Stolen Life Of The Maid.

By TarajiBookShelf

14.8K 1.2K 983

Warning Adult content. Explicit sex. THE SECRET STOLEN LIFE OF THE MAID. Black love More

The Stress Level
The Thief!
The Truth
The Book
The Secrets He Kept
The Confession
The Cheater
The New Beginnings
The Sneaky Sugar Daddy
The Three Words
The Next door Neighbour
The Twist
The Wife & The Mistress
The Playa
The Girl of Her Dreams
The Delusions
The Final Breakup
The Misunderstanding
The Disappearance
Chapter 2
Stabbed in The Front!
The Magic Touch.
A Second Diamond
Her Choice.
Her Conflictions
Cherished Massage Session.
A Wet Nightmare

The "other" Night

555 44 23
By TarajiBookShelf

(probably read this already, but now let's focus on the chapter, shall we?)

The movie shoot began.

Penda was dating and bringing her new boo to work, a 20-something girl. Also known as roommate. Her name was Ariana.

Fantasia was jealous and upset about it so much that she canceled the first two days of the movie shoot. They had to reschedule 6 days later. Fantasia needed to calm herself and get used to the idea of Penda with another woman.

A new day.
Fantasia and her sexual frustrations came to work, but as far as other issues, she was working on ignoring them, today she was determined to focus on work and making it productive. She walked on set, Holding a bottle of water and the script but She looked hot in her blue denim tight dress with black leather boots. Everybody with eyes couldn't just ignore how hot the woman was. Penda looked at her. "damn!" she muttered under her breath.

"Hi, team, today is another day, we are gonna shoot the hell out of this movie. Okay, there's no time to waste, let's position everyone. Actors, wardrobe now. Are my Cameras in position?
Come on people be alive, breathe life into this or your checks will fucking bounce." she shouted with energy. Everybody started positioning.

Penda was so turned on by this bossy Fantasia. She glanced at her, while others were running around. Fantasia was looking Down on the script. And comparing it with the slate, taking to the person in charge of the slate. She felt Penda's eyes on her and lifted her head. "Something wrong?"

Penda snapped out of it, Wardrobe lady pulled her to the room.

"Scene 5, take 33, seriously I'm not paid enough for this incompetence," Fantasia said.
It was a scene where Felicity had to kiss Taraji but Monica and Penda were having a hard time making it look real, the chemistry was not there, and Fantasia felt frustrated with both of them, here she was putting her feelings about both of them aside and being professional but they were wasting her time."
"Just fucking kiss already, it is really not that hard. Action!" she shouted. Penda leaned, Monica did the same, and they both pulled away.
Fantasia squeezed her script in her hands, clenching her fists and teeth, and then tossed it away...
"Fuck! Mike, I need a recast," Fantasia shouted.
"I told you we can't recast, it's too late now. We need to work with what we have. They both shot amazing scenes they can act in, and Penda is amazing by the way. Maybe let's take 5" Mike told Fantasia.

"Let's take 5. Hey, you too, come here" Fantasia said sitting on her chair.
Monica and Penda walked closer.
"What's the fucking problem? You want me out of the room, what?"

"It just feels weird for me... Maybe let's find body doubles and they could do these romantic scenes for us" Monica suggested. "the entire movie is based on those scenes, That's 65% of the story being body-doubled. I'm not putting my name on a body-doubled movie Ma'am so you two better go and rehearse this shit together right now" Fantasia snapped at her wife. "you could really dial down the anger babe..."

"Mo, I'm not your wife here, stop trying to get special treatment I'm upset with the both of you. You will be my wife when I say we wrap. Right now you are the actress." Fantasia said. Monica stormed away. Penda looked down at Fantasia.
"We are sorry about that. But you seem really uptight and fucking frustrated by the whole thing. Maybe you don't want us to kiss too... I mean you've been trying to recast every single day. Maybe I'm the problem. Maybe I should just quit"
Penda said.
"I don't care what you do Penda," Fantasia said looking into the script. Penda snatched the script. "Look at me when I'm talking to you. Is that it? I'm the problem?"
Fantasia sighed. "No baby, you are actually amazing at acting. You are a really talented Penda. I just haven't been in my best mood and I'm not handling this situation to my best capacity. So, I will skip it and other sex scenes and we will give you girls more time to get prepared" Fantasia said calming down. Her wife couldn't calm her down.
Penda leaned into her ear. "There's the daddy I love and am crazy about" she whispered.

Fantasia swallowed hard. Penda walked away.
Back on set.
They skipped some scenes and shot the easy ones.

"Okay, that's it for today. See you again tomorrow." Fantasia said on the megaphone.

Her assistant took everything from her. Fantasia walked out,  She saw Penda and Ariana laugh and feed each other chocolate. Penda saw Fantasia from the corner of her eye and licked Ariana's fingers nastily.
Fantasia swallowed hard and proceeded to walk out.

She waited for her wife in her car.
Monica was upset with her. She got in the car.
"Come on you upset with me for doing my job? You chose to take the job even when you knew I was gonna be running it."
"Whatever just fucking drive" Monica snapped.
Fantasia was too frustrated to entertain her wife's mood swings. She just drove.

The entire evening she wasn't talking to her.
Fantasia had to make a hard decision, she sent an email through.
Monica left for her support group meetings. Fantasia went to see Rosey who was on sick leave.
The elevator was not working so she used the stairs.  She was on the first floor, she changed her trip and walked to room 102 and attempted to knock but decided against it. She was turning to leave when she saw them and gasped.
"You are the movie director but live in this hellhole?" Ariana asked.. "what's wrong with this place,?"

"Uh, everything. The elevator is a freaking Dumpster waiting to blow up on us, the rooms are tiny, and the laundry room is a rat magnet. Seriously I wouldn't stay here if I could afford a better place" Ariana said. She sounded stuck up oh my God.

Fantasia swallowed hard. She felt bad for letting Penda stay there, all along she thought her building was great. But turns out, not so much.

She was walking away. Penda grabbed her wrist. Ariana went inside.
"you came to see me?"

"Rosey!" Fantasia corrected.
"Oh yeah, she's all better now, I went to see her before I left for work"

Fantasia nodded. "Thanks. Why didn't you tell me, that this place is so bad, I would have found you a better place, see, I own the building but I don't manage it. I had no idea it was this horrible"

"Fantasia are you kidding me? this place is great, it's clean, portable, and with tight-ass security. They only caught one dead rat last week, big deal. And I have a feeling it wasn't just a rat, it was somebody's pet. The elevator just needs to be fixed. plus I don't use an elevator so it doesn't affect me. I love my apartment. I love this building. I'm not moving anywhere" Penda said.
"Are you sure? You don't have to suck it up for me Pen."

"It's great. Your manager is doing his job fine. Ariana is just stuck up, her family just lost all their money for tax fraud. Rich girl problems."

"I'm glad you have a place you like and a girl you like too, oh, and a job you love. Things are really working out for you. I'm happy that you are happy. You deserve it all. Goodnight" Fantasia said going to the stairs... "See you on set?" Penda asked looking up the stairs..
"I quit my job this evening. It was getting between my wife and me. So unfortunately you won't see me there again. But have a great time, and give it your all, it will open all doors for your career, this is your moment Penda, grab it. Bye," Fantasia said and went to the second floor where Rosey lived.

Penda froze. She couldn't believe it, Fantasia loved directing, and she wrote the book so well to return to Hollywood. Now she quits, she quits her dream? Penda felt that it wasn't fair that Fantasia had to give up her dream.

She went to her room. Plopped on the couch and texted Fantasia

*I know that things are not good between us. And that you are trying to give me my space, I see that you are trying very hard. But you are not okay, you are not the Fantasia that I know. So let's drink tonight, then vent to each other. It will be a great therapy session for both of us. Let me take you to a bar right now. Please,*

*all yours, Rosey is off to bed and I can use a drink or two* Fantasia responded.

They went to a bar.
Fantasia got stupid drunk. And started yapping. Penda wasn't Drunk. She just wanted Fantasia to let loose and talk about her feelings and what was really bothering her. And Penda needed to be sober to hear it all.

"I was in love with her, I would do anything for my wife, I mean hello, I damn near toasted in the fire for her. But something shifted Penda, something moved between us and I can't fix it because, as much as I love her. I don't want her anymore. I want you, you broke me, you made me crazy, and you stole my heart from her. What am I supposed to do huh?"

Penda lifted Fantasia's face and kissed her.

Monica got into the same bar with a friend and saw them together, looking into each other's eyes before her wife kissed Penda hard. She froze by the entrance, gasping. She left before they could see her.

Fantasia pulled away. "No! No, I'm not hurting my wife like this. I'm drunk, not brainless. You are pretty, everything about you is captivating and it holds hard, and I'm in love with you..."

Penda lifted her eyes, shocked that the words were finally coming out of her mouth, but she was damn wasted.

"I Love you so much, Penda. But I'm married, I'm married. Please call me a cab" she said wobbling off her bar stool. Penda nodded and grabbed her, keeping her from falling. She put her in a cab, kissed her goodbye, and shut the door. "make sure she's home safe" Penda said tipping the guy large bills from Fantasia's purse. They cab pull away.

Penda took Fantasia's purse and fished for car keys., And got in the car and drove back home.
She had Fantasia's personal stuff in her purse, credit cards, hard cash, ID, driver's license, home keys, car keys, some emergency cosmetics, and also, her car. Her Bentley.


Let's focus on the chapter...
Maybe that will Cheer me up,



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