Par HermesStories

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"Remember the promise you made years ago?" My brother asked from the phone. "Which one?" I asked as I blow a... Plus

Author's Note
I. Sōzokujin Academy
II. Note
III. His Sister
IV. Oh Brother
V. Serve
VI. Breakfast
VII. Surprise
VIII. Storm
IX. On
X. Late
XI. Kitchen Duty
Author's Note
XII. Food
XIII. Caught
XIV. Red
XV. Pretty Cute
XVI. Graves
XVII. Sleepover
XVIV. Wish
XXI. Get Lost
XXII. The Plan
XXIII. Idiot
XXIV. Spill
XXV. Punishment
XXVI. Second
XXVIII. Explain

XX. His Fingers

55 4 0
Par HermesStories

"Futakuchi, whatever it is that's running in your head. Don't do it." Moniwa said as he watch Futakuchi grinning while looking at Karasuno.

"Come on captain. Where's the fun in that?" He said as he walked towards their opponents for the whole day.

Aone stood up from his seat and blocked Futakuchi, stopping him in his tracks.

"The coaches aren't here yet. Might as well do something for the mean time, right?" Futakuchi said as he pats Aone's shoulder.

"Ohh! I'll go with you!" Koganegawa yelled as he jumps up from his seat.

The 2 jogged towards Karasuno leaving their team behind.

"Hey. Hey. Hey." Futakuchi said with a smirk.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Koganegawa repeated with a grin.

The boys from Karasuno looked at the 2 with raised brows.

"Ready to lose again?" Futakuchi taunted them.

The boys had irk marks while Hideko tried to stop herself from chuckling.

"Hey. Look, even she agrees." Futakuchi gestured towards her.

"Hey! I don't. It's just funny that you went up here just to say that." Hideko said with one brow raised.


"Is that all, boys?" Hideko looked at Futakuchi and Koganegawa.

"We'll win! For sure!" Koganegawa yelled as his cheeks flush with color.

"Just do your best. The boys will do the same. Let's have a good game." Hideko smiled.

"Don't mind these two." Moniwa appeared behind Futakuchi as he pulls their shirts.


"Hideko, I hope you're doing well these days."

"I am. How about you?" Hideko gave him a tight smile.

Considering what happened last night and early this morning...

"I don't know which one is more tiring... Keeping hard headed guys in line or the matches." Hideko laughed as Moniwa chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.

"They can be difficult to handle, I assume?"

"Who would have thought that 2 weeks is such a long time." Moniwa said with a grin.

"Ohhh. Is the captain in need for a rest day already? Don't worry, Sunday's coming up."

"True. I was thinking about something else though." Moniwa looked to his side, avoiding Hideko's eyes.

I shouldn't have said anything! Damnit.

Hideko clapped her hands together surprising everyone, remembering something.

"Swimming!" Hideko yelled with a grin.

"Swimming?" Koganegawa looked at his captain.

"She's coming with us?" Futakuchi asked with raised brows.

"On our team building?" Koganegawa added.

"Huh? You guys are the ones who are coming with!" Hideko teased the 2 boys who looked at her curiously.

What is she talking about?

"Moniwa-san, we haven't even asked for permission yet!"

"When do you want to? We can do it later if you want."

"Yes! We should-" Hideko's as cut off by Tanaka and Noya.


"Where are you going swimming with Moniwa, Hideko-chan?" Suga asked as he looks at Daichi.

Hideko turned back to her team, rubbing her hands together.

"Here. I was planning on having us swim to mark the end of the first half of the training camp. I haven't told anyone yet because I wanted it to be a surprise-"

"Hideko-chan!" Tanaka and Noya ran towards her, ready to jump at her but was pulled back by Daichi and Ennoshita.

"Knock it off, you two." Daichi yelled at them before smiling towards Hideko.

"That will be great, Hideko-chan." Daichi said as the other boys agreed.

"Why with him?" Tsukishima asked as he raised his brows towards the 3 Date Tech players, standing in front of them.

"Ohh. Well, you see, Moniwa-san and I saw the pool when we were walking around together-"

"Maybe because she likes spending time with him instead of you guys. Not like I blame her or anything. Our team is-" Futakuchi stopped mid sentence when Moniwa slapped the back of his neck.

"She wanted to swim. So why not? That's basically it." Koganegawa said as he looks at his captain and Hideko while nodding his head.

"I'm in!" Koganegawa, Tanaka and Noya yelled at the same time.


"Alright. Liven up boys. We will now start on our afternoon matches!" The coaches entered the gym as they looked over at Moniwa, Futakuchi and Koganegawa at Karasuno's side.

Good. They're making friends.

"Coach, I'll be going to the other gym. If that's alright with you." Hideko said as her brother and Takeda walked towards their team.


"You're going to help on the other teams?" Keishin asked.

"Yes. That's my plan but only if you allow me to." Hideko smiled towards her brother.

"Of course. Why wouldn't we Hideko-chan?" Takeda answered.

"You did say on the first day that you'll help around. The other coaches already agreed before. I'm sure they'll appreciate the help." Takeda smiled.

"Alright. I'll be on my way. Thanks coach. Thank you sensei. The water bottles are set including the towels. I'll also leave the notebook in case any of you would want to add on something, I'll be sure to check it out later." She turned to face her friends and gave them a tight smile and a small wave.

"I'll go now, guys. Play well." She turned around without waiting for any reply and walked out the gym.

"She left." Asahi whispered to himself.

"She actually left." Suga mumbled as he stares at the closed door.

Hinata balled his fists at his side and breathed in deep.

One step. Two steps. Then he full on sprint out the gym, running after their manager.

His friend.

"Hinata!?" Their coach and his friends yelled after him.


"Everyone, don't mind him. I'll talk to him later on. For now, focus on the game!" Keishin said with his hands on his waist.

What the hell is going on? He thought as he remembers how weird his sister has been today.

"Okay! Guys, listen up." Daichi took control and talked to them about their plan for the next games.

Damn it.

Hinata looked around as he ran across the field.

Where could she be?!
She just went out. She shouldn't be far.
God, Hideko. Please forgive me.

Hinata looked everywhere but couldn't find her.

She said she's going to another gym! But which one?

Hinata jogged towards the 3rd gym, slipped in and saw Inarizaki playing against Johzenji.

Not here.

Hinata sneaked out and jogged towards the 4th gym and went in.

Shiratorizawa vs Aoba Johsai

"Give me a few minutes coach. I'll refill the bottles outside." He heard Hideko's voice.

"Alright. Be fast." Coach Washijō replied.

Hinata ran towards her, not caring about the attention he got as he zooms past everyone sitting on the bleachers.

"HIDEKO-CHAN!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as he stops in front of her, almost knocking her over.

Hideko jumped, dropping the bottles as she turned around and see Hinata panting and red faced.


"Hideko-chan! I need to tell you something! I'm-"

"Chibi-chan!" Tendo draped his arm over her shoulder, looking down at Hinata.

"What's the meaning of this?" Ushijima asked as he stands from his seat.

"Looks like we have another uninvited guest. You'd think they've been doing that enough for the day." Shirabu said to his friends.

"Hey! What's going on there? Focus on the coming match, start stretching!" Coach Washijō said from his seat.

"I'll be back guys. Give me a minute." Hideko smiled towards the boys of Shiratorizawa, taking Tendo's arm off her.

"I'll go with you." Yamagata said as he stands beside her.

Hinata reached out to hold Hideko's hand when Goshiki went in between them.

"I don't think so." Goshiki said towards Hinata.

Hinata trembled under the harsh gazes of Shiratorizawa and the curious gazes of Aoba Johsai.

Hideko can feel the tension in the air.

As she was about to say something Hinata beat her to it.


"SHE'S HURT?!" Kyotani marched over to Shiratorizawa's side and grabbed Hinata's shirt and pulled him up.

What the fck?!
The boys from Aoba Johsai thought as they finally understand the hostility Shiratorizawa was showing towards Karasuno during their breakfast and lunch time.

"Kyotani!" Hideko placed her hands on Kyotani's back trying to deescalate the situation but was pulled back by Iwaizumi.

"No, Hideko-chan." Iwaizumi pulled her back and gently pushed her towards Oikawa and Yahaba who also ran after Kyotani.


"Chibi-chan. Why don't you take a seat first. We'll handle this. Alright?" Oikawa said as he place his hand behind her back, giving her a smile.


"No buts, chibi-chan. Come on." Yahaba added.

Hideko sat down on one of the seats in Shiratorizawa while Yahaba and Oikawa stood on each of her sides.

"What is going on?!" Coach Washijō asked in which Ushijima explained how Hideko was accidentally hurt earlier in the morning.

"Hold on. Why is she in your room?"

"I can explain that coach but I'd rather not say at the moment." Hideko raised her hand as she gains everyone's attention.

"Well... Firstly. It was all an accident. I haven't even told my brother yet. I don't really want the whole thing to be a big deal." Hideko fidgets in her seat.

"Alright, little crow. There's no need for you to tell us anything that you don't want to. But, at least tell us if you're hurt. We can't have anyone in this camp injured, player or not." Coach Irihata said as he walked over them.

"Especially you. I am not tolerating anyone who will hurt-" coach Washijō said in a threatening manner.

"Calm down, Washijō. You're terrifying your team." Coach Irihata chuckled as he stands beside coach Washijō.

"I'm alright coach. The guys helped me awhile ago. Yamagata-san gave me ointment cream for it. Kawanishi and Goshiki gave me an ice pack. And... Well, the whole team really did help me with handling it. I'm all good."

"Are you sure?" Both of the coaches said at the same time.

Hideko nodded her head.

"I'm sorry for all of this. I'll go talk to Hinata, it won't take long. I promise." Hideko said as she stands up from her sit.

"Was it him?"
"Did he hurt you?"
The coaches asked as they glared at the said boy.

"It was an accident. I'm sure he didn't mean it."

"She keeps on saying that." Shirabu said.

"I don't care if he meant it or not. The bottom line is, he hurt you. I'm coming with you." Yamagata added.

"I agree with them chibi-chan. You're not talking to him alone." Oikawa said as he stood in front of her.

Goodness gracious. These boys are too much! They're making it sound like Hinata tried to murder me or something.

"It was just a push..." Hideko grumbled under her breath.

"Give them space, boys. They need to talk it out themselves." Coach Irihata said as he placed his hands on his waist.

"I agree. Settle this down, as soon as possible. Come on." Coach Washijō gestured towards the gym doors.

Hideko walked over towards Hinata who was surrounded by Shiratorizawa including Kyotani and Iwaizumi.

"Guys... Seriously?" Hideko said as she neared them.

"Let him breathe. Come on Hinata." Hideko said as she gave him a tight smile.

"No-" Kyotani was cut by Iwaizumi's hand on his shoulder.

"Be back by 5 minutes. We'll go out if you're not back then." Iwaizumi firmly said as he turns around and glares at Hinata.

"Um.. alright. We'll be quick. Everyone of you should be stretching, by the time I get back." Hideko grinned at them.

"You heard her. Let's go!"
"Move it!"
The coaches yelled towards their team.

Hinata walked behind Hideko as they both walked out the gym.

I can do this. I just need to be honest with my feelings. She'll understand. I know she will.

Hinata's hands tremble beside him as he suddenly feels weak in his knees when Hideko turned around to face him.

Hideko cleared her throat and rubbed her arms, wincing slightly.

"Does it hurt, Hideko-chan?" Hinata asked in a small voice.

"I'm fine Hinata." Hideko sighed as she finally looks at his eyes.

"I'm really sorry Hideko-chan. I didn't know it was you. I wasn't thinking. I was moving so fast, I didn't even know who was beside me or in front of me.-" Hinata stammered out an apology and explanation.

Hideko sighed and moved closer to him, placing her hands on each of his arms, looking up at him.

"I know. I'm not angry. I don't know what I'm actually feeling. But, I'm not angry. It was also my fault, I jumped at you."

"No! Don't apologize Hideko-chan-"

"Stop Hinata. We were both in the wrong. I also hurt you when we both fell on the floor. For that, I'm sorry." Hideko gave him a small smile.

"But Hideko-chan, none of that-"

"Please. I don't want you to think that it was entirely your fault."

"You're avoiding us..."

Hideko sighed and let him go.

"I don't know. I mean... I did plan on helping the other teams... it's a coincidence that it's today. But I admit, I didn't want to talk to anyone in the team for the mean time. I don't know what to say. I don't want to say the wrong things and make things worse."

"No! How can you make things worse?!"

"Uhh. Hinata, last night the team looked like you're all about to hurt Akaashi-san, Bokuto-san and Terushima. I left and went to Shiratorizawa, hoping that it will help cool down the situation. But obviously that back fired." Hideko chuckled as she playfully pushed him.

"That's... Uhh. We were just... You know?" Hinata stumbled with his words.

Being stupid.
Sht. We screwed up. I screwed up!

"You guys are so protective. I don't even know what to do or say." Hideko laughed calming him down.

I missed this. Damn, it's only been a day, I can't imagine how I would be if she goes on ignoring me for another day or more.

Hinata laughed with her, as they hear the gym doors open and close.

"Chibi-chan? Let's head back." Tendo said as he walked towards them.

Hideko grinned at Tendo.

"Alright! You know Tendo-san, you didn't have to come and get me. You should finish up with your stretches."

"I am finished." He grinned widely at her.

"Impossible!" Hideko yelled back.

"Hinata, you should head back. The team's probably worried." She said with a gentle smile on her face.


"We're good, aren't we Hinata?"

"Yes! Of course!"

"Come on!" Tendo grabbed her hand and walked forward, leaving Hinata.

"Tendo-san, do you want some finger tape?" Hideko asked as she raised their hands up.

"Will you help put it on?" Tendo smirked at her.

"Of course. If you'd like." Hideko laughed.

Tendo looked back at Hinata and mouthed 2 simple words that made him glare at the tall boy.

"Get lost."

Continuer la Lecture

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