Better days (JJxOC)

By jjblackbird

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Maya Prentiss is Emily's little sister. She was a caring person with a big heart but the world can be cruel s... More

Black jacket
Four of a kind
Small talk
A lonely club
Trust issues
Baby marshmallows
Toy car
Trust fund baby
Better safe than sorry
The pretty one
Secret language
Busy night
I'm sorry
Truth or dare
Waste of space
Grow up
Our home
Unexpected guest
Mad woman
It's my fault
Good samaritan
That look
You did that
Cowboy crap

Favorite hoodie

516 10 4
By jjblackbird

It's been a few days since I've seen the team. I've been away consulting on a case with the cia. JJ has been good for these couple days before I left. We still haven't figured out how we should interact with each other at work so we kind of don't. We see each other after and have sleepovers.

I just got back to my apartment, it was around midnight and I was so tired. I went to take a shower and went to get something to drink before bed. When I got to the kitchen I saw Emily.

I jumped a little, "Jesus, Emily. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question," she said.

"It's my apartment. I live here," I said.

"I could ask you a different question then," she said.

"Oh shut up," I got a redbull from the fridge and sat on my couch.

"I somehow may have locked my keys in my apartment and I can't get in there," she said sitting next to me.

"Emily, you're older than me. You're supposed to be the responsible one," I said.

"Oh so you're the responsible one now?" She asked.

"Yes I am," I said.

"You almost burned the kitchen at the bau last week because you forgot you left the water boiling," she said.

"Yes. And I take full responsibility for that," I said.

She chuckled, "That's not how it works."

"Says who?" I asked, "I'm going to bed. Take this. See you tomorrow," I said giving her my redbull and went to bed.

Next day we were all back at the office. Everyone was working and I went to get my coffee. I saw JJ standing in the kitchen so I came up to her.

"Hey," I said placing my hand on her shoulder.

She flinched a little, "Oh, hi."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just stressed a little," she said.

"What about?" I asked.

"I don't know," she shrugged, "Are you um, coming over for the new episode tonight?"

"Tonight? Isn't it tomorrow?" I asked.

"Oh, maybe," she said.

I got a feeling that she just wanted me to come. Whether it was to watch the show or not. I noticed she's a little on edge again and while it's not surprising, I hope it's not because I was gone for a few days.

"I can come tonight too," I said, "We can watch something else."

"Okay," she smiled.

I started a fresh pot of coffee and poured myself a cup. We talked for a minute longer while I drank the coffee. Unfortunately our plans had to be changed because Hotch came in letting us know that there's a case.

We all went to the round table room and sat around it. Garcia sent us over the files and presented the case.

I shot a look at JJ and noticed she was biting her lip. Something she does when she's stressed or anxious. I placed my pinky over hers and she gave me a small smile. I reciprocated and focused back on the case.

We got there and started working. Hotch, Derek and I along with Spencer went to check out the crime scenes. We drove there and examined everything. We exchanged views and went back to the car.

"Does anyone wanna hear about a book I read last night? It's exiting," Spencer said.

"Sure thing, Spence. Speak away," I said.

So he did. He talked the whole way back and continued at the station. I like listening to him talk about these things. And it makes him happy so it's a win win.

We did what we could for the day and went back to the hotel. I took a shower and waited for Emily while reading a book. Half an hour later I heard a knock on my door.

"Just use the card," I yelled.

There was another knock so I sighed and got up to open it. I opened it and was surprised for a second. It wasn't Emily.

"Oh, it's you. Come in," I said and moved back to the bed.

"Were you expecting someone else?" She asked.

"Emily usually comes to my room when we're on cases," I said, "And not only when we're on cases apparently. She broke into my apartment while I was away."

She chuckled, "That does not surprise me one bit."

"Good point. So what's up?" I asked.

"I wanted to ask you something," she said.

"Shoot away," I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Will you sleep with me?" She asked.

I almost chocked on that drink. I looked at her with wide eyes and then smirked.

"Damn, at least take me to dinner first or something," I said.

Her cheeks got red, "Oh god. Oh my god, I'm sorry. I just meant-"

I interrupted, "Chill. I know what you meant pretty girl."

Her cheeks got even redder after I said that.

"You always do that. You make me say things and then when I'm around you I don't think about what I'm saying and it just comes out and now I asked you to have sex with me and made it awkward," she said, "And now you won't sleep with me. God I did it again," she said putting her head in her hands and sat on the bed.

I laughed, "First I make you feel things, now I make you say things. I'd say I have quite an influence on you."

I looked at her and stopped laughing. It may have not made me uncomfortable, but maybe it made her uncomfortable. I scooted closer to her and took her hands off her face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, "Are you upset over this?"

"I don't know, it's just been a long week," she said, "Now I made you uncomfortable and it'll be weird if I sleep in your bed. And now I'm ruining your night with this sudden panicking and-"

"JJ," I said taking her hand in mine, "Take a breath and look at me."

She looked at me and I put a strand of her hair behind her ear, keeping my hand on her cheeks for a second.

"I want you here. Okay?" I asked

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Of course I'm sure. Now let's go to sleep and get this long week over with," I said.

We laid down and I turned the lights off. JJ fell asleep almost immediately, like always when she's with me. I don't know what this thing we have is, but I'm starting to like it. It scares the hell out of me at the same time. I'm scared she'll break my trust again, but if I want her to trust me, I need to trust her too.

I just wish she was more confident with herself. I can't blame her that she isn't though. Going through a traumatic experience at the same time as being in a not so healthy relationship and then getting out of one can do that to a person. But we'll get there.

Next day we delivered the profile and asked to double the patrols. We were getting closer, but not close enough to catch the UnSub. The police wanted to hold a press conference, but we didn't think it would be beneficial. We profiled that the UnSub would escalate if he knew we were close. They didn't listen.

"So what now?" JJ asked.

"Now we give to get ready for what's about to happen," Hotch said.

"And what's that exactly?" Emily asked.

"This possibly turning into a spree," I sighed, "I'm generally a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people."

"Here, I have something for you," Garcia said.

I looked at her, "What?"

"This," she said giving me a sticker.

"That's a sticker," I said looking at it.

"Not just any sticker," she said, "It's says I'm amazing and it's a maze. Get it? It's cause you're complicated, but still amazing."

"I'm not five, Penelope," I said.

"Fine, I'll take it back then," she said.

"Hey! It's my sticker," I said taking it, "Back off."

She chuckled, "See? Complicated."

"But still amazing," I said proudly.

Unfortunately what we predicted did happen and we were head over hills filled with work. Things  just went from bad to worse and we had to act quickly. The UnSub was now all over the place, not giving a damn who he was killing at this point.

The geographic profile was all over the place now too and we were back to square one. The rest of the team stayed back at the station while Emily and I went to check out the crime scenes.

"These people really just tested my patience, man. We were so close," I said.

"Don't even start. I'm so mad. Why the hell do they never listen?" Emily said.

"No idea. But they're seriously making me reconsider what side I wanna be on. Maybe I should just switch and join the guy," I said.

"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to watch yourself become the villain," Emily said.

"Did you just quote the Dark Knight on me?" I asked.

"It's all I got for now," she said.

"Fair enough," I shrugged.

We checked the crime scenes and went back to the station. It was really late so we went back to the hotel.

Emily came to my room as I thought she would. We played the twenty questions game, cause we were bored. We drank a lot of coffee earlier so sleep wasn't something we'd be getting anytime soon. Some time later we heard a knock at the door.

"Are you expecting someone?" Emily asked.

"Your mom," I said getting up.

"What you just said is wrong on so many levels, I can't even begin to explain," she said.

"Deal with it," I shrugged and opened the door.

"Hey, can I come in?" JJ asked.

"Sure thing, pretty girl," I said.

"Hey," Emily said.

"Oh, hey. You sure I can come in?" JJ asked looking at me.

"Yeah, come on," I said closing the door and went back to bed.

"Why are people doing that?" JJ asked.

"Oh, we're getting deep now, huh?" Emily asked.

JJ shrugged, "I just don't get it. The victims were innocent. They didn't do anything and now?"

"Are you by any chance hinting at you being in that situation few months ago?" Emily asked.

"I don't know. They do that to good people and then those people change. They don't see the world the same anymore. And that's if they survive. I just don't get it," JJ said.

"You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time, but you were wrong. The world is cruel and the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased, unprejudiced," I said.

"Did you just quote the Dark Knight?" JJ asked.

"That's Emily's fault. Doesn't matter, it's true," I said.

"I guess it is," she said.

"And it's not fair. That's why we are a family. Because I know what the world can do to a girl who only sees beauty in it. Like you," Emily told her.

"That's why you need to trust people," JJ told Emily, "And you too," she said looking at me.

"When did we start talking about me?" I asked.

"I trust people," Emily said.

"You don't," JJ said.

"Because you can't," I said.

"And I get it. Every time you'd try to count on someone they'd let you down, so you'd do it alone," JJ said.

"And you'd never admit that, cause you're just too damn stubborn," I said.

"Not every time," Emily said looking at me and I smiled.

"And you do the same, JJ. But it's alright, it doesn't even matter. I'll tell you what does matter. That you can both trust me, with anything," I said, "No matter how awful it is you are not alone. Never."

"I'm sorry, but I just need to ask. When did you two become best friends?" Emily asked.

"We're not best friends," we said at the same time.

"Whatever. I'll tell you what. You two profile me again you'll wish you hadn't," Emily said.

We bottle laughed and Emily did too after a second. We decided to have a sleepover because it was already late and the case was not one of the good ones. Not that there are any good ones. This one was just bad. It triggered something in every single one of us, that's how complex it was.

We knew it was gonna be a long couple of days, we went to sleep so we at least weren't tired on top of triggered. Next day Emily and I went to pay a possible witness a little visit.

We knocked, but there was no answer. I tried the door and it was open so we walked in. As soon as we stepped in I got shot in my arm and Emily shot the guy not even a second after, also in his arm. I holstered my gun and looked at him.

"What the hell was that, dude?" I asked.

"You broke into my house!" He yelled.

"The door was open. We're with the fbi and we let you know that right after we came in. That's not what a break in is," I said.

"Get up," Emily said, "You're going with us now."

"What? I didn't do anything! I'm a witness," he exclaimed.

"You were a minute ago. Now you've shot a federal agent. That's gonna get you some time," I said, "And you ruined my favorite hoodie."

"Oh, I did? I'm so sorry," he said.

"Yeah, sorry is not gonna sew it back together," I said leaving the house, "You better have some good information to make up for it."

Emily sat him in our suv and closed the door, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just a scratch," I said.

"There sure is a lot of blood for a scratch," she said.

"Few stitches and it'll be fine. Can't say the same about the hoodie though. I swear I'm so done with this job," I said.

"We're going to the hospital," Emily said.

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