Partners in Crime

Autorstwa ihateali_

227 0 0

Xavia Cyprus is a 25-year-old contracted Hunter/thief who works for the wealthy, Aurelius Van Helsing, an ecc... Więcej

Weston City
Concordia Library
Elysian Portrait
Green Hell
The Velvet Room
Whispering Serenity
Echoes of Eternity
Lavender Rose
Robin Hood's Renfaire
Medieval Tapestry
North Sinnet Island
Free Time
Whimsy Waxworks
Pocket Watch
Swimming Lessons
Vampire AU
Underground Auction
Yorknew City Hospital
Dreamland Gardens


2 0 0
Autorstwa ihateali_


"Dusk," The woman greets, a small smile appearing on her face, "You're as reckless as ever."

The words catch Dusk off guard, momentarily knocking the wind out of her as she struggles to compose herself, momentarily forgetting Xavia's presence. She gathers her thoughts, determined to respond in a way that doesn't betray her embarrassment.

"K-Kana?! What are you doing here?" She asks in surprise before recovering enough to realize how unprofessional she must seem right now.

"Aurelius' assistant called me up out of the blue," Kana comments, her lips curling into a knowing grin, "Imagine my shock when I found out you needed backup!"

Dusk glances at her partner, as if looking for some sort of confirmation or denial. The surprise is still evident in her eyes but she offers Kana a warm smile nonetheless.

"I guess we owe you one," She finally manages to reply, trying to keep the conversation casual despite feeling anything but relaxed in this situation.

"Certainly seems like it," Xavia grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest, clearly annoyed at the intrusion and the surprise of being saved by a stranger.

There's something particularly irksome about an unknown variable entering their already chaotic situation. When he called for backup, he had assumed Zane himself would come for them. 

His shoulders tense up as he glances between Dusk and Kana, trying to piece together who this woman is with what little context he had been given.

Dusk bites back a sigh at his obvious irritation, instead focusing on what she can do to help ease the tension, "Don't be so cranky," She chides lightly, "Kana's here because we needed help."

"That's great and all, but who the hell is she? And how do you know her?" He questions skeptically, glancing at Kana and assessing her with guarded curiosity.

"Kana was my mentor, Xav. She taught me archery and how to hone my nen abilities," There's a hint of fondness in her voice as she looks up at the older woman, "I trust her with my life," She adds softly, emphasizing the gravity of that statement by holding his gaze for a second longer than necessary before turning back to her old friend.

"After saving our asses, I guess I'd be an idiot not to," Xavia grudgingly concedes, "Not that trust comes easily for me."

"Ah, I see," Kana extends a hand for him to shake, remarking with an impish grin, "So, you're the famous Xavia that Dusk has been writing me about? You're right, kid, he is quite handsome."

Dusk, suddenly flustered by Kana's brazen remark, stammers again, "K-Kana! I didn't say... I mean," She glances towards the stoic man to gauge his reaction, "It was just a figure of speech or something..."

Xavia raises an eyebrow in intrigue, a slight smirk playing on his lips. He takes Kana's hand in a firm shake.

"Famous? I wouldn't go that far," He remarks dryly before focusing on Dusk's flustered reaction with amusement dancing within his dark eyes, "Didn't realize I was the main topic of your letters to Kana here," His tone holds a hint of teasing. It isn't often Xavia gets to see his partner off balance and he finds himself somewhat entertained by the sight.

The dark-haired woman clears her throat, trying to regain some semblance of composure, "It's not like that," She mumbles with a slight pout.

"You're no good at lying, Dusk. But go on, keep playing that game," The white-haired man retorts with a smug grin spread across his face.

"Like you are any better!" Dusk quickly fires back, crossing her arms over her chest, "Your face gets twitchy when you lie!"

She can't help but take note of his arrogant expression. It irks her, yet at the same time it makes him seem more... Approachable? Either way, there's something about this side of him that she can't quite ignore.

"Hey, I never claimed to be better than anyone," Xavia shoots back as he rests his hands behind his head, "And my face does not get twitchy. That's your imagination running wild."

Kana laughs heartily at the pair's bickering, her green eye twinkling with mischief as she turns towards the young woman she considers a second daughter.

"Relax, kid," Kana reassures lightheartedly, "I was just pulling your leg."

But her gaze on Xavia is appraising in a way that only someone who knows what they're looking for would understand, evaluating him not just as an individual but how he fits into Dusk's life and his potential influence on it.

"We should get moving before these folks wake up from their Datura induced nap," She says solemnly, gesturing towards the unconscious natives scattered around them, victims of her earlier arrows.

"Fine," Dusk grumbles, giving Xavia a pointed look before turning away and striding off in the direction Kana indicated.

"Same shit, different day," He mutters under his breath before following the two women.

Xavia could've sworn she just gave him 'the look', which means she's either pissed or getting more into this than she'd care to admit... Either way, he finds it amusing how her face twists when they banter like that.

"Ah, the enthusiasm of the youth," Kana chuckles, remarking sarcastically, "Same shit indeed."

As Dusk walks alongside her mentor, she questions her, "So, you used Datura? I should have thought of that!"

"Indeed, Datura is pretty useful in such situations where you need everyone out cold without any permanent injuries," The older woman enlightens cheerfully as they move through the dense forest towards their escape route, a hidden boat moored nearby that Kana arrived by.

Dusk nods at her words, "Right, I remember you telling me about that before."

"Make sure to remember that for the next time handsome there drags you into another pitfall, eh?" Kana teases gently while continuing ahead, knowing well enough how crucial it is for them not to be found by any awakening natives.

Xavia snorts at Kana's words, running a hand through his sweat soaked hair, "She drags me into pitfalls too," He shoots back grumpily, looking away from Dusk and her mentor.

Dusk rolls her eyes, a smirk playing on her lips, "Oh please," She retorts back lightheartedly, "You'd be lost without me leading you around by your scythe handles."

"Ha, lead me around? That's a good one," He responds sarcastically, "Last time I checked, it was you who got us lost in those spider-infested woods back at Tinymoon."

But Dusk leading him around... Doesn't sound that bad if he were to be honest with himself. However, he would never admit it out loud. He finds himself enjoying their banter more than he should, which bothers him because she's not just another person now. She's someone important to him, and that realization weighs heavily on his mind.

A weakness in his armor that can easily be exploited.

"Hey! It was you who insisted on taking the shortcut," Dusk counters, setting her hands on her hips defensively, "Besides, I got us out of there and solved our little spider problem in no time."

Kana can't help but chuckle softly at their bickering, "Oh, you two are adorable," She teases them without missing a beat, her well-practiced stride never faltering as they navigate through the thick foliage, "Try not to kill each other before we reach our escape route though."

"Adorable isn't the word I'd use," Xavia shoots back dryly. He rolls his eyes at Kana's words but holds back any further comments. They have bigger problems to deal with and arguing won't get them anywhere.

"Oh, come on, Xav," Dusk chimes in with a playful grin, "Just accept it. We're the most adorable pair of misfit thieves around."

Xavia quickly snaps back, "What are you rambling about, Dusk? Adorable isn't exactly the first word that comes to mind when describing us."

"Don't be such a killjoy, Xavia! Dusk is right on the mark! You guys are absolutely adorable, arguing like an old married couple," Kana finds herself unable to resist the urge of provoking them with her sharp remarks. It's just too amusing watching these two bickering amidst this dangerous situation.

"Kana, the day we become an 'old married couple' is when pigs fly," Xavia responds venomously.

He crosses his arms and huffs, averting his gaze from both her and Dusk. The taste of bile fills his mouth as he thinks about them being a couple. It's such a ridiculous idea that he struggles not to laugh at its absurdity.

Raising an eyebrow at Xavia's vehement response, Kana chuckles, "I'll remember that. And keep a lookout for flying pigs," She winks playfully.

Her gaze then falls on Dusk who had grown oddly quiet during their banter. Seeing her deflated expression under her dark bangs makes something twist in Kana's stomach.

"Well then," Dusk mutters, looking away from both of them and focusing on advancing ahead. She doesn't know if she feels more hurt by his words or frustrated that they affected her as much as they did.

"Hell, what did I say now?" Xavia mutters under his breath.

Staring at the back of Dusk's head, he heaves a heavy sigh before catching up with her.

"Listen," He starts in an uncharacteristically soft voice, clapping a hand on her shoulder gently, "I didn't mean it like that," His gaze shifts towards Kana briefly who had already moved ahead and out of earshot.

The dark-haired woman pauses in her steps, glancing at his hand on her shoulder. She offers him a small smile and nods before continuing to walk again, "I know."

"Oh, there you are, sweetheart!" Kana exclaims in a relieved tone as she spots her boat through the trees. Picking up her pace, she quickly reaches it and begins to untie it from its mooring.

She subtly glances back at Xavia and Dusk who are walking towards her, their conversation not within earshot but their body language speaking volumes. She might consider herself an old hag now but her instincts about people haven't dulled one bit. That man cares more than he lets on.

As they finally approach Kana and her boat, the white-haired man lets out an exasperated sigh of relief, "About damn time."

Dusk chuckles at his annoyed tone, patting him on the arm, "Cheer up, Xav."

Just as they're preparing to push off, another troop of locals descend upon them. This group is heavily armed with bows and spears.

"Oh dammit," The older woman curses to herself, instantly reaching for her bow, "Don't just sit there, kids!" She calls over her shoulder to Dusk and Xavia, swiftly nocking an arrow laced with Datura onto her bowstring.

Her good eye focuses on one of the leading natives, determination etched into every line of her face. Despite only having half of her sight, her strict training has drilled precision into every single shot that flies from her hands.

Dusk reacts instantly, her own bow already in hand as she follows Kana's lead. She aims at the nearest local but doesn't release the arrow yet, her hesitant gaze fixated on him.

"Xav," She whispers under her breath towards her partner, "Remember our agreement. We don't kill these people."

"Yeah, I remember," He grumbles back, nodding in understanding as he quickly pulls out a small bottle of bubble liquid.

Blowing into it lightly, shining bubbles begin to form around him. His eyes focus intently on the group of assailants approaching them, calculating how many bubbles are needed to hold off their attacks without killing anyone.

Kana lets out a low chuckle at their interaction, pulling back on her bowstring as the distance between them and the natives shortens, "I taught you well," She commends Dusk before letting her arrow fly with practiced ease.

It hit its mark effortlessly, causing one of the frontmost men to collapse immediately into unconsciousness. More arrows quickly follow suit from the older woman's hands, each hitting their targets without fail while Xavia's bubbles knock the locals back on impact.

"Thanks, Kana," Dusk replies with a wide grin, taking advantage of her partner's distraction. She releases her arrows swiftly and accurately, each one aimed to incapacitate rather than kill.

"Yeah, good job, Dusk," Xavia mutters under his breath as he continues to manipulate the bubbles. Each one follows through on its trajectory before bursting into an explosion of force upon contact.

He can't help but admire how well she and Kana work together, like two parts of a finely tuned machine. The admiration isn't something he'd openly admit to though.

The older woman turns to look at Xavia with an amused smile on her face, "Oh, come now, Xavia. A little bit of praise won't kill you," She teases before preparing another arrow.

With a swift movement and unwavering accuracy, Kana releases the string, causing yet another native to drop soundlessly onto the lush grass-covered ground.

"Alright, kids. Time for the grand finale," Kana calls out with a smirk as she nocks an arrow onto her bow.

With deft movements and expert precision, she looses it into the air. The projectile splits mid-flight into multiple smaller arrows that rain down upon their adversaries in a dazzling display of skill.

As expected, the smaller arrows make swift work of their targets. The natives fall one by one as Kana's Datura laced projectiles come down on them. Xavia watches the spectacle with a resigned expression, his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against a tree. Meanwhile, Dusk watches with eyes gleaming, filled with admiration for Kana's skill and prowess.

Kana slings her bow back over her shoulder and turns to face Dusk and Xavia with a smug grin, "Well, that was fun."

Xavia gives an unimpressed snort, "Yeah," He says dryly, "A real blast."

Despite his gruff exterior and biting sarcasm though, there's a begrudging respect in Xavia's eyes for Dusk's mentor. She handles herself well. That much is undeniable, even for someone as cynical as him.

"That was amazing," Dusk speaks up, awe lacing her voice as she glances over at their fallen foes. She can't help but feel a twinge of guilt and regret for their attackers though since they were just defending their home.

Kana lets out a hearty laugh at Xavia's dry remark, her eyes crinkling with amusement. She pats him on the shoulder in an almost motherly fashion.

"Oh ho! You've got some fire in you, handsome," She retorts cheekily before turning to Dusk, "And look at you, kid!" Kana says affectionately as she ruffles Dusk's hair lightly.

"I'd thank you for the save, but I've got a feeling you'll hold it over my head," Xavia retorts to Kana as they move towards the boat.

"Don't mind him. He's always this cranky," Dusk reassures Kana with a light chuckle before turning towards Xavia. In an attempt to lighten his mood, she playfully nudges him with her elbow while adding, "Isn't that right, partner in crime?"

As they put more distance between themselves and the perilous island where their lives had been threatened multiple times in such a short span, Dusk can't help but sigh with relief. Ahead of them, nothing but expansive ocean stretches out, while the sun casts warm, beautiful hues across the sky above. Her gaze briefly drifts towards the man beside her, who, despite usually maintaining a stoic demeanor, now seems more at ease as well.

"What can I say, Dusk?  You bring out the worst in me," Xavia replies with a wry smile as he feels his muscles relax. After a moment of contemplative silence, he turns to glance at Kana, "I suppose we owe your mentor our lives."

Kana laughs, relaxing into her seat as she guides the boat through the open waters, "Don't mention it, handsome. I'd love to hold this over your head for years to come and make ya owe me one, but truth be told? I'm just glad Dusk is safe," She adds softly, glancing towards Dusk with a loving look in her eyes before turning her gaze back onto the horizon ahead of them.

"Big damn hero, aren't ya?" He remarks dryly, leaning back and crossing his arms. 

Despite being irritated due to the exhaustion of their ordeal on the island, he feels a grudging respect for Kana's skills as an archer. After all, she had saved them from what was most likely going to be a messy death.

The older woman snorts a laugh at Xavia's dry remark, her smug grin widening as she navigates the boat, "You could say that... Though I prefer the term 'legendary archer'," She quips easily, "I won't lie and say it wasn't a pain in my old bones to get you two out of there, but life always throws me curveballs. Now get comfortable. We've got a long ride back."

"Comfortable? On this rickety bucket of bolts?" He shoots a pointed glance at Kana before looking out to sea.

His gaze shifts from scanning the surrounding waters to Dusk, who is huddled near him. Despite having narrowly escaped death once again, she still manages to look beautiful with her messy ponytail partially obscuring her mismatched eyes, which reflect the vibrant hues of the sun overhead and the shimmering water.

He finds this sight annoyingly distracting.

"Hey," He murmurs softly without turning towards her, his voice pitched low enough for only her ears. He maintains his signature nonchalant air, although subtle worry tinges his voice. After the eventful escape, he notices her silence and can't help but ask, "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Dusk assures him with a slight nod. Her gaze is fixated on one of the local's handmade arrows that she had picked up, "I guess we got pretty lucky back there," She adds while trying to keep her voice steady.

"Well, it's not our first deadly encounter now, is it?" Xavia drawls out sarcastically, "But yeah," He continues more seriously, "I guess we did get lucky."

His dark eyes meet hers briefly before returning to the vast expanse of ocean in front of them.

"The craftsmanship is impressive, don't you think?" She asks him after a beat of silence. Her fingers glide over the arrow's intricate carvings before pivoting her gaze back to Xavia, "I mean... They're isolated from modern society but they still manage to create something so deadly and efficient."

"Yeah, impressive," The white-haired man replies impassively, not bothering to hide his disinterest in the topic. Under normal circumstances, he would have been more intrigued, but given that they had almost been killed multiple times by those same arrows, he can't bring himself to care.

"Right..." Dusk murmurs before going quiet, something that leaves Xavia feeling strangely uneasy.


When Dusk's head starts to droop with exhaustion, Xavia glances over at her. Seeing her asleep, he can't help but feel a strange sense of relief washing over him. She needs the rest after everything they've been through.

He drapes his jacket around her as she sleeps soundly, ignoring the sly look he receives from Kana. Leaning against the wooden boards of the boat, he settles himself against it too in an attempt to get some rest.

"Quite the protective partner," Kana teases gently, shaking her head with a chuckle as she steers the boat into calmer waters. She shoots him a mischievous grin, "But don't worry, I won't tell. I know how much men like you value their tough exterior."

"Less talking, more steering," Xavia grumbles, rolling his eyes at Kana's words. 

Kana laughs heartily at his response, nodding sagely as she continues to steer the boat skillfully, "Alright, alright. I'll let you two get your beauty sleep," She concedes, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

With the soothing sound of waves crashing against the boat and a gentle sea breeze ruffling his hair, Xavia finally allows himself to drift off into a light sleep. He knows he has to stay alert, but the exhaustion had caught up with him too.

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