Deku The Number 1 Black Hero...

By ChrisRiley0

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After deku move to American at age 4 when move from from Chicago to Japan He was look in a different way from... More

description and last day middle schools
forgiveness and training (TW: homophobic slurs)
the entrance exam
the secret out
new Harem and first day
2v2 and reunion forgot
goat tier songs And class representative
USJ and hidden qurik
The past And new family members
The Ex
life as rapper and attention
the plan and hero killer
rasict crush and sport festival start
1v1 and breakup new girlfriends
who want smoke with izuku
hero name and internship
internship and hero killer run it's back
Final exam
girlfriend's meet family (kinda filler)
Forest Training Camp (racebend)
Jamal Training and toga betrayed
league of villain want the smoke and toga betrayed pt 2
Jamal vs league and kidnap
smooth criminal
hero or villain
the past
provisional license exam and meeting old friend
everyone jump UA
the big four and new song
The race
planning,the raid
Lemillion and king vs overhaul
black whip & hospital
dabi meet rei
old music and mall
izuku past and Hawks breakup
Hawks one night stand
Inko hero license
Camie confession
number one hero
truth about dabi and Melissa
high-end pt1
high end pt2
ex-boyfriend return and endeavor tell the truth
UA traitor and joint training
izuku vs WWPC
haircut and ex-boyfriend revenge
Hawks side chick
The round table and dragon girlfriend
mei gift and danger Sense
the before Christmas eve(filler kinda)
nejire parents and album finished
Christmas and UA traitor
shoka promise and villains new mission
podcast and open challenge
uraraka backstory and with the family
Mirko meet Dabi and endeavor agency
endeavor agency and burnin
Izuku revenge
therapist session and the promise
exposed and old friend
Izuku forgives nejire
Dabi Promise
New Quirk And Accident Call
gigantomachia and what are we?
burnin give up and Mei Cookie
Izuku The Girl
cookout and thing come out
one night and training
Meta liberation army vs Lov
Shigaraki vs Re-Destro
Toga past
wild burnin confess
War arc part 1 Dabi Redemption
War Arc part 2 Uraraka's freedom
War arc part 3 This is only the beginning
War Arc part 4 Izuku vs Shigaraki
War arc part 5 Izuku Rage
War arc part 6 Until we meet again
Family reunion
Hero To vigilante
We need a hero
Izuku Vs Muscular
Izuku is the prowler
Planning and izuku dream
Izuku find Uraraka secret
Your The Not The Only One
Fox Lady
Izuku vs everyone round 2
Izuku talks about his feelings
Izuku Forgive Uraraka
Inko Past And Meet Aunite
The Deal
Don't kill her
Urakaka is innocent
Getting everything situated
Temporary Alliance
The new Dabi
All hands on Deck
Army defeat
The death of All for one
Aftermath(Timeskip 5 month)
Therapist and Ippan Josei
Deal fullfill
I'm pregnant
The announcement
Comeback Song
Nejire Revenge
Eri And kota get in trouble
Star and Stripes Returns
I want a divorce
Rei Readjustment
Izuku Sister Cassidy
Enji Unwelcome Vist
I have A brother
Family therapy
Blackmailed and Cassidy's go to Japan
Izuku meets Cassidy's
Cassidy new mom
Rei Divorce Enji
Report Card
Jasmine is Pregnant
Mom and Daughter's and warning time ⚠️
Cassidy Vs Kendo
Child Birth
Cassidy's Disowned
Inko offer
Inko Adopt Cassidy

Don't count Toga out

101 2 0
By ChrisRiley0

Toga was in her dorm room after A long day of School And She Was looking through her phone as she Check Twitter Mix personalities(Denki and Izuku song) Was still number 1 and She felt like she was getting left out

Toga(Thinks)Man Dealing with the War and school work and Having to deal with Nejire Melissa And Kaina getting pregnant it's a lot to handle being with Izuku so you got to handle that but Their no way I'm going to get left behind in music, I'll use the music I wrote when Izuku was gone

Flashback(When Izuku was the prowler)

Toga was in her dorm room She was crying she couldn't believe that Izuku was gone from his hospital and they didn't know where he at

Toga(Thinks)Izuku please come back You're the reason why we're I'm today...If you die I can't live with myself, I need to do something to distract myself, I can write my feelings into a song

Toga then got a pen and notebook and started to write how she felt into a Song 1 song turned into 2 songs then 4 songs then 8 songs then some songs that Were half-finished

Toga(Thinks)You know even though Izuku isn't here I feel like he is Here whenever I make these songs I feel like I can write how I feel...Sometimes I'm glad Turned a new leaf

Flashback ends

She was walking to the Studio near the support course And she heard that someone was already there as she walked in it was Jiro who was making beats

Toga:Hi Jiro

Jiro:Hey Imani

Toga:You know you don't have to call me that That was just a cover-up name

Jiro:I know but It's so cute to use on you

Toga:I know Jiro you produce Beats

Jiro:Yeah it's more like a Hobby

Toga:Hey can I hear some

Jiro:Sure Why not

Jiro puts up some beats One is R&B beats and Some is Punk Rock

Jiro:So what do you think?

Toga:I like it I'm not into punk rock Like you are but I appreciate It, But I do have some lyrics that would go great on these Beats you produced

Jiro:Oh really let me see

Toga then Hand Jiro the Book and There were some deep lyrics but she was impressed by how good the lyrics were

Jiro:Wow just Wow...Imani these lyrics are deep What is the inspiration for these

Toga:Well when Izuku was gone and I was a song, Like a lot, and the only way I could cope with the fact he was gone was through song

Jiro:I know how that feels you're the only one who missed Izuku when he was gone I missed him too but I stayed strong and hoped for the best

Toga:Thank You...Can you help me make this song?... Because I'm not trying to be any one-hit wonder

Jiro:Do you need to ask that of course, Imani

Toga:You know what I've gotten used to only Izuku calling me Imani

Jiro:Is that type of nickname only he can call you

Toga:You can call me that too I'm comfortable with you calling me Imani

Jiro:Okay...Let's get started

After getting set up and starting with their recording session they hear they finally done they listen to the full song 

Jiro: Alright After that you want to hear it

Toga: Let's hear it I pour my heart and soul into this soul

Toga and Jiro were impressed with the final product of this Song

Toga:Damn I outdid myself I didn't think I was capable of this

Jiro:You did...Wait hold on

Jiro then called Kendo on her phone

Jiro:Hey Kendo

Kendo:Yeah What up

Jiro:Are you business right now

Kendo:No not at the Moment

Jiro:Good come down to the Studio Toga made a song and it's Amazing

Kendo:Be on the way

End call

After like 15 minutes Kendo and Ibara came inside the studio

Kendo:Hey You guys

Ibara:How are you on this holy day today

Jiro:It's going great


Kendo:So you said you made a song that amazing

Toga:Yeah I outdid myself with this one And proved I'm on par with Izuku and Denki

Ibara:You claim all this song better be all that because I Heard some Song was how could I say

Jiro:Not as good


Toga:More ass than A strip club in Miami

Ibara:All the above but this song better be good if you gassing it so much

Jiro:Trust me It is amazing

Kendo:Let's hear it

Jiro played the song and Kendo and Ibara were Shocked and amazed at how good the song was way How Her lyrics are so deep about talking about her love and the flow of the music is the best they had heard, It almost had them In tears because they felt a similar thing when it comes to loving Izuku

Kendo:This Song is beautiful When did you write this song Toga

Toga:It's when Izuku was the prowler and I missed him so much and I wrote songs of my love, Man Now I'm saying it out loud That man's love has me in a chokehold

Kendo:Me too I guess that is a way of you coping

Toga:Yeah it was

Ibara:Do you have other songs

Toga:Yeah I made so much I could make A whole album

Jiro:Wait you should drop an Album it would a your Debut album

Toga: You're right Thank you for the Idea Jiro but first I should release This song to show people I'm in the same league as them

Jiro:Good plan Release this song and Will work on your Album that sound like a plan?

Ibara:Come On Toga do it

Kendo:Yes Do it we support you 100% of the way

Toga:I'll do it

Afterwards, they dropped the song "Trip" It went to Number 3 on billboards after a while

Meanwhile In her dorm Toga's dorm room

Toga was in her Dorm room when she Heard a knock on the door she went up and opened the door to find Izuku

Toga:Hey Bae what up

Izuku:Can we talk?


Izuku came inside and sat on the bed and Toga was Right side him

Izuku:So I heard your new Song

Toga:Did you like it?

Izuku:It was amazing Like you have A lot of Singing talent but that's not why I'm here...Okay Half and Half

Toga:Okay can you Explain?

Izuku:When I heard the song I could sense that song was Personal I had to replay it 3 or 4 times to get the message...What I'm asking is, Was that song about us Am I doing something in our relationship that is wrong?

Toga:What of course not it the exact opposite that song shows how much I love you and that your love Trip me up

Izuku:My bad Toga I thought that you weren't happy or something

Toga:It's okay sorry for the confusion...Izuku remembers the first time we met

Izuku:You were a spy for all for one I remember and you were trying to kill me

Toga:Now first off I wasn't going to kill you just gain Information that all

Izuku:That doesn't make it any better

Toga:But back on topic the First First time

Izuku:When you were homeless and I gave you money to support yourself

Toga:Yeah that time...I was thinking After all that time we are here today And it's crazy We could've died

Izuku:I know right the amount of times I almost died or Was close enough was crazy

Toga:I think I had it the worst out of both of us

Izuku:I disagree but I do agree on one thing...We need therapy

Toga burst out into laughter

Toga:Right Seriously...I killed my abusive parents went homeless join A villain organization And Now I'm here now today with my Boyfriend who got three girls pregnant that part of Harem you got and I'm just part of it, Damn I don't even smoke but I need some weed and A therapy

Izuku was just worried about her mental health after Everything she had been through she laughed like a crazy girl

Izuku:Do you need my therapist I got it on speed dial

Toga:No I'm fine I'm completely fine

Izuku(Thinks)If that is her version of Fine Then I don't want to see what Ape shit is...She might OJ my Ass

Toga: Now I think about it's been a while since You gave me anything so...Drop them pants

Izuku:Toga I'm tried From training and Dealing with Babymama and-

Toga:Nigga I didn't ask for that I said drop them draws I'm not going tell you again(She pulls out A pocket knife out of her pocket

Izuku(Thinks)I forgot how crazy this girl is...But she my crazy girl she better but stab me

Timeskip Afterwards

Both of them were Exhausted in bed and Toga had a knife in her hand with the bed with stab marks all over it

Toga:You know how to touch me don't you

Izuku:I know all your weak spots Do you have to hold and Stab with a knife every time with have

Toga:Yes I do goodnight

Izuku(Thinks)I hope our kids are not as crazy here

End chapter

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