Shadow Of The Past | ✔️

By daisiewritess

95.7K 1.8K 175

Naomi Madden, a renowned fashion designer, attends an upscale award ceremony celebrating her latest collectio... More

01| "All those steps lead me somewhere"
02| "Shes Amaras sugar Mamma"
03| "Im ofricially taking your child away from you"
04| "My parents are in court"
05| "Ive lost home"
06| "Ive found the right perosn to be in out family"
07| "I also want you to be happy"
8| "I only fell in love with one women"
09| "Those eyes"
10| "My girls with someone else"
11| "You are not happy with this man"
12| "Bitch you were lying"
13| "Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry"
14| "I know damn well you wouldn't do that to yourself"
15| "Can you believe me for once"
16| "Princepessa the real question is are you ready"
17 | "Thank the heavens obove. I don't know how I was gonna cope without her"
18| "So is Ace your boyfriend?"
19| "Im proud of you"
20| "Fuck my fucking goddamn life"
21| "You okay?"
22| "Because I feel like I can trust you"
23| "im trusting him with her"
24| "No, No I wasn't crying. There was just onions in the room."
25| "Oh girl. Stop crying or else your makeups going to get ruined."
26| "because she my little girl"
27| "You could've spent more"
28| "Your doing so well honey"
29| "Blue butterflies"
30| "I spent my entire life that I've spent with you worrying about you"
31| "You won't end in a not so lovely way, you hear me"
32| "You know I'll always pick up"
33| "Oh my he likes what he sees"
34| "it was killing me"
35| "im gonna loose it."
36| "I love you"
37| "Maybe"
38| "You look so damn beautiful"
40| "Nothing changed about my feeling towards you"
41| "Why'd you leave me"
42| "I felt home in his arms"
43| "Its forever hers"
44| "That reason is always because of you"
45| "You guys are going to look so cute."
authors note ☆
46|"Eyes up babe"
47| "Sorry, I can't"
48| "You two kissed, didn't you?"
49| "Cause For The First Time In Forever..."
50| "There wasnt anyone after you"
51| "Im thinking about wanting to try us again"
52| "I'm here and will always be there when you need it" 🔥
53| "Pain. It doesn't feel great does it?
54| "you keep hurting me and keep giving me reason to hate you"
55| "Thank you for making me feel a slight bit of love again"
56| "She's reaching for me, and I'm not able to reach for her"
authors note
57| "Here I am looking at them through pictures"
58| "issues"
59| "You never faulted in being a mother"
60| Just promise me that you'll come back. Both of you."
61| "Forever"
62| "you're so brave"
63| "Butterfly tattoo"
64| "you're just so perfect"
65| "Youve outdone yourself"
66| "yeah, he's fine."
67| "Thank you for maing my mom happy"
67| "Ti amo, e lo farò per sempre."
67| "You lied to me"
69| "whats stopping you?" 🔥
70| "You're in for it now"
71| "His love was a guiding light, illuminating my path"
72| "I didn't mind falling, as long as it was you I was falling for."
73| "im pregnant"
74| "I swear you two alone isn't a good idea"
76| "Put the gun down."
77| "Forever"
78| "I'm not going anywhere"
79|"God, you're hot when you're in father mode"
80| "Love"
81| "I will always choose you, always and forever"
82| "Sucks to suck"
83| "I have beef with you"

75| "Run"

178 3 1
By daisiewritess


Ace and i arrived back home to a surprising scene in the kitchen—Luca, Tristan, and Amara were engaged in a lively Disney music sing-along.

"Well, this is a sight I never thought I'd see," Ace remarked quietly, his voice close to my ear.

I responded with a soft hum, equally amused by the unexpected scene unfolding before us.

Leaning casually against the doorframe, I observed with a grin as the trio continued their spirited performance, seemingly unaware of our presence. It wasn't until a moment later that they finally noticed us standing there.

"Did you guys see that?" Tristan asked, nervously scratching the back of his head.

Ace and I exchanged amused glances before nodding in agreement, thoroughly entertained by their impromptu musical antics.


It was much later in the evening, and Ace had gone to put Amara to bed while I stayed in the kitchen, tending to a glass of water. As I poured myself a drink, I felt Ace's familiar hands gently wrap around my waist, his touch comforting and warm against my skin. His lips brushed against my shoulder, eliciting a smile from me.

"How are you two doing?" he asked softly.

"He's good, and I'm exhausted," I replied honestly.

Ace chuckled softly, his warmth spreading through the air. "Want to do something we used to do every night?"

"Which is?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Dance together to soft music," he suggested.

"Yeah, I'd love that," I replied, feeling a sense of anticipation for the familiar routine.

Ace went over to play a soft jazz melody, filling the kitchen with soothing music. Taking my hand, he led me to a spot with more space in the kitchen. He turned me around, and I felt my back press against his chest as his arms enveloped me gently.

We began to sway slowly to the melodic tune, our movements synchronized with the soft jazz. As we danced in the quiet of our kitchen, a contented smile played on my lips, feeling the comforting presence of Ace and the shared intimacy of our dance.

As we swayed gently to the music, Ace's warm breath tickled my ear, and I could feel his heartbeat against my back. The soft jazz created a peaceful atmosphere around us, and we moved in sync with the music.

"You know, this used to be my favorite part of the day," Ace murmured, his voice soft and filled with nostalgia.

"Mine too," I replied, resting my head back against his chest. "It feels like it's been too long."

Ace's grip around me tightened slightly, his touch reassuring. "We should do this more often, don't you think?"

"I nodded in agreement, feeling the weight of recent days lifting slightly with each gentle sway. "Oh yeah, I heavily agree with you." I said.

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to be completely enveloped in the warmth of the moment. The soft melodies of the jazz music filled the kitchen, wrapping around us like a gentle embrace. Ace's arms around me felt secure and comforting, his presence reassuring and steady.

In that quiet dance, I let go of the worries of the day, savoring the simple joy of being with Ace.

Each sway and turn felt like a silent conversation between us, a wordless expression of love and connection. It was in these moments that I felt most at peace, anchored by the rhythm of the music and the touch of Ace's hands on my waist.

As we moved together, I could feel a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

The weight of the world seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of contentment and gratitude for this shared intimacy.

With every step, every note of the music, I cherished the bond between us, knowing that these moments would always hold a special place in our hearts.

Lost in the dance, I relished the closeness, the familiarity, and the unspoken understanding that passed between us. It was a fleeting but beautiful interlude, a pause in the busyness of life that allowed us to reconnect and find solace in each other's presence.



As my phone rang and Luca's urgent voice filled the line, my heart skipped a beat. "The house is being attacked," he said, and in that moment, a wave of fear washed over me like a sudden storm. Everything else faded into the background as I focused solely on the safety of Naomi and Amara.

I abandoned my tasks without hesitation, the sense of urgency propelling me into swift action. In a blur, I left the warehouse behind, my mind racing with thoughts of protecting my family. The drive back to the house was a tense race against time, each passing moment amplifying my anxiety.

"Close all the roads down, right now," I commanded over the phone, my voice clipped with urgency as I navigated the streets with determination. Red lights blurred past as I sped through intersections, my focus unwavering on reaching the house as quickly as possible.

The fear of the unknown gnawed at me, fueling my need to get to Naomi and Amara. Thoughts of their safety consumed my mind, and I pushed my vehicle to its limits, desperate to arrive before any harm could befall them.

As I neared the house, my heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of dread and determination propelling me forward. The sight of our home coming into view brought a mix of relief and apprehension. I screeched to a halt, adrenaline coursing through my veins, ready to confront whatever awaited me inside.


As chaos erupted within our home, I clung to Amara, the urgency of the moment propelling us into action. Amidst the frenzy of rushing footsteps and the unsettling sounds of intrusion, I knew I had to protect Amara at all costs.

"Amara, run. Run for me. Hide and wait, please," I pleaded with her, the weight of the situation bearing down on me.

Reluctantly, Amara followed my instructions, disappearing from view as I turned to face the approaching threat.

The attackers seized me with force, wrenching me away from Amara's sight. In that heartbreaking moment, I watched her turn and flee in the opposite direction, hoping she would find safety.

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