Camelot Awakening

By anyalovestoact

578 31 5

An eighteen year old girl, Elaine discovers an ancient relic from the past, and later finds out that she is a... More

Prologue, what a Knightmare
friendship and wizardy
Camelot Festival
Lancelot and Elaine first talk to talk
Encountering Excalibur
Merlin's Beard! Merlin!
New queen arriving in Camelot
a Lancelaine moment
Elaine's first day of training
Modred talks with the Eldritch Witch
Merlin tries to break the curse
Lancelot's last minute jousting tournament
Lancelot's nurse
The Pyrolyx
The Rise of Morgana
Camelot in Peril
Strength from King Arthur
Crashing the Party
All hands on deck
Elaine's day off
Modred and Lancelot's fight scene
La forest, Queen Guinevere
the triangular love
the troll havoc
Merlin's redemption
Tristan and the Knights
Live laugh love Sir Lancelot
Truth been told
Blood and treasures
Elaine healing Modred
Isolde informing the Queen
Tristan and Isolde
Modred's Betrayal
La Familia, together
Breaking trusts
Elaine's consternation
Current of twists and turns

Possessed Elaine

20 0 2
By anyalovestoact

(Morgana stood upfront, and she began to start casting a dark incantation spell. A magical orb starts to appear in front of her, showing Elaine up within the mystical orb)


You're nothing but a scared little girl Elaine.... And I'll make sure you feel my wrath. For you can't hide from me forever, I am always... under your skin 

(As Elaine was in between Lancelot and Modred, she suddenly starts to hear loud whispers, voices becoming louder in her head. Elaine was breathing heavily, and her hands were shaking. Behind Elaine's back, the sword of Excalibur was being consumed by black magic, knowingly that the curse has risen once more)

(Elaine winces, feeling exhausted, she then tumbles onto the ground) 

Modred and Lancelot: Elaine!! 

(Lancelot quickly rushed over worryingly, he holds Elaine. Modred was confused to what is happening to Elaine and is watching them from behind)

(Modred watching as Lancelot caring for Elaine, seeing him with Elaine somehow, he suddenly starts to have a weird feeling as in a feeling of jealousy)


if you really didn't hurt her, prove to me that you care for her. Because as if right now she's hurt and has been through a lot, we need to bring her back to the castle.

(As much as Lancelot didn't want to say it, he needs a help of hands) 

 Lancelot sighs: Can.... Can I trust you?.....

(Modred looks at Lancelot determined to help them. Without any hesitations, Lancelot quickly carried Elaine carefully in his arms and runs back to his horse, Modred continues to follow both of them from behind. Lancelot was still carrying Elaine, as he hopped on his horse)

Lancelot: Modred. We're going to need you at the main hall

(Modred nods back at Lancelot, Lancelot resumes to ride the horse. And they were both off separated, making their way back to the castle)

(Back at the castle, Merlin was in the main hall trying to reassure and comfort the villagers and he was feeling a bit overwhelmed of helping them)

Villager 2: What if the Eldritch Witch comes back?

Merlin: Now let's not get into that-

Villager 3: Worse, What if they'll start a war!?

(All of the villagers were concerned, and clamoring worryingly) 

Merlin sighs: Aye, as scary as it may seem, you still have your true rightful Queen here with you-

Villager 4: Is that soo? So the rest of our lives rest in the hands of a 16 years old? 

Merlin: Goodness gracious she's 18!!

(Merlin was feeling stress) 

Sir Galahad chuckles: Elaine makes it so easy eh?

Merlin: Oh you don't need to rub it in....

(Lancelot arrives at the castle along with Modred by his side, both of them quickly rushed into the main hall , making everyone suddenly surprised)

Lancelot: Merlin! We have an emergency!

(Merlin quickly stood up, as he saw Elaine not feeling too well) 

Merlin: Alright, I want everybody out! Now!

(Merlin used his magic powers to push the villagers outside)

Merlin worryingly: What has happened to her?

Lancelot: We were hoping you could help us with that

(Morgana starts using a dark spell, that would make her be inside Elaine's body, possessing her. Tristan looks over and sees Modred, and looks at him suspiciously)

Tristan: What is He doing here???

Modred: I know I'm not normally welcome, but I want to be able to help....

(Morgana's body then shift's into Elaine's body, she starts to possess Elaine, Elaine's eyes starts turning evilly black. Everyone then hears an evil laugh from Morgana)

Merlin: Morgana.....

Morgana/Elaine chuckling: Did you really think that's the last you would see me?

Tristan: Oh no....

Merlin: You get out of that poor girl's body right this instant! 

Morgana/Elaine: You don't get to tell me what to do, not anymore!


mmm, Camelot crumbling, villagers worrying, you will lose.... with or without Elaine

Morgana/Elaine: I did warn you, this is only just the beginning

Lancelot: Merlin, we must do something! Please!

(Merlin quickly pulled out all of his magic books, and starts to speed read)

Morgana/ Elaine chuckling: You can't get rid of me that easily! 

(Merlin tries to cast a spell, and tries to pull Morgana out from Elaine. But was having a difficult time because of Morgana's strong black magic)


I am more powerful than you could ever imagine, for I am inevitable! 

(Modred seeing Morgana possessing Elaine, he knew that Merlin's magic isn't strong enough to defeat his mother, he turns behind and decided to use his own power against Morgana and help Merlin defeat her)

Modred whispers: I am sorry, mother......

(Modred starts casting a dark incantation spell to reverse the magic from Morgana's possessing, as he reversed it, making it seem like Merlin was the one using magic to defeat Morgana)

(At the same time Elaine starts seeing visions of her when she was young, her holding the woman's hand, who was her mother Guinevere. Elaine kept on seeing visions of her mother, Guinevere, and then continued to hear her screams when she saw Morgana killing her.) 

(Tears of sadness, and anger were filling Elaine's eyes, Elaine couldn't help but feel so much sorrow)

Tristan: Elaine?.... 

(Morgana starts noticing that she was being pulled away from Elaine, and she looked at everyone and noticed Modred behind them, she recognizes the same dark magic, and knows it was Modred's doing.... Morgana felt hurt by Modred she was feeling more rage. Modred used all of his might to release Morgana away from Elaine's body, Merlin was surprised thinking that he managed to get rid of Morgana when it was actually Modred saving Elaine)

(Elaine is feeling too tired, and lightheaded, she tried to say something, but slowly fainted, everyone became worried)

(Numbness... that's all Elaine could feel at the moment, lately she's not been getting enough sleep, not resting as she should be, and often pushing herself way too hard because of the royal duties she had to help with, which causes her to have anxiety attacks.)

(Elaine is now resting on the bed, sleeping, with both Lancelot and Tristan by her side waiting for her to wake up. Tristan notices Lancelot's face, worrying about Elaine as well, he also notices there was so much care for Elaine in Lancelot's eyes) 

Tristan: Elaine is going to be okay Lancelot

Lancelot: How do you know for sure? What if she's in so much pain that she can't tell us? What if she's-


If Elaine can survive all the adversity, challenges, she had to face, I'm sure she can survive whatever this, she's going through now. Trust me, trust in Elaine Lancelot. What we could do now is to be here for her

(Lancelot knows he couldn't do anything, he reaches to hold Elaine's hands and comforting her as much as he can)


M'lady, I know you're hurting right now.... I want you to know that you don't have to face through the battles alone.... If you go, I go. Because I can't imagine a world without you in it Elaine, you're the light that shines in through everyone at their darkest hour....

(It was quiet for the moment, Lancelot's words caring for Elaine has made Tristan about to cry, but Tristan held back his tears. Until both Modred Merlin walked in the room. Tristan stood up gave Modred a stare whenever he's around) 

Merlin worrying: How is she? How is Elaine? 

Tristan: Still resting sir 

(Merlin walks forward to Elaine's bed, he then placed his hands on Elaine's forehead, feeling a bit of heat)

Merlin: Mmm, she is burning up, this isn't good... 

(Modred seeing Elaine feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, lying on the bed, he felt really bad for having his Mother to cause harm to her and her family) 

Modred: I'm truly sorry for bringing all of this negativity to you, to all of you- 

Tristan: Wait- how come you are sorry?

(Tristan raised an eyebrow at Mordred, Modred stops himself realizing he has gone too far on revealing the truth about himself. Everyone looked at Modred confused, Modred was feeling conflicted)


What I meant to say was... I apologize for interfering you all. It's clear to me that I am also a burden to you.... everyone else here hates me and I can understand why....  

(Modred looks at Elaine and couldn't bare seeing her in pain like that anymore) 

Modred: So i'll be sure I won't be interfering anymore 

(Modred looks down, Tristan notices and was second guessing if he should trust him or not)

Tristan: Hang on man, wait- 

(Before Tristan got up to say something, Modred has left the room. Modred later waits outside of the room, he looks over behind the door to see Elaine again. He felt guilty for causing her more pressure and thinking he was not able to help save her, Modred was also feeling conflicted by defying his mother like that too, people around the castle would always look at Modred like he was a freak, but all he ever wanted was to feel cared and accepted for as a friend) 

 Tristan exhales: shouldn't we find a plan on how to stop Morgana?


That is not your concern to worry about young squire, but mines. I'll deal with a way, in the meantime we must let Elaine rest and heal 

(Everyone then looked at Elaine worryingly) 

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