By HermesStories

5K 199 16

"Remember the promise you made years ago?" My brother asked from the phone. "Which one?" I asked as I blow a... More

Author's Note
I. Sōzokujin Academy
II. Note
III. His Sister
IV. Oh Brother
V. Serve
VI. Breakfast
VII. Surprise
VIII. Storm
IX. On
X. Late
XI. Kitchen Duty
Author's Note
XII. Food
XIII. Caught
XIV. Red
XV. Pretty Cute
XVII. Sleepover
XVIV. Wish
XX. His Fingers
XXI. Get Lost
XXII. The Plan
XXIII. Idiot
XXIV. Spill
XXV. Punishment
XXVI. Second
XXVIII. Explain

XVI. Graves

70 5 2
By HermesStories

"What were you doing there?!"

Everyone was up their feet as they circle around a confused and scared Bokuto.

Ennoshita walked over Hideko and sat beside her as he rubs her back gently.

"Are you alright Hideko-chan? Did he do something?"

"You can tell us." Narita added as he sits on her other side.

Suga was running in the halls with one thing in his mind.

They better start praying. Akaashi and Terushima, I won't have mercy.

He stopped in front of Johzenji's room and knocked on the door as loud as he can not caring if he wakes up the whole building.

The door opened then Suga pushed his way in.

The boy who opened the door fell on the floor as he glares at the intruder.

"What the hell?!"

"Where is he?!" Suga yelled at everyone as he looks each and everyone's faces.

The boys started arguing with him but he didn't care. He marched towards Terushima and grabbed him by his shirt.

"You are coming with me." He started dragging him by the front of his shirt across the room as the boys from Johzenji grabbed him and pushed him away from their captain.

"What the fck is wrong with you?!"
"Are you crazy!?"

Suga stood up and glared at Terushima.

"You are coming with me. We have something to discuss."

"No! He is not coming with a lunatic like you!" The boys started yelling at him to leave.

"If you don't leave we will tell the coaches and make sure you and your team are kicked out!"

Terushima looked at Suga confused with his aggression.

Suga didn't care to listen with their threats as he remains his focus at his target.

"Why are you here Suga?" Terushima asked as he slowly walked closer to him.

That's right. You better watch your move.

"You know why."

"I don't. As a matter of fact, you're out of your place-"

"You have no right to say that after last night! What do you know about being out of place?" Suga yelled as he grabs hold of Terushima's shirt once again.

Terushima's glared left his face as he finally understands the situation.

Terushima gulps as he looks at Suga's eyes who looks like he's ready to cut his head off.

Oh sht.

"You are coming with me." Suga firmly said as he pushes Terushima back.

Terushima dusted his clothes and looked at his friends.

"I'll be back guys-"

"What? Are you crazy?!"
"Don't even think about it!"
"You are not leaving with him!"

"Everyone! I'll be fine. I'll be back. Just go back to whatever you guys were doing." Terushima said as he walked out the room following Suga.

Suga marched towards Fukurodani's room and banged on the door.

The door opened with Akaashi looking at them with a raised brow.

"Good evening -"

Suga pulled him out the door by grabbing his shirt.

The door opened again as other Fukurodani members went out.

"What the hell?"

"What is going on Suga?" Akaashi asked as he tries to pry Suga's hand off his shirt.

"We need to talk. Now." Akaashi looked in front of them to see Terushima with wide eyes.


"Guys, go inside. I'll be back." Akaashi said without looking back at his team.

"What are you-"

"I'll be back with Bokuto. Go inside. Now." Akaashi said as he was let go by Suga.

"I can explain." Hideko whispered feeling flustered.

How do I say this?! Where do I even begin?

The door slammed opened with Suga entering followed by Terushima and Akaashi.

Oh. My. God.

Daichi marched towards them and pushed them further inside.

"Bokuto, come here!" Daichi yelled as he glares at boy who is surrounded by Karasuno.

Bokuto walked over to Akaashi and Terushima, feeling threatened with the situation.

"You three need to explain what happened."

"Fck explanations! I say, we beat them!" Noya yelled.

Hinata and Tanaka yelled in agreement.

The room was in chaos.

"Did you touch her?!"

Oh my heavens. These boys are out of hand.
I don't think I'm surviving this camp.

"Stop! Everyone just stop." Hideko yelled over them.

Hideko looked at the 3 boys who looked like they're about to crap their pants.

Damn. These boys are scary when they want to be.

Hideko breathed in deep and asked them all to sit down in which everyone refused.

"Guys, come on. I'll tell you everything but first move away from them and take a seat."

Alright. Here it goes. Crossing my fingers.

"Remember the meat buns sensei and my brother gave the team?"

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"I'm going to get there!"

Suga walked over to her and crouched down in front of her and gave her a gentle smile.

"Go ahead Hideko-chan. We're listening." He said in a calm voice.

"I'll start. If it's okay, Hideko-chan." She gave Akaashi a nod.

"No. I think it's suppose to be me princess."

"I can just-"

"I'll start, exactly where it began." She gave him a nod as he took a deep breath and looked at the other boys.

"Last night, there was an argument going on in the bathrooms. I'm sure you guys remember." Terushima asked the boys with raised brows.

"You guys were in a fight?" Hideko asked concerned as she looks at her friends.

"Let's not talk about that." Suga said as he glares at him.

"Alright. Akaashi and Bokuto entered the bathroom and left to go to the kitchen. So I went with them. Princess was there making snacks so we decided to help out." Terushima said.

"We were doing a lot. So that we can stock it up for the other days. Unfortunately, we didn't check the time." Akaashi continued.

"Suddenly the lights was out!" Bokuto yelled.

The boys were telling what happened until they were in Hideko's room.

"We panicked! I panicked. I just told oniisan that I'll be out and accompany him."

"The plan was to hide, in case someone opens the door. Then leave a few minutes after they're gone. But-" Terushima was cut off.

"We heard coaches outside the door. We waited for them to leave. It wasn't even a minute when little red came in."

"I was so tired and I just wanted to sleep. So I jumped in the bed and took off my clothes-"

"You what?!"
"Why would you do that?"
"You were naked?!"

"Oya! Oya! Quiet!"

"No! I wasn't naked. I was wearing my undergarments." She said as her voice shook in nervousness and embarrassment.

"I heard someone cough. I panicked and ran towards the light switch and turned it on. Bokuto went out of his hiding place then-" Hideko was surprised to see the boys jump at the 3.

"Guys! Wait! It's not their fault! It was an accident. And no one was hurt! I wasn't hurt!" Hideko yelled over their voices. She looked beside her to see no one as everyone was surrounding the 3.

"Kuroo-san! You have to help me! The boys are not listening!"

"Neko-chan, you don't have to worry anymore. The boys and I will handle this." Kuroo said as he smirked with fire in his eyes, joining the group of boys in the middle of the room.

"Man, those guys are loud!" Tendo said.

"They are being inconsiderate." Ushijima added.

"I'll go and tell them that Ushijima!" Tendo grinned as he ran outside their room and knocked on Karasuno's door.

Knock. Knock.

The door slightly opened with Hideko peaking her head out.

"Hello chibi-chan! You're here again?"
Hideko nodded her head as she cringes as shouts and crashes were heard behind her.

She went out of the room and closed the door as she looks up at Tendo with her back in the door.

"Seems like your team's having fun?"

Hideko was about to respond when someone from the inside yelled.

"What did you do to neko-chan?!"

Hideko's eyes widen as Tendo tilted his head.

"They're talking about you." He said.

He looked at her flushed face and nervous demeanor.

"Come on. Let's play hide and seek with them!". Tendo grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his team's room.

The boys are going to be pissed. He thought as he grins wide.

He opened the door and ran inside dragging Hideko with him as he shuts the door close.

"We made it!" He said with a smirk towards the girl.

He looked at his team and opened his arms wide open.

"Hey guys! Look! I have a surprise!"
The boys looked at him like he was crazy.

Hah. Gotcha.

Hideko fidgeted as she stood in front of the boys of Shiratorizawa.

"What is the meaning of this Tendo?" Ushijima walked towards the 2 by the door.

"She's hiding from her team. Isn't that fun?"

"Hiding? Is everything alright Hideko?" Semi asked as he gently pushed Hideko further in the room.

"Uh. Yes. Um. Something happened. And. Yeah. I'm. Uh. Here." Hideko stuttered feeling shy all of a sudden.

"Speak properly. No one can understand." Shirabu said.

"Don't listen to him! Here, sit beside me. Do you want some candy?" Goshiki said as he moves to make space for her.

"It's alright Hideko. You're safe with us." Semi added.

"Why? Are you not safe with your team? Did they hurt you?" Kawanishi asked.

"We will need to report this to the coaches." Ushijima said.

Hideko turned around to face Ushijima and shook her head side to side.

"No! They didn't hurt me. They're.. um."

"What? Were they indecent with you?" Shirabu asked.

"How vulgar! Shirabu you do not just say things like that!" Semi scolded the boy.

The boys stared at her as they waited for her to answer.

Hideko sighed and took a seat beside Goshiki.

"They didn't hurt me. We were playing a game."

"What game?" Tendo asked.
"Its not important." Shirabu said.

"It started there. We were playing 2 lies 1 truth. Bokuto-san said something about mine. And well... Something just came up and everyone is not taking it well."

What the hell did she just say?
2 lies 1 truth started all this noise?
The boys thought.

"They weren't suppose to know. No one was suppose to know. Bokuto-san, Akaashi-san, Terushima and I agreed to never speak of it. But Bokuto-san accidentally-"

"What is it?" Shirabu cut her off.

"You don't have to say anything anymore Hideko." Semi said as he glares at Shirabu.

Goshiki gave her a bottle of water as he smiles at her.

"It's not yet opened. Drink some." She thanked him and drank a few gulps.

"So, what's the plan?" Tendo stood in front of them with hands on his waist.

"I think they're hurting them... I tried to explain but they wouldn't listen. Then Tendo-san came to the door -"

"How so chibi-chan? Why'd you think that?"

"Well, they were jumping on them and pushing them. They were yelling so much, I doubt they even heard me." Hideko said with concern filling her eyes.

"We should help."

"And what? Get in the middle of a fight?"

"It's better to stop them now before it gets worse." Yamagata said.

"They're on their own. It's their asses on the line." Shirabu responded.

"Coach will be angry if he finds out that we knew about the fight and did nothing." Ushijima said as he walks out of the room.

"Well. Looks like we're going in." Tendo said as he winks at Hideko and ran after his friend.

Kawanishi and Yamagata ran after Tendo.

"It'll be okay." Reon said as he smiled at her as he closed the door.

Knock Knock Knock

Ushijima waited for someone to open the door.

Yamagata banged on the door.

The door was opened by Asahi.

"This is your fault!"
"Nobody moves!"
"Why will we let you out?!"

"Hello. Um. Is there something I can help you with?" Asahi asked just as another crash was heard inside.

"Keep it down, will you!" Yamagata yelled as he was pulled back by Tendo.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. It's in the middle of the night. Can't the ruckus wait?" Tendo asked with a grin.

Ushijima cleared his throat and walked in front of his friends.

"I would like to speak to the captain."



The door was closed as they stood waiting outside.

"Are we really doing this?" Kawanishi asked as he looked at his friends.
He didn't received any response as everyone stood silent, waiting for Daichi to come out.

The door opened then Daichi went out and closed the door.

"Yes?" Daichi asked.

"What is going in there? We heard-"

"Noises. And crashes. And a lot of yelling. Having a party?" Tendo cut off Ushijima.

"None of your concern. We are handling something right now."

"It is our concern. Hideko-"

"Where is she?" Daichi asked with a glare.

"She is safe. That we can assure you." Ushijima replied.

"Is she in your room?" Daichi asked as he makes his way to their door.

"Why? What makes you think that?" Kawanishi asked nervously.

Daichi knocked on the door waiting for it to be opened.

"I spoke to chibi-chan awhile ago. She looked upset. I told her to go where she feels safe." Daichi stopped knocking and turned around to look at Tendo.

"Where is she?"

"You tell us. Where do you think she'll go?" Yamagata asked.

Daichi sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Damnit." He grumbled.

"Mind telling us?" Tendo asked.

Daichi shook his head side to side with a frown.

"We're just handling something. It'll all be over soon."

"It better be!" Yamagata said with his hands on his waist.

"She looked upset?" Daichi asked with his head down.

"Scared, even." Tendo replied.

"I'll go. Don't worry about the noise. Sorry for the bother." Daichi walked towards his room with his back on them.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on her."

"What a bunch, right Ushijima?" Tendo asked as he and the rest entered the room.

Hideko looked at them with concern.

"How was it? Are they okay?" Hideko stood up and asked with her hands shaking.

Shirabu slowly pushed her back down.

"Sit down, will you."

"Stop it Shirabu." Semi scolded the boy.

"Yes. We have spoken with your captain. He assured us that everything will be over soon. You can rest easy, Hideko." Ushijima answered.

"Are you sure? Are they-"

"Calm down!" Shirabu yelled beside her.

"That's it!" Semi yelled as he marched towards Shirabu.

Tendo placed his hand on Semi's shoulder as he slaps his back.

Reon pulled Shirabu away as Goshiki chuckles.

"Alright! Now what?" Kawanishi asked with a grin. Glad to be in their room once again.

"I know!" Tendo yelled as he ran towards the closet and pulled out a pillow and a rolled sleeping mat walking towards Hideko.

"What do you think chibi-chan?"

She looked at him confused.

"What do you mean, Tendo-san?"


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