𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐫�...

By TwilightXRandomGirl

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𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐲... More

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

47 4 0
By TwilightXRandomGirl

-𝐍𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯-

Bella's hand slipped off the clutch, and the bike buckled and fell on top of her. I helped her up as Jacob quickly lifted it off her. "You okay? Bruises, breaks?" Jacob asked.

"I'm going again," She answered. "I'm not sure that's good-," Jacob asked.

"She's going to do it anyway," I reminded her as Bella hopped back on. "Guess we're going again. Now, what are you going to do with the clutch?" Jacob sighed.

"Release it. Slowly," Bella replied as he nods. He kick-starts the bike again.

Bella released the clutch and moved forward.

Bella kept going, a little faster as she smiled. I saw that she was reaching the curve ahead and I gasped. "Bella!" I shouted as I ran towards her. "How do I turn?" Bella asked.

"Bank it! Bank! hit the brake!" Jacob shouted as he followed me.

Bella reached the turn as she tried to bank, going straight, flying right into a wall of trees. As she lay on the ground dazed, I slid next to her.

"What, are you training for the X-games?" Jacob asked as I fussed over her. "Please tell me you're okay," I asked her. "I want to go again," Bella said. "Forget it," I told her. "You're bleeding."

Bella touched her forehead and saw blood on her hand.

"I'm revoking your privileges. Man, look at it," Jacob sighed as I grabbed a bottle of water. Jacob removed his shirt and allowed me to pour the water on it. He placed it on her head.

"God, I'm sorry," Bella said. "You're apologizing for bleeding?" Jacob asked me.

"It doesn't... bother you?" Bella asked him. "It's just blood, Bella," Jacob told her as Bella caught herself looking at him. His dark eyes, his bare chest, and smooth skin. He glances at her.

"What are you staring at?" He asked her.

"Just, you're... good-looking," Bella told him as I rolled my eyes at her. He's surprised as he smiled. "Are you sure you didn't hit your head?" Jacob asked.

"Oh I, yeah," Bella said as he helped her up. My hand brushed against his as I looked confused.

"Jake, you're hot," I noticed his hot skin. "You too? Upgraded from good looking?" Jacob smirked at me. "No, your temperature. It's hot," Bella said as she felt his forehead.

"You're burning up." "I feel fine," he told us as he took her hand from his forehead and held it.

She tries to pull it away. "What? I can't hold your hand?" "It just... means something else to you than it does to me," Bella told me. ".....I still love him."

"One, that's my problem. But two... we have fun, you think I'm hot-," Jacob told her.

"Good looking," I reminded him.

"I know you like me," Jacob smirked at us. "More than anyone. But... that's all," Bella told him.
"Because of Cullen and Hale?" He asked.

The mention of the names stung us as he takes both our hands now. "Look, I know what he did to you. I can see it in your face every time his name comes up," Jacob told us.

"But you need to know: I would never, ever do that to you. I promise I will never hurt you. You can count on me."

"I already do. You don't know how much," Bella sighed.

"You're my best friend but... I don't think my feelings will change." He took this in as a wave of something sweeps over him.

He sits back. Closes his eyes, and takes a breath. "I'm sorry. I should've said something right from the start," Bella told him. "No. That's not it. I just feel...weird," Jacob replied.

"I told you, you have a fever," I told him.

"Probably that flu everyone has." "It doesn't... feel like flu. I don't know what it is," Jacob sighed. Bella and I looked at each other, concerned.

-𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲-

Bella and I did our homework as Charlie watches a game. I could tell Bella's on edge. Bella pulled out her phone and dialed Jacob.

"Hey, Jake. Just checking to see how you're doing. And to say I'm sorry, about, you know... how I feel and...," Bella said as it went to voicemail. "I hope the flu passes fast. Call me."

-𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲-

Bella and I climbed out of her truck as I saw the empty spot where Jasper used to park. I saw Eric and Angela's canoodling. Couples everywhere. I put my head down and hurried to class.

"Hi Jake," I called. "Your dad said you have mono. He won't let me visit but... would you call me?"


I sat in my bed, not wanting to sleep/dream. I eyed the phone, waiting for it to ring. Jacob didn't call. I called Leah about it but she said that her dad told her that he was sick.

"Me again. I just... need to hear your voice...," I called again. "Bella misses you too. I miss you...."

-𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐲-

Bella's on the phone, leaving yet another message, her desperation has reached its peak. I was in the kitchen, eating my pancakes. In the living room, Charlie and Harry check their fishing gear.

"Jacob. Please. Call me or Tiri," Bella asked as she hangs up and leans her forehead against the phone.

Charlie entered. "Harry and I will be back by three-," He said as he stops when he sees Bella. He puts a hand on her shoulder. "It's mono, Bells," Charlie reminded her.

"He's too sick to even call?" I asked. "You just gotta wait it out," Charlie said.

"You know, I don't have to go fishing...."

"No, go. I'll call Jess or someone," Bella sighed. "Good. But stay here or at Jess's. No hikes or anything," Charlie told us. "We're issuing a warning about those bears." We nodded.

Later on, Bella and I got ready.

"Will you be okay here?" I asked Alex. "I'll be fine Momma" I kissed his head. We hiked up as Bella followed me to my meadow. She referred to a map and a compass.

I tried a trial as it doesn't look familiar to me.

I backtrack as I try another. Finally, we could clear ahead as we hurried toward it. I stepped into the clearing, hopeful... but my face falls.

In contrast to the warmth of my memory, the meadow was cold, gloomy, and cloudy.

And no Jasper. I closed my eyes, trying to force Jasper here. "It's okay, Tiri," Bella told me as I opened my eyes to the empty, overcast meadow. I sank to her knees. Tears threatened to fall.

But then we heard a rustling. Bella turns toward it as she peers into the woods.

Another rustling notice comes from another part of the woods as I turn towards it, I nothing. Then we turns and jumped when we saw Laurent. He's standing just ten yards away.

Dreadlocks, chiseled face. His red eyes. Bella and I can't believe it.

He reminds me of James, who tried to kill us a few months ago.

"Laurent?" I asked. "Nefertiti, Bella," Laurent answered. We looked at each other, realizing he was real. But I knew he had to be here for a reason: Victoria

"You're here!" Bella smiled. "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you here," Laurent looked confused.

"We live here. But you-," I said. "I thought you were in Alaska with Carlisle's friend," Bella finished. "Tanya, I was. It was kind of him to arrange," Laurent told us.

"Given my association with James and Victoria, 'The Enemy'."

"You tried to help us," Bella reminded him as Laurent begins to stroll in a slow arc around us, his eyes assessing us. "I went to visit the Cullens, but their house is empty," Laurent asked us.

"I was surprised they left you two behind. Weren't you sort of pets of theirs?" Bella's smile faltered, fear beginning to dawn on her. I knew it.

"Um... something like that," I said, wanting Jasper here with me.

"I also noticed that your twin isn't here either" Laurent commented as I sighed. "She's just visiting people back home" I said as Laurent tilted his head slightly.

"Do the Cullens visit often?" Laurent asked us.

Suddenly, Jasper's apparition appears between us. "Lie," he told me. "Absolutely. All the time," I lied. "Lie better," Jasper asked me.

"I'll tell them you stopped by," Bella caught on. Jasper faded as Bella and I tried to look relaxed.

"Will they be able to reach you in Alaska?" I asked. "I don't think so. Tanya's "vegetarian" family was pleasant enough," Laurent answered.

"But the dietary restrictions were difficult - living on nothing but animals." Suddenly, he's standing inches from us. We could now see his eyes. Dark blood-red.

I knew he was thirty.

"Tell me Bella, Nefertiti," Laurent asked us. "Do you ever feel compelled to... cheat?" Bella involuntarily took a step away from him, pulling me closer to her.

"But that's not why I left. I came back here as a favor to Victoria," Laurent continued. "....You're still friends," Bella realized.

"More or less. She asked me to get the lay of the land with the Cullens," He told us. "Because, well... I'm afraid Victoria is quite put out with you." "That's... too bad," I tried to stay calm.

"Yes. She feels it's only fair to kill Edward and Jasper, given they killed hers. Eye for an eye, mate for a mate,"

Laurent smiled at us. Terror overwhelms us as Jasper appeared. "Threaten him," he asked me.

"Jasper and Edward will know who did it. They'll come after both of you," I told him.

"I don't think they will. After all, how much could you mean to them if they left you here unprotected?" He asked us. "We are never alone," I replied.

Laurent shook his head.

"Victoria sent me here for information. She won't be happy about me killing you" He told us. "No, Laurent...," Bella asked.

"No, no, no. Don't be upset. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully - whereas I'll make it very quick," he told us as he inhaled deeply.

"And you smell so... mouth-watering."

He faced Bella and me, taking in our scents, bloodlust building. My eyes dart around, escape was impossible as the only thing I saw was Jasper, looking at me with alarm.

I love you, Jasper, I thought as Laurent was milliseconds from biting her.

I moved in front of her then abruptly, his expression changed. He saw something in the forest behind Bella and it terrifies him. "I.....don't believe it," he said as he steps back.

Bella and I are confused as we realized he was no longer focused on us.

We followed his eyes, slowly turning to find him behind us.

An enormous black wolf. It skulked out of the darkness of the woods as it stalks towards them, a low disturbing growl in its throat, sharp teeth gleaming.

Bella pulled me closer as I realized we were trapped between the two killers.

Jasper whispered in my ear. "Don't. Move," he whispered.

The wolf comes closer to Bella and me, a mere twenty feet from where we stood. That's when four more wolves soundlessly emerge from the trees, flanking the black wolf.

They're the size of small horses, all of the different hues: dark silver, chocolate, ash, and russet-brown.

Their hackles are up, lips curling, bodies crouched, ready to spring. We were frozen with fear as they come toward her. The russet-brown wolf was the closest to us and looks directly at us.

Laurent continued to retreat, then suddenly, almost simultaneously, he bolts across the meadow.

The wolves spring toward Bella and me and leap right over us in pursuit of Laurent.

Their thunderous snarls and snaps shook us as the pack sprinted after the vampire, surrounding him before he reaches the treeline.

Laurent swung at the dark silver wolf, smacking the wolf halfway across the meadow. Another wolf lunges at Laurent as he kicks it and it sails into a tree, splintering it.

The two wolves recover and lurched back to the pack which closes in on Laurent.

It's impossible to know who will prevail. "Nefertiti! Bella!" Meela shouted as she and Angela ran to us.

"What're you two doing here?! Get out of here!" I nodded as I grabbed Bella by the wrist and ran to the truck.

Bella kept tripping as quickly picking herself up.

We dashed out of the tree line and to Bella's truck parked on the shoulder. We jumped in as Bella pulled out. Bella drove us home as my breathing calms down.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I don't know. They're wolves," Bella answered. "Big wolves," I added. "And the wolf that looks at us. That's-." "Jacob, maybe," Bella finished as we got home. We burst in, out of breath.

Charlie and Harry are washing their fishing gear as Charlie spun to face us.

"Bella? Tiri? What's wrong?" He asked us. "They're not giant bears! We saw them," Bella told him. "Up in a meadow-," I added. "Damn it, I told you not to go into the woods!"

Charlie sighed in anger. "What did you see, Bella, Tiri?" Harry asked us.

"Wolves. They're wolves, Charlie," I said.

Charlie and Bella didn't see but I saw Harry sigh ever-so-slightly. "Five of them. The size of..... of cars," Bella said. "I swear. They went after -- something-. And we ran."

Charlie grabbed up the phone as he dials something.

"Harry, can you get some men from the rez?" Charlie asked.

"Sure. Yeah. I'll just-," Harry replied seeming more concerned than gung-ho as he slips out. "Jerry? Put a hunting party together; tranq guns, large caliber shotguns," Charlie said.

"There's something dangerous out there." Bella and I looked at each other.

That something dangerous was Victoria. My eyes dart around the house, our vulnerability spinning in on me. As Charlie hangs up, he goes to his gun cabinet.

If she came after us, Charlie would try to protect Bella and he'd die, I thought.

"I've gotta go to the station," Charlie told us.

"Good!" Bella said too quickly. "That's good." "You okay here?" He asked us. "You want to come with?" "I...uh.....need to see a friend," Bella said as Charlie left with Harry.

-𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯-

I waited for them to leave as I headed to the truck. I drove to Jacob's house as I got out and walked to the door. I knocked. Then I knock again. Finally, Billy answers.

"Hi, Billy. I know Jacob's sick but-," I said. "He's out with friends," Billy told me. "Oh," I said.

"I'll let him know you came by," Billy said as he started to close the door, but I stopped him. "Wait....he's got mono, right?" I asked. "That's what you told my dad."

"You should go on home, Bella," he told us as he closed the door.

I sighed as I walked back to the truck.

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