Team8s and Counting

By _SunnyPeaches

19.7K 582 1.6K

After a long, hard fought battle for The Power of Two, the members of Team8s are ready to start the next chap... More

About this book
1. Raised Suspicions
2. It's Exactly as it Looks
3. Holding Hands in the Park
4. What about us?
5. Jealousy Problems
6. Saw and Gaty's First Date
7. A First Date Gone Wrong, Gone Right
8. Whispers and Stares
9. The 1st Engagement
10. Telling the Team
11. A Rough Day at Work
12. Engaged Times Two
13. A Happy Thanksgiving
14. Suits, Dresses, and More
15. The Pre-Wedding Bombshell
16. Love Takes Center Stage
17. Nothing Too Fancy
18. Cravings
19. As Autumn Approaches
20. Falling Into Marriage
21. A Glimpse of Joy
22. Whipping up Winter
23. The Final Wedding
24. While We're Still at Seven
25. Missed Connections
26. Just Days Away
27. The Arrival
28. The Eighth Team8
29. Adjusting to Parenthood
30. Expanding Out Together
31. Needle Takes a Tumble
32. Making it Through
33. Starting Our Own?
34. Thread Catches a Cold
35. Going Away?
36. That's What Friends are For
37. It's A Possibility
38. When to Tell Her
39. Welcome Home Mom!
40. Thread the Teether
41. Rushed Away
42. It'll All be Okay
43. Thread Turns One
44. It's Time, Gaty
45. Sharing the Spotlight
46. To the Park We Go
47. Lunch Time
48. A Day at the Beach
49. Bladey's First Giggle
50. Race Training Blues
51. Potty Training Day
52. The Goiky Half Marathon
53. Cookies for Mommy
54. How is it Possible?
55. How to Tell Thread
56. The First Day of Preschool
57. Why Her?
58. I Didn't Think I Was Crazy
(Not a chapter) Bladey + Thread Drawings!
59. Big Sister Training
60. Why Don't They Like Me?
61. The Gym Flutters
62. A Trip to Gelatins Steakhouse
63. The Nesting Needle
64. Doing it Her Way
66. A New Student, A Familiar Face
67. Dimey Causes a Fight
68. What Have I Done?
69. The Trampoline Park Incident
70. It Will Never Be the Same
71. This New Reality
72. It's All My Fault
73. There is Still Hope
74. Getting Bladey to Talk
75. Operation Accessible
76. A Family Swim
77. Our Secret Struggle
78. Operation Accessible, Pt. 2
79. Back in Action
80. Unwanted Memories
81. A New Teaching Adventure
82. It Just Isn't Fair
83. Something They Need
84. Bladey's Masterpiece
85. We Really Needed This
86. Something We're Thinking About
87. A Change in Plans
88. Pranking the Throuple
89. Thread's New Friend
90. Accepting Defeat
91. Not With Those Two
92. A Quiet Walk, A Sudden Storm
93. We Miss You, Auntie
94. Princess Daddy
95. What's it Like to Have a Dad?
96. Ready to Try Again?
97. There's Nothing Wrong With That

65. The Stomach Bug

176 7 11
By _SunnyPeaches

It was around 2 in the morning. Pin, Coiny, and Needle were spending their first night in the birthing center with their newborn son, while the rest of Team8s was fast asleep at their house. Thread was fast asleep like all the others, until she got jolted awake by a wave of nausea. Thread had never experienced this feeling before, so she didn't really know what to do.

Eventually, she puked all over her bedroom floor, sending her into shock and panic. She immediately went into Barf Bag and Donuts room, since her parents weren't at home.

"Auntie Barf Bag," Thread said while shaking Barf Bag awake, clearly frightened.

Barf Bag eventually woke up to the 2 year old girl, "yeah Thread, what's up?" she asked, still groggy.

Since Thread hadn't puked up until that point, she didn't know how to describe what was happening to her "I spit a lot of yucky stuff out on the floor."

Barf Bag started to get out of bed, understanding that Thread had likely just gotten sick, "I'm so sorry sweetie, can I go into your room and see what happened?"

Thread nodded, and dragged Barf Bag into her room. Before she could even look at Thread's bedroom floor, Barf Bag immediately smelled the vomit, and almost threw up herself. She turned on the light to her room, and saw exactly what she suspected.

"Oh sweet girl," Barf Bag said, knowing that Thread did not feel good, "that did not look like fun."

Thread shook her head, "I don't feel well at all."

Barf Bag knelt down beside Thread, gently placing a hand on her forehead to check for fever. "You feel a little warm, sweetie," she said softly. "Let's get you cleaned up and then we'll see how you're feeling, okay?"

Thread nodded, her eyes wide with discomfort and fear. Barf Bag helped her clean up the mess on the floor before leading her to the bathroom to wash her face and rinse her mouth.

As Thread leaned over the sink, rinsing her mouth with water, Barf Bag rubbed her back soothingly. "It's okay, sweetie," she murmured. "Sometimes our stomachs just get upset, but it usually passes."

Thread sniffled, feeling miserable and scared. "Will it pass soon?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Barf Bag smiled reassuringly, though even she herself wasn't entirely sure. "We'll take care of you and make sure you feel better, okay? Let's get you back to bed and see if you can rest."

With gentle guidance, Barf Bag helped Thread back to her room and tucked her into bed, placing a trash can nearby just in case. She sat beside Thread as the little girl drifted back to sleep, her breathing slow and even.

Barf Bag stayed by Thread's side, keeping a close eye on her throughout the night, ready to offer comfort and assistance whenever she needed it. As dawn broke and the rest of Team8s began to stir awake, Barf Bag made a mental note to alert her parents about her condition.

As the morning approached, Saw and Gaty awoke from bed, Saw holding Bladey in her arms both looking exhausted.

"You two look like you had a rough night," Barf Bag said softly.

Gaty nodded, "we hardly got any sleep. Bladey was up all of last night throwing up! We almost took her to the hospital but thankfully she calmed down."

Barf Bag glanced down at Thread, who was at that point cuddled in her arms, "well, Bladey wasn't the only one getting sick last night."

Saws eyes widened, "so now we have a contagious stomach bug going around. Awesome!"

Barf Bag dreadfully groaned, "seems like it."

Gaty sighed, "and right as Coiny, Pin, and Needle are already dealing with a newborn. Perfect, just perfect."

"Well," Barf Bag said, "now I have to go break the news to the throuple."

Saw sorrowfully placed Bladey next to her, "the two of us have to go to work...I think you and Donut are on your own,"

Barf Bag nodded, "I think I have this under control, you two head off now!"

Meanwhile, back at the birthing center, the throuple and little Dimey we're just beginning to wake up from a good night's slumber. Pin scooped up Dimey and put him in her arms, smiling as she looked at him.

"Good morning Dimey," Pin softly said, "I hope you had a good sleep last night."

Dimey just cooed at her, not understanding a word she just said. Everything was peaceful and quiet, just as they all would have liked it to stay. But then they got the call from Barf Bag.

"I'll get it," Coiny said. He picked up the phone and spoke to Barf Bag. "Hey Barfy, still planning on taking everyone over here?"

Barf Bag sighed on the other end of the phone, "It's not looking like we can come today.Thread and Bladey have been up most of the night with a stomach bug."

Coiny's heart sank as he listened to Barf Bag's words. The excitement of welcoming their newborn son had been replaced by concern for Thread's well-being.

"Oh no," Coiny said, his voice filled with worry. "Are they okay? Should one of us come home?"

Barf Bag reassured him, "Both of them are resting right now, but I'll keep an eye on them. It might just be a stomach bug, but I'll let you know if anything changes. Focus your attention on Dimey right now, you guys don't need to risk him getting sick too!"

Pin, who had been listening in, looked at Coiny with concern. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Coiny relayed the news to Pin, his expression reflecting his worry. "Thread's sick, and so is Bladey" he said. "Barf Bag thinks it might be a stomach bug."

Pin's brow furrowed with concern. "Poor things," she said, her voice filled with empathy.

Needle, who was already dealing with the effects of postpartum, couldn't handle anymore stress, "uh, how worse could the timing get."

"At least we know Thread's in good hands," Pin remarked.

"I know," Coiny said, "I really want to be there with her but...we can't take any chances."

Back at home, Barf Bag was monitoring the sick children. She had sent Donut to get some various medicines, and supplies to help ease their symptoms. As she tended to Bladey and Thread, she couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. With both children ill, she knew she needed to stay vigilant and provide them with the care they needed.

Donut returned with the supplies, and Barf Bag wasted no time in administering medicine to Bladey and Thread, as well as making sure they were hydrated and comfortable.

Throughout the day, Barf Bag juggled caring for the sick children while keeping an eye on the rest of Team8s. She updated Coiny, Pin, and Needle regularly on Thread's condition, reassuring them that she was stable but still feeling unwell.

Donut was in awe of how his wife was taking care of the two girls. He approached Barf Bag right as she put the two girls down for a nap.

"I never knew you had such a motherly instinct," Donut commented.

Barf Bag blushed a little bit, "well, I guess it's just all my doctor instincts kicking in. Besides, back in BFB, we were basically parents to the entirety of Team Ice Cube."

Donut chuckled at her, "I know we don't have kids yet, but I have a feeling it won't be too long until we have one of our own."

Barf Bag smiled, excited by the prospect of having their own little one, "I think so too! But for now, we have our little nieces and a newborn nephew who need their Auntie Barf Bag and Uncle Donut."

Donut grinned, wrapping his arms around Barf Bag. "Well, they're lucky to have us," he said proudly. "And we're lucky to have them."

Barf Bag leaned into Donut's embrace, feeling grateful for their family and the love that surrounded them. As they watched over Bladey and Thread, their hearts were filled with a deep sense of warmth and affection.

Throughout the day, Bladey and Thread slowly began to recover from their stomach bug, thanks to the care and attention provided by Barf Bag and Donut. By the evening, they were both feeling much better, though still a bit tired and weak.

"Hey there, sweet girl," Barf Bag said softly as he entered Thread's room, sitting beside her bed. "How are you feeling?"

Thread smiled weakly, still feeling a little under the weather. "Better," she said, her voice hoarse from all the vomiting. "Thanks Auntie Barf Bag for taking care of me."

Barf Bag smiled warmly at Thread, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Anytime, sweetie," she said gently. "I'm just glad you're feeling better."

Donut entered the room, carrying a tray with a bowl of soup and some crackers. "I made you some chicken noodle soup," he said, setting the tray down on Thread's bedside table. "It'll help you feel better."

Thread's eyes lit up at the sight of the soup. "Thank you, Uncle Donut," she said gratefully, taking a sip of the warm broth. It felt comforting and soothing, easing the ache in her stomach. "How is baby Bladey doing," she asked, concerned for her little cousin.

Barf Bag exchanged a glance with Donut before answering Thread's question. "Bladey is doing much better too," she said with a smile. "She's resting right now, just like you, and she'll be back to her usual self in no time."

Thread nodded, relieved to hear that Bladey was also on the mend. She took another sip of soup, savoring its warmth. "I'm glad," she said softly. "I don't like it when Bladey or I are sick."

Barf Bag and Donut exchanged a sympathetic look, understanding Thread's sentiment. "I know, sweetie," Barf Bag said gently. "But the important thing is that you're both getting better now."

Thread nodded, feeling grateful for the love and care of her family. She finished her soup slowly, enjoying the nourishment it provided. As she lay back against her pillows, she felt a sense of comfort wash over her, knowing that she was surrounded by people who cared about her.

Barf Bag and Donut stayed with Thread for a while longer, chatting with her and keeping her company. Eventually, Thread began to feel sleepy again, her eyelids growing heavy.

"I think I'm going to take a nap," she said, stifling a yawn.

Barf Bag and Donut exchanged a knowing smile. "That sounds like a good idea," Donut said. "We'll be right here if you need anything."

Thread smiled gratefully at them before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Barf Bag and Donut watched over her for a moment longer, feeling a deep sense of love and gratitude for their little niece.

As Thread slept peacefully, her breathing slow and steady, Barf Bag and Donut knew that she would be okay. With their love and care, she would soon be back to her energetic self, ready to take on whatever challenges life threw her way.


I love Barfy so damn much! Like, she's such an innocent sweetheart, and I'm in love with how I wrote her in this chapter! I feel like I don't give her and Donut many chapters to themselves, but I promise their going to get their moments later on in this book! Poor Thread and Bladey though :(.  Thank you guys again for all the love and support on this book, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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