Crossed Fates

By TheTyloWren

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A young man walks around his shopping city, when suddenly he hears screaming. He gets knocked out, and once h... More

Chapter 1: Refurbished
Chapter 2: ORChestra!
Chapter 3: Sacred Winds
Chapter 4: A Shock!
Chapter 5: Cidade Dos Roedores
Chapter 6: Bolt of Light
Chapter 7: Blindsighted
Chapter 8: Consumed by the Shade
Chapter 9: Rocky Restart
Chapter 10: My Crumbling Will
Chapter 11: The Lunar Lab
Chapter 12: Fiery Spirit
Chapter 13: Parity
Chapter 14: You're on Fire!
Chapter 15: Standing Tall
Chapter 16: Stumbling
Chapter 17: Confidence
Chapter 18: Unconscious Battle
Chapter 19: Why?
Chapter 20: Stupidity
Chapter 21: Mentoring
Chapter 22: Faith and Hope
Chapter 23: More than Friends
Chapter 24: Search
Chapter 25: Testing... 1, 2, 3
Chapter 26: Veien Til Den Andre Relikvien
Chapter 27: Danjontoraiaru
Chapter 28: What Awaits Us
Chapter 29: Warfare
Chapter 30: No Man's Land
Chapter 31: The Void
Chapter 32: Painful Memories
Chapter 33: Helplessness
Chapter 35: Back On The Road
Chapter 36: Runt of the Litter
Chapter 37: Lost in the Wilderness
Chapter 38: Promises
Chapter 39: The Mystery Of The Infected
Chapter 40: Questions Left Unanswered
Chapter 41: The Other Me
Chapter 42: Gynophobia
Chapter 43: The Passerby
Chapter 44: Husks Galore!
Chapter 45: Framed
Chapter 46: Cellmates

Chapter 34: Lusni Khavarum

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By TheTyloWren

Luke: "Jesus christ, are you guys okay?"

Jesse: "Yes. I am fine, thank you."

Tyler: "Yeah. I'm fine too."

Matthew: "I'm not! My fucking arm burns!"

Luke: "Well... I tried healing you. Maybe your body refused it."

Matthew: "That's extremely fucking inconvenient! Why the hell would my body reject healing?"

Luke: "Maybe because of the elements..?"

Matthew: "Bullshit! There are squads with light and dark elements together, and I know that they're being healed!"

Tyler: "Maybe it's for another reason?"

Luke's shield shrinks back to it's usual size, and he looks down towards the others.

Luke: "Are you four gonna be okay here? I need to go help the others."

Tyler: "We'll be fine, don't worry."

Jesse: "Yes. You should go and help out your friends."

Luke: "What if you guys get attacked again?"

Tyler: "Then I'll stop 'em."

Luke: "But... what about..."

He gestures at Tezuka, who's still crying in his arms. Tyler sighs.

Tyler: "Well... Calming her down is my priority, but I have more things to prioritise., like those two. Jesse can't really fight, and Matthew's in a pretty shitty condition."

He looks at Jesse and Matthew, then back at Luke.

Tezuka: "I... I..."

Tyler: "Shh. It's okay... Just take deep breaths..."

Tyler cradles her. Luke scratches his head.

Luke: "Well... If you're sure, then I'll-"

Matthew: "What are you waiting for, you bastard? Go help the others! We'll be fine! Tyler said he was gonna protect us, so just fucking GO!"

Luke: "O-Okay! You guys just be safe, alright?"

Jesse: "We will be. Now please hurry."

He glances at them once more, and then he runs off in the distance into the ruins of Lusni.

Luke: "I'm coming, guys! Don't worry!"

He spots Toby and Luna in the distance, standing next to each other panting for a breath. 

Luke: "Aha! There's my fellas!"

He runs up to the two of them.

Luke: "Guys! You're okay!"

Luna: "Luke? Ahh! I didn't see you, hon! Welcome back!"

She hugs him tightly.

Toby: "Sup! Hold on, Wait! There's no time for sups! We have that freakin' dragon to deal with!"

Luke: "Hah, don't worry team. Your Paladin is here, and he's gonna make sure you're all okay!"

Luna: "Of course you are~"

Luke: "Wait... Where's the rat?"

Luna: "She uh... She's being Liv."

She lets go of Luke.

Luke: "What does that mean?"

Toby: "Well... She's uh, charging at the dragon by herself. We're trying to help her the best we can. Well, us and those two clowns."

Luna: "Hey! Slorethro and Shizune are trying their hardest! They just thought it was a smart idea to get the kids out of here, and then they said they were coming back."

Luke: "They better do, otherwise the next time I see them, they're actually dead."

Toby: "I second that. They're not going to just get out of this. They're gonna help... Or so help me god I'll claw at them with my freakin' cat claws."

Luna: "...Please don't. You're a good cat."

Luke: "Yeesh... Oh shit, look out!"

He pushes through both of them, and then he extends his shield, protecting the three of them. The dragon spits out a void flame-ball at them, and it comes into contact with Luke's shield. He pushes it back and it disintegrates into the thin air.

Luna: "H-Huh?! You can block those?"

Luke: "Damn right I can! Luna! Shoot at that thing with your bow!"

Luna: "A-Ahaha... Funny story-"

Toby: "Ngyahh! I would've shot at that thing, but I left my freakin' gun at that lab!"

Luke: "Seriously? Are the both of you absolutely stupid or something?"

They suddenly hear Liv screaming in the distance. Luke retracts the shield, and starts running in that direction. Toby and Luna quickly follow Luke. They eventually find Liv lying on the floor. She seems to be in a lot of pain, and she's in a pool of blood.

Liv: "I-I can't... b-breathe..."

Luke: "No! I'll save you, Liv! Don't you DARE give in to that light! Give in to MY  light! HYAH!"

He places a palm over her, and he envelops her in his mana. She suddenly springs right back up into fighting shape, and the blood underneath her disappears.

Liv: "HYAHAHAHAHA! Geez. Thanks buddy... I seriously thought I was a goner. He clawed at my back! It hurt like hell."

Luke: "Do you know where Hanako is, Liv?"

Liv: "Her? I have no fucking idea! Hyahaha..."

Toby: "Fantastic." 

Luna: "Maybe she went along with Slorethro and Shizune to get the twins to a safe place..?"

Luke: "Sounds like her to me..."

Liv: "Well, I couldn't care less! All I care about is taking down that massive dragon! It's destroyed so much of this city! I can't let that go UNPUNISHED AGAIN!!!"

Toby: "Again? Oh, yeah. Cidade..."

Liv: "That earth bending son of a bitch is gonna get it someday!"

Luke: "Well... I say Peeps don't attack other Peeps."

Liv: "Okay."

Luna: "Eh?"

Liv: "The Shadow Prince is down, by the way! He got his ass handed to him! Hyahahaha!"

Luna: "We uh... Were kinda depending on him, and now he's out for the count... Man, why can't Tezuka just let go of Tyler? We could really use his-"

Toby: "Ay. I'm sure Tyler's trying his best to calm her down. She's a hard one to read."

Luke: "T-That's true."

The dragon roars in the sky once more. Something's aggravated it.

Luna: "Eep!!!"

Toby: "Watch out, we're fucked!"

Luke looks up towards the dragon. He sees plasma being shot towards it. He looks for the source, and he spots Hanako, standing alongside the mech.

Luke: "Eh?! Hanako!?! What is she doing?!?"

Hanako extends her hands forward, and she points them under the mech. She starts to form a big bubble of plasma underneath it.

Luna: "Ahh! What is she doing?!"

Liv: "I have no idea, but it looks completely stupid and fun!"

Hanako jumps into the mech. She pours her mana into it's core, and she shouts.


The plasma underneath her mech springs down like a trampoline, and then it sends her flying towards the dragon.

Luke: "HANAKO!!! NOOO!!!"

The mech hits the dragon dead on. It's wing gets heavily damaged, but at the cost of the mech becoming destroyed, with Hanako still inside. The rubble from the mech falls down alongside the dragon.

Toby: "No..."

The dragon hits the ground. The area around them rumbles quite heavily, and a lot of dust and dirt flies everywhere.


She runs off towards the dragon, nobody stops her in time.

Luke: "Crap..! I'm going after-"

Luna grabs Luke.

Luna: "Wait."

Luke stares at Luna.

Luke: "H-Hon! Now isn't a good time! I need to make sure they're-"

She keeps hold of his shoulder. He looks around in a panic.

Toby: "Luna? What the hell are you-"

Slorethro: "Get back here guys! It's not safe this way!"

Shizune: "Dragon bad! Safety good! Jeez, how the hell do you babysit..!?"

Faith: "Hope!!! Daddy's back!"

Hope: "YAY!!! DADDY! DADDY!!!!"

Luke: "Girls?"

The twins run up to Luke, they're both holding some sort of huge weapon.

Toby: "Woah woah woah!  What the hell is that cool looking thing?!"

Hope: "A gun! A gun! We made it in 20 minutes!"

Faith: "It's rushed, but we're pretty sure it works!"

Shizune: "Uh... Kids? I'm not gonna lie. I have no hope for this weapon. I think this is a bad idea."

Luna: "Have you seen that mech, Sis?"

Shizune: "Yeah. Tyler must've made that, right? Tell him I-"

Luna: "The kids made it."

Shizune seems surprised.

Slorethro: "Well! As the legendary swordsman. I will hold no rejections to this er..?"

Faith & Hope: "Stormbreaker!!!"

They drop it onto the floor, and they grin at the three.

Slorethro: "Man... So uh, how does this thing work?"

Faith: "No idea! I was just gonna give it to daddy."

Hope: "He'll figure something out, maybe!"

Luke picks up Stormbreaker. It's fairly heavy.

Luke: "How the hell did you kids carry this all the way here?"

Hope: "We're super strong! Hehehe!"

Slorethro coughs. 

Toby: "Hmm... Did you help them in some way, clown?"

Slorethro: "Well... Being a legendary swordsman means that I have to become a legendary hero too. Meaning I have to do little acts such as lifting that gun up with my wind powers to ease the weight for the kids."

Shizune: "My idea, by the way."

Faith: "Boo! You're lying! I'm strong, I swear!"

Luke: "Alright... I'll uh, see what I can do."

Luna: "Toby? What kind of bullets does this thing take?"

Toby: "Hm?"

He looks at Stormbreaker. He begins examining it.

Toby: "Give me a minute... I'll need to look at this."

Luke: "Okay. Say, Slorethro, Shizune?"

Slorethro & Shizune: "Yo!"

Luke: "We uh... Need you to go save Hanako. She might be seriously injured. She's by the dragon. If you find her, take her to Tyler. He's just over there."

He points in a direction.

Slorethro: "Aye aye! Leave it to the legendary duo!"

Shizune: "Yeah! We'll save Hanako, don't you worry!"

The duo run off. Faith and Hope tilt their heads.

Luke: "Oh, and you two can... err... Go to Tyler. He'll protect you."

Faith: "Uncle Rock?"

Luke: "Yeah. Uncle Rock."

Hope: "Okay! I hope you guys don't die!!!"

The twins also run off.

Toby: "A...HA! I think I could use this kind of bullet... But where the hell would I place it..?"

He examines Stormbreaker some more. He then places a bullet in what seems to be the chamber. 

Toby: "Now... This thing has no trigger at all. It seems to be like... Powered by electricity."

Luna: "Oh yeah?"

Toby: "Yeah. Plus, this thing's heavy. Luke, can you carry it? I'll try to direct it at the front."

Luke: "Alright! So... Obviously this thing's gonna be aimed at the dragon, right?"

Toby: "Yup. Better hope that this bullet kills it, or at least immobilises it in some way."

Luke picks Stormbreaker back up. He aims it towards the dragon in the distance, which is currently grounded.

Luke: "Okay... there. Roughly towards the dragon."

Toby: "Luna, charge this thing however you can. Luke? Try and aim where I point my finger."

Luna places her hands on Stormbreaker. She starts charging it up with an electrical current. Then it begins to shake a little bit.

Luke: "Woah woah woah! What the hell is happening?!"

Toby looks at Stormbreaker, he's shocked.

Toby: "W-woah... So freakin' awesome..."

Luke: "I-Is it supposed to do this?"

Toby: "Guns? No. But it's fucking awesome."

He grins and rubs his hands.

Toby: "I'll hold it at the front part to try and help your aim."

He stands under Stormbreaker, looking towards the dragon to try and aim Stormbreaker towards it.

Toby: "Two hands ain't enough."

He puts all four of his arms underneath Stormbreaker.

Luna: "I'm still powering it! I can probably shoot out this thing!"

Luke: "Wait!"

Luke envelops Stormbreaker in his mana, covering the bullet inside with light magic. Toby grins and does the same, except with his wind magic.

Luna: "Alright... Ready?!"

Luke: "Aim..?"


Stormbreaker shoots the bullet. The bullet flies straight towards the dragon... But it suddenly just changes trajectory into the air. The bullet lights up in the air like a firework.

Tyler: "What the... Why the hell's it so bright up there?"

Jesse: "Wow..."

Faith: "Woah..!"


Everyone around Lusni is staring at the bright bullet flying into the air. The bullet then breaks off into an estimate of 1000 tinier magical bullets, and then they all start falling down towards the dragon.

Luke: "HEAVENLY!!!"

Toby: "CYCLONE!!!"

Luna: "FURY!!!"

The bullets start reaching high speeds as they get closer to the earth. They all then start hitting the dragon one by one. The dragon roars extremely loudly, and it drops onto the floor, lying down and in extreme pain.

Luke: "Did we do it?! Is it dead?"

Toby: "Only one way to find out! CHARGE!!!"

Luna: "Agreed!"

They all drop Stormbreaker, and they run towards the exhausted dragon. They make it to the dragon's head.

Luke: "Wait... I can't even tell if this thing has eyes. God, this void is so confusing."

Toby: "Well... I could have a look."

Toby gets closer to the dragon. He's suddenly blasted away by a huge snort.

Toby: "GYAHH!!! IT'S ALIVE!!!"

Luna: "No... NO! Why?!"

Luke: "Crap, crap!!!"

The dragon opens up it's mouth. Void particles start forming in it's mouth.


Toby: "NO!!!!"

Luke: "I'M TOO SEXY TO D-"


The dragon's head flops down onto the floor. Everyone around the dragon looks at it in shock.

Luke: "W-w...what the..?"

Matthew is standing nearby, pointing a revolver that has smoke coming out of it straight at the dragon. Tyler's carrying him up by his shoulders.

Matthew: "Hah... I've just sent you back to the voids of hell, you fucking void lizard."

Tyler: "Uhh... Seriously? All of the time to come up with a badass line and you finish it with that?"

Matthew: "I wasn't expecting to get the final blow. I'm not one of those 'Oh boy oh gee! We did it fellas! Time to party!'  type of guy, alright? Just be glad I fucking killed it, man."

Luke: "Well... We uh, did it!"

Toby: "Thank fuck for that, Matthew."

Luna: "Whew..."

Tyler: "Hey, where's Hanako? I thought she was with you guys."

Luke: "We uh... We don't know. Where's Liv?"

Liv: "G-guys..?"

They all turn around. Liv, Slorethro and Shizune are all stood huddled together. Carrying Hanako.

Tyler: "H-Hanako..?"

Hanako is unconscious, and being carried by Liv. Liv lays her down on the floor.

Liv: "She's still alive. Barely."

Tyler grits his teeth.

Tyler: "What happened to her?!"

Luke: "She was probably our main reason for managing to finally kill the dragon."

Matthew: "Huh? Was it not that freakin' firework display shit I saw earlier?"

Toby: "No. She full on fucking catapulted herself straight into the dragon, she hit one of it's wings."

Tyler: "Is that  why the dragon fell down?"

Luke: "Yeah."

Matthew: "Not gonna lie... I genuinely thought Liv got a lucky hit or something."


Someone chuckles a little. Everyone turns around to see Tezuka walking over with Jesse and the twins. Tezuka still looks pretty miserable.

Tezuka: "Hehe. That's what you think, rat."

Luna: "Tezuka..?"

Tezuka: "Hey."

Luna: "Sorry for... being an asshole earlier today."

Toby: "Yeah. Me too."

Tezuka: "Hm? You guys were being asses today?"

She tilts her head.

Toby: "Yeah. Earlier this morning. Sorry for snapping at you. I was just-"

Tezuka: "I understand. Happens."

She shrugs.

Jesse: "You guys did it... You slayed that beast."

Jesse claps her hands together.

Faith: "Yay!!!"

Hope: "Yeah... but this place is trashed! Look!"

She's right. Everything in Lusni has been pretty much destroyed.

Tyler: "Man... Fuck."

Matthew: "Well... What now?"

Luna: "We rebuild this town. Tezuka, where's the money stash?"

Tezuka: "Money stash?  Oh, yeah. I put it near some tree outside the town. I followed that path Tyler made with that one guy."

Tyler: "Money stash, huh? Crap... I should've thought about that."

Faith: "Oh, don't worry, Uncle Rock! We hid your money just in case a situation like this ever happened!"

Tyler: "Seriously..?"

Tezuka: "My idea."

Tyler: "Huh. Wait, all of my money?"

Tezuka: "Yep. Everything."

Tyler: "Huh. Thanks, Tezuka."

Tezuka: "You're welcome~"

Matthew: "Hey Tyler. Take me to the dragon's body really quickly."

Tyler: "Oh yeah, sure."

He helps him walk over to the dragon. Matthew takes out a blade and hands it to Tyler.

Matthew: "Cut off some of it's scales. Could make some materials with this stuff."

Tyler: "Yeah. Good thinking."

He does what Matthew tells him to do. He takes a pretty hefty chunk.

Tyler: "This enough?"

Matthew: "Cut off as much as you want, dude. Be my guest."

Jesse: "What will become of this dragon?"

Matthew: "Well... We can't just keep it here. Can you try making a portal or a crack? We'll push him back in."

Jesse: "Okay. I'll do my best."

Matthew: "Anyone who's still standing and has energy, push this dragon into whatever she makes, oh... and also get ready to get prepared to try and start the repairs for this town."

Toby: "Alright."

Everybody except Tyler and Matthew push the dragon into the void. Sealing it's body forever.

Luke: "I'm happy you're all alive."

Toby: "Me too."

Luna: "I couldn't imagine being by myself..."

Liv: "Me neither! I wanna stay with the crew forever!"

Tyler: "I'll always consider myself a Peep, even when I die!"

Tezuka: "Me too. Even if I am being annoying."

Matthew: "Cute."

Everyone chuckles at Matthew. They then all huddle together and laugh more.

Toby: "Well... Now we just have to do... a whole lot of chores..."

Slorethro: "That's what being a hero is all about!"

Shizune: "Yeah! Get used to it, Poopbutt McShittyTitty!"

Tezuka: "Hehe."

Luke: "Alright, everybody here! We're gonna help rebuild this town as best as we can! That includes EVERYONE. Matthew maybe not. I think you're a busy man. Anyways, yeah! Let's get on it as soon as we can!"

He grins and looks at everyone around him. They all nod approvingly, and Matthew sighs. Tyler lets him out of his grip. Matthew jumps up high in the air, and starts floating away into the distance, with everyone waving him off. They all chat for a bit more, wait for Hanako to wake back up, and they start their mission to rebuild Lusni the best they can...

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