Hacking the Game Didn't Go as...

By VaughnSchneider

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To make ends meet after losing his parents, Daisuke picked up a job at a local convenience store while learni... More

CHAPTER 1: The Beginning of the End
CHAPTER 2: A Bone to Pick
CHAPTER 3: I Have a Plan
CHAPTER 4: Operation Jupiter
CHAPTER 5: Uncanny Parallels
CHAPTER 6: My Virtual Mother
CHAPTER 7: Dire Straits
CHAPTER 8: Change - A Leap of Faith
CHAPTER 9: Survival Tactics
CHAPTER 10: Mission Start!
CHAPTER 11: The Aftermath
CHAPTER 12: Starfrost
CHAPTER 13: A Widower's Retribution
CHAPTER 14: Bittersweet Voyage
CHAPTER 15: The Langley Siblings
CHAPTER 16: The Slave Trade
CHAPTER 17: Knowledge is Power
CHAPTER 18: Resonating Souls
CHAPTER 19: Crude and Shrewd
CHAPTER 20: Sheba's Lamentation
CHAPTER 21: Cedric Oswald Percival
CHAPTER 22: True Intentions
CHAPTER 23: Sheba's Selfless Resolve
CHAPTER 24: Woeful Divide
CHAPTER 25: Man's Best Friend(?)
CHAPTER 26: The Merchants' Guild
CHAPTER 27: The Crystal Field
CHAPTER 28: The Path to Becoming Civil
CHAPTER 29: The Path to Entrepreneurship
CHAPTER 30: The Path to Solitude
CHAPTER 31: The Path to Vengeance
CHAPTER 32: The Path to Power
CHAPTER 33: The Culmination of the Paths
CHAPTER 34: The Rewards Beyond the Culmination
CHAPTER 35: Blessings - Jupiter & the Goddess of Harmony
CHAPTER 36: The Breath of Wind
CHAPTER 37: The Cusp of Revenge
CHAPTER 39: Guildmaster's Assembly
CHAPTER 40: The Lone Florian
CHAPTER 41: Social Hierarchy - The Trinity's Dynamic
CHAPTER 42: Mental Attacks
CHAPTER 43: Karma Stirs - The Coming Storm
CHAPTER 44: Magic Missile
CHAPTER 45: Fated Confrontation - Daisuke VS Osten
CHAPTER 46: Valuable Insights
CHAPTER 47: Elite Mob - The Lipanthyer
CHAPTER 48: Greed & Discrimination - The Field Test
CHAPTER 49: Dark Destination - The Players' Moral Compass
CHAPTER 50: Lupine Disaster - The Floor Guardian
CHAPTER 51: Dual Wielding - The Salvaged Loot
CHAPTER 52: The Unanimous Vote
CHAPTER 53: Unrequited Love & Peril
CHAPTER 54: Subspace Treat
CHAPTER 55: The Trio's Burden
CHAPTER 56: Gear and Morale
CHAPTER 57: Out of The Frying Pan into The Fire
CHAPTER 58: The Impenetrable Fortress
CHAPTER 59: Final Gambit

CHAPTER 38: The Wind that Fills Thy Sails

20 3 0
By VaughnSchneider

"Aghhh~" the long sigh came from a weary male adventurer, his frustration echoing off the dark stone walls of the dungeon. His two companions behind him shared his exasperation. "Man, we've been at this for almost a week now! Are you sure that piece of junk even works?"

"O-Of course it does!" came a small voice in defense. "It's my grandfather's invention so, of course, it works!"

"Sounds to me like your confidence is a bit misplaced."

The young boy leading the group pouted in response to the remark, but he continued hugging the rough-hewn walls of the chamber. In his hand, he held a metal staff with a ring at the tip, a magic circle aglow around its circumference.

"It's just a prototype, so its sensitivity isn't all that great. But it works just like a divining rod," he explained. "If I keep it close to the walls, we may be able to pick up the signature of a hidden Crystal Field."

The two girls at the rear of the group, a cleric and mage, rolled their eyes simultaneously, their patience worn thin by the boy's unwavering optimism.

The other male, judging by his gear, obviously playing the role of the group's tank, laced his fingers behind his neck wearily. "I swear, it's in moments like these that I regret becoming an adventurer. I should have stuck to being a normal player like everybody else. To hell with being a Good Samaritan."

Just as the girls were about to nod in agreement, the boy suddenly exclaimed, "Ah—" the staff began to glow, illuminating the eerie dungeon. "I-I think it found something!"

"You're kidding!" the tank's eyes popped open in disbelief. "That stupid thing actually works?!"

"I think we're about to find out," said the mage as she raised her own staff tellingly. "Everyone get back!"

Her eyes glowed beneath the large rim of her witch hat, and a crimson aura engulfed her body as she began her spell. Her voice echoed with power, resonating through the chamber: "By the ancient power of flame, I summon thee to do my bidding. Pierce through the veil of darkness and burn thine enemies to cinders with your unyielding wrath. Let nothing stand in your way. Fireball!"

The air quivered as a sphere of blazing inferno formed at the tip of her staff, its fiery heart growing brighter by the second. With a mighty thrust, she unleashed the flames upon the stubborn wall.

The explosion that followed sent rocks and debris hurtling in all directions, and when the smoke cleared, a magnificent Crystal Field stood before them. Shards of blue crystal sprouted from the ground and walls like a radiant garden, their glow illuminating the small fissure that held their prize.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded. Then the tank—

"No freakin' way!" he exclaimed, eyes sparkling like lanterns. "Gale, you actually did it."

Gale clung to his grandfather's invention and sighed with a smile of relief. The mage jumped up and down with excitement; the days of sleeping on the hard ground and eating rodents and insects were finally coming to an end.

But the cleric's attention was elsewhere. Something was amiss, and it wasn't long before she noticed a purple haze filling the chamber. "Is this...?"

The earth's rising tremor quickly answered her question. And it wasn't long before a horde of monsters started pouring into the room, their eyes crazed, fangs and claws poised to rip and rend.

"W-What's happening?"

"Are those...?"

"There's a bunch of monsters coming this way!"

The tank, Gale, and the mage all said in a frenzied panic.

"This purple mist," the cleric began, her expression crumpling. "It's used to attract monsters! But why would—"

Everyone's attention suddenly veered back to the Crystal Field, their eyes widening in horror.

"Run!" the tank bellowed the command as he unsheathed his sword, his helmet manifesting on his head from his inventory. "I'll hold them off."

"Health Regen. Rock Skin. Mana Shell. Dragon Lungs."

The man's body strobed with different color lights as the cleric applied a series of buffs. The mage held her staff at the ready, an incantation for a spell at the forefront of her mind as all three bolted toward the other entrance to the chamber.

But it was futile; monsters began flooding in from that direction as well. The mage pivoted her head around, hoping for all three to combine their might in helping their tank to break through the deluge of monsters in the rear.


But it was too late—the sound of ripping flesh and breaking bones erupted from the back as the man was swept up by the monsters. And, like two cyclones colliding, the remaining three adventurers were torn asunder by the converging forces. Four columns of light ascended, portraying the deaths of the unfortunate players.

Phosphorescent rocks were embedded in the walls of the dungeon. Their dim lighting illuminated the bloodied maws and fangs of the animated monsters. They looked around eagerly, eyes still glazed as they sought a purpose.

"Nheiigh," a reptilian monster whipped its long neck around when an open vial containing a yellow liquid hit the ground right next to it.

The moment the liquid was exposed to the air, it turned into a haze that quickly enveloped the chamber. The monsters were immediately repulsed by the odor, and they frantically dispersed, vanishing through both exits.

The cave fell silent, and the haze slowly dissipated, revealing the shadowed figure of a small-statured girl emerging from the gloom.


Zephyr was just about to lick the last of the barbecue sauce from a large bone when Daisuke confiscated it. The canine watched with a whimper as the delicious treat disappeared into his companion's inventory.

"Sorry, boy, but we need to get going," explained Daisuke repentantly. "I'll buy you more barbecue later, so you'll have two bones to chew on for the next 6 hours."


Zephyr's drooping ears and tail perked back up in excitement, and he darted around in a circle with a burst of enthusiasm.

"Safe travels!" the shopkeeper called out with a wave as his patrons began to depart from the outdoor dining area. "Thank you for your business, and until next time!"

Leaving the stall behind, Daisuke strolled down Main Street toward the bustling shopping district, where larger stores and restaurants awaited. But he already had a full stomach; what he required was a new suit of clothes, and Harrington Threads was not on his agenda.

Turning away from the store with its ornate signpost, Daisuke pressed forward, scanning his surroundings until he reached his destination.

Unlike Harrington's, this store had a simple wooden signpost bearing the word "Equipment," etched into the wood, accompanied by a suspended breastplate.


As Daisuke entered the store, the gentle tinkling of a bell above the door welcomed his arrival. The air was imbued with the subtle scent of leather and metal. From the back, the owner's voice echoed in a melodious, feminine tone, "I'll be with you in just a moment!"

While he waited to be attended to, Daisuke seized the opportunity to survey the store. The walls were adorned with an array of armor pieces, each crafted in distinct styles and from diverse materials. Illuminated by lighting fixtures powered by Mana Crystals, the armors were artfully showcased, lending the store an enchanting atmosphere.

Rows of wooden mannequins and clothing racks were strategically placed throughout the expansive space, each one displaying a different set of equipment tailored for various classes. Daisuke observed armor crafted from leather, finely woven fabric, rugged monster hide, and an assortment of other materials.

The diversity was staggering; there were options of the highest quality for those who sought the best protection, as well as more affordable choices for those just starting their adventures.

It was a place where a nobleman seeking a suit of gleaming plate armor could stand side by side with a humble hunter searching for a sturdy leather jerkin—each from a different social class.


A tall figure rounded the corner. She wore tight-fitted pants neatly tucked into armored high heels hoes, and a particularly revealing vest showcased a toned chest covered in downy hair.

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