Not him, HER

By InsaneMaker

18.3K 869 292

{Second Book Completed} In where two best friends since childhood are finally happy in a serious relationship... More

{ Cast }
{Life Aesthetic}
{1- Party}
{2 -Where Is The Dull Truth?}
{3- Sgf2}
{4- Sgf2 Part.1}
{5- Pt.2}
{6- Pt.3}
{7- New Crew}
{Cast Pt.2}
{Life Aesthetic pt.2}
{8- Learning Her Past}
{9- Uncovering The Truth}
{10 -Mental Illness}
{11- One Step Closer}
{12- Confusion Strikes Again}
[13- The Return}
{14- Revealing The Truth}
{15- A Break}
{16- Start Of Vengeance}
{17- This Love}
{19- Happiness & goodbyes}
{20- The Good & The Bad}
{21- MAMA Awards}
{22- Mama's pt.2}
{23- Happiness Doesn't Last Long}
{24- Sdgf2 Final}
{25- The Proposal}
{26- Swf2 Concert}
{ 27 - Knowing Bros}
{28 - The Documentary}
{29- The Plot Twist}
{30- Evil's Victory}
{31- How I Survived}
{32- The End of SWF2}
{33- Every Lifetime}

{18- Uncertanteties}

495 23 10
By InsaneMaker

Bada's eyes fluttered open at the feeling of movement next to her. She squinted her eyes at the darkness engulfing her as she laid on the couch. Her eyes landed on her girlfriend who turned to the other side, almost falling on the couch. She reacted quickly, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her back. She could tell how uncomforted she was by how she furrowed her brows deeply and her right arm hung off. She let out a small sigh as she pushed herself looking down at her beautiful resting face. The corner of her lips turned upwards into a smile as she admired her gorgeous face. She reached over brushing a few hair strands to the side. Leaning down she pressed a kiss on her shoulder hearing her 'hmm' as she continued to sleep. Bada pushed herself off the couch as she grabbed her clothing from the ground. She changed into it in the meantime. She wrapped Leah's body with the blanket as she picked her bridal style. Her green blue eyes fluttered open as she observed her surroundings. Her eyes landed on the side of her girlfriend's face only seeing her lips and defined jawline. "Where are we going?" She whispered softly as her arms wrapped around her neck.

The taller girl looked down at the sleeping girl seeing how her eyes were half open and half closed. She was fighting back her sleep trying to stay awake. "Shh.. sleep. I'm just moving us to the bed." The sleeping girl nodded her head as she rested it against her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered close and had full trust in her. Bada chuckled as she made up the flight of stairs, her head turning from side to side unsure of which way to go. She bit her lower lip not knowing which room could lead to her bedroom. "It's to the right down the hall and the last door." Leah spoke softly with her eyes still closed. Bada smiled wider as she kissed the top of her head. She carried her down the hall, using her right hand to turn the handle. She pushes the door open, her mouth falling slightly open. Her bedroom is much different than the one in the apartment. It was definitely a lot bigger but had more warm tones to it. It felt warm and welcoming all at once. She took a deep breath in closing the door behind her as she carefully placed her girlfriend onto the bed. She pulled the covers over her seeing how she snuggled into her soft fluffy pillow. She stood back up, turning around only for her to stop on her tracks at the feeling of a warm hand holding hers. She raised a brow up in surprise as she glanced down. "Don't go, please. Don't leave me alone."

Although Leah never showed it or mentioned it, she had abandonment issues. Her parents abandoned her and kicked her out of the house when she was only seventeen. They turned their backs on her and never once asked for forgiveness or tried to help her in any way possible. They let her struggle all on her own. Bada didn't necessarily leave her but she did at one point give up on searching for her. She stopped looking and accepted the harsh truth that maybe Leah didn't want anything to do with her anymore. Yoon Ah left her for some money given to her by her very own wicked mother. She didn't have it in her to lose someone else, especially not Bada. She wouldn't be able to live properly without her. "Baby, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to take a quick shower and I promise I'll be back, oh?" She nodded her head as she stared at the taller woman. Bada leaned down pressing a kiss on her forehead, she brought her warm hand up kissing the back of her hand. She made sure to pull the covers over every inch of her body making sure she didn't get cold. She watched how Leah raised a hand up, placing it over her eyes as she slept peacefully. She licked her lips as she turned around looking for the closet in the darkness of the room. She turned on the small desk lamp allowing some light into the room.

Her eyes falling on the double doors leading to the closet. She placed her hands on the handles pushing the door open only for a surprise gasp to escape her lips. "Woah." She said as her eyes grew big at how fancy but beautiful the closet looked. She closed the doors behind her making sure not to wake her up. She slowly made her way down the center of the room The closet only being half way full of Leah's clothes meaning it would take a while to fill every drawer, corner and hanger in the room. She stopped in front of the huge mirror seeing her makeup laid out in organizers. She turned back around as she leaned her butt on the chair. Her brown eyes scanned every inch of the room until they fell onto the clothing rack. On the right side were some of her jackets and shirts. A huge smile appeared on her lips as her eyes landed on the leather jacket her girlfriend had bought for her. She took a few steps closer, her fingers brushing down the sleeve. "And here I thought I lost this, just like the shirt." She chuckled to herself seeing how Leah had kept everything for her. She had even made sure to fold her sweatpants and keep her clothing clean. She looked up, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a simple t-shirt.

She looked around through the drawers for undergarment coming across some Calvin Klein boxes and a few of her sports bras. She grabbed them heading down the room turning to the right coming across the huge master bathroom. Her jaw almost hit the ground at the sight of the gorgeous white marble bathroom. Her eyes grew even bigger than last time as she took a few steps in. Everything was separated from each other, the sink big enough for two people. Her shower had glass surrounding it, meanwhile the bathroom tub is enormous. It was right next to the window allowing you to see out into the wilderness. The toilet in the corner of the door with a slide door on it. "Wow, you really outdid yourself Moonie. How did you come across this incredible home?" She spoke to herself as she stood in the center of it. She took a moment to process everything in. Her eyes landed on a shelf near the sink seeing a stack of towels. She grabbed one for herself as she headed inside the shower. She really had nothing to worry about seeing not only her girlfriend's products but her own too.

Leah stirred in her sleep, her left hand patting the bed next to her feeling it cold and empty. Her eyes snapped open as she looked to the side. There was no sight of her girlfriend at all, she pouted as she pushed herself off the bed. She made her way into her closet seeing the bathroom lights on meaning she's still showering. She nodded her head softly as she changed into a baggy shirt and new pair of underwear. She made her way back onto the bed laying on her stomach not having the energy to pull the covers over her body. The older woman came out of the bathroom running her fingers through her now dried hair. She had made sure to use the hairdryer in the bathroom away from the bedroom. Her brown eyes landed on her girlfriend who hugged a pillow tightly. She chuckled seeing how her shirt rose up showing her butt and the new pair of underwear she was wearing. She didn't hesitate to make her way towards the bed. She got under the covers making sure to turn off the lamp. She turned around her eyes landing on Leah who turned around placing her head onto her chest. She wrapped her arms around her lower waist as her legs got entangled with hers. "I told you I wasn't going anywhere. Not now, and not ever." She kissed her head as she wrapped her arms around her.

The next morning had arrived faster than they hoped, for the first time in a while Bada woke up with a smile on her face. Her eyes fluttered open feeling the warm sunlight beaming against her skin. She squinted her eyes adjusting to the bright room. She let out a small groan as she rubbed her face feeling a warm body pressed against hers. She glanced to the side seeing how Leah cling onto her, her arms wrapped around her waist. Her head resting near her shoulder as she slept with a relaxed face. The times she has watched her sleep, she normally had both of her brows furrowed together tightly indicating she wasn't having a good sleep. The only times she's seen her relaxed is around her. Bada turned onto her side as she admired her beautiful face. She reached over brushing a few hair strands behind her ear. She looked up seeing how her roots had been coming in and she hadn't done the effort to adjust them. To her it indicated she didn't have any intention of keeping her blonde hair for too long. It was definitely her first time seeing her with blonde hair. Not only did it make her fair light skin pop out more but it made her green blue eyes more stunning and mesmerizing.

Bada's lips turned upwards as she carefully traced over her eyebrows seeing how nothing seemed to wake her up at that moment. She moved closer, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss on her lips. She carefully pushed herself out of the bed. Both girls have spent the entire morning together laughing and joking with one another. Leah smiled big as she ate the cooked breakfast made by her girlfriend. Her eyes have that same sparkle from before. She would cut pieces of her food and offer them to Bada who automatically accepted it. She opened her mouth allowing her to feed her. Neither of them with one ounce of makeup but in their eyes they were beautiful either way. Leah's favorite sight of Bada is seeing her with no makeup on, her bangs messy and her hair down over her shoulders. She enjoyed seeing her in that state knowing no one else got to witness her beauty. In Bada's eyes, she loved seeing her girlfriend with no makeup at all. Her hair pulled up into a messy bun, ponytail or pinned up by a hair clip. She fell in love with the sight of seeing a few hair strands hanging over on the front making her look more gorgeous.


Both Leah and Bada met up with Taeja at a small private caffe out of Seoul, away from everyone and away from everything. Leah wrapped her hands around the warm mug as she looked at the woman across from her who had a serious face. She typed something onto her laptop in deep concentration asking the women to give her a minute. Bada raised a brow up wondering how long this would take her. Mostly because she had a hair appointment to get to. She wanted to get the pink out of her and change it back to its original blonde/silver tone hair. "Look at this, these are the women/teenagers who he's stalked and harassed over the past few years." She turned the laptop over showing them the list of women. Leah's brows furrowed deeper as she stared at the screen. Her eyes started to water realizing she wasn't the only one he chose to harass and hurt. There were about twenty females, fifteen of them already grown adults and some of them still teenagers. Bada fixed the glasses on her nose as she took a better look at the screen. She placed her hand over the mouse scrolling down seeing the images of the women. She tilted her head to the side, noticing how they almost all had similar features and styles. "They're almost identical." She whispered as she continued to examine the pictures.

Taeja nodded her head, as she grabbed her mug, raising it to her lips. She took a small sip from her burning hot coffee. "You're right, they are similar and connect in some way. If you take a closer look you'll be able to notice how easily and similar they can resemble Leah." The blonde woman gulped down feeling her throat go dry. She felt a heavy weight on her chest the longer she stared at the pictures. She, too, could see what she meant. Each one of them had something similar to her, whether it was the hair, makeup, moles, beauty marks, the hair color, the clothing, the height and jewelry. The one thing making her different from them all is her colored eyes. "Why? Why is he so obsessed with me?" She asked, as her eyes stared ahead at nothing. Her mind tried to come up with many reasoning and explanations to why he would continue to chase after her. Why did he want to ruin her? And only her? She ran her fingers through her hair feeling stressed and uncomfortable with the new found information. "I'm not sure. All I know is you were his first victim. When you left Korea and started to travel for competition he started to look for other women who had similar features or styles like yours." Bada glanced at her girlfriend seeing how she stood up from her seat. She crossed her arms over her chest as she walked around the empty caffe thinking about something. Lately she seemed to be out of it and lost in her own thoughts. She tilted her head to the side as she licked her lips.

"I do want to also add that eight of the adult females and two minors are okay with talking on court and moving further without plan. Of course, we would have talked to the minors with their parents around but for the most part they know. The parents also want to be involved and want to see him behind bars." Leah nodded her head as she stood in front of the house window. Her eyes staring off into the distance as the waves crashed against the shore. Bada stared at the last slide on the PowerPoint coming across all the victims including her girlfriend. "Did you happen to know around what age these women were stalked or harassed by him?" Taeja shook her head no as she turned the laptop around. She started to type on it searching for her notes. She scrolled through them not coming across any age or number indicating how old they are. Leah bit her lower lip as she thought about the first time Howl approached her. She had just turned fifteen years ago, at that time she was still a minor.

Bada tossed her head back in frustration as she stared up at the ceiling. "The only clue I have at the moment is that one of the minors willing to talk to us said he first approached her two years ago. She's seventeen now." The blonde woman felt her entire body go cold at her answer. He's been doing the same thing to different women. At the age of fifteen? She gulped down feeling her throat go dry. She stood there in shock unsure of how to process this new found information. She ran her fingers through her hair hoping he didn't approach all of them at that age. The teenage hormones and naiveness, especially innocence's. Something many people loved to toy with. "When will you be meeting to speak to them?" She turned around heading back to her seat seeing how Taeja furrowed her brows in confusion and concentration.

She took a deep breath in turning the screen around again. She showed her the notes about the schedule and the names of the females. "I won't be meeting with it. I happen to have a friend who is a good detective who will be taking over the case. She supports women, anything having to do with abuse, manipulation, toxic relationships, women rights and more. She's very interested in this case. I thought that if I went they would oppose me, not wanting to say anything because of my relation with Howl." Leah nodded her head. She grabbed her mug taking a sip from her warm coffee. She took another longer sip as she read over the schedule. She couldn't back down now, not when she's not only doing this for herself but those innocent women who didn't deserve to go through any of it. In a way she felt guilty and responsible for not saying anything before. She let out a heavy sigh as she set the mug down. Bada placed a hand on top of her rubbing her thumb over the back of her hand. "It's okay, don't worry too much about it. You're not alone and none of this is your fault. You were just a girl, an innocent girl who didn't know what to do and believed all his nasty threats." A tear rolled down her face as she stared into her warm chocolate brown eyes. The same ones who have always made her feel safe. The only ones she finds herself searching for at all times.

Leah wiped the tear from her face as she intertwined her left hand with Bada's. "There's also something I forgot to mention. I lied to Howl about your relationship, since you guys were taking a break I told him you two broke up. I thought it would be a better choice given the fact it would make it easier for both of you to get closer to him and figure out why he's doing this or his weakness. Either one works, I'm sorry." She gave them an apologetic smile as her eyes traveled down to their hands. She wasn't trying to ruin their relationship or get between it but she knew her brother better than anyone else. The only way he would approach both girls is if they are apart from each other. The only reason he kept such a good relationship with Bada is because Leah wasn't around. He also wanted to keep tabs on them and for her to go through with her promise. That didn't mean his obsession and love for the younger girl had just vanished over time. If anything it kept growing bigger and hungrier. "I actually like that idea. The only way he would try to pursue or do anything is if I'm alone. We'll just have to meet in secret at my house for the time being. If any of the girls ask, we tell them we're still taking a break from each other, okay?" Her green blue eyes landed on her girlfriend who had a small pout on her lips. They had just gotten back together and told each other how they felt.

She couldn't argue or declined knowing she too wanted to help. All she could do was nod and accept it. Leah placed a hand underneath her chin turning her head around. She leaned down pressing her lips against hers causing her eyes to widen. Before she could respond back or do anything Leah had pulled away standing up from her seat. "I'll see you at home. I'm off, I'm meeting up with Yoon Ah's doctor." She waved goodbye at both girls as she grabbed the cap from the table. Taeja waved bye with a smile on her face watching how she left the cafe. As she tossed the cap on top of her head covering some part of her face. Her eyes flickered to Bada who sat there dumbfounded with a pink shade of blush on her cheeks. She bit her lower lip as the corner of her mouth turned upwards into a smile. She turned to watch her girlfriend leave, she jumped into the driver side of her car.

Coming out of the Psychiatric Hospital her eyes landed on a tall figure leaning against the wall. His left hand shoved into his pocket as his right hand held a lit cigarette. He took a hit from the cigarette letting out a cloud of smoke. She furrowed her brows taking a closer look, unable to see his face due to the cap over his head. It wasn't until he turned around when she realized who he was. She rolled her eyes turning around to head towards her car. She pulled out her keys stopping at the sight of Howl standing in front of her. "Are you avoiding me now? It wouldn't be a good idea regarding the fact that I can easily tell Bada everything." She took a deep breath in allowing her shoulders to fall. She looked off to the side not seeing many people around them other than the nurses who took the patience out for a walk. She nodded her head as her eyes landed on him once again. She didn't show him any type of emotion, not the fear of emotion he craved to see from her. The one she gave him years ago which gave him the very own reasoning to keep going with his plan. "Okay, do it. I meant it when I said I'm curious of what would happen if you tell her. You can threaten me, blackmail me and even ruin my image. I could care less what happens to me, Howl but no matter what you do it won't give me any reason to be with you."

He clenched his jaw as his nostrils flared in anger. He took a step closer to her seeing how she wasn't backing down. He needed to do something in order to get her back into her place. So much had changed and he had gotten distracted with other minor things. "What if I told the world you broke up with her to be with me? I wonder what others would think." Leah looked off to the side thinking about what he had just said. It didn't affect her nor scared her. She adjusted the cap over her head as she kept eye contact with him. She wasn't going to back down now and would make sure she sees him behind bars. She would do anything to keep her family and friends safe from him. Including if it meant she got her entire image and hard work ruined. He's the reason why she lost everything and hasn't been able to come back home. "Go ahead.. But Howl, I didn't break up with Bada so you could get a chance. I told you to stop being delulu about us. You mean nothing to me." She offered him a tight smile, dropping it seeing how his eye twitched. She walked past him bumping into his shoulder not wanting to be near him anymore. She looked down at her key unlocking her car with one button.

Howl didn't stop there he marched after her, gripping her wrist with strength and forcefully turning her around. "Must I remind you that you broke your promise to stay away from Bada?" His face inching closer to her with anger. She could see the fire in his eyes and the way his hold tightened around her wrist. Her hand curled into a fist as she tried not to show any pain she felt. His hand applied pressure every second making it worse. "Promise? I promised you I would stay away from her while you two were dating. I didn't promise to stay away from her my entire life. The person you should be mad at is yourself. I didn't break the promise if anything Bada is the one who came up to me first. Now let go of me!" She spat at him feeling anger and pain at the same time. She tried to tug her hand away only for him to pull her closer to him. She raised her other hand up, placing it against his chest. She pushed him away with her strength but it wasn't enough. He's much stronger, making her feel uncomfortable and scared. San who had been looking down at his phone looked up, his brows furrowing at the sight of the blonde girl. He tilted his head to the side seeing how a male gripped her arm. He shoved his phone into his pocket making his way to them. "Leah?" He asked out of curiosity playing his part. He didn't want the male to know he had seen them from a distance.

Leah pushed Howl off her and pulled her hand away from him. She took a deep hale in controlling her emotions and breathing. She plastered on a fake smile as her eyes landed on San. She tilted her head to the side, surprised to see him. "San? What are you doing here?" He offered her a smile as he took a few steps closer seeing how the taller male kept his distance. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he turned to look the opposite way, hiding his face. Howl clenched his jaw recognizing the name and voice. He knew who he was, a mutual friend of his that also attended their friend group hang outs. "My mother really likes the bakery down two blocks from here. I thought I would buy her some sweets and surprise her. What are you doing here? I haven't seen you much at the studio." Without thinking twice she inches closer to the male feeling more comfortable around him. She didn't know him that well but he still managed to make her feel a bit more safe than Howl has ever done. San seemed to notice it as he carefully grabbed her arm pulling her behind him. Howl turned his head to the side making his neck popped out he turned to look at her. Only to find her behind San who didn't know when to mind his own business. "Oh? Howl? Hyeong, what are you doing here? I didn't know you two knew each other." He innocently asked as he waited for his answer.

The older man plastered on a fake smile as his eyes landed on San. He bowed his head respectively not wanting to make anything seem out of the ordinary. "I just kept by to visit a family member. I happened to bump into Leah. We're friends thanks to my ex-girlfriend." San raised a brow up in surprise as he nodded his head. Howl ended up excusing himself feeling awkward and weirded out by the younger male. He left without saying another word or looking back once. He clenched his jaw in anger as he stomped his way to his car. Leah let out a shaky breath she had been holding as she watched him leave. She gulped down as her hand came up to her wrist massaging it. San waited for Howl to be out of their vision before turning around to face the older girl. "Are you okay? You two seemed to be in a heated argument." He wasn't trying to get involved into her personal life but what he had witnessed was much more than just a heated argument. He saw how he grabbed her arm and the way he slowly started to raise his foot up to place it on top of hers. The times he's met up with Howl and hung out with him, he had always thought he was an odd guy. The way he only talked and joked with some of their friends and didn't say anything to the others. He always kept many things to himself and preferred to talk about other people's lives instead of his. He also happened to notice his smile would drop whenever someone would mention their girlfriends or utter Leah's name into the conversation.

Of course, the group of friends were either idols or dancers who've been part of the industry for years. Most of them intrigue and idolize Leah for all her hard work. Some of them have been supporting her since Eternal was first formed and others becoming a fan due to Street Woman Fighter 2. "I'm fine, thank you. He's just an old friend who I'm trying to cut ties with, is all. Thank you again but I have something to attend to." San nodded his head. He offered to take her to her car incase of anything else happened. In which she agreed and felt comfortable with. He closed the door behind her waving goodbye to her. He watched her pull out of the parking lot and leave. This of course made him wonder what was going on between them? He couldn't help but worry about her. Howl seemed to be acting strange around her. He's never once seen him treat a girl that way. Yet, with Leah he turned into a different person.


The half Korean Mexican girl sat quietly in a hairstyles studio. She had booked an appointment about two months ago knowing she needed to get rid of every inch of blonde hair. Although she enjoyed having different colors of hair she knew darker hair suited her better. Plus there's also the fact that anytime she did choose to go blonde she had been going through some things. The first time she bleached her hair she felt really insecure about herself and didn't know who she was. She didn't know where she stood with herself or who she wanted to be. Slowly as her hair roots started to come in she started to find herself within her members. They have always helped her out of the darkness. They were the sole reason she's alive and she turned to be the person she is now. They were able to help her heal and show her that it was okay for her to lean on them. She knew she could depend on them no matter what the problem or issue was. Overtime they had become much more than just her members. They were her family, a family who always stood by her side and never abandoned her. Not even when she fell into deep depression. They remained by her side and helped her out of it. They took care of her when she needed her parents the most. They were and still are her true happiness. She couldn't wish for anything more in life. "Now are you sure you want to go back to the dark brown? You know I can only wash out any of the hair dye but we would have to redye your hair again."

Leah nodded her head, she unlocked her phone and opened the Pinterest app. There's actually a hair color she had in mind which she prayed it would look good on her. "Actually, there's this hair color I came across that I wanted to try. It's like a black blue, the blue is only noticeable underneath sunlight or bright lights." The hair styles nodded her head. She took the phone from her hands as she zoomed into the picture. She scanned it making sure if she had the colors in stock to be able to perform the masterpiece. She told the younger girl to give her a minute while she checked the back. Lately they had been extremely busy with new customers because of Leah giving them a shout out and tagging them on the first pose she posted with blonde hair. "Lucky for you, I have everything. We can definitely do it. Are you ready?" Leah nodded her head excited to see the ending results.

By the time they were done two hours had gone by, the hairstyles had always been quick with her work. She also made sure to get almost all the blonde out of her hair. Since Leah had beautiful brown hair it would be easier to apply the dark hair color over it then needing to bleach it again. She actually had finished in the first hour but decided to curl her hair. "And we're done." She turned the seat around showing Leah who's mouth fell open in shock. She smiled upon seeing how beautiful her hair looked with the color. The darker tone definitely suited her and made her features stand out more. Her eyes were sparkling and enhanced by it. "I know you said no extensions but I added tape extensions. I know you have that big performance coming up so after that you can just easily remove them. And if you do want the extensions you can always call me." The younger girl giggled seeing how amazing her hair looked. She did want to keep it short but at the same time she's always used to having longer hair. She made sure to thank the older woman. She hugged her tightly with the biggest smile ever.

Her happiness had lasted only a minute as she sat in her car and her phone went off. She glanced at it seeing multiple text messages being sent to her. She furrowed her brows in confusion as she stared down at it. She unlocked her phone by clicking on her manager's message. He sent her a link to a post on twitter, she didn't really use twitter. The one managing her account is Baekhyun since she preferred not to be on social media. Knowing how overwhelming and stressful it could be to your mind. After the many incidents with Stray Kids and how people posted the most disgust-ingest things about her. She prefers to just long out and only use Instagram from time to time. Her eyes widened at a picture of her and Howl, you could clearly see him grabbing her wrist and how he spoke to her. It was clear as day the face of uncomfortableness on her. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at the picture knowing that it would eventually happen with how much Howl harassed her and approached her in public. It was bound to happen that someone would recognize them and take a picture. She dropped her head leaning her forehead against the wheel. Her phone buzzed every second, she got constant messages and phone calls from everyone. She took a deep breath in, not allowing herself to cry about something so meaningless. She knew sooner or later the world would eventually find out about this.

It didn't matter if she spoke up or if someone mentioned something about it. People would see it and spread rumors about them. She lifted her head up, placing her phone on do not disturb. She looked at the comments seeing how they were uncertain. Many people commented saying it looked like a form of abuse, saying they were in a secret relationship. Some say he's fed up with keeping their relationship a secret. There were a few who said she deserved it all. She let out a huge exhale feeling her shoulders dropped as she lost hope in society. It wasn't the first time that the public/netizens failed to help or protect her. She sniffed as she dialed her manager's phone, she patiently waited for him to answer. "Hey, oppa? Is there any way you can change the flight for tonight? I would rather be with the boys instead of here." Baekhyun let out a small 'hmm' as he thought about it. He told her to give him a minute while he looked at the plane tickets. She wasn't running away from her problems, she actually sought help. It was better to ask for Chan's opinion knowing he always viewed everything differently. He also is the best to comfort other people when needed. "The earliest plane is at ten pm tonight. It'll take you around eleven hours to get there." She gave him the go to book the flight.

Leah headed home knowing she needed to start packing soon. She wanted to be there not only to support the guys but helped them with the choreography and the stage filming. She had always been good at requesting where the camera would look best. She's not only fluent in Korean and Spanish but English as well. She studied nonstop in high school when it came to different languages. When she arrived home she noticed the lights of her kitchen meaning Bada is home. She bit her lower lip as she unlocked her front door. She removed her shoes by the door and slipped into her slippers. She removed her jacket and placed it on the wooden rack. She made her way to the kitchen, tossing her purse on the couch. The taller woman placed two places on the dining table. She lifted her head at the sound of footsteps. Her eyes landed on her girlfriend who walked in with a small smile on her face. She glanced down only for her to tilt her head to the side as she looked back up. Her eyes landed on her hair seeing how she changed it all of the sudden. "Your home early? Wow, your hair.." Leah smiled as she made her way to her. She stood in front of her pulling her hair forwards. Bada reached over running her fingers through her silky soft hair.

The dark color really brought out her eyes making them to be the most notable feature of her face. "Do you like it? It was a last minute decision. I thought either try something new or stick to dark brown." She ran her fingers through her hair pushing it to the side. Bada nodded her head as she took a strand of hair into her hand. She looked down at it seeing how much darker than her brunette color was. She looked up, meeting her girlfriend with beautiful green blue eyes. She smiled leaning down pressing a small gentle kiss on her lips. The shorter girl let out a chuckle as she looked to the side feeling her face heating up. Her cheeks turned a shade of pink feeling shy all of the sudden. "I like it, it makes your eyes pop out more. You look absolutely stunning." Bada took a step back as her eyes glanced down her body seeing the attire she was wearing. It wasn't anything special but she still managed to look good in baggy clothing.

"Ahh! You're making my heart race! If we're talking about beauty, look at yourself. You look beautiful with any hairstyle." She batted her lashes at her seeing Bada become flustered by her compliment. She smiled, keeping eye contact with her. She leaned down, meeting her height level. She didn't hesitate to grab the side of her face and plaster kisses all over her face. Leah giggled at being attacked by her girlfriend. She tried to run away only for the older girl to wrap her arms around her tightly.

They ate in silence, Bada glancing at her every once in a while checking up on her. "My flight got changed to tonight. I'll be gone for four days instead of three." The handsome girl nodded her head, she was the most understanding out of everyone Leah knew. She didn't protest or argue about it knowing how busy both of them have gotten. Plus she's always committed to being Stray Kids's choreographer. Nothing could ever change that mostly because the guys love her more than anything. They always loved her ideas and the outcome of her choreographies. Not only did their songs become viral but their dancing did as well.

They couldn't help but be grateful towards her, knowing she always made sure they looked good no matter what. "Okay, I saw.. You know. Is there anything I should know?" She asked, setting her chopsticks down. She had finished her meal and has been wanting to ask her all day. She's always trusted her and it's not like she didn't. It's more that she wanted to know if she got hurt in any way because of him. Lost knows if he did dare put a hand on her, she would lose her shit. She would make sure to make Howl pay for everything he's done to her girlfriend. She might not seem like the overprotective type but when it came to Leah she would do anything. She would make sure to give Howl a piece of her mind.

Leah took a sip of her whine, she placed her glass down shaking her head no. She brushes her hair behind her ears not wanting it to get in the way. She grabbed a piece of meat and shoved it into her mouth. She chewed on it carefully feeling her eyes boarding into the side of her face. "It wasn't a big deal. I'll handle it, after all it's my problem. I'm just waiting for Taeja to get the go on the case and for my lawyer to send him the paperwork." Bada nodded her head as she bit her lower lip. She would be lying if she said she wasn't worried about her. She remembered what Tatter had told her, that she might seem to be doing good on the outside but was struggling inside. She placed a hand over her girlfriend's seeing her lift her gaze. She grabbed her hand lifting it up to her lips, she pressed a tender kiss watching how Leah gulped down looking into her dark brown eyes. Her pupils dilated as she stared at her with such an intense look. "We'll make sure he pays for what he did. I won't leave you alone to deal with this." She nodded her head clearing her throat as she looked away from her. She grabbed her glass of wine tilting her head back as she down the rest. She had noticed how Bada could easily pull her confident and cheeky side in a matter of seconds. It always made her heart flutter and left her speechless.

Bada smirked seeing how she became shy all of the sudden. She avoided eye contact with her and finished her food. She chuckled knowing how much control she had over her. She could easily make her fold with one single look or action. It was the same way with Leah, she could easily make Bada crumble in a matter of seconds. Both of them loved how deeply in love they were with one another. Nothing could ever come between them, at least not again. Bada leaned against the door frame as she stared at her girlfriend who threw her hair up into a messy low bun. She had removed every once of her makeup not wanting to deal with it on the trip. She didn't want to make any efforts on removing it or doing her skincare. She would rather do it now and just sleep through the flight. She watches how she adjusted her coat knowing the weather has been colder recently. She grabbed her suitcase and rolled it out of the room. Her eyes landed on Bada who stood there with a smirk on her lips. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She shook her head, taking the suitcase from her hand. She carried it with her down the hall and down the stairs. Leah tilted her head to the side in confusion wondering what that was about? She shrugged it off grabbing her purse as she closed the door behind her.

Standing by her front door Bada wrapped her arms around her waist as she looked down at her. A pout on her lips feeling sad that her girlfriend was leaving. They had just gotten back together and she had to fly out to Las Vegas. She really hoped she would stay here with her. "I really wish I could take you to the airport." Leah offered her a smile. She wished that too but with how everything was going right now. It was best for her to stay out of view. She didn't want to get her involved with any of it. Mostly because she knew how hard the public and social media could be towards a person. Baekhyun placed the suitcase into the back of the car. He closed the trunk as he walked around looking inside of the car. "I do too but it's best this way. We can't let anyone see us at the moment. Don't worry too much about me, I'll text you when I land." She wrapped her arms around her lower waist leaning her head against her shoulder. Bada leaned down, hugging her tighter. She planted a kiss on top of her head as she took a whiff of her sweet scent.

Landing in Las Vegas was different and hard all at the same time. She covered her face with sunglasses and a mask not wanting to be recognized by anyone. If they didn't recognize her by Eternal they would definitely recognize her by being related to her brothers. Baekhyun helped her with her suitcase as they headed down the busy airport. So far everything had been going smoothly, not a single person noticed her. There weren't any paparazzi's or reports hogging the entrance. She walked out the airport seeing her younger brother leaning against a black car. He waved at her smiling behind his mask, happy to see her again. She chuckled, feeling at ease. Her brothers have always managed to make her feel at peace and relax. She made her way to him with her manager's help as they crossed the street. Felix didn't wait for her to get closer to him. He instantly attacked her into a tight embrace, missing her more than anyone else in the world. She giggled, hugging him back and feeling at home. Bada might have become her home but she had different types of homes. Her brothers being the ones who always stuck by her side and the people she helped raise. Bada not only being her childhood friend, her best friend and her lover. She's seen the good and the bad. None of it scared her away and she always managed to find her way back to her.

Felix accompanied her to her hotel room only to be greeted by the guys who screamed in excitement at the sight of her. She removed the sunglasses and mask from her face. She set them down onto the table being pulled into a hug by Chan. The guys joined in making it a group hug, she smiled brightly feeling safe and comfortable with them. People might say things like she's only their choreography and that it is, but that couldn't be far from the truth. She wasn't just their choreographer, she's their friend, best friend, older sister and had even grown up with them. That bond could never be replaced nor broken easily. The first thing they decided to do is head to breakfast together. Leah told them she would meet them down stairs and would change quickly. She quickly changed into a comfortable outfit and headed outside. She closed the door behind her, coming face to face with Hyunjin who offered her a smile. "I thought I'd wait for you. There's also something I wanted to talk about." She nodded her head as she walked alongside him. She brushed a few hair strands behind her ears as she looked ahead at the long bright hallway. The taller male wasn't sure how to bring up the situation. They had all heard and seen the post on twitter, it had been trending and circling around the web. He along with the guys had made the mistake of reading the comments and seeing how crucial they were being towards her.

Most of the comments defended Howl instead of defending her. It was common with this society, how the world always found excuses for the male but never once tried to fit into the women's shoes. No one ever tried to imagine how she felt or the fear running through her body. "I'm sure you know that we've all seen the post. I won't talk about that, I want to know how you feel. This can't be easy to deal with, especially when I have dealt with something similar." She looked down at the ground remembering the rumor being spread about him being a bully. In reality it wasn't true at all, it was all a lie and a rumor created to destroy his career. A career he had worked incredibly hard for and wouldn't give up so easily on it. She bit her lower lip as she thought about it. She tried not to think too much about it knowing she would get angered and fed up about it. She tried to keep her cool and ignore it for the time being. "It isn't the first time someone's tried to ruin my image, right? I think at this point I'm just used to it which is sad to say. The world never seems to have my back no matter how nice or kind I am to them. I'm just waiting for all of this to calm down before speaking out about it." He nodded his head. He didn't really understand what she meant by waiting it out but he would support her decision.

She's always been under the spotlight ever since Seon Ho became an actor. Once he started to get recognized for his work by many fans and netizens. It was clear that at one point everyone would find out about his family and part of his personal life. "Even if the world doesn't have your back you know we do. We would do anything for you, just like you've done for the past seven years. I want you to remember that you're not alone, at least not anymore." She turned to look at him stopping in her tracks. Lately everyone seemed to be reminding her about that. That she wasn't alone anymore, she didn't have to do everything on her own. It actually made her a bit emotional hearing the people she loves so much tell her that. It meant a lot to her seeing how much people actually cared about her. Hyunjin turned around realizing she had stopped walking. He raised a brow in surprise seeing her staring out the huge window with tears in her eyes. "Thank you. Thank you for always comforting me and reminding me I'm not alone." She turned to look at him with a smile. He nodded his head nudging his head to the side telling her to keep walking. She laughed fast walking to him, keeping up with his long legs.

When they arrived downstairs at the cafeteria the guys were all waiting for them. They had only ordered their drinks as they patiently waited for the waiter to come back. She took a seat in the middle next to Felix and Changbin. Chan sat across from her taking a sip from his cold water. "We order you an iced coffee with milk and a few sugar packets." She nodded her head. Felix handed her the menu as she took a glance at what she wanted to order. She puckered her lips out like a duck as she thought about what would be best to eat. She wasn't a morning person nor didn't really eat heavy breakfast. She finally decided on something, setting the menu down as her eyes landed on Jeong-In who talked about their performance coming up. The guys were extremely nervous because they finally got the chance to perform on a bigger stage in America. It had been such an honor to them being able to get invited to the Billboards Awards and perform too. They were over the moon with excitement and happiness. Leah scrunched her nose, finding him quite adorable how he talked about the stage. They had arrived a few days earlier than her and had seen everything. They got the run down and the schedule on how things were going to go. The waiter came by apologizing for interrupting their conversation. They order their food now casually waiting for their food.

Seung-min started to talk next, making her eyes flicker to him. A smile on his face as he told them that he's really happy with the performance they are about to give. They had tweaked a few things here and there but over all. They couldn't wait to be on stage and feel the love of Las Vegas. The food soon arrived and they thanked the waiter who started to place the plates down. Their conversation died down as they ate in peaceful silence and enjoyed each other's company. Chan grabbed a piece of sausage from his plate, placing it onto hers. Her green blue eyes glance up, meeting his as he offers her a smile. "You should eat more, you looked skinnier than the last time we saw you." Her eyes slightly widened realizing how he had noticed it. Her vision became glossy as she stared at him, seeing how much he cared about her. She cleared her throat nodding her head. She stabbed the sausage, taking a bite from it. Chan looked to the side, he stole a piece of her pancakes watching how she had become distracted with Han who offered her some shredded potatoes from his plate. "Yah! Changbin!" She shouted smacking him on the shoulder as he laughed while shoving the food into his mouth. The rest of the guys laughed, finding their interactions always funny. They always bickered about food, Changbin always stealing her food and drinks without asking.

The tall handsome girl who arrived at a dance studio glanced down at her phone and received a message from Felix. She clicked on the message, a video popping out of Leah who offered Min-ho some of her nacho chips. Bangchan steals her coffee and takes a sip. Her brows furrowed deeply in anger as she punched him on the shoulder shouting at him. He ended up ordering her another coffee due to the fact he drank it all. When the coffee arrived they both fought over it ending with them laughing at one another. Bada smiled at the sight of her girlfriend enjoying her time in Las Vegas. She shook her head as she shoved the phone back into her pocket. She greeted the front desk personnel as she headed into a room. When she walked into the room her smile dropped at the sight of Howl standing in front of the mirror practicing a choreography. His headphones plugged into his ears as his body moved. She rolled her eyes, feeling annoyed just by the sight of him. She placed her things down in the corner of the room not wanting to deal with him. She really hopes he leaves and doesn't end up staying for her class. She removed the glasses from her face and tossed them inside her bag. "Bada? I didn't know you would be teaching a class today?" Her eyes fluttered shut as she took a deep inhale in.

Her eyes snapped open as she poked her tongue on the side of her cheek. She plastered on a fake smile as she stood up, turning around to face the male. "Yeah, I'm not really teaching much nowadays. My schedule has been all over the place. What are you doing here out of all places?" She asked, making the conversation flow naturally. She didn't really care why he was here, all she cared about was him leaving. After seeing the image where she could tell he forcefully grabbed her girlfriend, she's been wanting nothing more than to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. She's aware she needs to keep her composure if she wants Leah's plan to work out. "I was just practicing a new choreography. I heard you and Leah broke up, actually no. She broke up with you? How are you holding up?" He shoved his hands into his front pockets. Her eyes traveled down his body realizing how he wore a flannel she had gifted him when they first started to date. She didn't understand why he still had it? Now that she knew the whole truth and that he never felt anything towards her? Why keep the stupid flannel? Which obviously means nothing to him. Bada looked away from him as she stretched her body out.

"I'm fine, nothing too much to worry about. I'll get over it. She wasn't the type of person I thought she was." She spoke out spite, not towards her girlfriend but him. Instead of saying his name and seeming as if she's talking about him. She decided to just use it against the situation. She placed a sad look upon her face as she looked down at the ground as she stretched her legs. She wasn't an actor but needed to make it look believable. At least just for him, she wanted him to rely on her and needed to know his next plan. "Yeah, she likes to pretend in front of others. I thought she was this kind hearted person but she's been harassing me all this time. She won't leave me alone and wants us to end up together. I don't understand how she would do that to her best friend." He placed a small pout on his lips as he looked at Bada who pretended to be surprised. She raised her brows up making her mouth fall a bit open. She acted confused, unsure of how to process the fact she would do that to her. She covered her face sniffing pretending to almost cry. She let out a shaky breath moving her finger to the side allowing her to see his face. She watches how the corner of his mouth twitches upwards. "Don't worry, I'm here for you, Bada. Whatever you need." She nodded her head covering her eyes. He walked off to the side, grabbing a water bottle and twisting the cap.

She felt his hand on her shoulder feeling her body tensed up. Leah wasn't wrong about him, he really had to sides. His innocent sweet caring side and the twisted one where he didn't care about hurting others unless he got what he wanted. She removed her hands from her face seeing him offer her some water. She took the water bottle from his hold. Hearing the door open she turned away from him as she sniffed, wiping the tears away. "Well, I'll just go and allow you to start your class." She nodded, turning to look at him. Kyma walked in with a smile on her face. She bowed her head at Howl who excused himself by shutting the door behind him. Bada's brown eyes waited until he was completely out of sight. She took a deep breath in feeling her blood starting to boil. She turned around slamming the bottle against the mirror watching the water splatter everyone. Kyma flinched at the sudden movement, she had never seen the older girl act in such a way. "Unnie, what's wrong?" She asked worried about her. She gulped down taking careful steps closer to her. Bada had never felt this much rage in her body before.

For once she felt as if she could really kill someone if she wanted to. "Nothing, I just need to take a breather. I'll be back." Kyma nodded her head watching her leave the room. The taller woman walked into the bathroom, locking the door. She leaned against the sink staring at herself in the mirror. Her hands turned into fist as she clenched her jaw. Her entire body turned hot from how much her blood started to boil. She took a deep breath in, letting the air out and trying to calm herself down. She looked down at the sink turning the water on. She splattered cold water onto her face feeling another different type of feeling. It definitely brought her back to her senses and allowed her to think clearer.

-Heyyy.... we will defiantly see a different side of Bada coming out soon. I'm really excited for you guys to see her character development and how this story plays out. I apologize if these few chapters have been a bit boring I just needed to add up to the plot and what's about to happen. Anyways I hope you have or had a great day! Muah!!! -Luv L

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