Heed The King of the Wolves

By Remnant_Weapon

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A young White Wolf Faunus finds himself caught up in an adventure with consequences bigger than he could ever... More

Bio and Teaser
How it all Began
That fateful day
The Train Robbery
Just to survive
The Club
The Shining Beacon
The First Step
The Emerald Forest
Players and Pieces
The Badge and The Burden
Jaunedice part 2
Forever Fall
The Strays
Black and White
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
A Minor Hiccup
Painting the Town...
Burning The Candle
Dance Dance Dance
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
No Brakes
Round One
New Challengers...
It's Brawl in the Family
Clash of Possibility
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
The Shop

Mountain Glenn

43 4 2
By Remnant_Weapon

The Beacon courtyard sat idle in the night as it waited for the next day to bring more bullheads and students. But currently, the very edge of the landing pad was playing host to General Ironwood as he stood in silence watching as his warships floated above the sleeping city.

The General stood like this for some time before the sound of heels on concrete caught his ear he didn't have to turn around to know who it was as Goodwitch walked up behind him.

Glynda: Trouble sleeping?

The General looked back to face the older woman before he gripped his left shoulder.

Ironwood: Arm was acting up.

Glynda: Of course, so logically, you got out of bed, dressed yourself completely and decided to gaze menacingly out into the distance.

Glynda approaches his side before she looks at him concern on her face not a very often shown emotion, especially towards the General.

Glynda: What's wrong?

Ironwood: I've trusted him for years. We both have. I just... I can't help but feel like he's keeping us in the dark.

Glynda: Don't be ridiculous! You know very well that we are not the ones in the dark.

Ironwood laughs to himself.

Ironwood: That makes it worse! I refuse to believe that a man that I've trusted for so long would act so... passively.

Glynda puts a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder.

Glynda: You're a good person, James. You've always done what you think is best for the people, even against strong protest. It's admirable. But it's high time you stopped talking about trust and started showing it. 

Glynda drops her hand as the two stare out into the distance.

Glynda: Ozpin has experience that the rest of us lack. And I think that's something worth remembering.

Ironwood: I know it's just that some things aren't adding up why are you both being so secretive about the boy?

Glynda: Y/N? I have to be honest I don't entirely know myself as far as I am aware he is just the next Gundam.

Ironwood: Then why keep him hidden from the rest of us?

The two are about to continue before Ironwood's Scroll goes off he looks confused before he looks to Goodwitch who gestures for him to take the call.

Ironwood: What is it?

A voice comes through but Glynda can't understand what it's saying.

Ironwood: It's done? Good. what do you mean there's bad news?

Ironwood stands still for a moment as the voice speaks to him.

Ironwood: How do you lose a metal wolf? Doesn't matter it is probably looking for the boy. That is all we will search for it tomorrow.

Ironwood removes his Scroll from his ear and rubs his temples and lets out a long sigh.

Glynda: Don't tell me.

Ironwood: No need to worry it's just that the recaptured LQ-85i has gone missing. 

Glynda: That sounds like a good reason to worry!

Ironwood: I tried to get into it to extract what it knew but it would only open for Y/N so I think I know who it is looking for it will turn up.

Up in Ozpin's empty office his computer screen turns on and flashes the message "sample too busy" before it turns off. The broken moon shines over the ruined buildings making up the city of Mountain Glenn as a lone Beowolf roams the streets the Grimm looks up to see the red reaper looking down her weapons sight before it puts its head back down and continues roaming. Ruby lowers Crescent Rose and lets out a deep sigh as she looks out over the destroyed city Zwei pushes his way onto her lap. The rest of Team RWBY lays around the fire with Dr Oobleck on the floor above them. Y/N looks out the other side of the building on the same level as Oobleck. Y/N looks through the sight of his oversized rifle a raven lands on the end of it before it looks at him then down to the girls before it takes off. All three of the sleeping girls have their eyes closed before Yang's eyes open as she stops pretending to be asleep. She looks around seeing Y/N before she looks to her teammates.

Yang: Blake, are you awake?

Blake doesn't open her eyes as she replies.

Blake: Yeah.

Yang: Why do you think he asked us about being a Huntress? Like, what was he trying to say?

Blake: Maybe he was just curious.

Yang: You think?

Blake: No.

Yang: Weiss, are you awake?

Weiss: Of course I'm awake! You two are talking. And I think he... When I said I wanted to honour my family's name, I meant it. But, it's not what you think. I'm not stupid. I'm fully aware of what my father has done with the Schnee Dust Company. Since he took control, our business has operated in a... moral gray area.

Blake: That's putting it lightly.

Weiss: Which is why I feel the need to make things right. If I had taken a job in Atlas, it wouldn't have changed anything. People like you and Y/N are still fighting so I will work to end what my father has done because was not the start of our name, and I refuse to let him be the end of it.

Blake: All my life, I fought for what I thought was right I even dragged Y/N into it. I had a partner named Adam. More of a mentor, actually. He taught both Y/N and me how to fight. He always assured me that what we were doing would make the world a better place. Just along as I told Y/N to stay by his side. But of course, his idea of a perfect future turned out to be not perfect for everyone. Y/N and I left to join the Academy because I knew that Huntsmen and Huntresses were regarded as the most noble warriors in the world. Always fighting for good. But I never really thought past that. When I leave the Academy, what will I - how can I undo so many years of hate?

Yang: I'm sure you'd figure it out. You're not one to back down from a challenge, Blake.

Blake: But I am! I do it all the time! When you learned I was a Faunus, I didn't know what to do, so I ran! When I realized my oldest partner had become a monster, I ran! Even my Semblance! I was born with the ability to leave behind a shadow of myself; an empty copy that takes the hit while I run away!

Yang: At least you two have something that drives you. I've just kinda always, gone with the flow, y'know? And that's fine, I mean, that's who I am. But how long can I really do that for? I wanna be a Huntress, not really because I want to be a hero, but because I want the adventure. I want a life where I won't know what tomorrow will bring. And that'll be a good thing. Being a Huntress just happens to line up with that. I'm not like Ruby, she's always wanted to be a Huntress. It's like she said, ever since she was a kid, she'd dreamt about being the heroes in the books. Helping people and saving the day, and never asking for anything else in return. Even when she couldn't fight, she knew that's what she wanted to do. That's why she trained so hard to get where she is today.

Weiss: Well, she's still just a kid.

Blake: She's only two years younger. We're all kids.

Yang: Well, not anymore. I mean, look where we are! In the middle of a warzone and armed to the teeth!

Blake: It's the life we chose.

Weiss: It's a job. We all had this romanticized vision of being a Huntress in our heads! But at the end of the day, it's a job to protect the people! And whatever we want, will have to come second.

The group fell into silence for a few moments before Yang could feel something eating away inside of her.

Yang: Have either of you thought how you would like to die?

Blake: Where's this coming from?

Yang: It's just that I know not every story has a happy ending so my original plan was to have a few good years as a Huntress and just sort of cark it in a fight.

Blake: I've never given it any thought.

Weiss: I want to die old I want to be surrounded by my friends and family I want my kids there I want it to be peaceful. 

Yang and Blake look at Weiss a little confused that she had it all planned out. 

Yang: But now I want to die like Weiss ever since meeting Y/N I feel like I have something to fight for.

Blake: Well I think you are just what Y/N needs. I'm sure you all know who Y/N was at the start of the year. You should probably go and talk to him he might need someone to pull him from his old mindset.

Yang: You're right.

Yang gets up from her bedroll and walks towards Y/N. Y/N is now sitting with his rifle cradled up against him as he hangs one leg out over the edge of the building and he watches the street below.

Yang: You could catch a cold up here.

Y/N: I'll be fine. 

Yang's face grimaces a little at his dismissal of her but she continues going until she is sitting just next to him.

Y/N: Your watch isn't for another half hour. 

Y/N places his gun down as Yang leans up next to him.

Y/N: You should go to sleep.

Yang: I couldn't sleep so the girls and I were talking and then I decided that I wanted to see you. 

Y/N: I know it's a little late for this but you could have chosen anyone don't go getting attached to me.

Yang: Well that's too late I am here and attached you can't get rid of me that easily. 

Y/N: I don't know how to express myself I live to be a weapon.

Yang: Well maybe you should stop and think for yourself and not what someone tells you to think.

Y/N: Think for myself?

Yang: You have the freedom to think for yourself and choose what you want to do. 

Yang cuddled into Y/N as he instinctively brought his arms to cover her. They stayed this way for a little longer. The entire time Y/n had been thinking.

Y/N: Yang I want to say thank you without you being here I don't know what I would have done.

Y/N waited for a response but the only one he got was the soft sound of snores from the usually loud sleeper. Y/N looks down before smiling slightly.

Y/N: The flower in my grip burns bright just like a star. I love you Yang Xiao Long.

Y/N leans down and kisses her head as she smiles in her sleep and digs deeper into his chest for warmth.

A few hours after Yang and Y/N's conversation Yang had taken up her watch allowing for Ruby and Zwei to sleep on the sleeping bag Yang had been lying on. Blake tried to take over for Y/N but he declined. Zwei suddenly wakes and stands up, causing Ruby to wake up.

Ruby: Huh? Zwei, it's late. Go back to bed. 

Zwei doesn't turn back as he walks out the door and down the stairs.

Ruby: Zwei! Zwei! Ugh!  Zwei! Zwei, where are you? Zwei! Huh?

Ruby walks out the door as she looks around to find Zwei taking a piss behind some ruins. 

Ruby: Zwei, this is a wasteland! You literally could have done that anywhere!

Zwei barks which catches Y/N's attention from his nest as he looks down to find Ruby and Zwei.

Y/N: What are they doing down there?

Ruby suddenly hides raising Y/N's suspicion even more as he follows Ruby's eye line and he sees two White Fang guards. How he hadn't seen them before was beyond him but he he quickly made his way down.

WF Guard 1: What was that?

WF Guard 2: What was what?

WF Guard 1: I thought I heard a Beowolf or something.

WF Guard 2: Hmph. Let's just finish our patrol and get back to base. This place gives me the creeps.

The WF guards begin to walk away as Ruby and Zwei follow Ruby attempting her best stealth walk which is safe to say wasn't great. Eventually reach a ruined building with a pair of large rusty metal doors. Ruby is just about to walk out from her spot before one of the guards turns around causing her to flap her arms and dash back into cover and hold Zwei out and look.

Ruby: Did they go in yet? One bark means yes.

The sound of the door closing echoes out.

Zwei: Bark!

Ruby: Oh! This is it! This is it!

Ruby fishes out her Scroll and tries to call her teammates only for the screen to flash "low signal". 

Ruby: Aw man! Come on, we gotta get the others!

Ruby and Zwei begin to hurry back down the street they had come from only for the road underneath to suddenly sink Ruby throws Crescent Rose to safety before the ground gives way allowing her to catch Zwei and the edge holding them up. Ruby gains a pained look on her face before she uses all her strength to throw the dog up and out of the hole. Ruby attempts to pull herself out only for the piece she is hanging onto begin to crack. The piece gives way.

Y/N: Ruby!

Y/N dives to his stomach and catches the younger girl by the wrist only for the speed and sudden weight change to also pull him over Y/N pulls the girl close to him and places himself between her and the floor which comes much quicker than either had planned. They hit the ground with a thud as Y/N let go and rolled over the edge of the cliff they had landed on. Ruby gets to her feet and runs to the edge only to find that they hadn't landed on a cliff or outcropping but instead, they had landed on top of a building that Y/N had just rolled off of. Ruby backs away only for the doors behind her to open and blind her with light.

WF Guard: Freeze!

WF Guard: Where did she come from?

As the WF Guards walk forward, Ruby backs away only to end up on the very edge of the roof.

WF Guard: You're a long way from home, little girl.

Ruby reaches back for her scythe, only to realize that she doesn't have it. Both guards approach her, and one of them grabs her arm.

Ruby: Hey! Hands off!

Ruby jerks her arm out of the guard's hand and starts punching him. It has very little effect, and he punches her in the face hard enough to knock her down.

WF Guard: The boss is gonna want to see this one...

The guard kicks her in the head hard enough to knock her out.

Back at base camp, Yang walks back from her watch to wake up Weiss.

Yang: Hey Weiss, it's your... Ruby? Hey, where's Ruby?

Oobleck: What?

Zwei comes running into the room, barking.

Yang: Zwei?

Blake: What's going on?

Oobleck: Grab your weapons! Your leader may be in trouble. Someone go get Y/N.

Yang: Right!

Yang runs up the stairs towards Y/N's nest only to find he isn't there.

Yang: He's not here!

Down in the underground city, Ruby awakens to find she is being carried by two WF Guards who caught her dragging her by both arms. All around her, White Fang members are at work, doing various things such as piloting a Paladin to carry large shipping containers. There is a loud sound nearby as one of the White Fang members drops a large device as it is loaded into a large train car.

WF Guard 3: Hey, be careful! What are you trying to do, blow us to the moon?

WF Guard 4: Sorry sir!

Perry: Hey boss! Found something you might want to see!

Ruby is thrown to the ground as Roman calls out from inside the train car.

Roman: Is it good or bad, Perry? Because let me tell ya, I have had a day.

Perry: Uh, it's a little girl?

Roman leans out of the train with a cigar in his mouth as he sees Ruby and takes a drag before blowing it out.

Roman: That would be bad. Look out wherever she is there is a chance that wolf Faunus isn't far away.

Up top Zwei leads Oobleck and the remaining members of Team RWBY towards the hole that Ruby and Y/N had fallen down. Yang spots Crescent Rose next to the hole. Her eyes dart around for anything that could tell her that Y/N was with her.

Yang: Ruby's scythe!

Blake: Oh no.

Weiss: Do you think she fell?

Oobleck dashes up and looks up.

Oobleck: Fell?

Weiss points at the large hole.

Weiss: Down there.

Oobleck: Oh my. Of course! Of course, OF COURSE, OF COURSE!

Blake: What is it?

Oobleck: How could I be so stupid?!

Yang: Dr. Oobleck, what's wrong?

Oobleck: Mountain Glenn! Yes, an expansion of Vale that was inevitably destroyed by creatures of Grimm! Previously home to thousands of people! Working people commuting to the city, the main city! Developed a subway system to the inner city! Grimm attacks increased! Population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter! City evacuates into the metro tunnels and what do they find? The southeast quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves!

Yang: Doc, what are you saying?

Oobleck: My dear, we're not just looking for an underground crime network, we're looking for an UNDERGROUND crime network!

Blake: They've been working in caves?

Oobleck: No, no, Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attempt at expansion. It worked for a short period of time, thanks to an aggressive perimeter defence, and unique transportation; the city developed an elaborate subway system to carry citizens safely from the new territory into the main Kingdom! Sadly, without the many natural barriers Vale had to protect its borders, Mountain Glenn was doomed from the start! As the end drew near, the citizens of the territory made one last attempt at survival: They took up shelter beneath the city! In massive caves that they had cleared out for the subway. And they had cut themselves off from the surface!

Yang: An underground village?

Oobleck: In a matter of speaking, yes. A safe haven. Until... an explosion opened the mouth of another cavern, filled with subterranean Grimm. After that, the Kingdom officially sealed off the tunnels, creating the world's largest tomb. If Ruby and Y/N are down there, we must find them...

Down in the city, Y/N lies on the ground of what looks like a fuel refinery before he begins to push himself up off the ground. Y/N looks up to find he is under a massive sphere container he begins to make his way up the stairs surrounding it so he might get a better look at the area around him. That is until he reaches the top and comes face to face with the woman Ironwood had spoken about when they were in Ozpin's office the same woman he saw when he and Blake and jumped from the train on their way to Vale.

???: I was wondering when you would come... Lupus.

Alright, that's it for this chapter I hope it doesn't feel rushed we are getting to the pointy end of Volume 2 with only two more chapters to go. It seems LQ-85i has gone missing. The Mistral and Y/N fight will happen next episode so get ready I hope I can do it well. I have some big things planned for Y/N. If you like this feel free to vote or comment. Next Chapter: No Breaks.

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