Camelot Awakening

By anyalovestoact

584 31 5

An eighteen year old girl, Elaine discovers an ancient relic from the past, and later finds out that she is a... More

Prologue, what a Knightmare
friendship and wizardy
Camelot Festival
Lancelot and Elaine first talk to talk
Encountering Excalibur
Merlin's Beard! Merlin!
New queen arriving in Camelot
a Lancelaine moment
Elaine's first day of training
Modred talks with the Eldritch Witch
Merlin tries to break the curse
Lancelot's last minute jousting tournament
Lancelot's nurse
The Pyrolyx
The Rise of Morgana
Camelot in Peril
Strength from King Arthur
Crashing the Party
All hands on deck
Elaine's day off
Modred and Lancelot's fight scene
Possessed Elaine
the triangular love
the troll havoc
Merlin's redemption
Tristan and the Knights
Live laugh love Sir Lancelot
Truth been told
Blood and treasures
Elaine healing Modred
Isolde informing the Queen
Tristan and Isolde
Modred's Betrayal
La Familia, together
Breaking trusts
Elaine's consternation
Current of twists and turns
the darkest hour
The Battle of Camelot
Elaine of Astolat

La forest, Queen Guinevere

18 0 0
By anyalovestoact

(Meanwhile, the Eldritch Witch Morgana was in hiding and is furious by Modred's betrayal, using his magic against hers, his own mother. She decides to summon shadow guards to catch Modred who is in the castle) 

(Modred was roaming through the halls alone until he senses someone's presence behind him. Modred grips his hands into a fist, turns around, and tries to punch. Shadow guards managed to hold down Modred and all of them disappeared) 

(Modred finds himself appearing in an unknown location, and was being held hostage by the shadow guards) 

Modred: Guards, What is the meaning of this??

(The guards and Modred walked foward until they both stopped. The guards then pushed Modred down and he lands on his knees, Modred was in confusion to what was going on, he slowly looks up only to see Morgana Le Fey standing right in front of him seriously. Modred's eyes widened) 

Modred: Mother..... I.....

Morgana: You disappoint me, child....

Morgana: I trusted you.... and you dare to justify me? Defying me?! Your own blood?! 

(Morgana was screaming out in anger, furiously at Modred. Modred trying to keep his cool, he kept his head down)

Modred: Mother- please I can explain- 


I refuse to hear another word from you.... I saw your little game back in the main hall..... I know that was your doing, not Merlin....


Tell me what should a mother do to her son who has disobeyed her and trying to justify me? 

(Modred still looking at the ground, doesn't know what to do or say) 

(Loud whispering echoes, Morgana starts saying a spell, she begins to lift Modred off from the ground) 

Modred: Mother.... what- what are you doing?!....

(Morgana ignores Modred and begins crushing his whole body. Modred screams out in pain, because the pain did hurt for Modred, being punished by his own mother) 

Modred: Mother...... please...... I'm sorry.... 

(Modred was looking at Morgana seeing her evil eyes glowing. Modred's face was filled with sorrow and sadness as she continues to crush him. King Mark was around hearing Modred's screams, he came out only to see Morgana crushing his only son) 

King Mark: What is going on here?? 

(Morgana stops and dropped Modred on the ground hard, Modred begins to cough out to catch his breath) 

(Morgana then grabbed Modred by the collar of his shirt, and looked at him straight in the eyes, deadly serious) 


Continue to fulfill your task Modred, fail to do so again, then you're no longer my son anymore....

(Morgana turns away leaving Modred speechless, and heartbroken inside. His eyes says everything, his heart shattered like broken glass, when his Mother told those words to Modred. Morgana and King Mark left the area leaving Modred alone, he sat there, and was beginning to feel frustrated, conflicted, overwhelmed, feeling all hope is lost) 

(Back inside the castle, Tristan and Lancelot were still by Elaine's side, and Elaine was still resting in bed)

???: Elaine?

(Elaine hears a familiar voice, thinking it was either Tristan or Lancelot calling out her name)

???: Elaine, darling....

(The voice repeated, Elaine felt as if her whole body being shifted into another universe, which she kind of did. Elaine wakes up feeling so much peace inside her, she looks around noticing that there was only soft water on the floor, and the scenery was filled with green nature)

(Guinevere, her mother, slowly appears in front of Elaine, she was wearing a long purple dress, with long sleeves, and Camelot's crown on her head. Elaine's eyes widened and was shocked to see her mother once more in person spiritually)

Elaine: M-Mother....

Guinevere: My beautiful daughter, my have you grown

(Tears filled Elaine's eyes, she quickly went to hug Guinevere's spirtually body. Elaine in desperate for a hug from her mother, begins to break down and cry)


Shh it's alright my love, I am here, what seems to be troubling you?

(Guinevere brushed Elaine's hair aside as Elaine was crying)

Elaine: I can't do this anymore..... I'm so tired, mother.... 

(Guinevere gave a sad look, seeing her daughter cry in pain)

Elaine: I'm so tired of fighting, tired of this weight, tired of- 

(Elaine felt the sword of Excalibur in her hands, she takes a look at it, and she sees her own reflection within the sword. Elaine continues to cry then throws the sword away)

Elaine sobbing: 

I'm not ready.... I'm not ready for the war... I'm not ready to rule Camelot or the entire kingdom... I fear... I don't want to let them all down...


Elaine of Astolat! I will not sit here and listen to you talking bad things about yourself

(Elaine looks up at her mother surprised especially with her tone of voice)


Because I want you know that everybody makes mistakes, and I am so proud for how far you have accomplished in this journey

Guinevere: Sweetheart, please look at me...

(Guinevere holds Elaine's chin trying to guide her daughter's face to hers. Elaine then looks into her mother's eyes)


You are not in this alone! You never were. You have your closest friend Tristan, Sir Lancelot, and Merlin to help guide you along on this journey, and you also have me, and papa, in here and here 

(Guinevere placed her spiritual hands on Elaine's head, and her heart)


You have proven that with or without armor, we all can be strong warriors like you too. 

(Guinevere placed her hand on Elaine's cheek, trying to wipe her daughters tears away. Meanwhile with King Mark and Morgana, Morgana managed to talk into King Mark on going a one day trip with her, but she hasn't told him exactly where they were going) 

King Mark: Where exactly are we heading to, Morgana?


I know a place not too far from here, if a war is what Camelot asked for then so be it, obviously we can't finish them off on our own, which is why they lie underneath a hidden temple

King Mark: "They"?

(The two of them kept on walking deep within the forest, and are now arriving at a sacred place. Both of them stopped walking, Morgana gave King Mark a grin faced, letting him knowing that something was going to happen)

(In front of Morgana she sees a pathway surrounded by bricks, almost looking as if it was a door pathway. She steps upfront walking towards it)

Morgana: This is the place....

(King Mark felt some sort of dark magic around their surroundings. He was being very very cautious)

King Mark: 

I've heard about this place, legend says, ghost have been haunting their land protecting their sacred place from- 

Morgana: Ohh, grow up will you?! What are you 5 years old?!

(King Mark ignores Morgana and stopped walking while Morgana kept on walking through the door pathway, King Mark was second guessing his decisions but went along anyways. As they both kept on walking through, Morgana spots a small doorway below. She smirks)

(Both Morgana and King Mark went inside the little tiny cave. Just as before they can reach inside, the ground starts to shake, King Mark then made a freaking out kind of face. A hole was opening from the ground, both King Mark and Morgana were both being cautious, Morgana was ready to shoot her dark magic)

(Then a gruesome creature, covered in rocks, huge, along with sharp long nails, comes out from the ground, so did many more came out from behind, as if they were guarding the cave. King Mark held out his sword, aiming at the creatures, Morgana's hands filled with dark magic ready to destroy them all)

King Mark whispers: Morgana..... Creatures from the depth! 

Morgana scoffs: I noticed.....

(The huge troll creatures were then circling around them, looking scary and terrified. King Mark gave them a frightened reaction. Their troll leader came up front began to speak in trollish language, challenges Morgana Le Fey into a fight)

(Without any hesitations Morgana was prepared, and charges at the troll leader, and both of them started to fight intensively. King Mark standing there hesitantly, does not know what to do)

(Morgana battle cries as she kept on shooting dark magic at the troll)

(Morgana flies upwards, the troll grabs Morgana by the leg and throws her onto the ground, King Mark in shock and wants to help. The leader troll then steps on Morgana making her more angry. King Mark steps in and tries to attack the creature, once he tries to stab him, and it made the sword wobble. ) 

(The troll laughs at King Mark, with one hit the troll leader punches King Mark hitting him across the field, and King Mark smashed onto a huge rock.)

King Mark: Morgana!!!!

(King Mark worries as he sees the troll leader about to kill Morgana, he quickly closes his eyes, but then he hears laughter. King Mark slowly open his eyes only to see both Morgana and the troll leader laughing hysterically)

King Mark: What? What- What is the meaning of this?!

(The troll speaks in a different language, Morgana understood what he said leaving King Mark clueless)

King Mark: You, Morgana- you speak trollish??!


Why of course, it's one of my many talents, of course then again, you people won't know that because of my evilness

Morgana to the troll: how are you big fella long time no see eh?

(The troll leader smiles, then kneels down for Morgana, every rest of the trolls kneels down as well)

Morgana: Ugh, come on Mark, there is no time to waste....

(Morgana walks into the tiny cave, King Mark following her behind looking at the trolls. Morgana and King Mark enters the sacred cave, inside it was dark, empty, loud whispers becomes louder) 

King Mark: What exactly are we looking for Morgana?

(Morgana looks at a wall, blowing the dust away. She sees an ancient mythical filled with hieroglyphics on the wall, and was surprised to see it still there, Morgana chucking evilly)


I'm done living underneath Arthur's shadow... he's too arrogant, because of him there is no one in the world who has magic besides me and that old fool Merlin.... it's time to take action for Camelot's new rightful queen


i only wanted magic to help people, instead they all think magic is dangerous... but i'll make them all pay and let them feel my kinds pain!

(Morgana uses her dark magic to make her spell book appear in front of her, she reads the hieroglyphics and starts to perform an incantation spell)

(Inside the cave floor starts shimmering with wavering light, spreading across the floor very quickly into a pattern. King Mark takes a closer look through the shimmering lights which then shows a jump scare, he finds a dead body below the lights.)

(King Mark trying to not show that he wasn't scared, but got spooked, and was a bit frightened)

(Morgana starts to speak in a foreign language, saying "rise my champions, awaken!")

(Suddenly dead soldiers start rising from the depths, their zombie hands coming out from the ground, all of them surrounding King Mark and Morgana. Morgana's eyes turned red/green and she starts to laugh evilly) 

(Back with Elaine and Guinevere, they were still having their mother and daughter moment) 


Daughter, you have grown up to be the woman I knew you would be. And I just knew you had the courage to help others, now I know the weight can be heavy, and I know things can get scary, things can be rough, but always remember Elaine, love isn't weak, love gives you the strength and courage you need to face and conquer your fears.

(Elaine takes a deep breath, exhaling, reaches and holds her mother's hands to comfort her. Guinevere starts to feel nervous, and Elaine notices her)

Elaine: Mother? What is it- What's wrong?


I sense... evil... dark magic... growing....

Elaine: Morgana....


You are in grave danger Elaine, i can sense she is not happy, and she has visitors with her, you must promise me that you are safe and that you will protect yourselves, your friends as much as you can

Elaine: But I have so many questions, for you, and everything else-


Only time will tell to you my deAR, but as if for right now, i need you to be brave Elaine

(Guinevere and Elaine both hugged each other, but Elaine slowly starts to feel her mother fading away from her) 

Guinevere voice echoes: Be strong, be brave Elaine


Mother... Please don't leave me... don't leave again....

Elaine: Please!

(Elaine suddenly gets shifts back into her reality, Tristan was sleeping on the chair until he hears Elaine jumped, gasping in shock, Tristan quickly wakes up with surprised and falls off his chair. Lancelot notices Elaine waking up, and looks at her with surprised and a relieved face) 

Lancelot: M'lady!

Elaine cries: No.... No... No... No!.... 

Lancelot: Elaine? What's wrong?

Elaine: Please don't leave me...... 

(Elaine begins to break down crying in so much pain, Tristan gets back up and sees Elaine crying. Tristan looked at Lancelot worryingly. Lancelot came up and sat next to the side of her bed he then quickly pulled Elaine into his arms for a deep hug and let Elaine was crying then rest on Lancelot's chest) 

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