Better days (JJxOC)

By jjblackbird

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Maya Prentiss is Emily's little sister. She was a caring person with a big heart but the world can be cruel s... More

Black jacket
Four of a kind
Small talk
A lonely club
Trust issues
Baby marshmallows
Favorite hoodie
Toy car
Trust fund baby
The pretty one
Secret language
Busy night
I'm sorry
Truth or dare
Waste of space
Grow up
Our home
Unexpected guest
Mad woman
It's my fault
Good samaritan
That look
You did that

Better safe than sorry

425 6 8
By jjblackbird

Next day I got up early and surprisingly wasn't that tired anymore so I decided to get out of bed and make breakfast. I looked over at JJ still sleeping and smiled. I carefully moved her arm from my waist and put my pillow under it.

I went over to the kitchen and I saw Emily already drinking her coffee on the couch. I looked at her and shook my head. I searched the fridge and decided on blueberry pancakes.

"Did you go to sleep at all last night?" I asked Emily while preparing to cook.

"Yeah. I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided, coffee it is," she said.

"Did you at least make some for me too?" I asked.

"Yeah, there's some in the pot still," she said.

"Thanks," I said and continued to make the breakfast.

When I finished, I poured some coffee for JJ and myself. I gave Emily a couple of pancakes and took the rest upstairs. I walked in the room and JJ was already up.

"Hey," I smiled, "Sleep good?"

"Yeah, the last few hours were fine," she said with a smile.

"Good. I made breakfast," I smiled.

Her smile faded a little, "For me?"

"Yeah, for us," I said, "And Emily too, she's in the living room if you wanna eat together."

"Why?" She asked.

I was confused. She looked stressed. I couldn't tell if it was just because of the bad night or if it was something else, she looked almost scared even.

"Are you asking me about the concept of breakfast itself or why I made it for you specifically?" I asked.

"Why you made it for me," she said.

"Well, because I wanted to. Thought it'd be nice. Do you not like pancakes?" I asked, "They're blueberry, you like blueberries."

"So you didn't do anything? Or do you want me to do something?" She asked.

Now I know what this was about. That girl she was dating really must've been something. At this point she's lucky she's never met me.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you. You had a bad night so you deserve a good day, but I think I might make it a habit from now on," I smiled, "So we'll eat and then we're just gonna chill today."

She smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I smiled handing her the plate with pancakes.

She took a bite, "Oh god, these are good."

"Of course they are. I'm an amazing cook," I said proudly taking a bite of my own looking at her with a smile.

"You gonna sit with me or are you just gonna stand there?" She asked.

"Oh yeah," I said and sat beside her turning the tv on, "What are we watching?"

"Reality about dating?" She asked.

"It's like you read my mind," I said taking a bite and putting the reality show on.

We spend the whole day like this. I intentionally wanted this day to be soft so she could relax. And honestly I it was a much needed type of day for me too.

I think I'm starting to change her view on certain aspects and I'm really glad. I'm trying to replace any negative memories with good ones. We don't really talk about it, but we don't have to. I just show her and we know.

With every thing she gets triggered, self conscious, or stressed by I just show her that it's not the case this time. It takes time to rewire your brain, after it taught itself to be alarmed by certain things and send you signals about a possible red light, but we're getting there. And it's a great sight to see.

Next day we got a case. I was glad because I was not looking forward to another day with paperwork. I prefer to do it when there's tons of it. I work better under pressure.

We flew to Seattle and immediately got set up at the station. We had three bodies and one missing male.

"Why were we called so late?" I asked.

"The men were all addicts, the police thought they were run aways," Hotch said.

"They always do," I rolled my eyes.

"So where are we starting?" Derek asked.

"Morgan and little Prentiss will go to see the bodies. Reid and Dave, geographical profile. I'll talk to the deputy. JJ and big Prentiss, you'll check out the crime scenes," Hotch instructed.

"Don't call me big Prentiss," she frowned.

I chuckled, "He said what he said."

"Sorry, Emily you'll go with JJ," he corrected himself.

"Yeah, I got that part," Emily said.

We all went to do our things. I went to the car along with Derek and got into the driver's seat. He got in and I drove us to the coroner's office.

We checked the bodies and found what we needed. We got the autopsy reports and our job there was done. Derek went back to the car and I followed.

I got in and started driving. He poked me in my arm and I looked over at him. He started showing off his muscles on me. I looked at him weird and opened my mouth to say something, but I was too confused.

"Derek, what the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked showing off his muscles.

"I never asked a question," I said.

He chuckled, "Beautiful, I know."

"God, men are so weird," I said.

He looked at me like I offended him. I shook him off and kept driving, but the confusion never left my mind.

Few moments later his phone rang and he answered, "Hey babygirl, tell me something I wanna hear."

"There's another body, chocolate thunder," Hotch said on the other side.

I burst out laughing and Derek got embarrassed. I know it wasn't an appropriate time, but I think it's safe to say we did not expect the phone call to be from Aaron.

Morgan cleared his throat, "We'll go check it out."

He ended the call and looked at me. We both started laughing again.

"Dude, does Hotch have a sense of humor after all?" I asked laughing.

"I think he does," he chuckled, "But it'll take w joke for me to get back from this," he shook his head.

I drove us to the dump site. We examined the crime scene and drove back to the station.

Everyone else was back too so we gathered all together in a room with a white board to get familiar with the geographical profile.

We solved the case in three days and got back home. David invited us for dinner that same night. JJ, Emily and I were just getting ready for it.

We got there before anyone else did so I hang around in David's kitchen, pretending to be helping. In all honesty I was just sitting on the counter, looking pretty.

"You know, that thing you got with JJ?" He started, "Looks great on you."

"I- We don't have a thing," I said, "I do not have a soft spot for her, I am also not in love and it's not a crush. I'm not sixteen."

"What I meant was that for the first time you're actually not late," he winked.

I sighed, "Shit. It's Emily and Derek. They keep saying it all the time to tease me and it's annoying."

"Maybe you should ask yourself why it is annoying you so much," he said.

"Okay, just because you are kinda like a father to me, doesn't mean you get to do all that," I said drawing a circle in the air with my finger.

"I think this is exactly what it means, kid, but I'll go with it this time," he said.

"Thank you," I patted his back, "That's why we are friends," I said and went back to Emily and JJ.

Everyone else joined us not longer after. The dinner was ready and we all started enjoying the delicious lasagna Rossi made.

"Maya I need you to join the international team for a case tomorrow morning," Aaron said.

"Me? Why me?" I asked.

"Because you know spanish and Clara is not available," he said.

"Emily does too," I said.

"And she'll be joining you as well," Hotch said.

"Okay, I did not expect that," Emily said.

"Tell me about it," I said.

"Cool, at least it'll be hot and not raining all the time like in Seattle on the last case," Emily said.

"That's a good point. We're going," I said, "And if I get shot at least it won't ruin my hoodie cause I won't be wearing one."

"Why would you even think about something like that?" Derek asked, "Were you dropped on your head as a baby or something?"

I chuckled, "Bold of you to assume I was held at all."

"Dark," JJ said chuckling.

"My favorite," Emily said nodding.

"What is actually wrong with you?" Spencer asked smiling.

"Everything except for the way I dress," I said.

"Oh I second that," JJ said, "Not the everything part, but the dressing part."

"Thank you Jayje, I appreciate people with good taste," I smiled.

"So when's the wedding?" Emily asked.

"What wedding?" I looked at Rossi, "Are you getting married again? What, it'd be like the sixth time?"

"Fourth actually, but no. I believe that Emily was referring to you and JJ," he said.

"Of course she was," I rolled my eyes.

"Next month," JJ said, "And neither one of you is invited."

"Wait, let's rethink that," I said, "Guests equal gifts."

She nodded and smiled, "And every single one of you is invited."

"Are you guys really getting married?" Reid asked.

"No," we both said at the same time and laughed.

"They are. Just maybe not next month," Derek said.

"You know you talk a lot for someone with a pair of perfectly good and healthy eyeballs," I told him.

"You little Prentiss," he pointed at me, "You scare me sometimes."

"I'm surprised it's only sometimes," Hotch said.

"Come on, even you are not on my side?" I asked.

"I'm not on any side. I would very much appreciate if you left me out of it," he said.

"You guys are dramatic, she's like a puppy. Not scary at all," JJ said, "She dragged me to her apartment just so I could close my eyes for a minute all while we still hated each other. You all misjudge her."

"I never hated you, but don't expose me like that," I said.

"No, it's fine. She can expose you. I'm not gonna risk it anyway. Better safe than sorry," Derek said.

We finished dinner and everyone went to do different things. I was sitting outside with Emily and Spencer. We were talking and laughing. I wanted to get a drink so I got up and went to the kitchen, but I stopped when I heard Garcia say my name.

"I have been summoned," I said walking into the kitchen.

"Oh my god," JJ said with her hand over her chest, "Don't sneak up on me like that," she hit my arm.

"What is with you and hitting my arm?" I chuckled.

"I don't know," she chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," I said putting my hand on her shoulder for a second.

"I know. And I'm actually not sorry, I will not stop doing that in the future," she smiled.

"I am aware," I nodded.

"We were just saying that it's great you two are finally on good terms," Garcia said, "I'm so happy because I missed hanging out with you at the same time."

"I know, PG. I missed that too," I smiled.

The night ended and we all went back home. Next day Emily and I were on a jet to Spain. It was gonna be a long flight so I decided to sleep through most of it. I don't really know these people so I wouldn't have anything to talk to them about anyway.

We were there for five days and as much as I enjoyed the sun, it was weird to be without JJ for so long. It's still strange for me to admit that, but we've been with each other pretty much all the time for the last few weeks and I got used to it. To her being around.

We were texting and face timing, but with the time zones and cases we barely had any time to.

The team also went to a bar one night and I was not happy that I missed it. I love our nights out. They're always so fun. One of my favorite things is watching Derek whine when I get a phone number from a girl and he doesn't.

The five days went by and we got back to Quantico. Everyone was still in the bullpen when Emily and I got back so we went to say hi and hang out for a couple of minutes.

"How was the night out, huh? Got any girls now that you had them all to yourself?" I smirked at Derek.

"Yes I did," he smiled, "But I did have some competition even without you around."

"Yeah? Who would that be?" I asked.

"Literally anyone," Emily said and Derek glared at her.

"Pennsylvania petite over here," he motioned to JJ, "She got herself a pretty girl."

"She did?" I asked and looked at JJ, "You did?"

She hesitated, "Um, well, yeah. Kinda."

"Kinda? You've been seeing her everyday since that night," Derek said.

"Oh, so it's like more than just a girl from a bar?" I asked.

"I don't know. I guess we'll see," JJ said.

"I guess we will," I nodded, "Okay, well we're gonna head home."

"Wait," JJ stopped me, "I'm coming too."

I smiled, "Sure you are, pretty girl. Let's go."

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