Stolen Life Of The Maid.

By TarajiBookShelf

15.2K 1.2K 984

Warning Adult content. Explicit sex. THE SECRET STOLEN LIFE OF THE MAID. Black love More

The Stress Level
The Thief!
The Truth
The Book
The Secrets He Kept
The Confession
The Cheater
The Sneaky Sugar Daddy
The Three Words
The Next door Neighbour
The Twist
The Wife & The Mistress
The "other" Night
The Playa
The Girl of Her Dreams
The Delusions
The Final Breakup
The Misunderstanding
The Disappearance
Chapter 2
Stabbed in The Front!
The Magic Touch.
A Second Diamond
Her Choice.
Her Conflictions
Cherished Massage Session.
A Wet Nightmare

The New Beginnings

483 42 25
By TarajiBookShelf

Three weeks later
The verdict came in the morning. Bill lost everything. He could only keep the hard cash he had, and that was not enough to do shit for Penda who was left with it after Bill was arrested.

He wasn't sentenced yet.
Penda was homeless, she couldn't afford the motel they had been staying in anymore.
She was tired of crying. She started looking for a job but it was the same questions everywhere she went.

"Do you have any education?"
"do you have any experience?"
It was the same thing everywhere.
She sold her jewelry and diamonds, and her expensive clothing. The hard part was selling her shoe collection.
She just kept one pair that goes with every outfit and her flat shoes.

She made a little money to be able to afford the motel for three weeks.

But after paying for a week's stay at the motel, she got mugged. a taste of real life for her.
She walked to Beverly Hills to pick up her last box.
She found Bonnie and construction workers renovating the whole place.
"trash!" Bonnie pointed at Penda's favorite art.
"no, I will have that, thank you," Penda said. "everything here baby girl, belongs to us, I mean my wife and I, so... I said trash not give to the homeless," Bonnie said.
Penda's heart broke. She let go of the art. The guys took it outside.

"That's an expensive piece you know. I bought that from a famous Artist in Africa, it is one of a kind, I really love it, you could just let me have it" Penda said. "and where are you gonna put it? On top of your head as a roof?" Bonnie asked.
Penda was speechless. "I left a box of picture frames here," she said
"Yeah, I trashed that too," Bonnie said. Penda looked at her tears running down. "why would you do that? I told Rosey I would come get it once I settled down. It's my family album," Penda said. "I don't care if it was the first family album. It's gone" Bonnie said.

Penda swallowed hard. She was still not talking to Fantasia after what happened the day of court, but she wished Fantasia was there at that moment.
"Where is Fantasia?"
"you mean my wife? She's busy. You don't think she's gonna care about your little precious box, do you? She put me in charge, and I call shots here too, is my house too. So Fantasia can't help you, sweetheart."
Penda stormed out she physically bumped into Fantasia by the exit. Fantasia was just coming home.

Fantasia grabbed her.
"Watch it, baby girl," she said. Penda lifted her face. Fantasia didn't know it was her, Penda's tears were running down her cheeks. "everything okay? I mean of course nothing is okay, what I mean is, why are you crying?" Fantasia whispered. Penda yanked her off and escaped from her touch. She ran. Fantasia turned to her. She realized she was gonna walk. Her wife hadn't seen her yet so she left. Got in her new car and drove slowly in the neighborhood.

She saw her, marching away in her shorts and hoodie. "Hey," Fantasia said, rolling her window down. "need a ride?".
"Leave me alone," Penda said, she tripped and fell.
"ouch fuck. What the fuck is wrong with the universe?" She cussed. Fantasia got off and gave her a hand. Penda reluctantly took it. Fantasia pulled her closer into an embrace.

Penda let it out, sniffling and everything. "you smell so good," She said between her sobs.
Fantasia chuckled. "Do you have a place to stay??"

"Motel! I'm good, I'm gonna find my feet"

"Okay, then why are you crying? She didn't slap you did she?"

"she trashed my family album and my favorite art."

"The African art you speak to before leaving the house? That's mean" Fantasia said. "you saw me do that? It calms me down"

"We will get it back. I will try my best. So... You sure you don't want to work for me? You can be my weekend maid, Rosey is doing weekdays"

"How much?"
"Same price you gave me"

"But I gave you that for only Fridays?"
. "yes, baby girl, I'm not as generous as you. You want it or not?"

Penda breathed deeply. "I don't. I have other choices. Don't I?"
"no, you don't, I will go tell my wife, In case you change your mind but you do know she won't make this easy right?"

"I can handle her. But I don't want the job."

"No, you can't handle her. But it's cute that you think that. Can I drop you off at least"
Penda nodded and got in the car.
Fantasia made a call to the construction supervisor
Him: Yes boss
Tasia: there is an artwork. Big, blue and yellow and some green color on it...
Him: I see it.
Tasia: put it in my study. Ignore my wife and a box of frames?
Him: I see it too but, some frames are broken. Your wife smashed them.
Tasia: put it in my garage. Thank you.

"Thank you, Tasia"
Tasia nodded and continued driving.
She directed her.

Fantasia dropped her off.
"Aint you gonna come in?" Penda asked, Fantasia saw the eyes, Penda was up to no good. "I - I rather not"

"Are you sure, I'm freshly waxed and this is the last time I'm ever gonna have decent body care, I won't be able to afford it anymore," Penda said.
"I am sure," Fantasia said.
Penda was disappointed. "You really don't want me. You haven't wanted me since you were my pretend maid, you were really just using me"

"correct. Now can I go?"
Penda walked away. Fantasia pulled her car, turning. She heard a rock hit her tire lights on her new Bentley. "Oh fuck... Tasia why the fuck do you love crazy bitches" She said braking. She got out.

Penda was upset. Fantasia looked at her car.
"girl, that's your three months' paycheck. Now you don't have a choice at all. You work for me for three whole months to pay for that" Fantasia said.
"you really want to see me on my knees begging for your mercy don't you?"
"You start tomorrow. Fridays to Sunday. I'm not playing with you, that's my freaking new car. 7 am Don't be late" Fantasia commanded walking to her car.
Penda was very much convinced that Fantasia hated her.

She went to her room. Crying, kicking and punching screaming... "I hate my life, I hate my fucking life, I hate Fantasia and her blonde ass wife, I hate everybody. I hate LA" she screamed.
Barely slept.

Woke up at 7, and she remembered she didn't have cab money. She groaned plopping back to bed. She got up and took a shower. Called a cab.
She arrived at the mansion at 8.
"Wait here. Let me get your money" She told the cabby.

She stepped inside, Bonnie was up and running the house. "hi, where is Rosey,?"

"You late!" Bonnie snapped.,
"it won't happen again. Where is Rosey please"
"the back kitchen with my wife"
Penda wanted to slap herself. The mean girl is awake too.
She went to the kitchen.
Fantasia and Rosey were laughing at something, Fantasia was sitting on a counter, drinking coffee.

Penda said. "Hey Ms Penda, I mean Penda."
Fantasia looked at Penda. She noticed Fantasia didn't greet her back. She swallowed hard.
"Rosey can I talk to you?" Penda said.

The cab driver and Bonnie walked into the kitchen.
Penda was already embarrassed. Can my life get any worse?
"You forgot to pay your cabby!" Bonnie said letting out her hand to receive the payment on his behalf. Penda looked into her hand and swallowed hard. Fantasia got off the counter
"Oh yes, uhm, Penda your money, I'm sorry let me see if I can break your 100," Fantasia said and went upstairs. Bonnie pulled her hand.

Fantasia came back. "I can't break a 100, but... Here is your 100 back, I will pay your cab" she said handing Penda a 100-dollar bill. Penda swallowed hard but she realised it made her look less humiated in the room. Fantasia paid the guy and tipped him. He left. Bonnie walked out too.

"Thanks, here," she said giving it back. Fantasia took the money and unbuttoned Penda's blouse and put it on her boobs then walked out.
"Okay you saw that right, sexual harassment," Penda said. Rosey laughed. "Penda what's going on with you and Mrs Stones, you two look at each other weirdly. You do know she's married to that beautiful blonde in the big kitchen right?"

"Everybody reminds me every day, how can a girl forget?" Penda snapped snatching the money off of her.

"Now you have cab money," Rosey said. "I guess! Rosey can I live with you next month? Be roomies? I will pay rent"

"Oh honey I'm sorry my place is cramped," Rosey said walking out of the room. "great. Can this day get any worse?" Penda went to work. She realized Fantasia was gone. Truth be told she felt safe with her in the house.

"Where is Fantasia?" She asked Rosey.,"Mrs Stones"
"uh yeah, I'm not calling her that." Penda said. "good cause she hates it. She went to see her lawyer, about her money. Access froze. She is getting it fixed."
Penda nodded. "I noticed a lot of Novels, she was an author all along?"

"Yes, a famous Author. I'm surprised you never knew who she was, she's very famous, the movie 'Lying in Lies' is based on her book"

"Oh my gosh I love that movie"
"Me too, she supervised the directing, hence it is so good. Her work is remarkable. You should read something"

"I will try. I don't have a TV. Or good magazines might as well pick up a book"
Rosey laughed. "You love her huh? You were not this happy when you worked for me"

"Fantasia is like a daughter to me. She saw me through my worst and helped me through it. She paid my daughter's college funds, and we struggled but my daughter is gonna be a lawyer someday, thanks to her. Also, Fantasia doesn't like mistreating people, that diva attitude you got going on, she doesn't have that."
Penda looked down.

"I guess that is why people don't like me. Especially her."
Rosey laughed "maybe"

Later in the day.
It was after dinner, Rosey left after the end of her shift. Penda was in the shower. Bonnie was in bed waiting for her wife to get home.

Fantasia got home, tossed her purse and keys then walked all the way in.
She poured wine and gulped. She heard a shower running and looked upstairs before turning to her left and following the sound to the bathroom.
Penda didn't close her room. Fantasia walked in then into the bathroom and opened the shower door. Penda gasped about to scream. Fantasia stepped in and slammed her hand on her mouth.
"Don't wake my wife please,"
Penda breathed deeply. "seeing you getting those Louboutins wet, while I have only one pair for every outfit, breaks my heart."
Fantasia took off her red bottoms. And tossed them out. "Better?"
"it will be better if you kiss me" Fantasia kissed her. Penda jumped on her, hugging her body on her. Fantasia balanced on the wall. "you missed me a lot, didn't you?"
"A very much lot!" Penda said. "oh baby. That makes me so fucking hot." Fantasia said and took her to bed. Got out of her wet dress and hopped on top of her.
"if your wife gets in here I'm dead," Penda said. "very much dead" Fantasia muttered and laughed. "you like that, don't you!? Women fighting over you?"

"I don't hate it, to be fair, they fought for me in prison too, I was the king in there, so is only fair that pretty women who are free, out here get their brain a little kookoo for me too"
Penda slapped her. "ou... What's that for?"
"I've been meaning to do that since yesterday."
Fantasia smirked and went down, opening her legs and eating her dinner.
She ate her pussy some more.
"uh, shit, uh yes baby eat my pussy"
Fantasia continued now with two fingers deep inside her, fucking her clit. "Yes, mummy yes yes yes! Yes, fuck" Penda went crazy at the peak of her climax. They looked at each other as she suck hard, and Penda climaxed.
"shit" Oh fuck that was good, one more please, I need it I'm stressed out"
"my wife will lose it, I better go upstairs. Good night, rest and wake up at any time you want. She will yell at you but baby you gonna take it and go about your business okay?"
"She will humiliate me in front of those guys,"
"yes, she will but I got your back. You need to rest, you look stressed and tired,"
"I am both"
"So get up any time you can," Fantasia said and kissed her on the forehead. "Fantasia, what are we?"
"what do you mean?"

"Am I officially your mistress, what's going on? I need a title" Penda said. "no, you are my maid," Fantasia said and picked her dress and went to Penda's bathroom showered for like 5 minutes, and came out wearing a white bathrobe from the bathroom.
Penda was still sad. Fantasia was leaving...
"No title, no pussy Fantasia. I know you love eating my pussy. Bill told me. And I didn't need anyone to tell me to know that, it is all you have been doing since we met, you love how I taste. So give me my title or I will never let you have me" Penda said. Fantasia smirked, "Okay then I will not smash then baby girl," Fantasia said and exited. Penda clenched her teeth. Fantasia got on her best nerves

She was desperate for a title because being just a maid didn't work for her...



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