Harry Styles Imagines and Pre...

By Harrys_Kitten_xo

2.6M 39.4K 2.6K

Imagines and Preferences about the one and only Harold Styles as you may have worked out from the title oopss... More

You Meet At A Club
Meeting The Boys
PDA In Front Of His Family
Sneaking Out
Your Asleep On His Side Of The Bed - super cuteee
Blanket Fort
You Get Sick During A Taxi Ride Home
How You Sleep
He Gets Jealous About How Much Time You Spend With Gemma
You See Him Playing With Your Little Cousins
Your Shorter Than Him
Dinner With His Family
You Want To Cuddle But He Ignores You
Comforting and The First I Love You
He Takes Care Of You
You Look After Him And Anne Sees
Your Relationship Goes Public
Your Younger
You Have A Nightmare
Star Watching Together
Your Mum Shows Him Baby Pictures Of You
Tickle Fights
You Can't Sleep
Cute Moments
Food Fights
Dark Harry
Your Stressed In The Middle Of The Night
You Fall Asleep While On Skype To Him
Motorcycle Rides
Cute Mornings
Period Pain
You Have To Stay At His House Due To The Weather
Late Night Cooking
Long Car Rides
He Asks You To Move In With Him
You Get Sunburnt
Camping In His Garden
Anne Notices The Marks
Your Scared Of The Dark
"I'm Not Driving Anymore"
He Takes Care Of You When Your Drunk
You Braid His Hair
Kisses In The Rain
You Comfort Him
After Fights Moments
Vocal Rest
You Visit Him While He's In Hospital
Love Bites
He Distracts You
Crossword Puzzles
Making Cupcakes
He Saves You
You Have A Nose Bleed
Time With The Kids
You Accidentally Hit Him Where It Hurts
He Walks In On You Changing
He Picks You Up From Work
He Sneaks Into Your Room
Haunted House
You Do An Interview Together
He Gives An Exclusive Tour Of The House You Share
Fans Get Violent To You In Front Of Him
He Cheers You Up After A Bad Day
You Take Care Of Him When He's Drunk
Twitter Conversations
He Finds Out You Sleep With A Teddy Bear
Its 'One Of Those Days'
You Get Overheated At An Event And Nearly Pass Out
You Have A Panic Attack
School Is Stressing You Out
He Tells You He Wants A Baby - Super Cute
He Embarrasses You
One Year Anniversary
You're Famous
Back Row Of The Cinema
You Get Jealous
Cheeky Red Carpet Event
Plane Journeys
He's Exhausted When He Gets Back From Tour
He Helps You With Your Anxiety
Moving In With Him
Airport Moments
He Loves It When You
Drunken Times
Backstage After A Concert
He Has To Leave Early To Go To The Studio
Daily Question
Personal For Riya
Personal for Mia
Personal for Mélissa
Personal for Blessing
Personal for Emma
Personal for Wren
Personal for Mardiny
Personal for Corinne
Personal for India
Personal for Aurora
Normal preferences
New Book
He Forces You To Kiss Him
Asleep In His Arms
You're Too Far Away In Bed
He Carries You To Bed
Holding Hands
He's Ill On Tour And Won't Let You Take Care Of Him
"You're Late"
He Comes Home Upset
You Take A Bath Together
He Finds Something Dark From Your Past
You Get Stressed
You Have A Nightmare
You Comfort Him
Another Man Hits You
You Get Hurt While He's On Tour - Part One
You Get Hurt While He's On Tour - Part Two
You Get Hurt While He's On Tour - Part Three
He Comes Home From Tour To Surprise You
You Have A Panic Attack - Requested
He See's You Crying For The First Time
Someone Breaks In When He's Not There
He Wants A Cuddle
You Distract Him
"Maybe Home Is Nothing But Two Arms Holding You Tight When You're At Your Worst"
You Call Him Crying
He's Not There When You Wake Up
The Paparazzi Get Too Close
"Promise Me"
You Get Hate
"You're Always So Quiet"
I'll Take Care Of You
Social Anxiety
"You Know What That Does To Me"
"Then We Will Go Home And Cuddle"
"Warm Enough?"
"Come Here Love"
Bad Days
Daily Quesiton
Cute Boyfriend He Is
"Missed Me?"
You Faint In Front Of Him While On Tour
He Misses You - Blurb
You're On The Set Of The You And I Video
His Friends Are Rude To You When He's Not Around - Part 1
His Friends Are Rude To You When He's Not Around - Part 2
You're Jealous Of His Ex
The Paparazzi Scare Your Child
You Fall Asleep On Him And He Doesn't Want To Wake You Up
You're Pregnant
He Saves You From Being Attacked In Public
He Finds Your Piercing
You Do A Photoshoot Together
He Finds Out You Had An Abusive Ex
You're On Your Period But He Wants You
"I'm Not Letting Go"
His Hands Are Cold
He Can't Fall Asleep Until You Do
You Make Him Sleep On The Couch
You're Trying To Read
He Misses You While He's On Tour
You're Home Late And He Get's Worried
"Tell Me..."
Night Changes Date
Tour Bus
Waking Up Blurb
Cuddling Harry Blurb
Tired Harry Blurb
Red Carpet Drama
Comforting Moments
You Sleep On The Couch After An Argument
You Are Trying To Sleep But He Keeps Talking
He's In A Playful Mood
The Bump
Bath Time
"....everything in the world will be right again" - Super sad
You Want His Attention
Your Friends Flirt With Him
Book Twoooo

You're In An Accident - Super Sad

13K 225 58
By Harrys_Kitten_xo


I was speed walking down one of the busiest streets in London. Struggling to keep hold of my umbrella blowing in the wind, my teeth chattered as the freezing rain beat down on me. I stepped under the roof of a coffee shop and fumbled in my pockets for my phone. Calling Harry, I held the phone to my ear with a trembling hand.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Hey, can you come and pick me up?"

"Where are you?"

"Oxford Street."

"Oh, no sorry baby. I'm really busy right now."

I sighed in annoyance, glaring at the pouring rain. "But it's pouring and I don't even have a car." I whined.

"Call a taxi."

"It's late, I don't trust those drivers." I scowled.

Irritation crept into Harry's tone. "Well, I don't know what to do. I can't make it right now, Y/N, you're either going to call a taxi or take a bus."

"Harry –"

"If you're too fucking fussy to do that, walk."

"It's pouring!"

"That's not my problem." I don't know why he was so pissed.

"What are you even doing that's so important?"

"I'm at dinner with some really important people. I don't have time for your shit right now." Ouch.

I scoffed. "Am I not more important?"

"Not right now, no. Walk home."

"It's nearly midnight!" I protested.

"God, Y/N, just fuck off." He hung up and I gaped at my phone before shoving it angrily into my pocket. Who the hell even has dinner at midnight?

I nervously observed the fucking hurricane going on right now. I was immediately soaked as I stepped out, the umbrella not doing any good as it blew inside out. I vigorously shivered as I hurried down the now empty street, trying and failing to find a taxi to take me home. I sneezed loudly and groaned when I felt a cold coming on.

The rain fell straight into my eyes as I attempted to look left and right before crossing the road. I could barely open my eyes but I was able to tell there wasn't a moving vehicle on the road. I nearly ran across the large road when I slipped and went crashing down.

"Fuck," I tried to scream but it was lost in the wind. I felt the skin on my knee tear and I bit my lip harshly to stop from crying. Scrambling to my feet, I heard a distant shout and gained my footing just in time to see blinding white lights.

And then everything was a blur.

I must've lost consciousness a few times, because I could hear sirens that I was pretty sure weren't there two minutes ago. People were surrounding me wearing brightly coloured uniforms, shouting over the wind to try to speak to me.


I whimpered as excruciating pain shot through my legs. The pain became wire hot, zipping through my abdomen and I cried out.

"Her name..." I heard a faint woman's voice speaking as I was carefully lifted onto something... I think it was a stretcher. Everything was muddled. I could feel myself losing consciousness so I gripped onto the wrist of the man holding my stretcher.

"C-call..." I stuttered.

I had his full attention in a matter of seconds. "Yes, miss?"

"Call Harry..." And then everything faded into a black unknown.



I felt bad after telling Y/N to fuck off and hanging up on her. I was worried about how she'd get home and if she'd be safe. I ate the rest of the dinner in silence as I heard the rest of the boys' converse with producers. I couldn't take my mind off of her. Halfway through the meal my phone rang again, Y/N's name flashing on the screen. I sighed and answered the call.

"Y/N I'm still at dinner, where are you?" I questioned worriedly.

"Is this Harry Styles?" A woman's voice spoke. It was certainly not my girlfriend.

"Yes?" I was so confused. "Who is this?"

"I'm Officer Reid. I'm afraid I have some terrible news."

"What? Is Y/N okay?" I panicked, barely noticing how all conversations at the table suddenly stopped. All eyes were on me.

"Miss Y/S/N was in a car accident on Oxford Street. She was permitted to St Mary's Hospital approximately twenty minutes ago in a coma..."

I couldn't hear anything the Officer was saying. My mouth fell open, stomach churning as tears came to my eyes. A sob escaped my parted lips and I brought my hand up to my mouth as I shot out of my seat. Hospital. Car crash. Coma. The words didn't even sink it, it crashed and I was breaking.

"Harry," Niall frowned, "what's wrong? Is Y/N okay?"

At the mention of my girlfriend's name, I collapsed to the floor in a mess of tears. The boys all gathered around to comfort me, worried expressions on souring their features. But I wasn't paying attention to them. The love of my life was in fucking hospital after being in a car crash. I yanked at the roots of my hair.

"Y/N," I choked out her name. "Oh God, oh God..."

"Harry," Liam urgently spoke. "What happened?"

"Y/N was in an accident." I cried out, "She's in hospital. God, this is all my fault."

Zayn tried soothing me, but Liam had other ideas as he yanked me up and dragged me to the exit. The producers sat, shocked still in their seats, clearly not knowing how to react.

"We're taking you to the hospital now," he spoke urgently, albeit his voice slightly wobbled. "You guys take care of things." He told Louis, Zayn and Niall. They all nodded, faces pale, eyes wide.

I nodded and wept like a true broken man the entire drive, cursing myself a million times over for not leaving the fucking restaurant to go and see her. She is much more important than some producers. My chest heaved as I recalled my words to her when she called. I was so mean.

"She's going to be okay, Harry." Liam breathed as he pulled into the hospital entrance. "She's going to be fine."

"She's in a coma," I gasped for breath.

Liam' breath hitched and he clenched the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white.

Neither of us spoke until we reached her ward. She was in ICU, which just broke my heart even more. I sat in the waiting area while Liam contacted her parents. My mind felt numb and so did my body. I was so cold without her warmth, the warmth of her love. My teeth chattered and I pulled my knees up to my chest, resting my forehead on my knees, shivering. My angel was in a coma. She may never wake up.

"Liam," I whimpered as a lone tear trailed down my flushed cheek.

"Yeah?" He responded quietly as he rubbed up and down my back.

"What if she –"

"Don't." He stopped me from spilling out the words I know we both dreaded. "Don't say it. She's going to wake up, okay? She'll wake up."

"What if she doesn't?" I wailed. "How am I supposed to live without her? She's my life. The thought of never seeing her again, never holding her is just –" I choked on my sobs and curled into a ball. "It's my fault. She called me and asked if I could pick her up and, and I..."

"You what?" Liam asked softly.

"I-I told her that I wouldn't because the producers are more important than her, and that she should fuck off. God I regret it so much. If she dies, Liam, it's gonna be the last thing I ever said to her."

"Don't think like that. You both have made so many amazing memories together. She's so in love with you Harry, you know she is. And she knows how much you love her. One irrelevant phone call doesn't change any of that."

I didn't respond for a while, just leaned my head on his shoulder. I needed comfort, from anyone or I would shatter more than I already have. "What did her parents' say?"

"They're on their way."

"I can't see them. I can't see Y/N's Mum, not after what I've done." I felt horrified at the thought of seeing her parents cry over their daughter.

"You didn't do anything."

"Exactly!" I yelled, knotting my fingers in my long hair. "I did nothing. I should've done something, anything to keep her safe! But I didn't, and I'm going to have to live with that for the rest of my life." My voice shook. "I don't deserve to see her parents. I don't."

Liam was about to speak when a doctor approached us, clipboard in hand. He looked especially tired as he called out, "Harry Styles?"

"Yes?" I shot up as multiple eyes turned to me. "Doctor, how is she?"

"Miss Y/S/N is in a stable condition at the moment, but only time will tell. You may see her, if you wish."

I nodded vigorously, "please."

Liam put his hand on my shoulder, "I'll come in a few minutes. You take your time."

I gave him a weak smile in gratitude as I followed the Doctor through the corridor that smelled of disinfectant and soap. He opened the curtain that separated her from other patients and I nearly fainted when I saw my beautiful Y/N lying bruised and battered on the small bed. She had bandages around her leg and head and her face was scratched quite badly, probably from hitting the ground.

I stood, frozen, staring in horror at Y/N. My lips parted and a strained whimper escaped. The Doctor sympathetically glanced at me. "It looks a lot worse than it is. She hasn't come out of her coma yet but we are positive she should." He set her clipboard down and shut the curtain. "I'll give you a minute."

I was still trying to process how my Y/N looked... dead. An inhumane sound ripped from my lungs and I fell to my knees at her bedside.

"Please," I wailed, grabbing her hand. "Wake up. I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you so, so much."

Her face remained passive and it only caused me to cry harder. "If you die, I'll die. You are my life, you are my soul... If you go, I go."

My chest moved up and down harshly as I forced myself to my feet so I could lean over her motionless frame. "Y/N," I whispered and pressed a long kiss to her forehead, followed by her cheeks, nose and lips. "Baby..."

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