Paradox Trainer in Alola

By RareHunter0

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A student from the Paldea region took an interest in traveling to other regions to learn new things. More

Prologue: Junior Cup
Chapter 1: Alola
Chapter 2: Alolan Deity Surprise
Chapter 3: The Marketplace Litten
Chapter 4: Lillie's Egg-Xhilarating Challenge
Chapter 5: Totem Pokemon Showdown
Chapter 6: Grand Trial
Chapter 7: A Race for Pancakes
Chapter 8: The First Step
Chapter 10: Treasure Island Defender
Chapter 11: One Door Closes, A New One Opens
Chapter 12: Shivering Shovel Search
Chapter 13: A Totem Pokemons Revenge
Chapter 14: Red Eyes Rivalry
Chapter 15: The Abandoned Dragon
Chapter 16: The Island Whisperer
Chapter 17: Lord Of The Lake
Chapter 18: Saving A Totem Pokemon's Nest
Chapter 19: Currying Favor and Flavor
Chapter 20: Trials and Determinations
Chapter 21: Mystic Apprentice
Chapter 22: Kanto Expedition
Chapter 23: Paradox Trainer vs. Gym Leaders
Chapter 24: A Mystic Encounter
Chapter 25: Aether Discoveries
Chapter 26: The Mask of Discipline
Chapter 27: Sleepover Mischief
Chapter 28: Memories of the Sacred Beast
Chapter 29: Faba's Vengeance
Chapter 30: The Alter Totem Rumble
Chapter 31: Alter of the Sunne
Chapter 32: Ultra Beast vs Tera Pokémon
Chapter 33: The Professors' New Adventure
Chapter 34: Mount Lanakila's Ice Totem
Chapter 35: Paradox vs Ultra
Chapter 36: The Flames Of Rivalry
Chapter 37: Nine Evol Boost
Chapter 38: Tough Guy Trials
Chapter 39: Mount Holukanis Steel Totem
Chapter 40: Gauntlet Trials
Chapter 41: Ultra Beast Partnership
Chapter 42: The Masked Tag Team
Chapter 43: Two Worlds, One Family
Chapter 44: Creature of Darkness
Chapter 45: When Darkness Falls, Pain is Born
Chapter 46: The Road to Twilight
Chapter 47: Securing the Future
Chapter 48: A Poisonous Battle
Chapter 49: Crisis on Parallel Worlds
Chapter 50: Crisis on Parallel Worlds Pt. 2
Chapter 51: Spicy Island Research
Chapter 52: Showdown on Poni Island
Chapter 53: Rebirth of a New Kahuna
Chapter 54: The Grand Debut
Chapter 55: Beauty is Only Crystal Deep
Chapter: 56 Emperor of Destruciton
Chapter 57: Drawn with the Wind
Chapter 58: Aiming for the Top Floor
Chapter 59: A Legendary Catch
Chapter 60: Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams
Chapter 61: League Offenders and Defenders
Chapter 62: Battle Brawl 151
Chapter 63: Battling the Poisonous Queen
Chapter 64: Roaring Quarter Finals
Chapter 65: The Crimson Destruction
Chapter 66: The Deadly Four
Chapter 67: Paldea vs Kanto
Chapter 68: Final Rivals
Chapter 69: Bloodmoon Beast vs Alolan Flaring Tiger
Chapter 70: Guardian De Alola
Chapter 71: A Champion's Confession
Chapter 72: Memory in Sinnoh
Chapter 73: Grave Encounter
Chapter 74: Alola Adventures Ending

Chapter 9: A 4 Mon Adventure

1K 22 5
By RareHunter0

It's been a few days. Between training, going to Pokemon School, and Ash catching a Rockruff that has been living with Kukui, nothing interesting happened.

On the beach, Niku, Ash and Mallow are hanging out with Lana, as they watched Popplio making balloons.

Niku: Don't give up now

Mallow: Popplio's talent is so amazing.

Lana: Let's go, Popplio. Balloon!

Popplio proceeds to create a medium-sized balloon and enters inside it.

Ash: Wow!

Mallow: It really worked.

Rotom Dex: The balloon's strength, sustainability and elasticity are in sync and well balanced.

Ash: Awesome!

Mallow: See I told you. Lana's sister's rode some to, you know.

Niku: This is great. You're one step closer to reaching your dream, Lana.

Lana smiles as she blushes lightly.

Lana: Yes.

Popplio: Popplio.

Ash: I'm next! I wanna ride in one too!

Lana: I don't know.

Ash: I can't?

Lana: When I get into one, it popped right away.

Niku: Seems you got more work to do if you want to fit large sized people and Pokemon.

Eevee: Vee, Vee!

Vulpix: Vul, Vul!

Ash: How about smaller Pokemon, then?

Ash brought out Rockruff as well as Rowlett waking up.

Rockruff: Ruff!

Rowlet: Let...

Niku...-_-... All Rowlet likes to do is sleep.

Lana: Take turns ok? I doubt all 5 of you can fit in all at once, alright?

Pikachu and Eevee both walked up first.

Pikachu: Pika!

Eevee: Eevee!

Lana: Popplio.

Popplio: Popplio.

Popplio creates a balloon for Pikachu to hop in, but suddenly, Bounsweet sneezes, using Sweet Scent by mistake. Rowlet flies over to it and gets smacked away, hitting Eevee and Popplio into the balloon along with it, bouncing it into the air.

Everyone: Eh?

Suddenly, a large gust of wind proceeds to blow the balloon away, completely shocking everyone.

Everyone: EEHHHHHHH!?!?!?

Everyone runs to the stairs to see Eeve, Popplio and Rowlet floating away into the town.

Ash: Wait up!

Niku: That's pretty far.

Mallow: What should we do now, Lana?

Without saying anything, Lana grabs Ash by the arm with a determined look.

Ash: Lana?

Lana: Let's go.

Lana proceeds to drag Ash with her into town.

Rotom Dex: I've never seen Lana this serious.

Mallow: Whenever something involving Popplio happens, a switch inside her gets flipped.

Niku: Well you can't blame her for acting this way.

Vulpix:...-_-... Vulp

Pikachu: Pikachu...!


With Eevee, Popplio and Rowlet were still trapped in the bubble, and Rowlet was bouncing all around the balloon panicking. Eevee and Popplio grab it and attempt to calm it down.

Their attempt didn't work, resulting in Rowlet popping the balloon.


They both began falling from the sky, Eevee remained calm but Popplio began panicking due to not being able to fly, while Rowlet was fine and looked at them confused.

Rowlet: Rowlet?

Popplio: POPPLIO!

Eevee: Vee!

Rowlet then realizes they couldn't fly, and attempted to grab Popplio with it's talons while Popplio grabs Eevee. Rowlet tries to fly holding them to no avail, resulting in it dropping them. Quickly diving down to grab them again, Rowlet used it's wings instead of it's talons, dumbfounding Eevee and Popplio.

Popplio: Popplio!

Eevee: ...-_-... Eievui...

The three of them ended up crashing down to the ground below but somehow found something to break their fall, surprising them. Looking around they saw they were in the forest, and then looked down and saw what broke their fall, which was a sattelite that belonged to Team Rocket.

Jessie: What are you doing?!

James: Ahh! My Parabolic satellite got...!

Popplio and Rowlet attempted to apologize but Eevee got in front glaring at them.

Rowlet then noticed something was stuck on it, preventing it from using it's wings, making it run around panicked.

James: The component got stuck and won't come off, huh?

Meowth: These three belong to those brats!

Jessie: This is perfect! Let's catch them!

James: We can trade them for Pikachu if we kidnap... I mean, Pokenap them! Mareanie! Spike Cannon!

James's Mareanie proceeded to use Spike Cannon, only for Eevee to use Shadow Ball to cancel it out, creating an explosion. Using the chance, Eevee tells Popplio to grab Rowlet to run away from the evil team. Elsewhere Niku and the others, they had lost track of where Popplio and Rowlet had went.

Mallow: Where could they have gone?!

Ash: Lana, has this happened before?

Lana just looked down and then back up with a determined look.

Lana: Don't worry. They'll be fine.

Niku: Right they can help defend eachother.

Ash: That's right. So let's split up in different directions and look.

Lana and Mallow: Right!

Niku: You got it!

Niku ran a different direction with Vulpix and looked around for no one to see.

Niku: Alright, Ursuluna comeon out!

Ursuluna: Ursa!

Niku: Ok, long story short, Eevee and two others are missing. Use your sniffing skill to find them alright.

Ursuluna nodded and ran into the forest.

Niku: Good, come on Vulpix!

Vulpix: Vul!

Scene Change

Elesewhere with Eevee, Popplio and Rowlet, Popplio was bouncing it on it's nose, when Meowth and Mareanie caught up to them.

Meowth: It's over! Mareanie! Treat them to some stabbing!

Mareanie jumped up and attempted to attack them, Eevee getting ready to fight as well to protect Popplio and Rowlet, when suddenly an Ember shot out from the side, hitting Mareanie into a tree.

Eevee: Eevee?

Everyone looked over and saw the one who attacked Mareanie was Litten, surprising Eevee.

Eevee: Eevee!

Litten looked at Eevee and smirked seeing eachother again. It then jumped down to confront Meowth and Mareanie with Eevee.

Meowth: What do you want?

The two of them stood off with each other before attacking with Scratch, while Mareanie attempted to attack from above, only to be met by an Iron Tail, slamming it back into the tree.

With Litten and Meowth, the two of them slashed each other, standing behind one another.

Meowth: You're not so stro-

Without warning, Meowth fell to the ground unconscious, while Popplio cheers for the both of them. Litten then walked over to them, as Eevee thanked it.

Eevee: Vee.

Litten: Litt.

Litten walked over to Rowlet, attempting to get the piece of satiate off, but couldn't. Eevee and Popplio then explained what happened to Litten. To carry Rowlet, Popplio made a balloon and put it inside, as it just panicked yet again.

Litten: Litt...?

Eevee: Eevee, Vee...


After helping out Eevee, Popplio and Rowlet, Litten and Eevee decided to help them out the forest and brought them into town,

and under a bridge where Stoutland was at, surprising Eevee.

Eevee: Eevee!

Scared of Stoutland, Popplio hid behind Eevee, but Eevee reassured it, Stoutland was friendly. Pushing Rowlet over to Stoutland, licking its face, and recognizing the scent of Ash, since it already knew about Eevee being Niku's.

Litten: Litten...

Litten suggested that Rowlet just fly and find Niku and Ash, but since the piece is stuck on Rowlet, it can't fly. As well as not knowing where they were, which made Popplio begin to panic. Eevee tried to calm it down,

but they both noticed Rowlet had fallen asleep. Annoyed, the two of them hit it to wake up.

Eevee: Eevee!

Popplio: Popplio!

As the three argued, Stoutland asked Litten to help them get home, which it was reluctant tot do so.

Eevee: Eevee, Vee....

Litten just looked at them sighing, but reluctantly agreed to help them, escpecially for Niku, which Eevee and Popplio thanked it for. As Litten led them through the town, they were unfortunately captured by Team Rocket, placed them inside a cage.

Jessie: A flower's face and a willows waist, makes the moon abashed and flowers wilt, a lone flower of evil blooming in this ephemeral world, Jessie!

James: An eye for opportunities, valiant and heroic in bearing, an apostle of evil retaliating against the agonizing world, James!

Meowth: Sharing the same fate, splitting responsibility, a star of evil whose shines even on close friends, Meowth!

Jessie and James; Team Rocket is on the scene!

Meowth: Meowth, that's right!

Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

Jessie: You guys ruined our chance to finish our secret base!

James: So first of all. We'll have you return that precious part you took!

Eevee: Eevee...!

The three of them noticed that they had caught Litten as well.

Jessie: Huh? Who's that?

James: There's one more of them now. Let's see... it's a Fire cat Pokemon named "Litten".

Meowth: That thing got in my way when I had a good handle on the situation.

James: Oh? It did that, huh?

Litten: Litten!

Meowth: What?!

Jessie: What did it say?

Meowth: "Let these 3 go".

Jessie: Huh?

James: What was that? So it fancies itself a hero?

Jessie: But your friend there... is kind of asleep.

Eevee, Litten, and Popplio looked at Rowlet and saw it had fallen asleep.

Eevee and Popplio: ...-_-...

James: You're quite something, aren't you?

Eevee and Popplio both hit Rowlet annoyed, walking it up once again.

Meowth: I like your chivalry. Why don't you join Team Rocket?

James: That would be nice.

Jessie: It'd be an immediate asset.

The two of them walked over to it, only for Litten to hit them in the face with Ember.

Team Rocket: Hot, hot, hot, hot!

Meowth: That heat made me remember! This is the one that stole our fruit!

Jessie: Fruit?!

Litten: Litten.

Mewoth then looked completely shocked, hearing what Litten said.

Meowth: What?!

Litten: Litten, Lit, Litten.

Eevee and Popplio both looked surprised as well.

Meowth: Aha, so it sounds like you had your reasons...

Litten: Lit.

Mewoth: Huh?

Litten: Litten, Lit, Litten, Litten, Lit, Litten.

All the Pokemon surprised except Eevee, confusing Jessie and James.

Jessie: Huh? What? What?!

James: What did it say?

Meowth: This Pokemon is the honcho type? In order to protect the weak, it has renounced the world and sacrificed it's own being, and it has tried to stay strong as best it can.

Jessie: Now that's...

James: Commendable...

Meowth: And this world is such a tough place... You really are quite something! Alright! You should make many more people benefit from those honcho qualities of yours. If you join us, you will become much much stronger!

James: Yeah!

Jessie: And we'll forget about that fruit incident.

???: Rrrrr.

They heard a growling sound and it made them flinch.

James: What was that?!

Jessie: Where is it coming from?!

Meowth: Come out and fight!

Without warning Ursuluna made a hard landing between Team Rocket and the others, shocking them.

Eevee: Eevee! Vee!

Popplio: Popplio!

Rowlet: Let!

Ursuluna: Ursa!

Jessie: What Pokemon is that?!

Meowth: I don't recognize that thing!

James: Wait, does that Pokemon remind you of that brat with the odd looking one from before?!

Jessie: You're right!

Without warning, Ursuluna blasted Team Rocket with Focus Blast. Ursuluna walked over to the cage and cut it open with Slash, freeing everyone, with Litten walking up to Ursuluna thanking him for showing up to help. Unknown to Ursuluna, Litten wanted to witness more of the power Ursuluna possessed.

Litten: Litten!

Ursuluna: Ursa!

Suddenly, Niku, Ash, Lana, and Mallow all made their way to the rooftop, having saw Niku's Pokemon and now Eevee, Popplio and Rowlet, who were all happy to see them.

Niku: Great to see your all safe.

Ash: Glad your ok!

Lana: Popplio!

Popplio: Popplio!

Popplio proceeded to jump into Lana's arms.

Lana: I missed you.

Mallow: Oh thank goodness.

Eevee ran to Niku's arms and Vulpix came to Eevee cuddling heads.

Niku: Good to have you back.

Eevee/Vulpix: Vee!/Vul!

Rowlet: Rowlet! Rowlet!

Ash and Niku looked down and saw Rowlet with the piece still on it.

Ash: Why are you wearing a ring?

Niku: It looks like it's stuck. Ursuluna, if you please.

Ursuluna used Slash to cut the ring off around Rowlet.

Ash: Thanks Ursuluna!

Ursuluna: Ursa.

Mallow: Wow that's a new one.

Lana: Thank you big fella.

Ursuluna: Luna.

Litten: Everyone then looked over and saw Litten standing on a rail, surprising Ash but not Niku.

Niku: Litten?

Rotom Dex: That's the Litten that was with Stoutland!

Ash: Yeah.

Niku: So you decided to help them huh?

Eevee: Eevee! Vee!

Niku: Is that right.

Rowlet: Rowlet!

Popplio: Popplio!

Ash: Thank you, Litten.

Niku: We really appreciate it.

Litten: ...

Ash: Is Stoutland doing alright?

Niku: Tell it we say hi.

Litten looked at the two of them surprised but made a sad smile, before just jumping away. Niku noticed and knew what's wrong.

Lana: It left.

Mallow: What a mysterious little one.

Ash: We can meet again.

Niku: (Looks like Stoutland doesn't have much time left. Good luck Litten.)

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