My Best Friend's Hot Brother...

By myauraismoonstone

185K 1.2K 5.1K

We are all on the cusp of orgasm, prompting Kelsi to move to sit on Jackson's face as he continues to penetra... More

This Will Be Our Secret
Hoof It In The Complete Nude Back To The Car
I'll Tell Everyone That You Were Fingering Yourself In The Bathtub
Fuck Me Now
Perky Breasts And A Tight Ass
Join Us
Panicking Over Having Sex
Have I Slipped Into A Coma Or Did You Just Give Me Oral?
I've Never Been Fucked So Good
The Raunchiest Act That I Had Ever Witnessed
Now That's A Threesome I Would Love To Partake In
Raw And Filthy Fucking
Second Round Of Sex
Have Your Way With Me
I'm Dying
No Strings Attached
Because When I Fuck You, I Want You To Be Wearing That
Sex Stud
I've Always Fantasized About Fucking In The Shower
You're Lucky That You Fuck Amazingly
You Look Sexy With A Beard
Sex On A Moped
Whips And Blindfolds
Are You Going To Fuck Me Or Are You Going To Continue Teasing Me?
I Want You To Leave!
The First Frost Of Autumn
Memories Of Fucking You
Fucking Amazing

Who Do You Want To Fuck You; Me or Brandon?

5.8K 43 147
By myauraismoonstone

Well, it's very obvious who says this but what do you suppose is the lead up to this quote? 


"Straddle your legs on either side, scoot in real close against me, then wrap your arms around my waist and I'll take you for a ride."

I stare at Brandon as he grins at me devilishly and wiggles his brows.

What can I say? The man knows how to make a tempting offer.

"At least buy me dinner first," I giggle, hopping up onto the jet ski and following his instructions. I press my cheek to the warmth of his back where the sun rays hit his bronzed skin and I note that he smells of sunscreen.

Glancing over at the shore, I easily spot Jackson watching us with narrowed eyes as he stabs his fork into Kelsi's potato salad.

If you're jealous, you should have thought of that before you plunged your dagger into my heart.

With a twist of the throttle, Brandon starts his survey of the lake, the watercraft cutting through the surface with a spray that soaks my legs. I squeal in delight upon him careening around a sharp curve. 

After we emerge from the turn, he increases the pressure on the throttle, sending us skipping across the lake in a water rollercoaster ride. The wind whips tendrils of hair from my ponytail and I laugh with a lightheartedness that I haven't felt since arriving in Maine.

It would be exhilarating to be doing this activity with Jackson instead, but he doesn't want that. Or so I resign myself to thinking. But I am not the only one with surprises.

As we slow to a gentle bob near the shore, Jackson pushes himself off the sand and wanders over, his jaw set into a firm line. "Let me have a turn," he demands.

Brandon nods. "Yea, absolutely. Do you know how to operate it?"

He scoffs, stepping closer but he doesn't answer the question.

I move to get off with his friend, but he stops me, pressing his palm on my arm. "Stay. You don't have to leave."

"Okay," I agree, plopping back down and more than happy to go for another round. "Do you know what you're doing?"

"Of course," he rushes out, searching the dash for a clue on what to do next. "Where's the steering wheel?" he mutters.

"Use the throttle," I say with a gesture of my head.

"Yup. Got it." Then reaching back, Jackson finds my fingers and tugs my arms around his waist. He glances over his shoulder at me. "Hold on tightly," he commands gruffly.

I shiver, wondering where this forwardness had been when I was pleading with him to make up his mind over what he wants. Snaking my arms around his lean torso, I happily comply with his request and snuggle my chin into the crook of his neck.

He tosses me a grin before engaging the jet ski in a full throttle. With a sudden jerk that nearly sends me flying from the watercraft, we sail across the lake. Jackson mirrors the path that Brandon has taken, his handling of the equipment far less graceful and I grip him extra tight to ensure that I stay aboard.

He makes an abrupt turn that violently jolts me to the side and my hands slip from his middle as I nearly lose my balance once again. But not to be outdone by his friend, he pushes the horsepower to the max and races us across the surface.

It's then that he decides to change direction at the last second. The sudden change in path leaves no time for correction and the jet ski swerves out of control, ejecting me from my seat and into the depths of the water.

The instant shift in momentum pulls me right under and I claw my way up to the surface, spitting out the large gulps of water that I have inhaled from being thrusted into it without warning.

Brandon leaps up from the sand, shielding his eyes against the glint of the afternoon sun. "Sterling!" He shouts. "Are you okay?"

Jackson glowers at him before diving into the lake and swimming over towards me with swift strokes. "I've got her!" He calls back to the shore.

He wraps one arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close. "What are you doing?" I hiss, nudging him off me. "I know how to swim."

"I'm rescuing you," he answers deadpan as he treads in front of me.

"I don't need saving," I spit out. "Especially not from the man that almost caused me to drown."

With a huff, I dive beneath the water and glide my way towards Brandon. Not even a sea serpent can drag me back onto the jet ski with Jackson. I prefer myself alive, thank you very much.

As I step onto the sand, he wraps me inside a fluffy towel and pulls me in for an embrace. "Are you good?" He whispers, placing a soft kiss atop my head.

I shoot a glare back at Jackson who is still treading water while he watches us from the middle of the lake, defeat in his expression.

"I need a drink," I announce.

He chuckles, rubbing my back soothingly. "Excellent idea. Me and the boys are already one step ahead of you and have come prepared."

He leads me over to a crackling bonfire where Parker, Jeremy, and Kelsi are all gathered around, sipping on various drinks. Jackson's family party has since moved indoors for the few stragglers that have stayed behind to mingle amongst each other.

Cracking open a beer can, I settle onto a beach towel. I've long since ditched my yellow dress in favor of something that feels a bit more me, a royal purple, one-piece swimsuit with a plunging neckline. 

Brandon gives my attire an appreciative once over before dropping down beside me. "Are you enjoying yourself?" He asks.

I don't answer because my attention is diverted onto Jackson who is trudging up the shore, his shorts dripping with droplets and granules of sand kicking up behind him. Wordlessly, he swipes a beer and chugs it as Brandon studies him with raised brows.

"Since when do you drink? I thought you were waiting until you were of proper legal age," he questions, mocking his friend.

Jackson snorts. "Just because I don't have tattoos, doesn't automatically mean I'm a wuss."

Brandon raises his palms. "I never implied you were."

"I've got a wild streak in me," he insists, reaching for another beverage.

Shifting onto my stomach, I smirk at him. "We must have missed the episode of your life where you morphed into a bad boy," I tease.

His frown turns into a full-blown scowl as Brandon pulls out a blunt from the pocket of his sweatshirt that he has slipped into. He lights it up, takes a hit and then offers it to me. Before I can accept, Jackson snatches it from his fingers.

I assume he's about to throw a tantrum and lecture us on the dangers of getting high but to my utter astonishment, he takes a puff. He promptly presses his fist against his mouth and stifles a cough.

"Well, okay then," Brandon pipes up, wiping the slack-jawed expression from his face. "I'm not sure what's caused this sudden change in you, but I like it."

"Ooh, he's a rebel," I joke with a grin. "First alcohol, now weed. What's next? Robbing a bank?"

Brandon lets out a hearty laugh, dropping his palm to my butt and giving it an affectionate caress. Jackson's mossy green eyes darken to the hue of a nighttime forest as his gaze follows his friend's movements.

"Hey, man," he fires off with pure venom in his tone. "Do you want to show a bit of respect?"

"What?" Brandon crinkles up his forehead, but I know instantly what Jackson is referring to.

"It's fine," I intervene. "I don't mind."

"He didn't even ask if he could touch you!" He retorts, his voice rising as he gestures wildly at my behind.

Brandon, suddenly realizing what his friend is talking about, promptly removes his touch. "I'm sorry, Sterling," he immediately apologizes. "I didn't mean-"

"Maybe I like that he knows what he wants and goes straight for it. Have you ever thought about that?" I yell.

My agitation attracts the attention of the rest of the group and Kelsi eyes me with furrowed brows. "What's going on?" She asks. "Why is Sterling upset?"

"I'm not upset," I lie, my voice shaky. I hop up and offer out my palm. 

"Come on, Brandon," I command, my sights holding steady on Jackson. "Let's go hang out by the dock where we can have some privacy and you can grope me in peace."

He follows me as I stomp over towards the wooden planks, seething. "Stupid boys who can't make up their stupid minds," I mutter.

"What's that?" Brandon inquires.

"Never mind," I reply, yanking him to me by the drawstrings of his hoodie for a deep kiss.

His touch falls on my back and he runs his fingers over my skin, bringing me in closer. "Do you have protection?" I murmur, pressing my palms to his cheeks.

"Uh...maybe in the car...I would have to check." His gaze drifts over towards the vehicle and I cup his chin, directing his focus back onto me.

I wave him off. "We will worry about that later then. For now, let's just make out."

My lips are desperate on him as I tug him down with me onto the rough boards of the dock. Then sprawling onto my back, I pull him on top of me. His mouth never leaves mine, and he slips his tongue inside as he brushes my damp hair away from my face.

"Is this what you want?" An angry voice suddenly interrupts.

I break away from Brandon, thinking that it is him who is speaking to me. "What?" I ask in confusion.

"I didn't say anything-" He raises his gaze and I realize that he is looking past me at someone.

"Get off her!" Jackson shouts, shoving his friend so that he rolls away from me.

"What the hell?" I yell at him. "Jackson, what are you-"

Before I even have time to make sense of the situation, he scoops me up and tosses me over his shoulder. "What is happening right now?" I repeat.

"You said you wanted me to take charge and go after what I want," he began, briskly striding towards the cabin. "Consider this me doing exactly just that."

Excitement forms in the tips of my toes as it dawns on me what is going on. Quickly, it morphs into a dull ache in my lower belly that blossoms into a full-on heat of desire when he kicks our bedroom door closed behind us and tosses me onto my bed.

"Is that what you want, Sterling?" He asks, trailing one finger across my jaw. His eyes are hungry with lust, and I nod.

"That's fanfuckingtastic then because I don't want to stop." He yanks down the straps of my swimsuit, exposing my bare breasts and he immediately covers my nipples with his mouth, sucking hard.

A moan escapes my throat at this new forward side to Jackson, and I wonder just how rude he's capable of getting with me. His fingers find the damp spot in between my upper thighs, and he begins vigorously rubbing over the fabric of my garment with his palm.

"I've seen what you can do with that violin of yours," I mutter into his ear. "Show me what else your fingers are talented at."

With a low grunt, he removes the rest of my swimwear in one swift motion, his touch immediately magnetizing itself back onto my bare sex. I open my legs wide, allowing him access to the inside of me.

He swirls his fingers around my most sensitive nerve endings, and I tilt my head back in ecstasy, grasping for some sense of control over my body. 

"The next time I tell you my friends are off-limits," he mutters. "You better fucking listen. Is that clear?"

I swallow, my thighs and hands trembling from the burst of arousal his touch and words are igniting inside of me. "Yes, sir," I reply, biting my lip.

"Do I need to be punished for misbehaving?" I breathe.

With a clutch on my arms, he flips me over onto my stomach and promptly slaps my ass. I cry out in pleasure. "I'll take that as a yes," I moan with a wide grin upon my face. 

The levels of my intoxication peak as he brings his lips to my neck and begins sucking. "Mark me up," I whisper. "Let Brandon and Kelsi see who I truly belong to."

He responds by grabbing hold of my calves and rolling me back over. Then with a salacious smile, he begins planting wet kisses all over my breasts, navel and inner thighs before working his way back up towards my mouth.

"Who do you want to fuck you?" He asks, his eyes locking with mine. "Me or Brandon?"

I gulp, my heart beating wildly out of control. "You." The word is a flutter on my lips, a stark contrast to the dominant charge emanating from him.

My reply is the only encouragement he needs to plunge himself inside of me. I inhale sharply at the suddenness, but the element of surprise is also immensely pleasurable. He pumps against my hips before instructing me to get on my knees.

I eagerly comply, letting him take me from behind next. His thrusts slap against my behind but it is the gentle tug of my ponytail that nearly sends me off the cliff of euphoria. 

"Oh, Jackson, harder," I moan, referring to both his pace and the pull of my hair. 

I am spiraling into an oblivion of bliss with every movement of his body, and it isn't long before a white-hot explosion of stars course through my veins. Fully sated from my orgasm, I collapse onto the mattress to steady my panting as a result of being fucked so thoroughly.

Well, I'll be damned, I muse with a satisfied grin while I stare up at the ceiling. Who knew that the Moretti boy had it in him to be so kinky?

Question of the day: Do you think that Jackson is finally coming to his senses in regard to his feelings for Sterling? Will this change the trajectory of their current relationship? 

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