourage his team.

Jaune: Come on guys!

Port: BEGIN!

Port's booming voice signals the start of the fight as all four members of JNPR race forward only to be met by three members of BRNZ, the fourth member May turns on her heels and sprints towards the trees with her sniper axe combo at the ready. In the neutral center, Pyrrha raises her shield defending against a knee from Team BRNZ's leader Brawnz but she still slides back from the force. Pyrrha recovers just in time to block Brawnz's Claws with her xiphos, the redhead jerks her sword away slicing her fists and making him jump back his aura taking a negligible amount of damage. May runs through the forest before she leaps and sticks the axe end into a branch and uses it to swing up onto a different branch allowing her to take her unchallenged advantage. Ren readies his StormFlower's blades to attack the third member of BRNZ, Nolan who readies what looks like a metal stick. The boy begins to run and Ren before he is almost blindsided by Nora as she swings Magnhild right where his head would have been had he not ducked under. Nolan spins and swings his stick at Nora. May looks down at her sight spotting Ren all on his own as she takes her shot. Ren runs to the side unintentionally avoiding the rounds she had fired at him as the rock behind him crumbles upon impact. Jaune and the final member of BRNZ, Roy engage as Jaune lifts his shield managing to block the other boy's buzzsaw gloves. Jaune looks proud of himself before May fires a round a hit that goes wide causing him to look around and spot the glint from her rifle sight from her well-camouflaged position. Just not well enough. Jaune thinks for a split second trying to think about how to remove a sniper from their position his mind quickly races through all the times he had seen Ruby and Y/N fight in combat class before he quickly throws Y/N out of his mind. Jaune compares his opponent to Ruby. for as long as Jaune had known Ruby she had never missed a shot but this girl had just missed three on two people practically standing still but she was still dangerous.

Jaune: R-R-Retreat!

Ren glances at his leader confused before a round hits the ground next to him yet another missed shot. Ren and Nora decide not to test the sniper's aim as they start running towards the mountain in hopes of finding cover behind the rocks that litter its base. Shortly after Jaune and Pyrrha cover their retreat by lifting their shields and running behind them. May fires four rounds as two find a hit on the shields still yet to actually hit someone. Team JNPR leaps over a rocky outcropping and into cover. Pyrrha turns to her leader as more bullets fly over her head.

Pyrrha: What do we do?

Jaune pecks his head over the rock avoiding sniper fire as the three melee members charge at the cowering team.

Jaune: Spread out! Try to keep moving!

His team scatters but before he can run Brawnz lands a strike directly on his shield. May jumps around the trees trying to get higher before she finds her spot and focuses back on the fight below. Brawnz and Pyrrha ready an attack before Brawnz throws a wide haymaker that Pyrrha easily blocks. Nolan slowly and cockily struts up to Ren as he comes to a sliding stop with his weapons ready. The boy looks back at the trees to his now-relocated teammate and gives a nod before May fires another two rounds once again seemingly off-mark only for them to land at his feet causing him to execute a no-hand cartwheel to the side only to be rudely introduced to the business end of Nolans metal stick as it hits him upside the head disorientating the boy who kicks out hoping to find his mark only for Nolan to dodge and strike him centre mass with his stick that turns out to be cow prod as electricity surges through the ninja causing him to collapse onto the floor beside Nora. Nolan still cocky looks at the scowling Nora who swings at him which he promptly dodges before he tries to take her out the same way he had taken Ren as he thrusts his prod forward into her corset expecting her to let out a scream of pain and fall to the floor only for her to double over and grab the end holding it against herself. Nolan looks on confused before Port's voice fills the air.

Port: Oh-ho! looks like one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie is charging up to use her Semblance!

Nolan's confusion turns to panic as he tries to pull his prod away while he looks up at the holographic screen displaying both Port and Oobleck.

Oobleck: Yes, Ms. Valkyrie's Semblance lets her produce, as well as channel, electrical energy straight to her muscles! This allows her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attacks and send the young man flying!

Nolan turns back to his opponent as she lets go of his prod now fully charged.

Nolan: What?!

Nora stares the boy dead in the eyes as she raises her arms and flexes her arms as pink lighting travels through her veins and arcs between her large biceps and her hands. Nolan loses his cocky tough guy act as he lifts his hands in surrender but it's too late as thunder claps from Nora as her aura flairs and she rushes at him Nolan's face transforms into pure terror as Nora slams the head of her hammer into his chest as he flies back and bounces over the field past his teammates and through a rock not getting back up.

Jaune saw Nolan as he looked to the mountaintop as thunder claps and the cloud lights up yellow. Just what they needed. Jaune whips his head to his now super-charged teammate.

Jaune: NORA! Get to the mountain!

Nora: You got it!

Nora gives a salute to her team leader as she sprints off to start her climb up the mountain. Jaune turns back the now back up standing Ren and issuing an order.

Jaune: Ren! Try and distract the sniper!

Ren looks at Jaune before another round whizzes past his head and he slouches in defeat before letting out his sarcasm.

Ren: Sure... Why now.

The remaining members of JNPR run forward towards their opponents as Nora hops up and starts to rapidly ascend the mountain. Roy is the first to meet a member of JNPR as he jumps into the air and spins before throwing his arms down toward Jaune launching his buzzsaws out and towards the boy who lifts his shield but not high enough as the blades bounce off making Jaune in the face with his own shield before the blades return to their owner. Just in time for him to approach a defensive Pyrrha before he executes a flurry of spinning attacks using his momentum from the returning blades to empower his attacks all for them to land on Pyrrha's shield. Jaune shakes the dizziness and embarrassment from his face before he charges back into the fray.  

Up in the spectators area Team RWBY obviously minus Y/N and Wolf watch the fight in excitement. Ruby punches the air in excitement.

Ruby: Yeah! Go get 'em, Jaune!

Weiss shifts her weight in the chair as she can't help but watch the blonde-haired knight.

Weiss: Well, he's certainly improved.

Yang leans forward enthralled by the match

Yang: Yeah, but he ain't got nothing on Pyrrha!

As if to prove Yang's point Pyrrha dances around both Brawnz and Roy as she delivers a heavy kick to Brawnz's chest creating space before she uses her shin armour to bat away one of Roy's buzzsaws only for the other to come from behind her as she blocks with her shield as she leaps over a returning saw as she twists in the air and throws her weapon just past Roy throwing him off as she lands in a superhero landing before leaping onto her hands compressing her arms and pushing off kicking Brawnz in the face with her heeled boots taking him out of their fight as she lands with a roll and retrieves her weapon before re-engaging Roy. May still in the trees watches over the fight as Ren charges right at her. May fires her shots landing much closer to the man than any she had fired that fight but still landing wide as Ren leaps over her shot under Roy's saws thrown at Pyrrha who he then slides under before he beelines for the recovering Nolan as Ren fires his guns distracting Nolan before he is able to get close enough to be able to hook the prod under his blades not allowing Nolan to escape unless he drops his weapon. Ren delivers a swift double-kick to his opponent as he repositions both weapons to hold Nolan by the throat with his own prod using him as a shield from the sniper. May grimaces before she lifts her gun and aims at the climbing Nora. Ren struggles against his prisoner. 

Ren: NORA!

Jaune catches Brawnz's claw on this blade, like Pyrrha had done before but less confidently and elegantly as the spartan while Nora pulls herself up over a ledge. Jaune locks eyes with Pyrrha before calling out to her.

Jaune: Pyrrha! Up!

His partner rushes towards him as she dodge rolls under the flying buzzsaws and bounds over Brawnz as he pulls away from Jaune who gets down onto a knee with his shield over his head confusing the other boy before Pyrrha pirouettes over him and lands on Jaune's shield before she is sent flying into the air and manages to block the would-be kill shot on the distracted Nora but instead, it lands on Pyrrha's shield knocking her back to the ground with gives the hammer-wielding redhead just enough time to reach the top as she valiantly lifts her hammer into the air and a lightning bolt strikes it sending lightning once again through the girl's veins and even leaping out her eyes as she changes the hammer back into its grenade launcher as th front goes drops down and Nora launches her entire stock of grenades at the poor defenceless sniper who had been nothing more than an annoying fly the entire fight. The grenades fall into a heart formation and she barely has time to gawk before she is forced to leap to another tree near her as the middle of the forest goes up in pink flames. May emerges relatively unscathed as she coughs from the smoke and gets out of the tree and onto the ground before she looks up to see Nora encased in a ball of lightning as she falls towards her teammates with her hammer held high before it meets the ground launching the three remaining members of BRNZ to land at her feet. BRNZ are completely at JNPR's mercy all they have to do is land one good hit before they can recover. Jaune raises his sword high into the air to give his orders.

Jaune: This is it, guys! Let's finish 'em with team attacks! (raising his sword as he calls out) Ren! Nora! Flower Power!

Nora: Wait, what?

The stadium goes quiet as Jaune lowers his blade and he looks back at his befuddled team.

Jaune: F-Flower Power.

Jaunes teammates aren't following they are so lost.

Jaune: That's your team attack name!

Ren scratches his head.

Ren: Since when?

Jaune: Guys, we've been over this! 

Jaune gestures his sword at them all as a large pointer they all fail to notice the other team recovering and looking confused at them.

Jaune: Flower Power is Ren and Nora! Ren brings the flower, and Nora brings the power!

Ren rubs his head again as he still looks confused.

Ren: How do I bring a flower?

Nora: No, silly, not a flower! Flour, like in baking!

Ren: Why would I bring that?

Ren and Nora have their own little off-shoot conversation as Jaune tries to pull them back in only for Pyrrha to look like she wants to ask a question.

Jaune: I- Uh- No, it's your symbol!

Pyrrha: Sooo, what are we?

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Pyrrha brings her hands and weapons up in defence 

Pyrrha: Sorry! I just want to make sure it's clearly defined.

Jaune looks like he is about to pop a blood vessel as Team BRNZ looks on even more confused than their opponents. Team JNPR stand in a huddle as the crowd starts getting restless.

Jaune: Pyrrha, you and I are Arkos. It's that thing when we take our shields? Remember?

Pyrrha: "Arkos"?

Jaune: Yeah! It's our names put together!

Pyrrha: Right, no, I get it...

Jaune: What, do you not like it?

Pyrrha: No, no! It's... good?

Pyrrha tries to wave her hands and dismiss the idea before Nora draws attention to it.

Nora: Mmm, I sense hesitation.

Brawnz joins Jaune in looking like he is about to pop a blood vessel as he calls out to the bickering team.

Brawnz: Hey!

Team JNPR turned around with a collective 'huh?' and confused faces.

Brawnz: What do you think you're doing!?

Jaune looks at his team and then back to the other team before explaining something that works perfectly in his mind.

Jaune: Trying to have a team meeting, thank you very little!

Nora: Yeah! Team ears only!

The hyper redhead then points at her own ears to demonstrate. Brawnz looks back at his own team horrified before he yells back at JNPR.


Jaune finally snaps as he turns back and screams even louder.


Pyrrha decides she should be the one to break the news to him. 

Pyrrha: Um, Jaune?

Jaune doesn't even look at her as annoyance laces his voice.

Jaune: Yes, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: I think that he means that we're all in the middle of a fight.

The crowd scream out as it reminds the teams they are still there. Jaune puts his hand to his face and drags it down before giving the easiest order of the whole fight.

Jaune: Ugh... Nora, just... hit them with the hammer.

Nora grows an evil smirk as the other team looks on horrified.

Nora: Got it.

Brawnz: Wait, what?!

Before anyone can react, Nora jumps over in front of Team BRNZ, then brings her hammer around to collide with all four screaming fighters as they soar straight into the forcefield surrounding the arena's rim, sliding down to the ground with arms and legs in bent positions they really shouldn't be.

Port: And with that, it appears Team JNPR wins by knockout, literally! ...Can someone go make sure they're okay?

Down on Vales waterfront, a sign depicting two crowbars crossed over each other stands over the entrance to the appropriately named Crow Bar, a grey-haired figure in a tattered red cloak sits at the counter with a collection of empty glasses to his side and one that he is currently nursing. He takes a sip from the one in his hand as he looks up at the screen depicting JNPR's win over BRNZ. The Bartender wipes a glass clean as he also looks up at the TV. 

Bartender: Huh, those kids weren't half bad!

The stranger merely lets out an unimpressed scoff as he takes another sip from his glass. In the cargo bay of an airship a young man no older than Ruby watches the fight from his Scroll. The young man has brown hair and blue eyes just by his expression and aura you can tell he's a soldier or at least trained as one but his appearance doesn't match he wears a green singlet with blue shorts and tan hiking boots but the most out of place part about him is the large white wings on his back signifying him as a faunus. 

(He has the wing zero custom wings on his back)

Heero: Pathetic.

Heero keeps watching before the sound of heels clicking on steel catches his attention. The boy gets off the crate he is on and stands tall as a taller more militaristic version of Weiss rounds the corner.

Winter: We are making our approach to Beacon be ready.  

Heero: Yes Ma'am!

Heero's Scroll on the crate next to him flashes as the screen transitions to the Vytal festival logo spins and gives way to Oobleck back in the announcer's box. Next to him is an image of Team BRNZ in all their glory as they are on the end of Nora's hammer.

Oobleck: Ah, well, Vacuo fans are sure to be hurting after that one, but this next one will have them on the edge of their seats!

Port sits next to Oobleck as the screens around the stadium show him as well as an image of one of the next teams all full of lovely ladies.

Port: Team NDGO of Shade is certainly a crowd favourite, but these lovely ladies are going against some of the toughest, testosterone-filled teammates we've seen so far! I'm of course talking about... Team SSSN!

In the crowd female students squeal as they hold up pictures of Sage, Scarlet and Neptune with hearts around their faces only for the last one being a picture of Sun's abs with the same heart.

Port: Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with, and although he'll be representing the Mistral Academy of Haven, I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along!

The team of boys walk out onto the field waving to the crowd and shaking their fists as nearly every female student or attendee squeals and cries out to the team. Including Weiss, she cups her hands around her face to sweetly call out to Neptune.

Weiss: Good Luck, Neptune!

Neptune is lost in the moment as he waves to the crowd only stopping once he sees the four attractive women in front of him as he puts on his confident attitude.

Neptune: Ladies.

Yang could almost hear Weiss's world smash at Neptune's actions as she shook with rage until she stood up and thrust her fist forward.

Weiss: Break his stupid face, NDGO!

Neptune either doesn't hear Weiss or completely ignores her as he continues to flirt with the other team.

Neptune: Alright, girls, try and remember: hands above the waist.

Sun grasps Neptune's arm as he just looks at him disappointedly before he apologizes to the other team.

Sun: Ignore him, for he... Yeah, he's dumb.

Neptune has yet to take his eyes off the girls as he gives a wink you can almost see sparkles coming from. NDGO recoils in disgust as the holographic roulette spins again as the system makes its decision this time down in the arena it only feels like a few seconds for the side behind NDGO to land on a sunny desert as it rises from underneath as a second Sun emerges overhead causing most of the crowd to don sunglasses. The Leader of  Team NDGO, Nebula laughs as she looks back at their selection.

Nebula: Alright! Home-field advantage!

Sun: Don't get too cocky! That's my turf, too!

Scarlet looks down at his attire as the roulette begins again this team behind SSSN. Scarlet lifts his for and turns it looking at his shoes.

Scarlet: I hope I don't get sand in my shoes.

Neptune leans over and whispers into his ear.

Scarlet: Be cool, man.

The Roulette stops spinning as it selects a blue square with waves in it. Most of Team SSSN shared a look as Neptune hadn't seen it yet. Dew the second member from NDGO just has to point it out.

Dew: Hey! The ocean!

Neptune: Huh?

Neptune turns so fast his head could have snapped, his eyes dilate as his goggles reflect the terrifying image in front of him and he lets out a slight whimper. Up in the stands, Team RWBY sit confused.

Ruby: Uhh, what's wrong with Neptune?

Blake: Oh, no. Neptune's afraid of the water.

The sandy beach water and shipwreck rise from the ground as Neptune stiffens up like a board at the sight. Yang has to use everything she has not to laugh at her friend's demise. 

Oobleck: 3, 2, 1, BEGIN!

Before Oobleck had even finished the word Neptune skates through Team NDGO with speed to rival Ruby and Y/N as he even climbs the rocky outcropping in the desert all to be further from the water.

Sage: Neptune what are you doing?!

Neptune stands at the top of the formation as he faces the other way to not even see the water.

Neptune: Uh, you know, just gaining the higher ground!

Sun: On the enemy's side?!

The whole fight ground to a halt before it could even start as NDGO watches on confused at the arguing team.

Neptune: They would never expect it!

Dew turns around to her team as she shrugs her arms.

Dew: He's not wrong.

Nebula gives her first order.

Nebula: Open fire!

NDGO charges into their turf leaving SSSN behind to play catch up. Sage Sage readied his sword while Scarlet ditched his coat and they charged into the desert. Scarlet is the first to meet a member of NDGO as the third member Octavia emerges from a nearby arch and skates towards him using her Semblance. Scarlet tries to slice her with his cutlass but she expertly dodges under the swing and skates away leaving the boy in her dust literally and figurately. Octavia skates between Dew and Sage getting ready to rumble. Sage lifts his greatsword over his head and brings it down only for Dew to use her spear and force him back before she could even make contact with her. Sage raises his head in time to see the blonde spear user weave her spear over the sand using wind dust to create three small twisters that kick up sand and dust into Sage's eyes before coming together and picking up the great sword user and throwing him out of the arena. Sage lands heavily on his back as his sword stabs into the ground next to him. He slams his fist into the ground as Ooblecks voice comes over the speakers.

Oobleck: And NDGO gains the advantage!

Octavia comes to a sliding stop in front of Sun and Scarlet as the three ready themselves to fight before Octavia flips over herself launching a fire dust wave from her sword into the sand kicking it up into the two's faces. Sun quickly flips and jumps out before it can cause too much of a problem before he calls out to Neptune.


Neptune looks down sporting Sun running over a dune and pointing towards Scarlet as Octavia launches another wave at Scarlet before Neptune leaps down from his position and raises his gun. Octavia senses another easy elimination as she sends another wave in an attempt to blind Neptune, but the blue-haired boy just lowers his goggles rendering the attack useless. Octavia looks on confidently before she is soon forced to block a bolt of blue energy with her blade. Just as she lowers her sword from the block Sun leaps out over the dune using the sun as cover for him to deliver a neck-snapping kick to the face. Octavia scowls now furious as she brings her blade down on the monkey faunus but it is quickly intercepted and countered by Sun's Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang in its staff form as he spins it around his body and hits hers in several places like her elbows and knees before he delivers a heavy hit to her chest knocking her back on to the sand and out of the fight.

Port: Oh! And we're down to a 3 on 3!

Sun looks from his downed opponent as he takes a scan of the field spotting Neptune fighting with the final member of NDGO, Gwen as she circles him with her throwing knives. Sun spots Scarlet attempting to go blow for blow with Dew but her spear is proving to be a difficult opponent before Scarlet closes in and delivers a kick that she dodges before she calls for another sandy twister to lift him. Scarlet revolves around the twister before he is thrown out the top. Dew hoped for another easy elimination only for Scarlet to right himself and spread his arms and for him to glide over to the shipwreck. Nebula and Gwen rush to pursue him as Scarlet grabs the mast and flips himself up onto it only just keeping his balance. Nebula closes the difference as she fires a bolt from her crossbow into the mast, Gwen throws knives that Nebula uses as foot and hand holds as she jumps up onto the mast and transforms her weapon from crossbow to sword. 

Scarlet readies his own blade as the two cross-blades. The two swing and dodge to the best of their ability on the single pole they are on until Nebula finds an opening and strikes Scarlet on his head he kicks in retaliation causing Nebula to wrap herself around the main mast beam and onto the other side before she is forced to block another blow before she forces the two into a blade lock pushing down onto Scarlet as he bends back quickly losing his strength. Scarlet spots that the bottom half of Nebula's sword isn't sharp as he grabs it and swings his sword at her feet which she jumps only to be met by his elbow launching her off the mast and down into the sand below. 

Scarlet spots Gwen as she throws her blades at Sun uninterrupted as he is trying to dodge Dew's twisters as well. Scarlet decides that he should help his leader as he smirks and draws his flintlock as the bottom of the handle and guard shoots off and wraps itself around Gwen's ankle.  

Scarlet: Gotcha!

Scarlet jumps off the back of the mast and uses it like a pully as he falls and Gwen rises into the air only for him to land directly below her. Gwen tries to protect her modesty by holding her dress up but she is unable to stop her knives as they fall out directly towards Scarlet. The male quickly has to adopt a pose that allows him to dodge all the knives at once which looks less than flattering. The knives fall harmlessly down into the sand around him and he lets out a sigh of relief. However, his luck quickly turns as Dew leaps towards Sun as the faunus spots his new improvised weapons. Sun punches a tree as two coconuts fall from the tree into his hands. Sun winks at Dew as he throws the coconuts hoping to hit her but instead, she bats them right back at him even faster they catch fire only for Sun to dodge out of the way leaving Scarlet open to the attack as he is hit in the face and his nuts as his eyes widen and every male in the arena and around the world holds their own in second-hand pain. Scarlet lets out a whimper as he drops to the floor and his Aura drops taking him out of the fight.

Sun: Nuts!

Sun is forced to stop looking at his teammate as Dew summons a water twister that he flips around while Neptune stands on the other side of the arena looking away from the water. 

Sun: Uh, Neptune? Could use some help, buddy!

Neptune: Uh, you know, uh, it would probably be better if you came over here! Yeah, I can guard this... sector! We're in lockdown mode!

Sun stops his escape as Nebula shoots the rope holding Gwen upside down as she drops to the floor unceremoniously 

Sun: What are you talking about? There's nothing to lock down!

Neptune: Lockdown! Right! You got it!

Dew speeds towards Sun as he jumps out of the way still talking to his teammate

Sun: Dude, I know you're afraid of water, but you gotta-

A blue bolt cracks over him as Dew is knocked from the sky and into the water as she tries to skewer Sun again.

Neptune:  There! I helped! Are you happy now!? Also, I am not afraid of water, and I have no idea what you are talking about!

Dew manages to get back up as Nebula and Gwen join their comrade, lifting their weapons and ready to fight once more. Sun has reached his breaking point as he gestures at the three with his hands.


Neptune: Okay, fine! Just get out of the water!

Neptune jumps over to a spot near the coastal line next to Sun, and he unfolds Tri-Hard into its trident form before tip-toeing forwards and, eyes closed, plunges the sparking prongs into the water. The energy surges through the deep until the remaining members of NDGO are electrocuted and sink to their knees in the water, smoking and defeated with the sound of the buzzer.

Port:  And with that, Team SSSN moves on to the doubles round! You know what I call that victory?

Oobleck: Shocking?

Port: No, well earned. What you said is stupid.

Back in the bar, the Bartender whistles at the screen.

Bartender: Now that was a match!

Grey-haired man: Heh, that was a mess!

Bartender: Come on man, you didn't like them, the Vale kids, or any of the rounds before that? What fight are you here for?

Outside an airship with elegant ribbons fluttering from its wings tips makes its way towards Beacon.

Grey-haired man: That one.

The man finishes the rest of his drink before the happily inebriated Huntsman slams the glass down on the counter and throws some Lien alongside it.

Grey-haired man: Happy Vytal Festival!

The Bartender watches as his sole patron staggers away and puts down the glass he just finished cleaning, only to knock it down and shatter it when he reaches for another one

Bartender: Aw, gee darn it!

Ruby leans back in her seat like she has come down from an adrenalin high. 

Ruby: Aw, that was so close!

Yang: Looks like the dorks made it to the next round!

Blake looks down to the arena where Sun and Neptune are dancing like fools before Sun looks up and finger guns Blake with a wink causing her to blush and a smile from the black cat. After all, if Y/N can let down his walls to Yang she should let hers down to Sun.

Blake: Emphasis on "dork".

Oobleck: That concludes the matches for today. Please leave the Coliseum IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION!

Team RWBY and many of the patrons around them flinch from the sudden change in volume as Yang leads them away.

Yang: Come on, let's go congratulate 'em. Then we can go find Y/N and see what Ozpin wanted him for.

The four girls get up from their seats and start to head out just as the same ribbon-adorned craft passes over the Colosseum, causing Weiss to stop in her tracks and Ruby to bounce into her.

Ruby: Uh, what are you viewing?

Weiss looked up at the aircraft with a strange expression and strain in her voice that Ruby hadn't seen before.

Weiss: She's here!

The Schnee's face displays a mix of joy and anxiety as she watches the ship descend behind the stadium.

Alright that's it for this chapter It was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be. To make up for Y/N not being in it I tried to flesh out the two fights. Also, we have a new character I wonder what he'll do and it looks like we still have to meet one for the fight later. I wonder who it is. Please remember to Vote and comment if you like it. I know the start hasn't been great but I am hoping to make it better. Next Chapter: It's Brawl in the Family

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