What if deku had a quirk?Vers...

By LilJ1122

635 4 0

As we all know,Izuku didn't get a quirk,despite his parents both having powers.But what if he actually DID ge... More

U.A Highschool
Back into the fray Pt.1
Back into the fray Pt.2
A test of strength
The next exam
The festival and the island
The apex
The start of the end
The final battle part 1
The final battle part 2
The finale

Time together

7 0 0
By LilJ1122

(This chapter will be long to cover lots of ground before the final battles.)
The group of heroes and Izuku boarded the helicopter back to the student dorms.As the helicopter arrives,it lands and opens up as Izuku and all might leave.All might follows Izuku into the dorm,they are surprised to see that it is empty.
Izuku:Where are the others?
All might:They heard about the prisoners and wanted to help out,we let them and sent them to specific locations.
Izuku:I didn't see them.
All might:When the pros first went out after the prison break,we heard about "a boy with flaming wings" taking down the prisoners.Not a lot of people fit that description.
All might looks up and inhales as his body shrinks down in a puff of smoke.

All might:Ohhhh,that's better.As I was saying, when we figured it was you,we sent the other students to the edges of the city while we tried to group with you.
Izuku:How has the strain been?
All might:It's been getting worse,especially after that fight with all for one.
Izuku and all might sit down in the couch and relax.
All might:But what about you?How have you been?
Izuku:Honestly,great.I've been getting out more,enjoying small things,and spending time with Rumi.
All might:That's good...there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.
All might:Are you sure about taking Shimura on by yourself?
Izuku:You heard him,no matter who fights who,this war between us and the league of villains will only end if I or him go down.I do this,everything goes back to normal.
All might:Right,"normal".I guess the only normal you actually experienced was the training and the tournament huh?
Izuku:Yeah,heck of a school year.
All might playfully nudges Izuku's shoulder.
All might:Heck of a FIRST school year.
Izuku:Right,I still have a few more years to go. And then...I'll really be a hero.
All might:Hmm.
As those words left Izuku's mouth,they rang and repeated in all might's head over and over again.Those words bring memories flooding back and forth the year.His mind first goes to the beginning,when he had met Izuku on top of that rooftop.
Izuku:D-do you think that...I can become a hero?
All might's memories skip forward to the USJ, where Izuku almost met his end.
All might:Oh nothing,it'll just be corny.
Izuku:Corny would not be the worst thing to hear right now.
All might:Well if I have to say it.To me,you already are a hero.
Those words touched Izuku's heart and soul.
Izuku:Y-you really think so?
All might:I do,this whole year,you've done nothing but help your classmates and even your teachers.You've put yourself on the line and have constantly put yourself up against some of the deadliest villains the world can offer.And even now,your willing to fight such a dangerous villain,all by yourself.
Izuku:It's what a hero would do,isn't it?
All might:Yes,it is.I...am honored to have you as my student.
Izuku:The honor is mine.
Izuku and all might firmly grasp and shake each other's hands.All might buffs his body up as he walks away towards the door.
All might:Get some rest young Midoriya.
Izuku heads to his room and lays in his bed.

Izuku wakes up,hearing the familiar voices of his friends.He steps out to see his classmates relaxing in their costumes.
Izuku:Hey everyone,I heard you guys were helping take down prisoners?
Ochako:Honestly,it's been exhausting.
Ochako lays on the couch,slumped like a potato,Tsuyu goes to her and rubs her back.
Tokoyami:It has been a perilous day.
Izuku:Do you guys...want to hang out?
Denki:Sure!Buuuut...wanna suit up with us?
Mineta:It'd be like a pajama party!
The class gets excited as Izuku chuckles.
Izuku:I'll be back.
Izuku heads to his room to go get his suit and steps out.
Izuku:Let's party!
Class 1-A:YEAH!
The class gets together and hangs out.Mineta sets up two chair with a table between them.
Mineta:Arm wrestling contest!
Sato steps up with a popsicle in one of his hands.and cotton candy in the other.Sato sticks both sweets into his mouth and then takes them out,revealing two bare sticks.Sato's muscles expand as he flexes his enhanced muscles.
Sato:Who wants it?!
Momo and Iida grabs sato's shoulders and sit him down at the chair.
Momo:Don't make yourself sick.
Iida:Have fun,but also pace yourself.
Sato nods his head as he puts his arm up. Tokoyami steps up and sits in the other chair.
Tokoyami:Dark shadow!
Dark shadow comes from his belly and covers his body.His arm is covered by shadow as he grasps onto sato's hand.The two start,they struggle and struggle and grunt.They continue to push,but slowly,Tokoyami starts to get the edge.He pushes and pushes as he then slams his hand onto the table.Sato lets out a sigh of relief.Kirishima and Bakugo lift Tokoyami up in the air.
Kirishima:We have a winner people!
The class cheers before doing their own activities.They play games.
Kacchan:Dammit!How'd you beat me?You had like 2 HP!
Koji:Y-yeah,so I was able to use the special move.
Jirou and Mineta just chilled,listening to music.Momo and Iida were checking up on everybody.Izuku was watching tv with the rest of the class.The amazing hours pass,and it is eventually night time.Izuku heads to sleep again.He wakes up the next morning as it's time for class.
Aizawa:Alright everyone,we are having another battle training lesson today.This time it will be with class-B.
The class suits up and follows Aizawa to an industrial area.The class sees all might, midnight,and Vlad king.Class 1-B steps out in their costumes.

Monoma:Ready to lose Class 1-A?!
Class 1-A ignores him.
(In this version,Aizawa hasn't taken Shinso on yet.Shinso's still upset and embarrassed about the tournament)
Aizawa:We're goin to split your classes into teams.Teams of class B VS teams of class A.The class with more wins is the winner.
The teams are set.Izuku is on a team with uraraka,Mina,and Mineta.The rounds go,class 1-A wins the first round,but class 1-B wins the next one.The next two rounds actually ended up in ties,so now it's all on the last round, Izuku's round.Izuku and his team are head out, but are immediately ambushed.A swarm of metal clusters fly around them as they try to dodge.
Izuku:Everyone get close!
The team goes to Izuku as he puts his hands out.A field of electricity surrounds them as the metal projectiles stop in place.
Mina:I see them!
Mina points to the left.Izuku sees Yui,Reiko, and Shoda together.
Shoda:Crap!They found us!
Izuku swings his arms as some of the projectiles go towards the trio.Thankfully,they get out of the way in time.But as they try to recover,uraraka and Izuku appear above them,with the rest of the projectiles.Izuku puts his hands up as the metals come together to create a ball of clustered metals.
Yui:We have to run!
Mineta:You can try!
Mineta throws some balls as the trio tries to avoid them.The three run away,but are cut off by Mina,who is sliding across the ground.She playfully waves her finger.
Mina:No no no.
The trio takes some steps back,but they stop in place as they feel their feet stick to something. They look down to see their feet on mineta's pop off balls.Izuku and uraraka float down to the ground together.
Shoda:Monoma!Do it now!
The 1-A team was confused.Izuk looks around and sees a wave of gigantic metal projectiles heading towards them.
Izuku:Look out!
The team looks to see Monoma boarding on top of a large metal screw.
Monoma:Hahaha!What will you do now class 1-A?!
As the projectiles fly towards them,Mina steps in front and puts her hands forward.She releases a large wave of acid,as the metal's projectiles are hit by the wave,they melt and turn liquid instantly.
Izuku:Eat this!
Izuku launches the metal cluster ball at Monoma,Monoma tries to dodge,but a purple ball suddenly launches into his face.
Mineta:Eat that sucker!
The metal ball hits Monoma dead on and firsts him across the area.Finally,the ball buries Monoma into a wall,unconscious.The three students jaws drop as they look at class 1-A.
Izuku:So?Are you guys going to come quietly?
The there students nod their heads and put their arms up.One by one,the class 1-B students are escorted to jail.
Aizawa:Class 1-A is the winner of this little event.
As the class celebrates,Aizawa calls Izuku over.
Izuku:Yes sensei?
Aizawa:Midoriya...we need to talk.
Aizawa speaks in a strict tone as his quirk activates.
Aizawa proceeds to chew Izuku out for his performance.
Aizawa:You may have won,but you were out of control.
Izuku:What's that mean?
Aizawa:Not everyone is some superhuman like the Nomu or Shigaraki.Monoma got hurt pretty bad from that attack you used,so now he's gonna need some serious medical attention.I know that you didn't think it'd hurt him that bad,but just remember,not everyone's as tough as you or the other people you've fought.
Izuku:Understood sir.
As Izuku walks back to his class,midnight claps her hands together and gets their attention.
Midnight:Alright everyone,if you could please follow me!
Class 1-A follows midnight outside the school to the back of it.They see a small stage with a pedestal at the front.They also see Mount lady.
Midnight:Alright everyone,as you go out into the world,you're going to get famous.
Mount lady:And that's why we're here!We're gonna teach your guys a little something about showboating.Step up,show us some of your moves,and answer some questions.Simple as that.
One by one,the students step up and answer questions.Izuku however,is completely rigid and frozen.
Izuku:I-I-I-I'm g-g-glad.
Kirishima:How'd he learn to use my hardening?!
Kacchan:He's just REALLY shy.
Mount lady:Okay okay,just try showing some of your moves.
Izuku called down and loosens up.He begins to show his moves.He molds fire between his hand and then pulls them apart,creating an arrow of fire.

Izuku launches it at the nearby forest as it creates a large explosion.The class and heroes drop their jaws at the sight of power.
Mount lady:Now THAT'S "firepower"!But I hear fire isn't all you have.
Izuku:Correct,it was a bit of a gamble at first, but then I learned how to do it easier and quicker.
Mount lady:Welk stop being a tease and show us!
Izuku flexes his muscles as his body starts to spark with electricity.
Mount lady:Oooh!What's this?
Izuku:I can manipulate any form of heat,like electricity.Our bodies produce electricity to help us function.I can pull on that electricity and then expand it,this lets me manipulate electricity.
Izuku starts to show off his electric moves.He creates bolts,he runs around at superhuman speeds.He also shows his increased strength. He puts his hands to the ground as he creates a pillar of electricity that emerges from the ground.
Mount lady:Shocking!Hehe
Izuku:But that's not all,recently I've been able to manipulate both fire and electricity.O call the move "flash spark".
Mount lady:Oh that's right!I heard that you've been able to replicate endeavors Flashfire fist.
Izuku:That's correct ma'am.
Mount lady:Ooooh,ma'am?You're definitely gonna kill the reporters with that kindness.
Izuku blushes as he looks to the ground.Izuku recollects himself and shows off his new move. His hair rises as he is covered in a flaming and sparking aura.Izuku creates balls of sparking fire and throws them,they explode and heavily burn and damage the ground.Izuku runs around at even higher speeds,and is capable of even more destruction.He throws a punch as the heat and sparks completely consumes a row of trees.The smoke clears to show the trees completely annihilated.
Mount lady:S-such power!
Izuku's aura fades as he grabs his knees, panting heavily.
Mount lady:Excellent job everyone!That's all for the day!
The class heads back to the dorms as Izuku lays flat on the couch.
Izuku:I'm going to take a nap.
Kacchan grabs a blanket and tucks Izuku in.He closes his eyes and falls asleep.
Hours later,Izuku wakes up,feeling much better.As Izuku stands up he's surprised to see all might behind the couch.
All might:Ah,you're awake.
Izuku:What's up?
All might:Can we go somewhere?I wanna do something.
Izuku:Of course,where to?
Eventually,the two arrive at the beach.
All might:This takes me back.
Izuku:This is the beach where we trained.It was the day after we had first met.It was honestly the best day of my life.
All might:I was chasing a villain with a sludge quirk.He had escaped into the sewers and I pursued him.By the time I was out,he was in a cage of fire you put him in.And then he had taken your friend,young Bakugo.
Izuku:I was scared,but also angry at the same time.I guess that was some kind of omen.
All might:Maybe young Midoriya,maybe.
Izuku:And then,there was the USJ.I was honestly so scared.
All might:It must have been terrifying.From what I heard,you were taking down the villains like flies.
Izuku:When the villains started coming for us,I got scared.But then I remembered you,what you do and what you say."Have no fear...
All might:For I am here".A shame I wasn't there earlier.
Izuku:When the Nomu attacked me,I just saw red.But then I could see my classmates,they all looked so terrified.That was the first time I met shiga-Shimura.
All might looks down sadly.
Izuku:Is that name familiar?
All might:It is,you see,I had a sensei to help me with my power.Her name was Nana Shimura. However,a long time ago,she had lost her life fighting all for one.Tenko Shimura...is my master's grandson.
Izuku widens his eyes in shock.
All might:Trust me,I'm as surprised as you are.
The two stand silently,admiring the beautiful sun and beach colliding.Suddenly,a voice booms from behind the two.They look behind to see David shield.
All might:David?
Izuku:You know him?
David gets to the two and starts panting heavily,but quickly gathers himself.
David:I heard that you were going to fight Shimura.
David:Good!That means that you're the right person to take this.
David pulls another headwear from his pocket.
Izuku:What is that?
David:The truth is,this is my fault.Shimura threatened me to make him one in conjunction with a quirk boosting drug.But after her left,I knew I had to do something.So I made another one.
Izuku:And what'll happen if I do?
David:Both your physical body and your quirk will be boosted.You'll even be able to do things with your quirk you couldn't before.
David puts the headwear forth.But Izuku gently nudges David's hands back to his chest.
Izuku:No,I can't use that.
David:W-what?Why not?
Izuku:While I am the one fighting Shimura,he has a whole group of dangerous villains.My friends AND the heroes are probably going to go against them.Instead,I want you to give it to one of them.
David:If you say so.
All might:We'll take you to the dorms.
Izuku:Follow us.
David follows to two off of the beach.They arrive at the dorms see the class through the windows.All might buffs up as the group walks in.They see the class is relaxing in their hero costumes.
Kacchan:Who's this guy?
All might:An amazing scientist.
David walks in front and puts his headgear forward.
David:This is a quirk amplification device. Whoever wears it will have their quirk boosted to ridiculous levels.They'll even be able to do things with their quirk they could never do before.But recently,I have found a new addition to the device now instead of just boosting your quirk,it boosts both your quirk and your physical body.I heard there was a dangerous group of villains,and so I'm offering this to whoever's willing to wear it.
The class looks upon the headwear,they then look at each other.They aren't sure who should wear it,or who would even want to wear it.But suddenly,Togaru steps forth and grabs the headgear.
Togaru:I'll wear it.But first,what kinda things would it do to me?
David:What's your quirk?
Togaru:I can create blades of any shape and any size from any part of my body,they're extremely sharp and durable.
David:Well in that case,your blades would simply be more sharp and durable,but the thing I'm thinking about most is the effect it had on your body.
David:Yes,your mutation.Your quirk altered your body,giving you the appearance of a bug like creature.
Tokoyami:So,something like my head?
David:Exactly,it would alter those mutations as well as the quirk and body.Theoretically in your case,we're looking at possibly multiple limbs,some sort of exoskeleton,or even new abilities based off of bug like creatures.Are you sure YOU want to wear this?
Togaru:If it helps me defeat villains,yeah.
David:Then try it on.
David puts it in togaru's hands as he puts it on. But nothing actually happens for a second.But then,Togaru falls to his knees,grunting.
Togaru:It feels like my body's on fire!
Togaru grunts and grunts as he tries to stand. As he rises up,his body and flesh starts to morph.Togaru's muscles expand as his mandibles start moving and clicking together. His eyes turn yellow as he starts being able to breathe properly.Togaru's costumes starts to tear at the chest as his abs and pecks expand. He takes deep breath as his flesh stops morphing,but the flesh of his back suddenly starts morphing again.His flesh stretches out and tears through his clothes into 4 different extensions of flesh and takes shape of hands.Togaru takes deep breathes as the class gazes upon togaru's modified body in shock.

Togaru:D-did it work?
David:I-I think so.How do you feel?
Togaru:I feel...energized.I-I feel hyper aware.It feels like the hairs on my bodies are sharper and are always moving.
The class looks at Koji as he starts to shyly explain
Koji:S-spider's hairs move in reaction to possible dangers.
Togaru:My body also feels stronger,I feel this big surge of power in my veins.
Koji:That could have something to d-do with ants.
Kacchan:Ants got super strength?
Koji:Not exactly.Ants can lift up to 50 times their weight.How much do y-you weigh?
Togaru:Not sure.
Koji:W-well,you could most likely lift something way heavier than a person.
Togaru:Like what?
David:Like a lot of things.We're talking vehicles,large people like all might,or even large animals like whales.We'll have to test it out.
Togaru:Fine by me.
As the class converses on togaru's power, Izuku's phone dings.Izuku checks his phone and sees its Rumi texting him.She was asking him to meet her and Sosaki at his house.Izuku replies,agreeing to go to his house.
Izuku:I'm going to be heading out.
The group bids Izuku farewell as he leaves the dorm.Eventually,Izuku arrives at his old house, but he sees the door has already been unlocked.He consciously enters the house,but the lights are off.Suddenly...
The lights turn on as confetti flies around the room.Izuku is shocked to see Rumi and Sosaki and...his mother?!
Inko:Surprise!I'm finally out of the hospital,so we're celebrating!
Izuku:That's great!But wait...
Izuku realizes that Inko was completely fine with Sosaki there.
Izuku:Um,mom?Did you know?
Inko immediately knows what he's talking about.
Inko:Yes,and I don't mind.But the second you feel uncomfortable,come to me okay?
Izuku:Of course.
Inko:Who wants katsudon?
Izuku,Rumi,and Sosaki:We do!
Inko goes to the kitchen and begins cooking.Izuku kisses Sosaki and Rumi and sits down at the table.In a few minutes,Inko pulls out four plates and the group feasts.
Izuku:That was amazing,thank you guys so much.
Inko:Of course,get home safe.
Izuku:I will,goodnight.
Izuku and his girls leave the house as they head to the dorms.As Izuku arrives and opens the doors,he kisses his girlfriends goodnight and heads to his room.Izuku heads to sleep, awaiting the conclusive battle.

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