What About Theia?

By TransAceWithAPan

5.8K 190 79

It felt like a distant memory, yet he had no idea where it came from. His dream burned into the back of his c... More



401 26 3
By TransAceWithAPan

TWs: Past death/destruction/extinction, self-hate/deprecation. Stay safe :)

"Earth!" Luna called, his eyes looking everywhere for his parent planet as he weaved between the asteroids, "Earth!?"

"Over here...!" A voice called.

Luna followed his voice, coming to a stop in the middle of the belt. He glanced around before cautiously making his way to the planet, "Earth, you shouldn't-"

"I know, Luna, I'm just- looking around," Earth responded, his voice barely above a whisper. The moon couldn't remember a time when his planet was this quiet, "And thinking."

Luna came to his side, shielding him from any asteroids, "Is it about her?"

"Yeah..." Earth nodded, "Theia."

"Do you remember?"

"Mmh, most of it is fuzzy. I can't recall not having life, though. Well, there was the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, but even then... I still had hope that somehow life would persevere on my surface, and it did." Earth smiled, his eyes watering, "But, now knowing where- who gave me the resources to sustain life... and now she's gone forever?"

Luna stayed quiet as he watched the Earth hold in his tears.

"I was such an idiot for thinking I was special, for thinking everything that happened was my hard work when, in reality, I did nothing..."


"Theia gave me everything in order for my life to exist, and what did I give her in return? Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Earth scowled, turning away from his moon.

"That's not true, Earth! Weren't you listening?" Luna objected, flying around to look him in the eyes, "You loved each other! You were inseparable and I'm sure wherever Theia is now, she would be happy you got to experience life."

"Theia is gone, Luna- she was destroyed on impact, Jupiter said." Earth furrowed his eyebrows, backing away.

"Her physical being may be gone, but what of her Celestial half?" Luna questioned.


"You know- Jupiter told us a story a long time ago, whenever a planet or moon is physically destroyed, their Celestial is left behind."

"Ugh, don't tell me you believe in that nonsense, Luna- those stories were meant to ease us into sleeping." Luna frowned, averting his gaze. Earth winced, biting his lip. He sighed, "I'm sorry for being mean, Luna, I'm just having a rough time..."

"I can see that." Luna gazed at him in worry, "You're not alone."

The planet looked at his moon softly, shivering as he felt the cold of the deep space kicking in, "We should head back. I don't want to freeze or accidentally annihilate my earthlings out here."

Luna nodded, following the planet's lead, smiling at something he said. As the two drifted further away, a small voice echoed in the atmosphere.

"Thank you..."

» × «

"Earth, you're back!" Mercury exclaimed, "We were so worried when you ran away to the asteroid belt of all places-!"

Venus pushed the smaller planet out of the way, "What were you thinking, you idiot!? One hit from an asteroid would kill all your life!"

Earth rolled his eyes, "Trust me, Venus, I know."

"Hey, Earth!" Mars drifted to them, "How, uh- how are you feeling?"

"Eh, I've been worse." Earth forced a smile on his sphere.

"That's not..." Mercury trailed off, casting his gaze at Luna, who shook back and forth.

"Hey, fellow planets~" Neptune strolled up to them.

"Neptune? I thought you would've returned to the outer rings by now." Earth spoke, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope! I'm here because you dropped the painting Uranus did for you." Neptune grinned, manipulating his gravity to push the canvas towards the blue rocky planet.

"Oh, I didn't realize." Earth took the canvas, smiling as he glanced at the canvas, "Thank you again."

"No problem!"

"Can I ask- why isn't Uranus the one to give Earth the painting? Y'know, because he's the one who painted it?" Mars inquired.

"Mmh...? Well, I dunno- that's a question for Uranus!" Neptune smiled.

"Neptune, mate, we need to get going- else we want to melt." The lighter blue Ice Giant moved past the planets, barely sparing them a glance.

"Oh, alright, cousin! Bye-bye, planets and moons."

"Someone finally acknowledged us, Phobos!"

"I know, Deimos!"

"Hey, thanks for the painting, Uranus!" Earth yelled to the light blue planet with rings.

Uranus stopped in his tracks, turning around, "What pain-"

He immediately noticed the canvas in the Earth's gravity, suddenly feeling his surface temperature warming. His eye twitched as he forced a smile on his sphere.

"Right- that painting." Uranus spoke through gritted teeth, "You're quite welcome, mate."

Uranus quickly left, weaving through the asteroid belt.

There was a moment of silence as the rocky planets floated there awkwardly.

"Man, why are the Ice Giants so weird?" Venus asked.

"Tell me about it," Mars spoke.

"We should return to the Goldilocks zone, Earth," Luna mentioned.

"Right- we stopped in the middle of the colder region." Earth looked around, "Hey, where are...?"

"Jupiter and Saturn returned to their orbits after you ran off," Mercury said.

"Oh." Earth frowned, "I'll talk to them some other time then. I'll see you guys later."

"Be careful, Earth," Mercury warned.

"Don't be an idiot," Venus spoke.

"Venus." Mars gave him a small push.

"What? I'm giving my own piece of advice."

Earth rolled his eyes, already drifting away from them. Luna followed after him, shifting to be on the other side.

"What are you going to do with the painting?" He asked.

"I have no idea." Earth spoke, "It's not like we have walls in space or anything."

"Can I have a look...?"

"Oh, of course!" Earth smiled, giving his moon the canvas. The moon's eyes lit up as he received it.

"Ooh, pretty..." He awed.

"I know, right? He got my naturally good looks down to a T."

Luna rolled his eyes, exasperated as he continued looking at the canvas.

» NOTE «

Most people on Wattpad forget the Vote button exists ;-;
Either that or they don't like this story lmao /j

Also, thanks for 1k hits on Ao3 :)
Your support means so much to me

Follow my Tumblr (users in Bio/Profile) for more SolarBalls playlists coming soon ;)

And yes, you can now find this fic on Quotev and FanFiction.Net (if only FF.Net had SolarBalls under their listing...)

Comments are appreciated <3

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