
By JuliannaSeagram

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These chapters are just random Brainia alternative stories That I thought of. More

Crisis on Infinite Earths~ (Earth 1's final last days)
Our love❤️between Worlds💙🌎🌍💚
Sick Together
We'll figure this out, "Together"
Cheering up Brainy
Without You
Nia Drunk🍾
Bring you back to Life✨🧪
I Dreamt✨of flying🪽
Saving Dreamer🌀!
Brainy's big romantic❤️gesture
✨Falling with you🌠!
Future Vision✨
❤️Date Night🌙
Still into You
Brainy in "Love"❤️
Standing up for Nia!
💙Forgotten You💚
I dream✨of Brainy💚
Invisible Brainy
Double Date❤️💖
Elevator Kiss❤️
Always You💚
Nia's fear vision
Sweet Dreams✨
Love❤️is a battlefield💥!
Evil Brainy
Rooftop party!
Summer Vacation🏖: Cruise🛳
Another Coluan in town!
Always in Your💚Dreams✨
Minds wiped
Brainy moves in with Nia
A New Beginning✨
Brainia💚💙wedding anniversary✨
Nia Nal💙Ace Reporter!
I dreamt✨of an alternative reality!
A Forced Break-Up!
Trapped in a Musical🎶✨
The Future✨
Forgotten our Anniversary?
Evil Nia
For the rest of my life💙💚
The Prophecy📜of "Dreamer🌀"
A kiss💋turned into something "Amazing"
Feelings✨comes back!
Dancing🎶 in the dream🌀realm with "You💚"
The newest Member of the "SuperFriends"
I'm feeling✨ "Happy" today!
Double Trouble!
No more secrets!
Brainy💚saves Dreamer's life!
Rogue Doppelgängers💚💙: Breaking💥 and entering!
The Truth comes out!
Brainy💚comes back!
True love❤️kiss works "every time"
Dreamer🌀saves everyone!
Love❤️is the ultimate "Sacrifice"
Justice never sleeps💤...
Dreamer🌀is Pregnant?!
Wicked people!
Nia's da💥Bomb💣!
Nia Nal💙missing?...
Welcome to Earth🌎-17:
Brainiac-1.0 Strikes Back!
Do You💚see a future✨with me?💙
A hero gone "dark"
A "blind" Brainia💚💙date❤️!
Nia's Wedding dress...
Bring me back to life!
A lot has changed in 3 "Years"...😅


5 1 0
By JuliannaSeagram

~{Chapter 83}~*This chapter is about when Nia's new dream🌀powers are becoming too much for her to handle and her connection to the "Orginal Dreamer" is stronger than ever before! Causing her to have visions🌌even when she's wide awake. I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At night, in National🏙City at Nia's apartment*
*8:30 p.m.*
"My new power Is More of a "Curse" than a blessing. Ever since I took my powers to the *next level* my connection📶to the original dreamer helped me reach my true potential as the "Dreamer" but Instead of dreaming of the future when I'm asleep😴I'm getting them while I am awake too. And it's so life-like and real, that I don't always notice right away or at first. Sometimes I see a couple of seconds ahead in the future. Sometimes hours or even days... I don't "always" know what's real or not. I feel like at the time I'm going crazy or losing my mind. So, I don't know what to do. Besides, I couldn't talk to anyone about this even if I wanted to! Due to everyone I "talk to" everything I see... it just gets worse from there because I can't tell if it's "Now" or *later* in the past, present, and future✨." Nia said to herself softly worrying about how her new dreaming powers are giving her *anxiety issues* and doesn't know how to "cope". She wrote📝all of that down in her journal📒to gather her thoughts in helping her cope but sadly these *Prophetic daydreams* were just the "beginning".
Then, Brainy walked into the apartment to find🔎his girlfriend lost in thought and concerned about Nia while sensing that she was lost in thought. "Nia, are you okay?" Brainy asked her out of curiosity if she was "okay". She stopped what she was doing at the sound of her boyfriend's voice felt like having one of her daydreams again at the sight of Brainy seeing a vision of him dying when facing a "bad guy" and she wasn't fast enough to save him in time "3 days from now". *(End of vision)* then the original dreamer appeared to Nia and said for dramatic effect. "I warned you, Nia this "new power" of yours that I gave you wouldn't be easy. And it can't be controlled. Sorry to say, those visions are very real and can't be changed or altered..." She said wisely and then she was gone. Nia gasped lightly in shock covering her mouth in fear of Brainy "dying" and she wouldn't be able to save him or stop the vision from coming true! "Yes, I'm fine. Brainy! I just need some time to myself." Nia said quickly acting like everything was "fine" when it obviously wasn't. Then, she got up from the couch and went to the balcony wanting to be alone right now to "think". "What was that about? Did I say something wrong that upset her? Or did Nia have a vision of something terrible happening?" Brainy thought out loud to himself thinking that he was to blame for Nia's "strange behavior" but actually, it was quite the *opposite*. Well, sort of😅.

*On the balcony*
*8:53 p.m.*
Nia sighed sadly looking up at the night sky in the "city🌃" from *her balcony* while feeling the wind💨in her💙hair💇🏻‍♀️. "What am I going to do? How do I tell Brainy that in "2 weeks" he's destined to die and I won't be able to save him?! Because it's already *written in stone* that can't be changed or altered to change his faith." she thought sadly in a wise voice to herself afraid of losing the love❤️of her life and couldn't save Brainy from "death" itself. Speaking of he came onto the balcony to talk knowing what was bothering his "Nia Nal" to distance herself from him. "Nia, what's going on with you? I can sense that something is weighing on you. So, please tell me..." Brainy asked his girlfriend multiple questions and begged her to tell him what was going on with her tonight. Because he hated to see her like this and wanted to help Nia in any way that he possibly could. She sighed. "Okay, fine. I'll tell you. Brainy, but you won't like it. Ever since I leveled up my dream powers... it led to me having visions when I'm awake without falling asleep whenever I look at anyone or talk to and see.
And today, at the sight of your face I saw you dying *3 days* from now downtown in the "city" at midnight🕛and I wasn't fast enough to save you in time. And my connection to her is getting stronger than ever! Because she warned me that what I saw in my future vision of you dying couldn't be changed. And there's nothing I can do to stop it," Nia explained sadly of fear of what she had a vision of Brainy. Then, she was in tears as she collapsed on the floor of *her balcony* crying😭her heart💙! Brainy immediately comforted her by pulling Nia into a hug🤗while saying💬to cheer her up and lift her spirits up. "Nia, I promise you that it won't come to that. I won't die... despite what the odds say. Besides, no matter what you saw in your vision🌌of "me" dying and what the "Original Dreamer" told you it is not set in stone it can be altered and changed. Because we are in charge of our own destinies/faiths and that's a fact! And ever since I chose to stay in the 21st century *last year* to be with you💙 "Nia Nal" is my destiny✨and I will do whatever it takes to stay by your side." Brainy said devotedly to his girlfriend in making a *promise* to her that they'll find a way to change his "faith". She hugged him back placing her head on Brainy's shoulder as her eyes moved back and forth hoping that he was "right".

*Three days later, at Night🌙downtown in National🏙City*
*11:55 p.m.*
The night when Brainy is supposed to "die" is nearly here. As a bad guy aimed a proton blaster at Brainiac-5 ready to pull the trigger and kill him... "NO," Dreamer cried out in tears rushing to save Brainy before it was too late refusing what she saw in her *vision🌌* to come "true" and immediately pushing him out of the way. But she ended up being the "one" getting shot as Dreamer fell to the ground when that happened... "DREAMER!!! No," Brainy shouted out in tears😭rushing to Nia's side and holding her close to his chest. "What were you thinking?" He added thinking what Nia did was stupid and reckless. "I had to... Brainy, I couldn't stand by and let you "die". It was neither you nor me. Love❤️makes you do crazy things," Dreamer said weakly being selfless in changing Brainy's "faith" by choosing to take his place instead. "But why did it have to be You?" Brainy questioned why Dreamer would do something like that even if it was to save his life. "I-I," Nia said weakly about to take her final breath but not without saying her last words. "No, no. No. Nia, please, stay with me... I can't lose you! I love you," Brainy said in tears. "I love you too," Dreamer said softly taking her last breath and then she was gone. "No. Nia! Please, wake up. You can't be dead!" Brainy said in tears trying to perform *CPR* on his girlfriend trying to bring her back to life but nothing seemed to work. Then, he cried😭his heart💚out in tears💦of sadness on her chest when her heart stopped. Knowing that Nia took his place for him to live! Everyone was in tears that they lost a valuable member of the team and their close friend... to Brainy she was the "love of his life" the only woman for him and the very first person that he'd ever truly "loved".

Lena quickly pulled out her mother's grimore📜flipping through pages to find the right *spell* to save Nia's life because she refused to believe that Dreamer was dead too. Knowing that she could do something to save her "friend" then moments later, Lena found a healing spell to bring her back that required her to tap into advanced witchcraft known as "Spirit magic" so, over the past *4 months* she'd leveled up her magic and become a powerful Earth Witch" like her mother. Maybe even better! "I can save her Brainy, I know an spell that can help bring Nia back!" Lena explained. "Then, do it. Lena, save her! I can't lose Nia," Brainy added. Lena nodded in agreement in doing just that! Then, she took a deep breath channeling her magic, and began chanting the "healing spell" in Latin in her spell book... her eyes glowed white raising her hand in the air right at Nia. As the balance of the Universe shifted Dreamer🌀's injuried wound was healed in seconds... Then, she gasped awake able to breathe again, and was very much "alive" thanks to Lena and her magic🧪✨! "Nia, you're alive! Thank god, I've thought I lost you forever." Brainy said in tears hugging his girlfriend dearly happy to have her back. "Yeah, me too." dreamer said softly hugging him back glad to be "alive" and back in Brainy's arms again.

*Later that same night🌃, back at Nia's apartment*
*12:50 a.m.*
Nia and Brainy just got back to their apartment after stopping the bad guy and arresting him for his crimes to the police. Brainy was in the kitchen making his girlfriend some nice relaxing "tea" to calm her nerves and to help her sleep😴💤tonight🌃too. "Here, Nia," Brainy said softly handing his girlfriend💙a *cup of tea☕️* and sat on the couch beside her. "Thank you, Brainy, that means a lot," Nia said gratefully for her boyfriend's kind gesture of making her tea. Considering that she almost "died" tonight if not for Lena and her magic... Nia was entirely grateful for saving her life by bringing her back. "Of course, it's the least that I could do for you, Nia Nal. After all, you did save my life but it nearly cost you your own life. If not for Lena's using her magic on "you" to bring you back to life." Brainy explained wisely in stating the obvious of what happened tonight in the heat of battle. Nia sighed sadly having a feeling that this would happen as she took a sip of her tea placed it on the coffee table and then said. "I know that. Brainy," Nia said. Brainy nodded in understanding as he got up and went into the bedroom to get ready for bed and Nia was about to join him... Until she felt the presence of the "Orginal Dreamer" again in the apartment and heard her say. "I warned you, Nia Nal," she said wisely in a dramatic tone in her voice glaring at Nia in disappointment. "Yes, I know. But everything worked out in the end... thanks to my friends. I'm alive and so, is Brainy." Nia said softly knowing the risk of her actions and the laws of nature and the universe. The original dreamer sighed taking off her cloak for dramatic effect of what she had to say. "That is true, Nia, but as you know the balance of the universe will find a way to correct your mistake. Someone has to die... if not you or Brainiac-5. Someone else will have to take your place in order to maintain the balance of the natural order of "life" and *death*. And that means your boyfriend will have to "die" in this time period too." She said wisely. Nia was in tears crying and that's when the original dreamer left her with that devastating thought in her mind.

Then, Brainy came out of the bedroom to find Nia crying😭on the couch🛋️and had a feeling why that was... This meant that she received yet another "devastating news" from the original dreamer🌀. He wanted to comfort his girlfriend but she stopped herself from crying immediately when she heard him coming and quickly got up from the couch to say💬. "Brainy, I think you should go back to the future. It's for your own good and safety." Nia said sadly as a suggestion to protect him from dying again by going back to his own time. "Wait, what? You want me to leave. Why?" Brainy asked confused about why she wanted him to go back to the *31st century*. She sighed sadly about to tell him. "Yes, you have to! It's the only one to protect you. I don't want you to die... if it's because of me." Nia said in tears. Then, he approached her

"No, I'm not going anywhere... Nia Nal, you're my future. And I love you with all of my heart! So, I'm staying." Brainy said. "But why? Don't you see that "You" being here in the 21st century is only making things worse! It doesn't matter how much we love❤️each other and want to be together forever. Fate wants to tear "us" apart." Nia said. He smiled. "Don't talk like that! Nia, you know better than anyone else in the world that You & I belong together... no matter who or what is trying to keep us apart. I love you and that's that! Besides, when we first started dating❤️I knew the consequences of being with you would affect the timeline... but like you said "Love makes you do crazy things," choosing you over sacrificing myself in the future was the best decision I've ever made in my life. And I would do it again in a *heartbeat*" Brainy said devotedly to loving Nia Nal forever til the end of time. "Oh, Brainy. I love you too. I'm so sorry for what I said... I-I was just scared of losing you "forever" and I let my fear take over me! I thought that if you left then "you" would be safe." Nia said in tears admitting the truth and immediately hugging🤗him lovely. "It's okay, Nia. I'm here and you won't lose me... I promise you that." Brainy said sweetly hugging her back in making an unbreakable promise to Nia Nal and planned on keeping it no matter what comes their way in the near future.

*Sorry, long chapter😅. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter... until next time. Bye👋, for now!*

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